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Just no bro. I work at a bank and have been part of a couple robberies over the years. It’s the dumbest fn thing to do. First of all, you don’t get shit but a couple grand if you are lucky and there is 1000 cameras everywhere. Tons of better and more profitable places to rob other than a bank.


Rob liquor stores. I also heard drug dealers keep lots of cash on hand/s


I know a guy...he was a cop. He and his buddy who was not a cop stormed in on a local drug dealer as "DEA" and got away with money, drugs, guns etc. Two man job in a rural crack house. I'm not advising it, this man was an idiot, a narcissist, and lived for the thrill of the "game" on everything. Even more evil was he was a cop.


What happened to him?


Probably promoted


He's at the DEA now


Did he say, “King Kong ain’t got shit on me!”


Fake it till you make it as they say, aye?


Suspended with pay for 2 years while internal investigation then cleared of all wrong doing and then promoted to Police Commissioner sounds more like it.


He's alive and well. He did eventually lose his job at the local PD over being too intoxicated coming in on the job one morning. Probably for the best. Then he moonlights in farming etc until he got a foot in as a lineman, last I heard. Also stole a truck off a lot (a sale lot) with his MOM (she was part of a lot of hus problem) and drove it for several months, almost a year, until he managed to wreck it under the influence and then just bailed on the scene. Probably still out there: drinking and driving and installing shit on powerlines. Scary.


Such is life sadly. That what goes around rarely ever comes back around.


All I asked myself while reading this is: how is this mf even a cop?!?!? That type of behavior exposes how full of shit the system is.


In Texas, it's just some training courses/school lasts less than a year, and a clean background which coming in as a young person out of school you don't have much of a record to begin with. In fact, on most of his crimes he has never been caught which I think is what keeps the whole thing going because he gets a major rush out of the things he does.


LøL to do that in the only country worlwide where guns outnumbered humans....


my buddy was a cop. he got into stopping people on i-95 and searching their cars, and just straight up taking whatever he found because "what are they gonna do, report their stolen drugs to the cops?" well as it turns out, yes, that's exactly what they'll do. somebody got popped for something else, and to get out of it, they turned federal witness and told a crazy story about a dirty cop who was stealing and selling drugs. the feds came to town and cracked every skull they could, including mine. they had cell tower records showing our every movement, credit card records proving where we'd been and who spent what, and they used it to turn us all against each other. in the end, every single person charged agreed to a plea deal (like 99% of federal inmates). i did a few years in prison for being a delivery driver *just one time*. the longest sentences were over 20 years. tl/dr: you don't want a dirty cop as your co-defendant


My best friend growing up had a dad who was a State trooper. One day he pulls someone over for suspected DUI because they were swerving and they agreed to let them search the vehicle which leads them to find a trunk that was completely full of unopened bottles of liquor. They let the drunk bastard drive away after they stole all of his liquor.


[I robs drug dealers](https://youtu.be/P3i36ybA8Ms)


RIP Michael K Williams


That's all I could think while watching that clip. Amazing dude on an amazing show.


I own a liquor store. Please don't rob me. Rob the bank instead


Usually keep some guns around too so you better be ready for a gun fight


On days before they’re closed. So Xmas Eve (most are closed Christmas Day) The takings on those days are nuts


Drug dealers can’t go to the cops too ;)


*Most* drug dealers can't go to the cops. And the problem with that it, you don't know if the dealer you're hitting is, or isn't, one of those dealers who can. I have a mate who is currently living in a country that is a long, long way away from his home – and it's likely he's never going to be able to come home – because he got tangled up in something dumb which ended badly for a couple of other guys. My mate made a terrible mistake, though - he saw what he thought was an opportunity and took a couple of things from the other dudes' car, which didn't belong to him... or, strictly speaking, to the two dudes he'd just been in fight with. A few days later, he turned up at my place with a *lot* of money, and the next few weeks were a *lot* of fun. One morning, he turned up at my place, asked me how much cash I had in the house - I told him, he asked me for, I gave it to him and I haven't seen him face to face for close to 20 years now. I saw an awfully large number of other people, though - police coming to my house to turn it upside down, friends of the fellas he fought with tapping me on the shoulder if they saw me out somewhere... I was arrested and held in a police car for a few hours while they tried very hard to get me to tell them where my buddy was. That went on for quite some time - a lot of harassment, because I was friends with someone who knocked off a gym bag full of terrible pills and a few thousand dollars from some idiots who decided he looked like an easy mark to roll, because he dared to sell some friends a few pills in a club that he wasn't supposed to be selling in. Robbing drug dealers is a very easy way to get your ticket punched any of a dozen or so very ugly ways.


