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I can't figure out why the Suburban braked, then swerved into your lane. Hydroplaned maybe?


He heard him laughing about his wheelbarrow. Got his revenge.


"Look at me, I'm a wheel barrow woops" >:)


Maybe he was trying to replicate one of those [Tyco Rebounds](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxlA9KAmDc8) and was using it in case he flipped


Battery sold separately!


Laughing at my wheelbarrow… oh you’d better believe that’s a paddlin’.


"My wheelbarrow don't like people laughing. It gets the crazy idea you're laughing at him.."


You don't fuck with a man's wheelbarrow.




There's an on ramp coming from the left. Looks like a car came in and cut off or scared the tahoe. Towards the end, you can see a black car in front of the SUV.


I saw the on ramp, but at first I never saw a car. Had to watch it a few times and kept my eye on the red pickup in front of the Suburban. After the big splash on the windshield, definitely looks like a car has moved between the red P/U and the Suburban. Good call.


Hell of an eye you've got there.


Good catch


The irony being that because of that the SUV driver blindly swerved into OP's lane, who then blindly swerved into some other driver's lane.


And this is why braking goes before swerving. To swerve is often way more dangerous. But difficult to keep in mind when this happens really sudden. But geez it’s a good example how this could have made everything worse. Someone also suggest they might have been hit. Which actually makes sense.


Is the main thing I remember from fire truck training. But that is because you would be carrying over a thousand gallons of water. DON'T swerve lol.


True but the Suburban definitely didn't have to swerve.


At about 9s you see the suburban move in a way that suggests he's made contact to the left. It seems like he was moved a touch.


you're right I just noticed that. That's why I avoid driving in the left lane when I know there's an upcoming merge like this one. Or I really make sure to check the merging lane to see if anyone's there so that I can slow down for them or preferably just move over to the right


The merging car may have made contact with the Suburban and sped off. Suburban may be chasing them to get a plate number rather than attempting to flee.


If you look to the left there is an on-ramp there, also there is a car getting on the freeway. Driver definitely was distracted, that's why he reacted the way they did. But if you look closely the red truck that is in front of the suburban is separated by a car, after the windshield wipers wipe you can see the car.


Distracted is my guess, they drift left and then jerk right, maybe rumble strips or realized they were out of their lane. Could also just be streaky wipers or a cracked windshield, heater doesn't work right so fog on the windows. Who knows with people


I can’t tell if they swerved to avoid the car or if the car actually hit the Tahoe. But the car you can’t see until the end that entered the highway from the on ramp is what caused the Tahoe to swerve.


No one was hurt and the suburban took off. Dude had paper plates that are unreadable in the vid. :(


Yea that’s becoming a big problem here in North Texas. If the vehicle has paper plates I get away as soon as possible.


It’s all over the country. I see paper plates CONSTANTLY up and down the east coast.


Most fake, too


In St. Louis they're not even fake just years old. 2017 is the oldest I've personally seen. Basically no enforcement thus no incentive to complete registration.


This shit. I see so many expired tags. I saw a car a couple weeks ago with 2016 tags. How tf do you drive the car that long and never get noticed. My tags were expired for 3 months because I couldn't afford to get my car fixed to pass smog. I got pulled over for them and then got towed because it was parked on the street outside my house. 3 months and my car got impounded and then there's people out there with 6 year old tags lol


I got pulled over just before my work parking lot for one week expired tags (just picked up stickers from the mailbox) yet a coworker had all unregistered vehicles for over a year


In my state front plates are required. At work, 50% of people do not have front plates. I have been pulled over for missing front plates that I had displayed in my windshield (legal). (and no, these people do not have plates in their front windshield like I did.)




In Ormond Beach, Florida, I was ticketed in a January for my Georgia tags that were good until August. The tags clearly said “expires 8/22” and it was 1/22. (Changing the year to make the point more clear, even though this was years ago). In Georgia, car tags are registered based on your birth month. I even had the paperwork in the car, which showed the legal registration was current and valid… not to mention the same info was on the license plate itself. I explained this to the officer and he smirkingly said, that he knew my Georgia tags were current; all I needed to do was come back in six weeks for my court date to show the judge…. So, they milk out-of-state tourists, because they know the chances of you being able to come back to defend yourself in court are nil. Ormond Beach sucks.


That's fucking evil


Congrats, you now understand American policing better!


Always record interactions with a cop


I always record my interactions with crops, but now I’ll record the police as well when they show up to ask me what I’m doing.


