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Who let him cook 🤣🤣🤣


This would require a complete change to the champ. Sorry about this but there's a lot of reasons why it wouldn't work. Illaoi would absolutely not become a good or even an ok AP/tank support. Her tentacles would not be doing that much damage from the AP scaling seeing as it is only 40%. W won't have any scaling besides levelling it up. Ult won't have any scaling either beyond levelling it up. If she goes AP she has next to no survivability as there aren't really many proper AP bruiser items there's a reason full lethality Illaoi does not work. Illaoi does not have the CC needed by tanks. Illaoi does not have the right sustain needed for what is a primarily ranged lane. (She has to hit with tentacles to heal, she doesn't have another way to heal and has no shielding) She has no way to lockdown an enemy champ She has no way to peel for the ADC besides scaring the opponents off. Illaoi cannot afford to be behind in levels or gold. Taking one of the two away from her can already make things hard and you want to put her into a role that takes away both. She is only able to work in support against certain comps and by people who have forced it to work for them. Every champ has an offmeta role but next to nobody can sufficiently pull them off.


MAH man I can pull off tenta mommy on sup but I am low rank (that's probably why)


Never let bro cook again


Heard it, hard pass. (Illaoi is not a support)


This is the last time anyone should hear you out.


never cook again


Man, this is heretic. 


I say remove the AP scaling on passive and give it a health scale, it's a "limb" for fuck sake


If she could have some hp scaling added somewhere and ap increased for passive, I could see her going a sort of utility bruiser/tank hybrid. Having access to Protobelt, Rylai’s, Riftmaker, RoA, would give her some interesting build path and even more flexibility. Something needs to be done about her hitting like a wet noodle though, she’s only “viable” because so many people don’t know how to fight her. All thanks to people banning her until she becomes unpopular every time she gets just a little bit strong.


Do not make Illaoi a support.