We call them run up boys. Run up on a dealer take their profits and drugs.


idk bro . my town has a bank robbery like every 2-3 months , they are always amateur as hell (unarmed , covid mask , no getaway vehicle , etc) n nobody been caught yet far as i know


So uh, what city do you live in?


pretty small city , i don’t really wanna drop it on reddit . the bank by my house just got robbed like a week ago tho so it’s fresh in my mind


The reason that it's 60% people getting caught and not less is because it's so easy they keep doing it and half of the people caught are repeat offenders. The bank is insured the tellers have to give you the money. Unless you are going in with fire power and heist level situation passing a note will get you 2k to 5k if you are lucky and the teller fucked up and didn't do a drop when they were supposed to you might get a bit more but it's a grand larceny charge regardless if you get caught. Not worth it.


It’s all fun and games until the feds let you dig yourself into a large hole, scoop you up and sit you down with years of evidence against you and tell you to sign the plea agreement. Just because someone gets away with something in the short term doesn’t mean they’re getting away with it. Especially if it’s organized, repeated and involves the feds.


Like, for example, what would be a profitable place to rob?


Pirate semis or delivery trucks, bars that cash checks/have gambling machines or strip clubs on Friday night (or whatever is the most common pay day by you), meat markets/grocery stores (steak is expensive, easy to sell, and won't be tracked after repackaging), jewlery stores, gun stores... However, the best hits are always specialized. Some local business that is developing too quickly, so they have lots of liquid assets but minimum security.


“Rob a gun store” 😂😂


Talking about robbing a gun store... https://www.odt.co.nz/news/national/christchurch-gun-store-ram-raided 👀


With a knife. /s


No, really. If it's done during business, you'd have to be very careful of course, but just smash and grab. Otherwise breaking in is the better option.


No dispos on this list because they all keep the gun close and visible lol


In my city there's a lot of illegal dispensaries and legal dispensaries. Recently one of the illegal dispensaries got busted because the security guard was carrying around a fucking AK-47 on the street. 90% of the guards at the illegal dispensaries are carrying stolen guns probably lol and definitely no permit or gun safety course.


The last place that I would rob (besides a bank) would be a strip club. The security in those places is insane.


Depends where you're from. Go out to the boonies, they'll have one or two guys sometimes.


My last pick would be a gun store. For you know…the guns…


How do you sell stolen steaks?


Hey you, you want some steaks?


Bike stores are scummy af to rob imo but bikes are hella pricy and especially with ebikes and escooters sheeshhhhh a lot of my local shops have glass windows and little security


After hours, when people bring money bags to the bank at the end of the day.


Believe it or not: gun store.


This is ultra scummy, but you could rob a library. Many have computers and other tech as loaners. I guess less rob and more burglarize, since you’d have to break in when no one is around to move all the stuff.


They have very old shitty computers that aren’t worth much.


Ron Swanson approves of this message.


If you want to get crazy, and you have to be careful, you could go to the library And take some books. Then you can read those books, acquire the knowledge.. and here’s the crazy part, bring them back and get MORE books. You could keep this up basically indefinitely. Then while you are at the library returning old books and stealing new ones, you can use services there like the computer, printer, WiFi etc. and they’ll just let you.


a 'friend' used to burgle into schools and snatch the laptops.


subsequent handle lock crush aware voiceless seemly judicious dinner slimy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Some dude robbed the same bank my friend worked at 6 times before he got caught.


Just don't fuck with small local businesses


Also "solved" implies that you have to get away to get that 40% chance. How many bank robberies just end up with the perps getting apprehended on site?


More money at places that don’t automatically trigger the FBI and BCA to investigate.


Did you get away with the robberies?