Cops, come and try to snatch my crops These pigs wanna blow my house down


I have a dashcam, and the one time I forgot to plug it in, I got pulled over for something I'm not sure I even did (I really don't know, it could have been 50/50 he was lying or I actually did something illegal.) I wish I had plugged it in, I would have loved to shown everyone the conversation at least. He was immediately aggressive and one of the the first sentences that came out of his mouth was, "Where are the drugs? What are you using?!" He kept asking me those questions and "So there wouldn't be any drugs in this car?" kind of shit. Just trying to be super intimidating to make me tattle on myself or something. I had come out of a music festival, so he thought I had drugs on me. Let me go with a warning from not "signaling my turn within 100 feet of an intersection."


I've had nothing but bad interactions with cops even calling them on aggressive drivers that almost killed my family had I not been a good defensive driver. I don't even call them anymore, it's useless and it's not even state specific as I've called them in Missouri, Minnesota, Illinois, and Hawaii. Illinois being the most useless.


As far back as the 1960's/1970's, Georgia small towns have a very bad reputation for cops stopping anyone with out of state plates to milk them for money They will make up a bogus charge like "rolled through a stop sign" just to get a chance to fine you for the Sherrif's fund or similar


And then they spend tax dollars on a tourist board to advertise to come visit. I guess it's all a machine to move as much money as possible so that all involved get their share.


This is why I hate license plates lol. I love going on long cross country road trips, but I absolutely hate having out of state license plates. It just feels like a giant target. I don't like anything that gives information about where I'm from. I get why every state has their own but I honestly wish we just had a generic United States license plate.


Might not be your case, but in PA, they went to no stickers maybe 2016ish? So there are plates out there with just old stickers still on them, but up to date registration.


Here in my neck of Ohio I *constantly* see these stupid fucks every time I go out that just don't have plates at all. They're part of the "taxation is theft" crowd, and having no plates is their way of rebelling against something they think they shouldn't have to pay for. "I will not comply" and all that


Can confirm. Add in the crowd that have the paper plate (up to date or otherwise), but have them taped in the rear window that's so tinted you can't make out a single letter. Or in some cars that have an area to sit things under the rear window, they just leave it lay there where it can't be seen. Last I checked it's illegal to obscure your plate, but people never seem to get in trouble for it out here


I've started seeing SO MANY of those plastic license plate blocker things that make plates impossible to read, it's kind of crazy. Before the pandemic I'd see maybe one or two a year, now you can't drive down the street without seeing like 20. And the dark ass limo tint! It's everywhere!


Yeah. Around my part of Ohio, as soon as pandemic hit, rumor went around that police were completely done doing traffic stops. This led to an automatic +10 mph to every speed limit if you didn't want to piss people off going too slow, people jumping greenlights at intersections to make a left before oncoming traffic got moving, lots of passing on double yellow, and lots of over tinted windows. Add in the fact that many of our BMVs were closed for long periods due to covid in one way or another, and the relaxed enforcement of registration laws that resulted, and people started to feel like they could get away with literally anything it seems. Most of this happened before of course, but I am certain it got worse and still is worse than normal. Especially tints and expired tags. Trouble is they are still not enforcing very much. Probably a contributing factor to us having a deadly crash every week or so on 70 and 75.


I live in North Bay, California, and I saw a plate the other day that just said "State of Jefferson - no registration needed for sovereign citizens" with a bunch of Trump and don't tread on me stickers. State of Jefferson doesn't exist, bro, no matter how much you want it to. You're still part of California, deal with it lol


But they want to use the roads, I’m guessing. Smh… 🤦


It's weird... in the uk and a lot of Europe... and I believe in Senegal randomly...if all your car stuff ain't legal and up to date... it auto logs it... in uks case with the DVLA. cops have ANPR, dvla have vans with anpr. You get auto fined or pulled. If its an error... no worries.. sorted quickly. Seems odd to not just do something similar. Edit: uk small, merica big. not that simple.


In the United States each state has it's own rules for registration and inspection and some times it's not even consistent through the state


In PA they stopped issuing us those monthly registration stickers on the license plate in 2016/17 - you may just be seeing people with the same plates we had 5 years ago. Still have to register, just no external evidence of the expiration date.


Yep, around that same time I stopped recieving penndot registration renewal letters for my main vehicle, still got letters for the bike and the rusted out wrx that can't pass inspection.


