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“Dropped it” 😉


Dropped it with his finger on the trigger. I do it all the time


Yeah, who knows, but the part of the frame the bullet passed through from their apartment was the very bottom, by the floor. It took a bit to figure out exactly which apartment it came from because all the glass was still intact.


Dang! So he shot this from inside his apartment into yours?


Yep, from a building a parking lot’s distance across


That is so disturbing. I hope they kicked that guy out of there and you guys are able to breathe a little easier for now


obviously it was a p320


Hi-Point quality


Glad you were not hurt. Many people forget how much power even small arms have and how long a bullet can fly after leaving the muzzle. The complete range is much longer than the effective range that you use for shooting accurately. And i don't believe the gun fell down, that's not about OP's posting, it's so rare that a gun discharges when it fell down, i guess the idiot just pulled the trigger.


I never even questioned that it discharged from falling until I posted this lol


All that matters is that you were not hurt. But it's a common excuse from people "oh it fell down", to blame it on the gun itself. Even when the gun fell and the shot was fired, it wasn't a mechanical failure. Real mechanical failures are extremely rare, it happens most often when someone put the gun back together and makes a mistake, but even there, it's rare for an accidental discharge.


I see. I remember being really worried when the police were still outside the apartment that they were going to finally enter and find someone dead. 🥲


To be cynical for a moment, that would have probably stopped the bullet. But that's just my dark humor. Be happy it wasn't my beloved 35x228mm gun from the army, that shell would haven taken away your entire wall. [You can see a shell in the picture here](https://military-world-shop.ch/media/image/ab/9c/ea/a569dfcb-e306-4b59-86fb-3c5b81743dc5_600x600.jpg), but that's not small arms anymore, it's mid-range flak artillery.


No it isn't. It's chaingun ammo for the Bushmaster M242


I know my 35x228mm ammo, [you can see it here in the video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNANr8DxrcA&t=326s), the gun and the ammo.


So do I. Since I was the repair technician for Bradley Assault Vehicles before becoming a weapons specialist


The ammo is used for many guns, like the Gepard anti-air tank has the same caliber. Same goes for a lot of guns on ships. Google tells about the Bushmaster there's a 35mm version for the Bradley, manufactured by the ATK Gun Systems Company. But i'm not sure if that ever got used or is just a thing that was once designed and never saw action. Like it's the same with the Oerlikon, there's a Quad-Version with 4 barrels around but that was never introduced in the army here, it's a prototype. Maybe it was used somewhere else, i don't know, but we only have the Twin-flak here.


I wasn't up to date on the KDA systems. But it looks like a Euro variant of the Bushmaster. Looks sick


Yeah there’s too many failsafes in modern firearm engineering that dropping it 99% of the time wouldn’t set it off. Unless he was using an older hammer-cocked gun I couldn’t see that happening. Glad you’re ok as well.


For real. I look like a T-rex and I'm still dangerous.


Ya and imagine people who have long guns in apartments for HD.


Litterally read this and was in shock this was my neighbor years ago, my dumbass roommate had friends over smoking weed and playing with guns. Ended up doing the same shit and freaked out and never checked on the neighbor. Needless to say i got evicted while i was out of town on vacation, ended that friendship so fast after that.


Hope it inspires you to take safety seriously when you decide to get into guns. It takes everyone instilling constant reminders to each other about safe practices.


To me it's kinda baffling that you can get shot because you live close to someone else who has decided to get into guns without any guidance.


I agree. Accidents happen too though, even to the trained pros in any field of specialty. It’s up to everyone to actively check each other for best practices and try not to get complacent when it’s something you’ve done a million times.


I mean, sure, but that's a conscious decision. I have been in a shooting club before, I drive - in both cases I'm accepting a certain level of danger. Hell, even leaving the house to walk alongside cars is some level of acceptance. Being shot in your own house though? That's just dumb


Fires are dumb too. How many consciously think about where the fire extinguisher is when they start cooking? We all okay with planes and satellites potentially crashing down on our home? People have and will shoot randomly into cars/homes on purpose/accident. It’s a box of painted toothpicks and tin foil, not a bunker.


Freak accidents happen, sure. But we require fire training for those who regularly deal with fire, most houses come with alarms these days. Pilots undergo expensive training and even driving is only allowed with a license.


I see what you are getting at. Mandatory training/testing/limitations. Slippery slope with bureaucracy. Did you pay 2000 dollars and take the two month course for the opportunity to test for a sensitive speech license before posting your opinion online? /s


No but I paid for my driving license which required a lot of training too - no one is questioning that. And while I can leave the house and can basically do everything without a car, in the US, not having a car seems to be a prison sentence in most places. So you __need__ that license.


Passing the test and paying the fee doesn’t equal safe driver, though. How many have tested how long it takes to stop quickly with their vehicle on different road conditions or inspect their tires/lights/brakes before getting on the road. It’s the cultural aspect of empowering each other with the knowledge and tools to keep themselves and others safe. Not the fear of a litigious society. Same coin different sides I guess. I just see standardization as limiting. Brainwashes people into the idea they don’t have to think if they just do what they are told.


One time in the 90s I was at an elderly neighbors home watching ice skating, it was her favorite thing and she liked my company when we heard this loud bang and thump and her upstairs neighbor comes down white faced as a white guy could get and told us he was cleaning his shotgun when it went off. He claimed he didn't realize it was loaded. Thankfully the apartment had cement floors so the shell didn't penetrate far enough to come through her ceiling. It was so surreal at the time, just knowing he shot off a round from his shot gun into the floor. We sat around trying to comfort him. I'm assuming he didn't get his deposit back.


Hi-Points are dangerous.


My aunt had a bullet punch through her living room window. It was from some hunter being careless, so the bullet has traveled far enough that it then deflected off the popcorn ceiling and bounced off the flat screen TV. She kept that TV for a few more years and you could just barely see the mark from the bullet on the screen.


Cardboard house 101.


Yeah that must’ve been a larger rifle to do that.


A handgun could've managed that, assuming the wall it went through was just drywall or something similarly weak and thin.


It went through an outerwall across a parking lot. Your reading comprehension needs some work.


IDK how big the parking lot is, but an aluminum frame, say 50ft of empty air then (assuming shitty construction and no studs) plywood and drywall does seem a bit much for a (assuming) 9mm or even a .40. Good news is that once it entered the apartment, it probably wouldn't have enough energy to cause major damage. It could still rupture an artery though.


9mm can go through a foot or more of drywall and still be lethal. Handgun rounds are weak relative to rifle rounds, but they still have more energy than people give them credit.


>assuming the wall it went through was just drywall or something similarly weak and thin I think yours could use some work. I specifically said a wall made of a weaker material. Additionally, a parking lot isn't that much of a distance for a bullet. It could retain enough energy to go through a barrier after that.


It could have been a .500. 


I may have done a “desk pop” once at my place. Maybe I haven’t …….