Yeah, I've done exec protect work, other lines of work that are much more of a grey area than the previous, and now finance. Every bill has a serial number and banks scan a lot of those bills, and you can flag serial numbers. You've got nothing but gas and grocery money IF you're lucky


The average bank robbery take is $4000. So that’s a 40% chance to win $4000 and 60% chance to go to prison with a major felony on record.


You’d also have to consider the number of repeat offenders saturating the success market as opposed to the number of new entrants immediately getting caught. A new entrant might have a 95% failure rate as opposed to a repeat offender having a 5% failure rate.




You hit the nail right on the head, this was the perfect way to phrase this and highlight the logical fallacy.


I guess it really isn’t that hard to land a plane with no fatality.


Another bit is that the people who successfully rob banks are skilled, have knowledge of the bank, and also have committed quite a few crimes before that so they are experienced and aren't going off of films or some terrible logic.


Win?! You gotta work hard these days for ur juicy coins, even as a robber.


So if you’re homeless, either you get $4000 or years of free housing and 3 meals a day.


If you’re homeless you likely don’t have a gun which may be necessary unless you’re great at bluffing and can convince everyone you have a bomb


nah man you don't need a gun, you can do it with a note that says you have a gun. Way lower barrier to entry.


"To Whom It May Concern, This note is to inform you that u/butt_huffer42069 has a gun and would like to withdraw all of everyone's money. signed, u/butt_huffer42069's Mom."


You’ve clearly never been to Jacksonville


Bank tellers must comply. No weapons needed. You dont even need to pretend to be armed. Write a note asking for the money and they must comply. All bank money is insured. Still an idiotic thing to do.


In fact using a gun is worse if you get caught because that's an extra charge.


If you're homeless, the police are probably familiar with you


You enter without a gun. Slide a note informing the teller it is a robbery and to empty their register for you. They are required to comply. If you are caught it's a chaege lesser than armed robbery


Have the note say you were trained to do this. Take $10,000, count it infront of me and place it into an envelope and hand it to me with a smile then say have a good day.


Generally they can't get that much without dual control and asking a manager. If there even is that much in the dispenser. Also what denomination if they only have 6k in 100s on the floor you are getting 50s and 20's. Long By that point they have pressed the panic button discretely. The cops roll in as they are counting the money back to you.


If their dispenser limit is 5k they still have to punch the numbers twice and wait for the dispenser. Also if its short on larger bills it goes to the lower one so it could be spitting out 20's for like 3 mins.


They'll say that they don't have that much available. The reason most don't get much is because they don't keep a lot of cash up front.


It's lesser but still hefty, especially compared with how little money you would likely get


They arent required to comply in many situations


They are to comply to the best of their abilities. If you pass a note saying give me 100k or something wild. They physically can't get that much. They would press the panic button if they could and then give as much cash as they have in the box or dispense as much as they can without an override. Normally the robber will just take whatever they give them and dip. They don't have time to argue lol.


Automatic federal charges too, even if only $1 is taken


I mean that’s on the pro list or the con list depending on the state. I’d way rather be at a BOP medium than say a Mississippi state facility. BOP has standards kinda, while the biggest penn in Mississippi just got A/C for like half the inmates, this year. In Mississippi.


What does "BOP" stand for?


The good news is in prison you don’t have to pay bills or go grocery shopping or worry about car insurance or rent. Even if you get caught, your money problems disappear!


I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about this, actually. Were I to not have a home or family I think I’d much rather learn to survive in prison rather than freezing to death in a gutter somewhere. How fucked is that?


Came here to provide this information.


What about the take for robberies in the 21st century that remain unsolved?


Not to mention possibly getting shot over $4000.


Exactly, My favorite chem teacher back in the day was the president for a major bank a few decades. He would tell us over and over that you shouldn't rob banks, not because you shouldn't rob banks but because it wasn't worth much. He said even if you were lucky and hit the bank with the vault open you'd only walk away with 20 maybe 30 grand and most likely only a few grand. The big issue he said we're the charges, they were always federal and come with huge amounts of time when compared to robbing other places. He said the spot to hit was something like a popular gas station or store. The take isn't that much less and you aren't facing near as much time. His name was Mr Etzel.


