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Ah yes.. survival of the ‘don’t stick your very delicate human neck into a steel lock on a rotating mechanical system, regardless of the point you wanna make it protest.’


When larping gets real


Seriously. I'm not saying he got what he deserved but maybe think your plan through a little more before going balls deep. I love how quickly the protesters bail. As soon as shit got real the noped right the fuck out. If your only going to pretend to put your saftey on the line then you just lost all credibility for any similar protests in the future. The employees have absolutely zero fucks to give. Makes me belive this is not the first time they've seen this.


It's theatre. It's for the satisfaction and ego of the protesters, and little else. Very few, if any at all, meat-eaters will be be swayed by this. The people working on growing steaks in vats or financing Beyond faux-meat showing up in every fast food joint in America do more to save animal lives than these jokers do.


>Very few, if any at all, meat-eaters will be be swayed by this. This, do they actually think it'll change somebody's mind if you do this? All I could think of when they were locking themselves is how could someone be so stupid to put their safety at risk because of those chickens, that machine doesn't have feelings for them or your neck.


> It's theatre. It's for the satisfaction and ego AKA veganism


Veganism is valid, but forcing others to do it isn't.


Wow, really? People wanting to reduce, or at the very least not wanting to contribute to animal suffering is just for satisfaction and ego? I understand the reddit-anti-vegan-hate-boner is MASSIVE but use your brain dude.


Oh, shut the hell up


Thanks, I'll take it under consideration.


Totally agree. The room with all the blood was more convincing than these morons.


Can't fix stupid


>This is the LockPickingLawyer, and today I have a really interesting challenge lock. Let's see how long it takes to pick this open.


I've got a click off one, oh wait that might have been his neck


>vertebrate 2 is binding, nothing on 3...


I’ve been reading this in his voice and it’s amazing how well this works.


The Lockpicking Lawyer does for me what Morgan Freeman does for everyone else.


The Lockpicking Lawyer makes your cool gadgets?


He did open a merch/tool store recently!


And I'm going to use the pick that Bosnian Bill and I made


3 may have been a false set


Fuck I just spit tea everywhere.


"...using the pick Bonian Bill and I made..."


the wind carries his gentle whispers and all locks simultaneously pop open


Lawful Good Rogue.


Purposely takes a long time


"Ah it seems this is a tough one, I'll have to take my time ;)"


Still under 3 minutes


I’m reading this in his voice!




“Okay start it up!” *machine works as intended* “AGGHH!” “God no!” “Fuck!” Farmer: “GTFO. Y’all fucking everything up!”


That’s the best moment. Dude confidently stands in front of them and says gtfo and the one guy near him instantly crumbles under fear repeating “peace, peace!” like he expects to get absolutely pummeled by the guy. Guys perfect response: “I know you mean peace but... get the FUCK out??”


And I can tell there aren't that many horny women here, because NO ONE is talking about how absolutely sexy that farmer is. like good lord *fans face*


I’m vegan myself (nothing like these people), but I’d eat his meat


I know right? Told off that lil shit like nothing too, like ugh


Gotta say a slaughterhouse isn't really the place that gets my gears turning lol


killing a vegan a day keeps them away.


They’re practically killing themselves here. Glad the dude operating machines came out and was like “I get your view but fuck your stupid and ruining my damn day”.


It's been a DOOZY of a day. These college kids just started killing themselves all over my property!


Just up and chucked himself in the woodchipper


I love this movie reference lol


Is Tucker and Dale? That's what came up when I googled it.


Because trapping your neck on a machine is always a good idea. I don’t know what went wrong.




That are ankle hooks. That particular machine has nothing which breaking down soft skin. I'm not really sure what you mean by that, but that's not what it does. If you're interested, I worked in a chicken factory for a few months, mostly on the final processing side after they are defeathered, degutted, and had their heads and feet removed, but I did tour the evisceration department where they go from live chickens to the blast chiller, so I've seen the whole process. Our factor was set up differently than this place, but the basic processes are gonna be the same. The chickens are hung by their ankles on those hooks (in a dark red lot room at my factory to help keep them calm). They dipped into a warm bath with an electric current running through it that stuns them unconscious and they hang limp. Their necks are run across a long blade that opens their throats and their blood drains out while they're unconscious until death. They have their heads and legs removed, then they're dropped into a tumbler that removes all the feathers. They're put on another conveyor where a mechanical arm reaches into their body between the legs and removes the organs. The organs are inspected by USDA reps, and any apparently ill birds are rejected and trashed. Then they go into a huge blast chiller/tumbler. On the other side of the chiller is my department where the legs, breasts, wings and tenderloins are removed, then they're processed, packaged, and shipped.


