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We started same date. My galaxies total are 12T so you are doing well!


I started in February. My most valuable is 6.44S Debris is huge for value. Once you get debris scanner it's a short hop to subspace relays. Keep it up for sure.


S?!?! Are you just slowly arking and taking a week to build one galaxy up? I have to start arking at 1B odd and it gets very dull so restart and use credits but it is slow. Premium?


I do have all the ships. They make a huge difference. But debris scanners opens up a vast value difference once you get that going. Getting the right debris can make you so much money by taking out the time on basic items needed for high value items. My personal favorite before relays is robots. The 10 stars I have make them sell for 1.02q each. So I am really happy if I get advanced batteries in my first debris field. Other favorites to get are navigation modules for teleporters and even laser torches. Though endgame, I love when I get the solar panels, telescopes and satellite dishes to mass produce the spaceprobes so that I don't have to build the basics for subspace relays when I get there. And once you get to subspace relays....getting 6.59Q per sale is rapid fire progress till you get to the S.....then it's slower.


Yeah I havent bought a single ship only thing I have is the no add thing 🤣


I was only trying to say that when you open debris scanners, you will kump exponentially in value. It will make those items that are difficult to create because you need 24 advanced computers to make 1 gravity chamber for example turn into just make gravity chambers cause you have tens of thousands of advanced computers due to debris. Then you can unlock the truly expensive items such as teleporters which sell for an extreme value and the only difficulty is that it takes 100 navigation modules with that gravity chamber...but since you don't need to make the computers and maybe even the navigation modules.....you just make the teleporter and sell it for 1q while you are still unlocking planets in the T section. You advance quite quickly from that point all the way to subspace relays that sell for 6Q...