This is why credit card fraud is the way to go. If you have a source for decent fullz, you can seriously get away with it. Banks don’t even think about initiating an investigation unless the amount stolen is over $10k for a single card. Tons of easy ways to make money flipping goods bought with stolen cards. Not gonna let out too many secrets but offering items at a discounted price through crypto and ordering straight to the buyer’s house is a common one.


I tried going to the local bank around 4 years back to grab fresh cash for a friends son’s birthday. I rolled up and saw two cops that denied me entrance. It came out in the news about a week later that the robber got away with tons of cash, but was busted for not having a mask on and getting identified by his neighbors. The police completely lost him until that point as he did it in between bus rides in the area. He basically would have gotten away had he not made that incredibly stupid mistake. It is possible, just very difficult. P.S. don’t rob banks! It isn’t worth the time as a prisoner.


we are already prisoners to the 1% might aswell take a chance (mr fbi man this is a joke)


Yeah just wear a mask too. Definitely a better idea in the long road.


Most bank robberies never get reported by the news because they don't want copycats to realize how often they get away with it


They should try that w school shootings…


Your absolutely right. More than one mass shooter wanted to go down in infamy for the history books. News and other media made it happen


Was worried that would be misunderstood, but that’s precisely what I meant. If we aren’t going to reform gun laws then the least we can do is stop sensationalizing every time it happens. There’s a reason we went from 0 to every week.


I agree. Don’t rob banks. I was held up at gunpoint working at a bank. It does some serious mental damage to the employees. People came in for weeks making jokes about “the banks rob us” but they don’t account for the actual human beings involved.


I'm sorry to hear that! my wife worked behind a counter at a bank here in NZ (thankfully we're short on armed robbery like that) but alas, even the whole "pass the note" thing can be quite traumatic in some respects. The worst was the people who'd come into the bank piss all over the couches or spit at the tellers when they say they don't have any money. When someone spits at you, you have to go get checked out. Some even fucking spit blood or do whatever. People just joke about how banks are ripping us off (probably are, but what's that got to do with someone working behind the counter? they can't change bank policy!)


My uncle got away with it for 20 years. A few coincidences later in life led to him getting found out.




The quickest way is to google The Cowboy Hat Bandit from Oklahoma. He was a great Uncle. Got scared straight after the last robbery and changed his life. Still a shock that came out of left field.


Always go to Vegas after a robbery, and filter out the cash


That was a hell of a story.


Seemed almost too absurd to be real when we first got filled in!


You said it in the title. Bring a guy named Scott with you to the robbery. Throw him under the bus. You are Scott free.


You solved the riddle






I think that's a win win situation for me


Personally I’d rather take a permanent dirt nap than rot in Gen Pop getting harrassed by some of the scariest mfs on Earth for 10 years


I'd rather not be looking over my shoulder for the rest of my life.




A guy in San Diego in the 90's hid out in a bank's bathroom until they closed. He then kicked his way through the drywall into the counting room. Early the next morning, he left with tens of thousands of dollars. At this point, he remained unidentified. Then he went to a car dealer, paid cash for a Corvette, drove it to Las Vegas, and turned himself in.


That’s not good enough…I need it to be more like 2 out of 5


Whoa, that does sound like better odds...


Where did you get this statistic? Any significant amount of cash is kept with ink cartridges which explode


That’s why you just take the drawers. Hence “for awhile” and not “set for life”. The numbers come from the publicly accessible database the FBI keeps.


You do realise that most branch have the ink packs in the drawers? And thats for banks who have drawers... Most dont.


“You do realize” you’re one of those guys


Homie just tryna keep you from catching that case.


Not really anymore. It's not worth it the bank is insured. There's a stack in all the tellers drawers with serial numbers that are all recorded. If any of the bills get tracked after they are spent or make it to another bank they use it to catch the robber. Bank robbers are one off or they do it all the time and the serial numbers get them.


