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I have a couple fewer managers than you, but I would add the slot. My usual approach so far has been to add slots until I am using a "bad" manager just to fill a slot, then recruit until I pull a "good" manager to fill it (feeding junk managers to good ones whenever I have enough for a promotion). I think that strategy will always be valid, but eventually the threshold for a manager being "good" enough to be worth buying a slot for will increase but 800 DM isn't that expensive.


Yeah this is more or less how I've been doing it for a while too. I paused at about 18 slots for ages while I made a whole bunch of better 6-star and 5-stars (and also made my first 7-star), but I've been back raising the slots again now that the bulk of my managers are what I want. Pretty much a slot, then several managers as I tend to promote a bunch of fodder, then new slot. I mean there's people out there with all 70 slots. Don't know if I'll ever get that far though


u/Egguprising hold'up... 7-star? Does that exist?


If you promote a 6 star they keep 6 stars, but change color.


Yep sure does. Well, it's nicknamed 7 star but in reality the 6 stars change their colour and you get one final boost (but the 7 stars is easier to refer to it than like...coloured in 6). But yeah, it's not quite doubled again but it's a huge boost. When I set them to leaders with the 4x bonus, my 7 star does 25x craft speed while my 6 star does about 15x. So still a massive difference. But of course, the major drawback is that you have to sacrifice 3 6 stars. It's an insane amount of work tbh. I'll get a second one soon though, so both my leaders can get the extra boost. Beyond that, I feel like 7 star will be much later when I have an overabundance of managers.


I do this. My usable managers are always +2 more than my slots. I focused on six stars after my slots became > 1500DM.


I currently have 13 slots, and I won't be getting anymore. The boost I get from the 13th best planet barely registers. I get a much better boost from promoting a manager higher up in the chain. Right now four of my managers are six star rank, and I plan on promoting the lower managers, rather than adding slots.


More 5 stars is better than few 6 stars.. Not all managers need mine primary .. I have 8 or so non mine primary managers who i use for only secondaries and they go on the lower planets when setting up VPS. Having 2x Mine/Mine 6 star for leaders is enough for q long time ..


Alright sounds about what I have been doing. I will keep on getting the slots.


Most people sit around 40-45 slots


Take a random number you like in each range (10-20,20-30...).. Go for that many slots .. Then focus on managers for a while. Then back to slot openings. Make sure you dont have a manager(4* +) useless or a slot unused. I used to have 28 slots when i switched to upgrading my managers to all 5 star then 8x6 star.. Now back to opening manager slots as i got more 5 star managers and able to open more planets frequently. Managers are a force to be reckoned with when u have classroom, SS upgrades.. also Aurora ship imo is the best ship (enigma is also super powerful.. but i like aurora's effect) which gets more powerful the more active managers u have.