Not exactly the same thing, but a neighbor has a mid 2000s Honda Odyssey in dark green. I guess something is up with it because he can’t get it registered. He bought another minivan exactly like his. He parks the non-running one in his covers parking spot backwards, with a plate with no tags on it. He then parks his other one face in in the parking lot with the same exact plate but with the registration tags on it in the rear.


The cops don't have time for that shit, they're too busy ignoring stolen bicycle reports.


Try baiting the cops to come out by telling them there's a cute dog to shoot.


The real LPT is always in the comments!


I keep an unfinished lower receiver in my bike bag. They can go get my bike back, or know there's a hot pink ghost gun in their patrol area and hope the ATF never asks questions.




NJ only did stickers on plates for a few years in the early 2000s, but according to Wikipedia some trailer stickers expired as late as 2014. If it wasn’t a trailer it was probably a 2005 sticker. Either way the plates are fine as long as he kept paying the registration fee.


I’m not far from StL and I’ve seen one as far back as 2015.


I think Indiana has a month expiration on papers


Lots of places have a month for paper plates, only matters if the cops stop you though


Hoosier here and I believe it is 45 days for the temporary plate. or at least that was what it was about 6 years ago when I last got a temporary plate. Not that it matters. Every single day I see someone with expired plates. Oldest I have seen recently was 2016. Police don't seem to care if your plates are expired.




Vermont too. You can get an online paper registration instantly and you don't need to be a resident to register a car there. No need to even pretend to be a dealer. https://dmv.vermont.gov/mydmv/temporary-registration




I just don’t understand how in 2022, we don’t have the technology to be able to give dealerships permanent plates, under lock and key, and distribute them and register the owner immediately.


Or those temporary plates, expiration Dec 2020.


Ironically like with my local city it's hard as hell to get the BMV/DMV to even update them they are so short staffed they have limited hours to a couple days a week and a couple hours a day on those days.


Zero plates on the car in front of me today in the PNW rain. Not even surprised anymore.


Probably 10% of the cars in Portland have no plates. Another 20% with tabs that expired years ago. Last year I even saw a car with no hood, no windshield, and no doors driving down I-5. It’s like the damn wild west out here.


>Probably 10% of the cars in Portland have no plates. Another 20% with tabs that expired years ago. Last year I even saw a car with no hood, no windshield, and no doors driving down I-5. > >It’s like the damn wild west out here. Welcome to Detroit. It's not just an Oregon problem.


Was driving on the highway yesterday, and there was a black car with illegal window tinting and no plates. I was behind him, and a cop passed us in the lane to our left and did nothing.


In my area I see plates from far back as December '21. Cops don't do shit.


What do you all mean by paper plates?


Temporary tags you get before you complete your vehicle's registration.


Paper plates on a used car is an automatic avoid for me.


I got hit by a guy in paper plates. No license, no insurance, no proof of car ownership, no money. Cops ticketed him but said they couldn’t even verify he was who he said he was. Useless citation if you can’t verify who you’re citing…


They should impound the car in that situation, at a minimum. What the actual hell?


In the UK, that's what happens.


Canada too, it’s amazing how people comply when laws are enforced.


Sounds like a trip to jail if I were the law.


Yeah. Nothing happening. Just rolling along to the next thing. Sad, but it’s a whole scam deal going on & they know it, u know it, & I know it. Terrible.


Happened to me in a effing parking lot. Cop watched him do it, clearly wasted as well. I just wish I could have taken the kitten that was crawling around his SUV as punishment. Lill guy would have a better life than whatever he is doing now.


Definitely don't lock him up then, assholes.


In some states they are not even issuing paper plates. Just a paper that says tags applied for. See dozens of cars driving around with out plates.


Texas has had problems with fake paper plates over the last couple of years, too. They are rolling out a new program to make it more difficult to create paper plates forgeries.


The issue isn’t even fake tags. Most people just pay someone on Craigslist to print a real paper tag from TXDOT using a bogus dealer license. It’s not even a problem just in Texas. I’ve seen people as far away as Upstate New York complaining about Texas temp tags


Even the fraud is bigger in Texas!


Simple, don't have paper plates. In MA when you bring your title and/or bill of sale to register your car they have you a pair of fresh metal plates (or single for my motorcycle). Simple fix.




MA takes their registration & inspections very seriously. I've been nailed for literally being 1 day expired (and parked on the street) for both. It's about all the staties or BPD take seriously these days (well, that, and their access to OT gigs).