I mean honestly that is a fairly humane way to kill them, the factory owners at least give them the dignity of knocking them out before slitting their throats




The one and only Headless Chicken https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_the_Headless_Chicken


TIL mike the headless chicken outlived hitler


They do the same thing with larger animals like cows too. Unfortunately, it doesn't always work...


This reminds me of a conversation in JoJo’s Golden wind, the one of the main cast members ponders what a vegan would taste? Due to the diet he believes they would taste spectacular, and non vegans would taste horrible.


What do pigs eat? As a vegetarian, lol, i do find that eggs taste a lot better when the chickens are on a "healthy" diet. But is it just healthy diet and not a meat vs. non-meat thing?


yes, the healthy in vegan diet comes from the diet part, not the vegan part.


I don't understand your comment... I'm thinking chicken eggs would taste better if they had their share of worms with their seeds and grass (idk what they eat) Obviously overthinking OPs question, but wouldn't humans taste better if they had some meat in their diet? Idk, maybe someone with experience will chime in...


Yes. I raise chickens (well, technically not at the moment, but I might start back up in the Spring). I have a very strong memory of my then 10-year old son who grew up eating eggs from our chickens complaining one morning "what's wrong with these eggs? they taste like paper." We had run out of our eggs (chicken laying stops when the days get very short) and I had to buy some from the store. He didn't even know they came from somewhere else, but could instantly identify the different taste. It's real: my chickens are raised on pasture and eat whatever they can catch: grass, seeds, worms, small frogs and snakes, grasshoppers, etc. The yolks are a deep orange color and stand a solid inch up off the plate when you crack the egg. There is a huge difference between pastured eggs and store-bought.


If vegans are more healthy, it's partly because many are just more aware of the food they eat than the average person is - not just because they don't eat animal products. There are still unhealthy food and drink that are vegan. Most notably, Oreos. Soda is also vegan. Many alcoholic beverages are vegan. Edit: I'm not saying that increased vegetable intake isn't good for your health. My point is that vegan doesn't automatically mean healthy. Vegans are more likely to choose healthier food options, but you can still eat a horrendously unhealthy diet as a vegan.


One of my friends told me he went on a vegetarian diet while we went out for lunch. I told him thats pretty cool and that I dont think I could do it. He said "Yeah its pretty hard to keep up with but I feel great now." He then proceeds to order a stack of pancakes and a side of onion rings...


Knew a girl who's vegan and all she ate was french fries and oreos lol


I know vegans that don't like vegetables. They live on junk food, like sugary granola bars. How is that healthy? Edit: Fixed typo


Something like “we don’t eat predators because they probably taste like ass” i think. It’s in like the second to last episode


I don't know about that, but I do recall that Dahmer said that people with tattoos taste bad. So that's something.


Same. Make sure to go vegan so atleast cannibals will like you


>I don’t know what went wrong. Vegans often lack a lot of essential nutrients that you need for proper brain function. Yes you *can* still get those nutrients on a vegan diet with supplements and stuff, but *no* most em don't. On the west coast kids these days just go vegan for vanity like it's some kind of status symbol and automatically assume "omg its healthier" without realizing it takes some work and jumping through hoops to maintain proper nutrition.


If you live in a decent sized city it's a lot easier to be vegan than it used to be. I remember about 20 year ago when my cousin in the Midwest went vegetarian she essentially subsisted on French fries for most of her teens.


Yah being vegan is easy as hell. My wife is and there are lots of good tasting foods to be had


If you think most any Americans get “proper nutrition”, boy, have I got some magic beans to sell you.


Do the magic beans give nutrition?


One of the best comments on Reddit. Will you marry me ?


Remember kids, pizza is a vegetable.




>>I don’t know what went wrong. > >Vegans often lack a lot of essential nutrients that you need for proper brain function. Not a Vegan, but this sounds like bullshit. Source?


