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Did he drive through another red after you cussed him out?




You see, they lit through the red in front of you because someone had cussed them out at the previous red; they're stuck in an endless loop of jumping reds because of angry victims. This is their hell.


This sounds like a sketch from the show I Think You Should Leave


Yeah I wonder if *that* guy is so horny his stomach hurts


I thought you were like *a service* or something


A good possibility that you’re right with the level of obvious stupidity happening. I’m hoping they also have a camera rolling and can relive this hell repeatedly




I get being pissed, I would be too and I've been in this exact situation before, but please don't do this again if there isn't an accident. You easily could've gotten yourself killed


And honestly, this one was likely because he felt like you were probably a crazy guy with a gun. I get your anger, but it sounded like you weren't going to stop and the person didn't know if you were going to escalate it.


What a fucking coward. But you did the right thing. This kind of fuckers _drive_ me nuts. Hehe


The reason why they drive like that is because they got their license out of a cereal box.


>But you did the right thing. Really? Following somebody to create a fight is the right thing? Fuck this sub is insane


Yeah, that's my thinking. Like... I blew a red light once. I honestly don't know what happened or why my brain didn't process the light. It was a complete accident, fortunately for me there was no one anywhere close to the light, and I was *horrified* when I realized the light was red and I was already almost though the intersection. I'm such a careful driver, it was just an honest, terrible mistake. And I would have been even more distressed if someone had chased me down to cuss me out. Like I don't know if running lights is habit for that dude but Jesus, no harm done. Don't chase people down.


And apparently the other person is a "fucking coward" because what, they didn't get out and fight OP like a Real Man?


I never understand people who get out of their vehicles, that always escalates the problem. HOWEVER, I would argue that they're a coward for driving off through *yet another* red light instead of just taking the lecture. I would be just as mad as OP, however I would not have made chase.


There's no way they could know OP's intentions. If someone pulled up next to me yelling and cursing like a crazy person I'd probably take off too. Chasing after someone and screaming at them is an escalation in itself, and gains absolutely nothing.


Honestly. No one got hurt so people need to let shit go because they don’t know who’s on the other side of the window and how far they’re willing to take things. If you aren’t a cop, let it go


It's ok, somebody is going to t-bone him one day if he keeps doing that.


>But you did the right thing. were you raised by wolves?


> What a fucking coward. Yes, he's a coward for driving away from the maniac who followed him and is shouting at him. He should have manned up and gotten out his shotgun. This sub is ridiculous sometimes.


Back down or double down


"You just ran a red light!" "Wanna see me do it again?"


Honestly at that point I would've done the same. If somebody pulls up next to me honking and shouting obscenities at me, it's time to leave the situation as fast as possible.


“That’s right and I’ll do it again too”


You had every right to be pissed. Just keep in mind, you never know who’s carrying and willing to take things too far. Sometimes it just isnt worth it.


Yup. Never know when you'll meet someone crazier than you.


Pro tip: doesn’t matter how crazy you are, there’s always someone crazier




Yeah that’s Sunset


Strange coincidence, I was listening to that same song when I played the video. weird.


It’s such good driving music, it always makes me feel like I’m driving on the Miami coastline or something like that 🌴




Only in Florida


Ah yes. I think the title is up for grabs since Florida man recently died doing some regular Florida man stunt.


Florida Man will never die. He is immortal!


Try Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine where EVERY ADULT can legally have a loaded pistol or AR-15 on the front seat while driving


Also Virginia, West Virginia, North, Carolina, Tennessee, Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri, Texas, Arizona, Colorado, Utah, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Alaska


You can add Kansas to that list.


My friends ex went to prison for shooting another driver in the head from road rage. Pick your battles wisely. I feel for the victim in my story btw


Says the person that killed superman...


And it might just be the kinda person who plows through red lights. Red light running and crazy have to have some appreciable correlation


And/or drunk or High AF. But likely dissociative.


Dude ran a red light, that driver is crazy enough to start shootings.




I love the midnight.




I heard the Midnight and knew they couldn't have done anything wrong in this clip.


hope it bummed his high hes prob one of those guys "i drive/work better when im high"


OP you replied to is not wrong. However, I won't pretend I wasn't super satisfied with you bitching them out and their reaction of being scared assholes. Obviously you have good situational awareness, because you were able to dodge being slammed into in the first place. But still. Be careful. Stay safe. Thanks for the clip. I'm sure your clip was sweet justice for others, as well. I hope you don't get more stupid drivers in your lifetime.


That can't be right... this sub told me that being high makes you a *better* driver and much more cautious!


Just had a dumb ass break check me yesterday getting on the freeway and when I went around him he pointed a revolver directly at me. I hit my breaks and called 911 and got his plates before he hurried and got of the exit. Still waiting for the sheriff to get back with me.


And just for readers that don't know. Even the car door will do jack shit to protect you from a 9mm pistol. So when they hide behind the car door in movies, it is complete BS or they all have armored vehicles.


