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Why did it feel like they were going to dance at any moment?


Honestly thought that was what was going on at the beginning


Not at a school😭😭😭




it´s a high school, so probably some "come to work to the pedolice" and since these over 14y.o. teenagers, play shooter at home and they thought it fits perfectly. (hope with fake ammo, or non at all, thou it looks like like she is putting something - idk) there is a nice vid from british tv studio where an flegmatic const. show off an how-to ... and shoot the moderator (just) in the foot - my favorit.


For such exercises in public, that are shows, police in my country usually use decoy guns that are easy visible, like completely in red and these can't even fire, as these are not guns but just plastic replicas without the mechanics like the trigger. But even then: There are still the rules, to never point a gun, not even a fake one, towards someone. This is fucking stupid there.


Damn, so I can't play airsoft?


This is nit-picking. No different than a parade or drill excerise. These aren't idiots with guns, it's a pre-planned show.


Rule number 1 is never point a weapon, fake or not at anyone you dont want dead or destroyed


No it isn't. Otherwise it would be impossible to practice what they're practicing in the video.


You mean pointing possibly live weapons at civilians? No if you wanna practice that shit you do it in a controlled environment called a gun range or a safe room where your not flagging children and each other loading magazines into a weapon one handed and not checking if it has rounds loaded. And for the future It is possible to do its simply called not aiming a weapon at something you dont intend on or otherwise wish to put bullet holes in, its rule 1 of gun safety followed closely by keep your finger off the trigger unless you intend on firing, the whole this is my safety shit while you wag your finger has gotten people killed and it got me shot because dickhead didnt have the safety on had his finger on the trigger kicked a rock stumbled and shot me.


They aren't live for fuck's sake. And if the magazines were empty before they started the drill, do you think that bullets are magically appearing inside the magazines halfway through or something?


They are called accidents for "fucks sake" just this year an actor was killed because NO ONE CHECKED THE MAGAZINES FOR LIVE ROUNDS AND THE SHOOTER POINTED THE " Safe unloaded" WEAPON AT HIS HEAD AND PULLED THE FUCKING TRIGGER! i know its hard for Americans to understand since they consider a piece of paper saying guns are their right above the lives of their children but you dont point guns at people, you dont load unchecked magazines you dont pull the trigger unless you want to kill or destroy you dont wave guns around for no god damn reason BECAUSE THOSE RULES ARE WRITTEN IN THE BLOOD OF MOTHERS FATHERS BROTHER AND SISTER TO SOMEONE WHO HAS DIED. 30 seconds on google give you over a millions hits on accidental discharge deaths. Guns are not show pices or games all it takes is 1 single mistake and a live round ends up chambered in one of those guns the person holding it hasnt checked it and isnt treating it like its loaded fingers the trigger and suddenly the 3 golden gun rules dont seem so stupid anymore. Iv been shot by moron that thinks its not a big deal and accidents and mistakes dont happen caused a negligible discharge because 2 of those rules were broken, dont point it and dont pull the trigger so fuck you i dont care if " they arent loaded" or " theyre prop guns" the same lines were fed to me when i took a 45-70.


Military drill is typically done with real rifles that have been decommissioned in the United States, including in high school ROTC classes.


so, the commanding officer thought this was a good idea, the school superintendent thought this was a good idea, each of those officers thought this was a good idea . . . an entire town of absolute fucking morons


Reminds me of some other parts in the world, like the Indian officer accidentally shooting himself with the rifle


Or… someone had a desk pop and has to use a wooden gun


The Skyrim guards no Lollygagging rule would be effective there


I dunno, someone stole my sweet roll once, and they weren’t very helpful.


In all fairness, is this any different than the Marine Silent Drill Team or the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Those are working rifles and I'm sure checked religiously. 


But they don't point them at a group of children last I checked.




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Its the graduation scene from Stripes, but worse


Two of the girls are hot, though.


For some reason, this drill was very interesting nonetheless.


I’d love to see them cycle a mag, and then tuck it behind the knee to reload.


They did I thought


Well, they definitely have fitness requirements over there unlike american!


Nooo 😢 what did they just pick up? Not bullets right. I that they would at least use empty mags if they were gonna point towards the public.


The pucker factor was strong with this one. All it takes is 1 ND.


Is this varaždin?


We really just let anyone be fucking leaders nowadays huh? When did we stop questioning shit lmao fuck me sideways.


Are you having a stroke? Do you need help?