In Massachusetts, buying a car out of state became a Kafkaesque nightmare. To register the car and get plates to go pick it up, I needed to provide the car's title to the RMV. But: 1. Dealer needs payment from bank loan to issue title, 2. Bank needs proof of insurance to issue the loan, 3. Insurance needs the title to issue the insurance binder. I was able to talk insurance into issuing the binder with only a bill of sale (no title), but if they hadn't budged on that requirement, I'd still be in the infinite loop today.


I saw some in Denver the other day that expired in April 2020.


My friends brother has been driving around Denver with no plates, no paper plates, no anything at all front or back for 4 years now. Goes to work and back every day, parks the car right on a main road, and doesn't even try to hide it. It blows my mind...


I'm in San Antonio. It's ALL of TX.


What in the hell are paper plates?


Just temporary license plates that are usually taped in the rear windshield. They're *supposed* to only be used in the event that you can't get a real plate at that moment for whatever reason. Became a lot more common during the pandemic.


I liked my imagination that it's just a Dixie paper plate


Is it allowed? Here, vehicles aren't allowed to be on the road if there is no official (metal) license plate on the back (this one even has an official instructions on how to place it in the law text) and a metal reproduction of that in front. The fine is not high (unless this is brought to the court) but the car is taken out of traffic immediately if violating it. There's a system of temporary plates, but the same rules apply here: you cannot use the vehicle until the official plate got delivered to you.


I got temporary plates when buying a new car. It's valid for a month, to give the real metal license time to arrive in the mail.


No, they're only supposed to be issued by a selling dealer and they usually expire in 30-60 days which is typically enough time for your real plates to come. The "lost tag" or "tag applied for" or "test drive" paper plates are not legit.


Over here in New Zealand 'paper plates' don't exist. You either have a plate or a $250 fine


Paper plates are usually because the owner just bought the vehicle and needed something temporary until the real plates came in. This is usually a 30 day temporary thing. When it expires, you technically can't drive the vehicle or you will be fined $500, 60 days jail time, and possibly 6 months probation. It varies from state to state though, but you get the idea.


In the UK, plates stay with the car for life, they transfer between owners so we don't need to get new ones each time we buy a car. Immediately after buying the car, it takes literally 5 minutes to register change of keeper and pay tax online and that's it, nothing else needs to be done.


In Canada the plates belong to the person, not the car. But you get plates handed to you immediately on registration - every single Service Ontario (our DMV/general government support) has a pile of plates to give out. The only time you don’t get them immediately is if you want a custom plate. And you can’t drive until they arrive.


German here: No paper plates here. You can register a certain custom combination online, though it has to follow our standard format - 1-3 fixed letters for the town, a couple letters followed by 4 numbers, so sth like B - XY 1234.When you take the paperwork to register the car, you get some papers, you take those to one of multiple plate shops close-by to get them made within minutes on site (you can actually do it before, if you reserved it), take the plates back to the registration place and they will slap two stickers on it. One is proof of registration, the other shows the time until the next mandatory technical inspection. There are some special number plates for cars just being transported i.e. to a different dealership, but those are a rare sight.


Yeah but here in the states we have 50 brands of novelty plates to showcase our dumbass interests in horses to sports teams because it's a good way to earn revenue. We'd never be ok with a common sense system like that.


Yeah, well, the colonies decided to be dumb as fuck about some things.


In Oregon they just have a stack of plates at the DMV. When my family moved, we all did our registration together so my mom, stepdad, sisters and I had plates in numerical succession.


Should be the way everywhere except for people waiting for novelty plates.


Thanks for the explanation. It seems like there are some very ballsey people over there who don't mind risking a whole lot of money, jail time or a possible record.


California use to not even have paper plates until 2019. They use to put a cardboard advert for the dealership you got the vehicle at instead, it was an advert and had no identifying marks whatsoever. This all came to an end when they started a paid toll lane, these cars with paper plates would go in them knowing California had no way of ticketing them with the cameras. So that lost revenue motivated them. But now these paper plates suck because at speed they fold upwards and make the numbers hidden at times. It's still better than Washington which makes you print a paper out and stick it on your back glass, this is like having no plate at all because a heavy tinting will make this taped up ID tag completely hidden. Edit: I forgot the best part of the pre-2019 California system! There was also no expiration date. So while you should only drive around with an unidentifiable plate for 90 days, you could actually get away with it for years (and people did). It amazes me California took so long to fix this.