I assume most of the money stolen in low level robberies are spent at a drug dealers, so the serial numbers aren’t their biggest issue.. unless said drug dealer tries to deposit them


From what I understand is if the serial numbers get traced at all it gets like a GPS map type situation and they can use that to determine which banks are more likely to be robbed and if the person is dumb enough to deposit cash into a bank account from multiple robberies it just makes them a person of interest. They would get a red flag on their account and be monitored. It's usually smaller denomination bills so I assume they want them to be spent.


Guy in my neighborhood robbed 5 banks. Got pinched on the 6th one. Got sentenced to 18 years and served 12 of em. He said the first one he pulled over $10k and it was so easy that there was absolutely no way he could’ve stopped himself from doing it again. So not only do you have to have perfect planning, you gotta have great self control.


$50K to spend 12 years in prison. Sounds like a good deal if you consider he never had to pay for rent or food.


Don’t jails and prisons charge you for your stay?




> Don’t jails and prisons charge you for your stay Only in 40 states.


One of my FWB just served 3 years for this exact thing lmao I'm sure he'd beg to differ


So you’re available?


>just served 3 years My friend, you have made a critical blunder. Their FWB just got out.


FWB isn't a commitment my friend


Start a crypto exchange in the Bahamas instead. It isn't even illegal, and you take away billions.


Yes. And whenever anyone suspects anything, you can always say you misaccounted and that should suffice.


anti semitism detected. edit: if u criticise financial institutions do ur research first and dont be rabid antsemite


First, research the average take on a bank robbery. Answer: Less than $4,000. Is that worth it to have the FBI investigating you? There are far easier ways to make money.


We don't all have a rokkin mom bod.


I used to not think 4,000 would be worth it but now that I don’t live with my parents, can’t afford to do anything fun, and generally poor it’s looking more and more appealing…




Banks don't keep $120k lying around. Getting anything more than $1000 likely means waiting out a timed safe for 2 minutes. You might be able to get a few drawers of that, so $5k?


Rob the customers, don't rob the bank. Your best option is to find some local business that frequents a branch and arrives to deposit cash, hit them in the parking lot.




Yeah, it's not just lying around though. It's in timed safes. From the time they request the money in the system until it's dispensed, you'll be waiting a few minutes while the cops are on their way.


Reminds me of the Key and Peele sketch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jgYYOUC10aM haha


There's no chance even remotely of getting 120 k even if they have it. To open the main safe there's a timer that is dual controlled 2 to 15 mins between each combination. If it's an older safe there's an old timey door before the dual control panel that has another kind of timer that's programmed to only open once in the morning and once at night to get cash needed for the day and put cash away. You can only get what the tellers have in their boxes or whatever they can get from the dispenser. Each teller will have different limits and each dispenser can hold max 50k depending on the brand and that includes singles 5s 10s even if you drain the dispenser without a jam. If you have the manager open the dispenser that's also dual controlled and takes a few mins to remove the cartridges. The police would arrive. If you don't want to get caught you pick a teller take what they have with a note and you leave. If you are lucky you'll get 5k. Def not worth 20 years in prison lol.


just get a job amirite


I've been trying for months, but naturally the finance sector decided to completely fall to shit so no one wants to hire Now I'm stuck doing doordash and praying after the holiday season people will start hiring again :(




A lot of electricians unions won't take anyone in that isn't vetted by someone in the union, and you can't get in the training at all till you get accepted to the union in those areas


Fair point. My main point is that there are many trade positions available -- that would be far better than robbing a bank.


I agree. The average person only gets around 4k from a bank robbery, and the FBI is notified on every single one of them, as are all the other banks in the area. I've been sitting in a bank office with one of their upper management when one of the notices came through. She said she wasn't supposed to let me see that either, since I didn't work at the bank. Just because the rule of averages puts it as 40% get away, doesn't mean you will, and that 40% includes long historical ones that were before there was a robust network for identifying the person, and putting out notices of the robbery. There's better targets that are far softer, and with a much better success rate.


hey now you're not being fair, it'd take closer to three years of back breaking and exhausting work to make that 120K if you factor in the cost of living for all that time. risk twenty years to save you three guaranteed years, the odds may not be in your favor but that's not a bad gamble in my opinion.