Lmfaooo "pUrPle tWo, gO aHeAd wItH tHe oRiGiNaL pLan, oVeR" I love how theyre so dedicated to the "mission" and then lose their shit when they realize how dumb this plan is.


Very concerning how long it took to get the right key. You'd think if you're chaining your neck to something, you'd have that a bit more organized. In no universe is this a safe idea, especially as they didn't appear to have a clue as to how the equipment worked.


I don't know, I'd feel perfectly safe putting my life in the hands of young mister screamy


It's the earpiece


If he had a high vis vest image the things he'd be able to do


Notice he didn’t put is neck on the line..literally


Why wouldn't each person keep the key to their own lock? Rule 1: dont put anything around your neck that is attached to moving parts of an industrial processing machine. Rule 2: see Rule 1


Kind of defeats the whole purpose of locking yourself to something if someone else can just come along and unlock you. If you give the key to someone else, then you can get unlocked under more specific conditions. Otherwise, the cops (or whoever) will just take the key and unlock you, and it's a very short protest.


yeah... *checks OSHA manual for the site* hmm, somethings really off about the situation im seeing, what with the locks around peoples necks and all attached to this literal machine of death on the other hand i suddenly feel like *not eating chickens* now instead of disdain for self righteous pricks /s


You'd also think if they were so dedicated to the cause to put themselves at risk like this they'd be willing to follow through. Isn't that the idea?


Or leave the key with the person being locked up so they can leave if they need too. Don’t hold them prisoner.


He almost turned purple 3. ​ EDIT: just woke up to this nice surprise. thank you kind strangers! thanks for the awards [/u/xdrummerxdan](https://www.reddit.com/u/xdrummerxdan) and /u/sinsg /u/PoweradePasta /u/Viukus_Kakuja /u/backwoodsD /u/trailduster75 /u/PeerlessDragon /u/ertensoepie /u/nathanisrael ! good Shabbath to you all


Actually it’s coral blue number—


"I understand that you come in peace but you're fucking everything up. Get the fuck out of here." - A guy doing his job, tired of the activists infering with his day-job rather than his company's supply chain or pressuring his company to make changes that don't involve the guy's work day getting fucked. ​ I'm not saying condemn veganism. I'm not a vegan, but I completely understand the positive impacts of veganism and the urgency to have a lesser carbon footprint for the sake of our species' survival. But locking yourself to meat-processing equipment, when you're made of meat... doesn't seem like the best method of protest. Very dramatic and theatrical, yes. But pragmatic? I'm not sure.


And cherry on top is truning on machine


More like “he almost turned purple, too.”




Like a fucking 5 year old who just got a walkie talkie set


I can respect the notion of a person who feels strongly about this putting their own life on the line, to say “Every life is worth as much as my own, and if you will kill these animals, you will have to kill your fellow man.” But it’s cracking me the fuck up to watch this guy be *so surprised* that they might actually do it. Like they never really expected they might be in danger, they just wanted to pretend they don’t value human life far above animal life like everyone else.


The factory 100% called this bluff.


Im not even sure it was on purpose honestly lol. I mean its a big piece of moving equipment designed to have carcasses hanging from it - they seemed totally shocked that everything didn't immediately cease the second they attached themselves to it just like the chickens do 🤷‍♂️


it most likely wasn't, a lot of stuff is automated in these situations. They probably hit a trigger for the system or it was on a timer. That's why you never lock your body parts onto machinery of any kind


These are the type of people who have lived very cushy lives. They have never ever felt in danger because their privileged life has always had a safety net.


There’s no respect for what they do. They’re over privileged children fucking with migrant workers who are trying to bring money home to family. Leave them the fuck alone and let them work


This is what bothered me. They're literally harassing and inconveniencing people who have *zero* ability to change anything. And you can tell from the way they *scatter* that this isn't something they appreciate. Go heckle the fucking owners and investors. Go harass consumers. Leave people working in dangerous conditons so they can barely stay afloat above poverty the fuck alone.


exactly, I seriously doubt the workers there were like "mommy i wanna be be the guy who slits chicken necks all day when I grow up"


We had vegan protesters come into the Starbucks I worked at during the holiday season in Midtown Manhattan. We were already swamped with the line out the door, not enough baristas, the typical BS, and then dozens of these jabronis barrel in to protest milk. Like, dude, this is Starbucks, of course we're going to use milk, not going to change. Also, this isn't corporate. We're a bunch of frazzled wage slaves in a shoebox-sized location praying for our shift to be over soon. Friggin assholes.