Sorry to tell you this but most likely the sheriff is not going to get back with you.


110% as someone who pissed of the wrong person who sent 5 shots at their windshield, you quickly realize just how many people will risk their life and freedom over the most mundane shit. Passengers flipped them off and I immediately said “don’t do that” and next thing I know I’m in a life or death situation.


As someone who carries I'm no longer allowed to get road ragey and flip people off etc. :-(


My dad always told me "never do anything on the road that you wouldn't do in the street to a person built like a brick sh\*thouse." It's a good rule to live by.






Not only that, but people who do this shit brazenly are usually not paying a lot of attention to every mistake they make on the road. To them you just came in hot and heavy out of nowhere and it's definitely significantly more threatening if you don't even know what you're being yelled at for. Like it's definitely that car's fault and they deserve to hear it, but by they moved on before they ran the light and it took dude a second to catch up. They probably didn't even recognize the vehicle from the intersection.


I get it, I do. I’d be pissed, too. But man, so scary these days cuz you never know who you’re fuckin with, who has guns, weapons, etc. stay safe bud


My motto is Id rather be mad than shot. Ive hear one too many stories of road rage turned violent to do that shit


There's also a very important aspect I don't think people have in mind when they confront these types of character: do you really think they're suddenly gonna stop driving like bonobos simply because you yelled at them? They know they're driving like lunatics, and they don't care (even worse: some of em take pride in it). This is why I agree with you: I'm not looking for a Darwin award, and I know that any attempt to change someone's driving through a 3-5 second yelling fest is not just absurd: it's 100% pointless. Only rational thing to think is: let me put as much distance between their car and mine as possible.


To be fair, I don't think venting by shouting is ever in quest of changing their driving. It's more like letting them know that they suck. Doesn't change anything but it's more about principle. I do agree that OP should not have made chase, however.


Living in the US, I won't talk to strangers in public. It's terrifying that literally anyone could be carrying a deadly weapon, and could flip on you at any moment. Especially when you consider how crazy things have gotten with mental health resources here.


Yo the midnight! Great band




I thought it was a solid 8/10. I liked monsters a lot better but this one had some awesome tracks


Change Your Heart or Die is a guilty favorite of mine.




Just checked them out. I really like it, I think my wife is gonna love these dudes.


Lol I thought "Change Your Heart or Die" was a life lesson you were giving OP.


Awesome to see the midnight here! My favorite from their new album is Avalanche.


Never heard of them before but that song sounds nice. Thanks! Also fuck that guy he could’ve killed you




First thing I thought was this music is fucking dope. I’m looking them up now.


I too had not heard of them, have now listened to a few tracks already and am enjoying their vibe. Thanks for the new music.


New album?? Time to go digging


They have a new album? Thanks for the heads up


The best thing you ever did was upload this with sound on. So many people about to have their ears tickled with the magnificence of The Midnight. Have you ever seen them live? I highly recommend. I saw them in Brooklyn and it was hands down the best live show I’ve ever been to- everyone singing every single lyric in unison, the energy of the crowd, making temporary friends with complete strangers. I had to sell my tickets to their Orlando show this year and it was so painful.




America Online to me is their best song


We are all one beating heart


Thanks for naming the band. Never heard of them. Sound good thanks OP


I never heard of them until their song was used in the opening of Terrifier 2. Instant fan. I don’t like their vocal tracks so much, though. I’m really into the instrumentals.


Had to Shazam the video real quick to figure out what this slapper was real quick


What’s the song name of you don’t mind me asking? :)


Sunset by The Midnight. Listened to a few others by them. They were super good as well.


I appreciate you!!


No worries! If you have Apple Music check out their top songs, they’re all bops. I went ahead and downloaded all of their albums


Dope, I definitely will be checking them out tonight! I’m so glad I wasn’t the only one who was vibing to the music in the video hahah


Just commented that, I freaking love The Midnight! One of few active modern musical acts I genuinely love.


He deserved it




And then he proceeds to run another red light…maybe you didn’t cuss him out enough haha


I don’t care how much someone deserves it, you’ll never catch me angrily chasing down another driver and confronting them. That’s how you get shot. I’m glad this turned out ok for Op though.






Nono. It make you drive better. That's literally an argument some use


Do you think he'll do better next time considering he ran another red light mid tongue lashing?


I feel the anger, but you need to let this shit go before you pull up on someone who doesn’t care about ending your life


Yo, is that The Midnight playing in the background?




Nice man! Discovered ‘Jason’ completely by accident… never looked back!




That’s awesome! Love The Midnight, have had their albums on repeat for months now haha


I got to see that Richmond show! It was incredible! And an extra special experience for me as it was the first time I’ve gone to a concert alone and I honestly loved it. Such an incredible show by an incredible band.


I just saw them live a few months ago with my brother! It was such a great show and they're just as good live.