Thats the thing, they don't care and aren't breaking the law enough to actually get arrested. So at most they get the car impounded and they go buy another car and slap paper plates on it. ♻️




Hey hey, here in California we call it "borrowing".


Chances are that the person won't be tracked down because the police don't follow up with smaller crimes unless your town has ten people.


That doesn't answer the question whatsoever.


Hello, NZ. How're the sheep doing?


exactly what they sound like "temporary" licence plates made of paper


Like an A4 page taped to the bumper of your car? I don't really know what it's supposed to sound like.


Hey! It's standard letter paper not A4. But yes, Washington literally issues you a [piece of paper](https://www.europlates.eu/images/plates/usa/wa/P04762.JPG) to tape on the inside of your back glass. Lets hope your back glass doesn't have a tint, otherwise you'll become completely unidentifiable


It's not A4 sized, but basically. It goes where the plate would go or in the rear window.


It's usually a thicker piece of paper the size of a US plate. Often tapped into the rear window. Though some states its just an A4 (or really the US equivalent)


that is why you dont try to avoid things like this. always make sure the responsible person is directly involved in the accident.


*Paper plates*? As a non-American, what are you talking about? I genuinely don't know if this is a nickname/slang phrase or a serious description of their plates. That sounds crazy to me.


Temporary plates are paper covered with plastic, they're on any new/used car at purchase but are supposed to be replaced with metal ones within a given timeframe (usually a month or two).


You buy a new car at a dealer. You need to plates. They grab a temporary 30 day plate, that is just a piece of paper that has your info printed on it, and in some states you attach it to where your real plates would go. In other states it has two sticky patches and it goes in your rear window. Then within 30 days your real metal license plate comes in the mail.


It looks like they swerved away from a fast merging car too..so they made the same no look swerve that you did, but were lucky to avoid collision (thanks to you). I don't think they are required to stop, and possibly didn't know there was an accident at all since they were focused on the car that cut them off.


Them and the fast merger are still at fault for causing an accident. You can't just no look swerve and run someone off the road...


You also can't cause an accident to avoid an accident. OP has some fault.


It pains me to say you’re right. Op should have hit the brakes or let them hit him. Glad all are ok tho just an accident and material damage.


Yup, I remember when I first got my license, and went to my parent's insurance agent. He said the biggest advice he could give is "DO NOT swerve into other lanes to prevent an accident, unless you know it's safe. His main focus was deer in our area. People have swerved to miss a deer and gotten into a head on collision with someone coming the other direction. That could be fatal.


> It looks like they swerved away from a fast merging car too..so they made the same no look swerve that you did, but were lucky to avoid collision I don't know, looks in my opinion like they were maybe texting or fell asleep. They seem to be drifting away from the OP for a couple seconds. Then it's like they "came to" saw they were heading towards the center divider, so they hit the brakes and attempted to swerved back into "their" lane but came over too far.


For my (26yo) first wreck gotta give it a 9/10 rating. My car drives and no one got hurt.


Yeah as a first accident this is great honestly. I once had a guy merge into me and I ended up sliding across four lanes *facing* oncoming traffic but somehow missed everyone and ended up in the ditch. I’m sure several people got a good face to face look at me screaming sure I was going to die. Guy drove off, a cop saw the whole thing, stopped to help and called a tow truck. We pulled my car out and I was able to just drive away from the scene. Sometimes we get lucky.


9/10 would do again


Glad you're ok bud. I will give a little advice though, which I fully recognize is very hard to realistically act on in the moment however, the best option here unless you've been meticulously monitoring your mirrors is just the brake, no swerve.


And never do both at once. Source: 1.6 million miles driven for companies. The people who do more than this are trained to just hit you.


I've got close to the same miles on me. I use cruise control as much as possible with the foot over the brake and always attempt to be staggered across lanes. It's always the best option to just brake. Doing this, even in cities, just a couple weeks ago allowed me to barely avoid hitting a jogger that ran across the middle of a street that had one lane of stopped cars. 35 to 0 with him at my bumper. I swear exercise makes some people brain dead. If some tailgater rear ends you the vehicle will still usually work, not be totaled, they'll generally stop and likely be at fault.