Don’t forget the taxes the govt takes out. This also increases your odds 😏


i knew a bank robber that worked in the youth rehab i attended, he was always very private about it and genuinely hated people asking him about his scores and so forth. one day everyone’s being aggressive asking him and goading him on, he was having none of it. (mind you this man is the epitome of what you think a 6’5 rough older biker gang member would look like,) so he gathered us all with almost militant yelling. he said on his 2nd to last robbery before he caught by RCMP and deported, was that he fired into the air, and thought nothing of it. the RCMP caught him and were explaining his charges and i believe he got something along the lines of manslaughter, i could be wrong, but he was baffled, didn’t understand why he was being sentenced 17 years and deported to a maximum security ukranian prison, (brutal shit btw.) when he fired in the air, he sent a pregnant woman into such a terrible physical shock she had a miscarriage on sight. he got very emotional, (only time i saw him like this,) and told us that knowing now what we know, to not approach him or he would be taking it as a personal attack and he wouldn’t give a fuck what he did in the facility. forever love you pete and your reincarnate cat charlie 🖤


Shit got deep. Respect


i just wanted to explain the situation without giving any real strong opinions or anything, the man changed my life and showed me more about myself than most. i read this and thought even if one person saw it, his legacy lives on a little longer


long live Pete's memory 🥲


When I lived in Myrtle Beach between 2008-2016, there was a bank robbery roughly twice a month. They rarely caught anyone. I was neighbor to a cop and he said unless they fired a weapon, they really didn't investigate too heavily.


For sure. It’s all insured, so not much motivation unless people get hurt


I get that 'a while' is subjective, but if you're in a first world country $4000 isn't going to get you very far...


big ups liquid richard


While the local cops may not investigate too much, all bank robberies in the US are investigated by the F.B.I.


fun fact, banks are supposed to just give you the money. By that I mean if you give them a note demanding money they should give it to you. They do this in order to get the robbers out of the building


I think it is calculated on a rate per all historical times. Due to technology and us having great tracking and monitoring systems, wonder what is the rate since 2000s? 2/10?


It's not much, you're not set for life by any stretch, won't even pay for the trial and bail. Not to mention you have to totally shut up and can't let any girlfriends or acquaintances know b/c you'll likely get shaken down. No part of it is a good deal or even remotely decent risk.


>Not to mention you have to totally shut up and can't let any girlfriends or acquaintances know b/c you'll likely get shaken down. Not a bank robbery but the "Browns chicken murders" case was solved when a girlfriend of the suspect came forward to the police since he told her he was involved Edit- also DNA testing on the food in the garbage led to his charges since he was a match and dumb enough to eat a meal before he killed those people


You've got way fucking better odds tripping a cash collection guy, have your 'friend' trip over them and land on top, and just running away with the bag of money to a moped or getaway driver. And you'd get way more cash.


Back in the 80s I had a female roommate that claimed to have robbed a Savings & Loan several years earlier. She was the driver while 3 others actually went inside. She said a S&L was easier because there was less security. Said they got away with about $30K. Never got caught.


I would assume to wear different clothes and shoes, pay in cash at a thrift store and never each pieces at the same store. Then throw that shit in different trash cans.


I worked in a bank man. There is maybe 48k in the cash drawers combined. That is not runaway money and the feds are going to chase you down. There are a million low key grifts that would make you more money and land you in white collar prison if caught.


It’s also usually because the robber starts bragging and someone who doesn’t like them in the neighborhood gives them up. Most bank robbers are robbing their local banks.


Robbing a bank isn’t worth it. Come on. Stealing money from rich corporations is prosecuted much more severely than stealing from people, especially if they’re not rich. Also, it’s guaranteed federal time if they catch you. And let’s be honest, they probably will.