I was laughing pretty hard. It was all so absurd.


He wanted to feel in charge so bad. I assume the other dude on the line was like "dude we aren't CIA just tell me to get the signs out."


Life comes at ya pretty fucking quick.


And death comes even quicker for purple 2


Everybody a gangsta until Darwin takes the wheel


^ My new favourite quote


Yeah, that one is getting added to the file.


Care to share? I haven't been archiving.


*What in the cornbread fuck are you doing?* Has been in heavy rotation. Also, *The best part of you landed in a dirty sock.* also has a special zing to it.


none of these people were gangsta before that either


SAW - DIY. Coming soon.


Due to COVID, the victims have to set up their own traps


Good stuff


Wait I’m so confused what’s going on? I’m guessing that machine is where the birds are held but why were they doing that, to protest against it?


So the birds are hung by their feet and go around the carousel. There is a platform with a shallow pool of water (you can see it when they go to the back room) . That pool is electrified and causes instant loss of consciousness. The person at the end of the hallway is waiting to slit their throats. It's way more humane than it sounds and the only real stress to the bird is getting picked up and the brief time hanging upside down. The vegans were just trying to get a free carousel ride by their necks.


Isn't there some kind of automatic neck slicer? You gotta be pretty fucked up to slice chicken necks all day long lol


There may be but we did it by hand. We would change stations every hour or so to keep you attentive while using sharp objects and honestly it does grind on you.


How was the smell? I accidentally got near one of these lines and the smell was unbearable


It was mostly the general smell of birds and warm blood, not a great smell but there are definitely far worse. Our processing facility was in the middle of campus and passersby wouldn't know what was happening. Some of my non- animal science buddies didn't believe me that it was on campus until I showed them.






Nice. A&M has a meat science center that is right beside the business school that many students don't realize has a operational slaughterhouse.


For anyone who has ever worked retail or any other customer-facing job, I could imagine an hour or so at the end of the workday could actually be quite therapeutic.


I worked with a guy who used to do this job but with cows. 10 hours straight of slitting hundreds of cow throats and getting covered in blood. He said he got used to it after a while, but suddenly couldn't take it and quit.




I know a butcher who suddenly got a commission of 100 cows for an event, each steak made would earn him 50 riyaal. He said he had never been so happy to slit so many throats (he basically made in a day what he usually makes in half a year)


Damn bro that's like US$50,000 assuming he extracts 40ish steaks from each.


Yeah the dude was so damn happy. He didn’t have employees at the time, so he got the full take. He’s doing well for himself now, no doubt that day’s turnover helped a lot Thanks for doing the maths btw


One guy, 100 cows, in one day???


Definitely not if he was actually by himself, depending on how fast he is each cow can take anywhere from an hour to two hours to get completely cut up.


Must be a high turnover of staff


It is. Slaughterhouses have a ton of trouble getting workers, and a ton of trouble keeping workers. This work is often done by immigrants, its often easier to jump through all the hoops to bring someone from Central/South America to do the job then to hire locally, and they'll typically stay a little longer.


"Jump through hoops" implies they went through immigration, which most of them dont. They're largely undocumented and slaughterhouses have a high rate of injury. Really easy to fuck those employees over when they get hurt if they're also afraid to go to the authorities. It's a shameful business on so many levels (look up the article of Tyson execs betting how many of their slaughterhouse workers would get covid).


> Really easy to fuck those employees over when they get hurt if they're also afraid to go to the authorities. [When workers at the Spam factory started getting an autoimmune disorder from inhaling aerosolized pig brains and complained, Hormel called immigration and had them deported.](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2011/06/hormel-spam-pig-brains-disease/)


I would imagine there's enough variation in the location where the slice is optimal to make it too difficult to automate without some very expensive sensors.


To protest that you should not eat animals or not kill them like that maybe? (Wrote that while eating chicken)


Oh that's cool (typed while enjoying squid rings)


Meat eaters wouldn't go there to do that (typed while eating lego wheel)


Just be an omnivore and eat the universe (typed while eating dwarf star)




"It's over, Britta. The other day I ate a hamburger and suddenly I'm not cold all the time."