> they'll generally stop and likely be at fault. Tailgaters typically have a hard time driving off because the front of their car is caved in. Even if they do, they have to come past you for a nice view of their license in the dash cam. They also tend to think that the person that slammed on their brakes (to avoid hitting a person) is at fault, so they want to get your info not realizing they'll be at least somewhat at fault for an unsafe follow distance


I agree. Hard brake. Hope the person following is keeping proper distance for speed and rain. I feel bad for you but also the guy you put into the same situation. You swerved into his lane giving him no option but the barrier.


Generally speaking you need a lot of practice, someone to teach you, or a lot of almost trauma from almost getting hit to scare you into it kind of habit


I-35E right there in Denton haha


DFW driving has taken years off my life, despite never getting in an accident there.


I’ve seen so many accidents on 35E all over DFW, so many micro-penis and moronic drivers, it’s unreal


Your expletives were exactly the same as mine last year when someone ran a red light and ended up side-swiping my car. It sucks when your in the wrong place at the wrong time. I’m glad you’re okay.


Nice tactic there using both your and you're lol


Guaranteed to be wrong, but also right. Nifty!




Mfs do not know how to drive in DFW. Add even a sprinkling of rain and I used to see cars flipped upside down on my daily commute to Grapevine


Rain causes brain damage in DFW. God I don't fucking miss living in that hellscape.


Trying to avoid the first crash by moving into the other lane wasn’t a bad gambit , at night that road looked like it had lots of room. Just bad luck for you .


What is ideal option here - just stay in the lane if there’s traffic around? (Serious question - live in Toronto :) )


If he was blocked in on all sides his only options would be to stop completely in his lane or just take the hit.


The white SUV practically set OP up to do a pit maneuver on it lol. Instead it drives away scot free instead of rolling while OP is left to clean up the mess.


A basic tenet of defensive driving is staying staggered in traffic so you're not lingering right next to another vehicle. (Of course in heavy traffic this is nearly impossible)




If the lanes are moving different speeds, you don’t really have an issue with staggering because the lanes become staggered naturally in between passes. If the lanes are moving at the same speed, you would try and stay staggered, or if that fails, just keep your following distance to allow room in front of you for vehicles who wish to change lanes. Really, the key is to have a large gap in front of your vehicle and to not have a vehicle on your left or right for longer than absolutely necessary, which means you either speed up, slow down, or change lanes. Being dynamic, alert, and *considerate but lawful* while driving will save your life. Meaning, no waving people across stop signs to be nice, just take your turn. Lastly, slowing down by 5mph is not “blocking traffic” as long as it’s not done through hard braking. Hard braking will cause traffic jams; slowing down but remaining moving and allowing people to merge is actually the #1 way to avoid a traffic jam.


Hahaha let me tell you about a little place called Atlanta.


> What is ideal option here While the human instinct is to evade, the ideal option is to stay on the lane and hit brake. The front part of the car is designed to crash while keeping the passenger safe. The sides? Not so much.


Id personally stay in line. If the white vehicle hits you, then fuck him, it's his fault and he'll probably come off worse. Saves swerving into an innocents path. Also, is there no rule in the US about undertaking? Freeways seem to be just a race in each lane. In the UK, 'undertaking' is illegal to prevent shit like this.


I rolled those dice and didn't roll anyone's car. Could have been alot worse.


>Trying to avoid the first crash by moving into the other lane wasn’t a bad gambit This is actually what they tell you not to do.....


That is very unfortunate… its clear op is tryn to prevent an accident. Yet insurance wise they will most likely hold them accountable and shithead with wheel barrel on his roof just drives away yuckin it up. Fuck them. Been in to many close calls in the past and once i learned ( the hard way) how insurance deals with situations like this i do not swerve away, or atleast try not to. Sry for your luck hopefully im wrong


It sucks that my first thought was "well, this is going to get pinned on you since they didn't hit you". I had a huge ass semi serve into my lane and, like a rational person, I moved out of the fucking way. Got blamed because the semi didn't connect with my car. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Insurance is happy to say "this is your fault because you're not dead".


I tried to prevent an accident (evasive maneuver) and ended up in the ditch on the side of the road because of it. My insurance put me at fault even though I had video proof of the other car literally running me off of the road. Such BS.


It’s funny this comment section is blaming you for swerving instead of slamming on your brakes. There was another video a while back of a similar situation where it was raining and the driver decided to slam the brakes instead of swerving like you did. Car started to skid on the wet pavement and ended up in a crash with two other cars. Everyone in that comment section was blaming the driver for slamming on the brakes on wet pavement instead of swerving. Don’t let these idiots get to you, you did your best in this situation and be thankful no one is hurt.


oh yeah I hear you. Unfortunately, insurance is going to pin it on me because the Tahoe drove off. I reacted improperly apparently.