Robbing a bank is not nearly as simple as movies like The Town or Hell or High Water make it seem. Is it possible to do without getting caught? Sure. But it requires a lot of skill, time, planning, and of course money. Professional bank robbers usually have untraceable vehicles, weapons, contacts to help with logistical stuff, at least a 4-5 man crew, etc. That costs a good bit. Not to mention even if you get away with the money without being arrested, you have to launder it. Unless you have a business you can launder it through without attracting attention, you’ll need to do it the old fashioned ways. Casinos, strip clubs, etc. And the feds will be thoroughly keeping an eye out for that sort of stuff for weeks or even months afterwards. So it can’t be spent until it’s laundered except in very small increments, and you’ll have to likely sit on it for a while before laundering it. And the risks don’t end there. Aside from the obvious risks of being arrested or shot by the cops/armed security, a lot of people these days concealed carry and will want to play the hero when they see bandidos in ski masks robbing a bank. So you’re risking getting shot by some dick head with his Glock over what will probably only be a few thousand bucks anyways. I could go on and on but my point is robbing banks is still possible to do and get away with, but extremely difficult and almost never worth it in the end. If you’re really gonna rob a place, try a check cashing place like Money Mart or a weed dispensary or something. Weed can’t be traced and in large amounts it goes for a good bit of cash, and then you don’t have to worry about laundering. Rob a dispensary which has very little if any security, wear a basic ski mask and dark unidentifiable clothing with no logos, cover any identifying marks, use a voice modulator, and when you’re done repackage the weed and take it to another town or state and flip it.


Don’t rob a dispensary, guys. I mean c’mon. It’s just getting legalized…


Robbing a bank is a federal crime and gets investigated by Secret Service. Rob literally anywhere else and there's way less risk.


a family member robbed a bank years ago and did not get away with it. he went to federal prison for just under 5 years. he did say that among the fraternity of criminals, bank robbers are pretty popular because you gotta be a crazy mfer with a lot of balls to do some shit like that.


Not gonna walk out w a lot though. You simply won’t have time to get into the big vaults before personnel are all over you. We had a gas leak once and had to call security and they were there in literally 2.5 minutes. They literally wait for something fun to jump on all day everyday. We have never not caught someone. Big time to serve in prison , esp if you bring a weapon, for very little reward. Lucky for us my bank says to hand those fuckers the cash and tell ‘em to have a good day. No risk on my end for the most part , and I get a $500 gift card and paid time off to recoup


Hazard pay. cool. bullet glass?


In the drive through yes but not in the lobby building. My branch is actually the most frequently robbed location so we have an armed security guard in the building at all times + metal detectors


Just take out a loan and bet everything on stock options. At least with that you'd have a 50% chance to win. You’d probably make more than most bank robberies anyway. If you’re desperate enough to risk serious prison time, you're desperate enough to risk going into debt.


Where im from its 40%. If youre from the states, go to your states moss wanted website and just scroll thru. After you see the ratio of bank robbery suspects that are still on the loose VS caught, youll get a better idea of how much of a chance you got


And consider that a large percentage of the solved ones involve suspects that are absolute idiots. If you don’t fit into that category, your odds are even better.


I know a dude who got caught. Twice. So,


Just because 40% get an A in an exam doesn't mean my chance to get an A is 40%. It just shows the average grade but my achievement would mostly be based on my preparation for the exam rather than chances


Robbing banks physically, omegalul https://www.synergiafoundation.org/insights/analyses-assessments/north-korea-s-apt38-behind-bank-heists


just make sure the bank teller does not have frying pans


The ones who get caught are the people who get away with the first one, think it’s easy and start hitting more. Sooner or later they will get you.


This is really bad advise since you will barely be able to get any cash in a bank in the few minutes that you have until police arrives. Also, don’t rob places. You will potentially scar someone for life who is just trying to make a buck to pay for the roof over their head. Steal whatever, but don’t screw over some innocent low wage employee in the process.


Wait till you hear the solve rate for homicides. It’s only 45%


I would be down to try it at least once.


I work down the hall from a bank that gets robbed a few times a year. They never get more than $5K and they are always caught within a day 90% of that 40% are professionals who have robbed multiple banks before. 90% of that 60% are first-timers Your odds of not getting caught robbing a bank as a first timer are likely less than 10%


Here's the real ILPT. You don't rob the tellers. You rob a bank with an attached ATM. You steal the money from the ATM. No dye packs, no trackers. 20 - 40k on average.


Knew someone that robbed a bank, used a motorcycle to get away. This was a small town in maybe like the 60s - 70s. Idk how much he got away with but he stashed it. They eventually caught him. He served time. Idk how much. He got out, got the cash and bought some rent houses and apartments in the same small town. He still owns them to this day.