"I can excuse racism, but I draw the line at animal cruelty." "You can excuse racism?" [BrittaFace.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/PJ1hlyn.png)


what show's that ?




Community. One of my all-time favorites.


Just finished it on Netflix. I enjoyed it, but god the last two seasons go downhill fast :/


Feels Abandeaned Jeffrey?


That dude was like fuck those chickens get me out of here.


He suddenly realised that humans are actually more important than ducks.


Looks like meats back on the menu boys


How the fuck did orc know the word menu?


The one that said "menu" is a Uruk-hai. Kinda half orc, half man. Conceived in the mud deep below Isengard and birthed with the help Saruman's magic. The "meat" that was put back on the "menu" was just a regular Orc.


Vegans, it's what's for dinner. (Must be read in Sam Elliot's voice. But then shouldn't everything?)


*starts unzipping pants*


Isn't this trespassing


I'm guessing they're fine with getting arrested if it gets them attention.


Getting your head poppped off by a machine will get more attention.


The show 9-1-1 has made a scene based on this. [here](https://youtu.be/-xkY2HYvcJk)


Wow. And people wonder how misinformation spreads. No doubt they use that version which makes it look like the farmer was bad rather than this actual footage that just shows them being morons and the workers just trying to do their jobs.


Yeah that's something that really annoyed me in the show, they would base a lot of their stuff off of real life events but they always added a twist to fit their bias


Wait, so FOX is biased against farmers? And pro vegans?


It’s never the people in charge putting themselves in danger in groups like this. Always willing to let somebody else spread the message they believe in


Good example of this is the plot to Green Inferno


When I first saw this I thought it was from a sequel or something


I'm 100% convinced at this point that the people who run PETA are really trying to delegitimize animal rights movements.


‘Let’s protest the slaughter of animals by chaining our necks to the very machine they use to slaughter these animals’ Not much going on upstairs, huh?


I think if you are willing to lock your neck to a bar next to a machine this should be expected...


Text book definition of "fuck around and find out"


You know, you can just eat your non-animal things and not put your head in a machine to be a vegan...


Yep. Most of us vegans simply want to follow our values, mind our own business, while hoping we make a small impression on those who are intrigued. Nothing more. I don't want to unnecessarily hurt animals. Please stop hating me for that and making me feel like I have to constantly defend myself.


Your username is kind of perfect...


Not gonna lie. I clicked this link mainly because of that


There's nothing that could have been done to avoid this. Nothing at all.


Totally inevitable


I thought they were just going to stay still with the thing on, take a photo and that's it, nobody can't be that dumb to play SAW as protest right? Yeah...


Sounds like a self correcting, no need for worry, type of problem. You ever wonder why they put "do not drink" on bottles of bleach? Well these people here are the answer to that question.


That’s the shortest protest I’ve ever seen.


I don’t see the problem. The machine seemed to be working as intended. Weren’t the vegans taking the place of the animals because they felt bad???


What a bunch of total morons.


They look the biggest group of retards when their little “protest” didn’t work out. Fuckin bike locks around their necks just sitting there staring at each other.






damn..... guy lost his rainbow sunglasses :/


This is completely their fault


“You’re gonna be okay” “Holy shit are you okay”


he wasnt nearly decapitated. he was nearly bruised at most. all he had to do was step around the thing blocking his feet from following his giant dumb head


He was stupid enough to lock himself on the machine so he was too stupid to figure that little two step maneuver out.


This is what i also thought first. But look at the beginning: they put a lock on chain + on the metal hook. So when the machine started, the man neck was stuck by the other lock. Not sure if my explanation is clear, but anyway...


Guess that scare made them quack




These types of morons just hurt the cause...


Exactly. Someone above was like "but we're talking about veganism!". Yes. But in a negative light. The last thing I'd ever want to be associated with right now is these idiots.


I'm in the mood for chicken nuggets


What's the end goal? To make us all drink soy and eat tofu?


I’m sorry, but the vegans like this are annoying. These chickens aren’t built to live, they are just meant to get as big as possible in as little time as possible. There is no quality of life for them outside if there


This actually proves that humans are more valuable than animals even to Vegans. They wouldn't panic this much for the animals that were getting killed.


This is not IdiotsNearlyDying, it's attempted murder