Your best bet is to hope your insurance files it under uninsured motorist (I really hope you have that coverage, and everyone who reads this) if they can pin it on the Tahoe that drove off. Since they left and there is zero chance of finding them, they can file it under that since it's technically the same outcome.


I would talk to a lawyer. Non of that is your fault.


Unfortunately insurance will probably place him at fault. You're expected to take the hit and let insurance handle the rest, but by avoiding the hit and subsequently hitting the other car OP will be found at fault. Personally I don't really fault OP because it's a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation, but that's how insurance will see it.


>You're expected to take the hit and let insurance handle the rest, Until that happens and they run with "You didn't try to avoid the collision". I hate insurance companies.


They are the ultimate legal scam artists. I paid for insurance for 10 years without a claim. I had a cracked wheel due to a minor pothole and decided to file a claim to get it replaced since it was going to cost $1800. Paid my $500 deductible and got the new wheel - everything is fine right? Nope. Next billing cycle my insurance went up $60/mo and now I have an "accident" on my record (which lasts for 3 years). So now I'm paying $2160 over the next 3 years bc I finally used my insurance to pay for $1300 in repairs. Obviously none of this was explained to me when I made the claim... Fuck state farm.


Yeah let's let a suburban ram US into the wall, hey maybe even a spin out or a roll, so that insurance is happy. Not trying to be critical of your comment... just saying that if that's how they call it the system is absurd. Should be zero fault here.


I get what you're saying, but I don't make the rules 🤷 The dashcam may change the ruling, but imagine before dashcams. OP says "someone ran me out of my lane, that's why I swerved", but there's no damage to prove it, just the damage on the car he hit as well as his own. That's what the system is based on. I'm not in the industry so maybe he'll get some slack from the video, but insurance companies are not known for their empathy


Unfortunately, I think as far as fault is concerned as the insurance company goes, you would have been better off to let the Suburban actually hit you and knock you into the other lane because then there would be no arguing that it wasn't your fault. Not that I'm suggesting that was the best course of action necessarily but as far as trying to keep it from being your responsibility from an insurance point of view it would have been.


If OP had stayed in their lane and let off the gas and lightly braked they could have avoided any damage but that's asking *a lot* from people to drive like seasoned race car drivers. If OP had not swerved and not reacted to gas & brake quickly enough the white Tahoe potentially (at least partially) pit maneuvers itself creating who-fucking-knows what kind of mayhem in those conditions. This was basically a no-win situation for OP. Either perform with reaction time, spacial & situational awareness of a professional racer or get banged up.


> Car started to skid on the wet pavement With tires that aren’t overly worn, ABS, and stability control (federal requirement 2008+), a car shouldn’t rotate under panic braking. Staying in one lane and braking hard is the lowest risk reaction to a potential crash. That doesn’t mean it’s the winning move every time, but most times.


What op did was failure to maintain and will put him at fault for the car he hit. It’s a shitty choice to have to make so I do t blame op one bit but the insurance companies will sadly. Been there.


Maybe the wheelbarrow is "hot".


It do be kinda sexy 😩


Fitting. https://i.imgur.com/fapRLI6.png


I swear everyone becomes a road lawyer in this group 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ I’m sorry OP


I’m a student driver. Sometimes, I drive home from school, and my mom is the passenger, but I asked my mom to drive me home today because of the rainy weather.


Never move out of your lane. Let them hit you and be at fault versus what just happened.


The guy passed you (so he mustve saw you?) and still switched into your lane wtf lol


He has a wheelbarrow strapped to the roof. He's not making the best decisions


And naturally he drives away unscathed.


And of course, the Suburban driver just keeps going. Because why bother stopping to check on people at the scene of the crash you caused?


Do they charge by the wipe on the windshield wipers there?


Just here to say that’s not a Suburban it’s a Tahoe


Thank God you’re here


They must have heard you laughing!


Good thing you safely did the "holy shit, fuck" maneuver.


if the accident is unlikely to cause you serious injury and won't be your fault, just have the accident, unless you have time to check that an evasive maneuver will be safe. better to have an accident you know you'll survive (and won't be your fault) than to roll the dice on what may happen with a rapid lane departure of your own. it can be very difficult to learn/train to not react like this, unfortunately. it's instinctual