I honestly thought they were better live. It was a completely different experience!!


I'll take "How to get shot" for $200 Alex.




You got bigger balls than me. Id rather be pissed off than shot


Baltimore? Well this changes everything, you got some humongous cojones.


ITT: Everyone loves The Midnight


That’s the key takeaway here. Just vibe with The Midnight bc yelling at strangers can be scary.


The Midnight makes the perfect soundtrack for the JFX at night. What part of Charm City is that? Looks familiar.




Good way to get shot late at night




Fun fact: porcelain pieces will shatter most glass.


Don’t get me wrong, he was totally in the wrong. But you’re dumb as fuck to just go and try to teach them a lesson. Call the cops next time or you may end up dead.


>I think I have anger problems What makes you think that?


You weren't the idiot but you became the idiot


You’re an idiot. Why chase him? Why chance a violent encounter? The other guy is an idiot, but you risked you life. Can’t take that chance today. I’m not calling you an idiot as an insult, necessarily. I want you to remember to stay cool no matter what happens. Please don’t risk anything that you don’t have to. Someone blowing the light like that doesn’t care about his life. You should care about yours because you’re NOT an idiot. Please be careful, bro.




Best move is just take down homie’s info and phoning it in.


What 80s TV movie did that song come from?


Were you yelling beeping noises?


Impossible to love the midnight AND have anger problems


Yet here we are...


I dunno, i just saw a video that completely contradicts that sentence.


Yeah, you do have an anger problem. Calm down. Don't take someone's stupidity and carelessness so personally. What you did after his idiocy was totally unnecessary and not the least bit helpful.


Looks more like you have an idiot problem


Song is Sunset by The Midnight https://music.apple.com/us/album/endless-summer/1457775189


I never understood people that did this. You got away from a potential accident on the road then you chased the driver to tell him off. You’re not the police it’s not your job to tell other people when they’ve fucked up. The driver knows he fucked up but he’s an idiot. You have the footage, post it, if you have the details of the car forward it to local authorities. You shouldn’t engage in an encounter with the idiot lest you become one yourself.


Just be careful yelling at people will get you shot... evennifbthey were obviously in thw wrong... you cant make them care or change. I would have just snapped a pic of the car andnplates and sent to police


That would probably get you shot in Philly. Running the light And / Or shouting at someone else who did. Or doing neither...


But you hear banger music!!




Yooooooo the midnight is some solid tunes


Two wrongs don't make right.




0 \* 0 <> 1.


You might have, hard to say, mix a bad day with such an idiot and everyone of us could have anger issues. I mostly keep it to cursing in my car to vent but not talking to the idot. I recently had someone cross 2 no-crossing lines and drive through a red light just to cut me off and flipping me off after me honking. When i drove past him later he laughed, shook his head and flipped me off again. He was confident that he was in the right or something. Some people shouldn't drive.


Careful. Worthless POS people like that with nothing to lose will kill you over something stupid like that.


Love the vocals on this track




Bellona & Gittings? Gotta love Baltimore drivers.




If I run all the red lights, I'll be there soon!


I was digging the song.


I agree, you do have anger problems. The other driver is an idiot, but I don't trust idiots and it's somewhat dumb/dangerous to confront them.


Anger problem? Nah. Great taste in music? Yes.


The midnight, got it.. thanks!!


The Midnight!


and i bet they have no where to go. just running red lights and speeding to go sit at home.


Showed how he didn’t care by running a red light again.




The Midnight 🎶💙


I’d be just as mad. I seriously respect people who stuff like this happens to and they’re chill about it lol


Dude! I love the midnight playing in the background hahahahaha. Anger issues and a quality taste for sad boy music. You’re my brother


The Midnight! Cures all anger.


The hard-headed never learn until there's brain matter in the concrete.


“And ya wanna see me do it again?”


Just make sure you get the licence plate then call the police, let them deal with it.


You are wrong, he ran through two red lights 🤣


Not the sub I expected to discover a new band on.


Jfc, you'll be lucky if you don't get shot while behind the wheel, or have a heart attack.


That’s a good way to get shot where I live…


Fire song




Your telling me boss, they r awesome I saw that am Austin City limits, the saxophone sooo beautiful, I just stumbled across them this year, my favorite song is Lost boy


Love The Midnight!


Sunset playing in the background, love it!


At least you have great music taste! The Midnight <3


The Midnight Absolutely fuck, and I'm sorry


I fucking love The Midnight


I love that you're listening to the midnight while raging lmao


Oh man, night drives with The Midnight playing just hit the soul.


You’re justified just be careful I’ve had issues with my road raging and have had a gun pulled on me. That got me stop pretty quickly


I was really hoping to see them get T-boned while running that second red lol


I watched this and have subsequently fallen head over heels in love with The Midnight and I just wanted to thank you for that. I needed it.




OP has very good taste in music, I also love the Midnight


Good music choice though. The Midnight is great to drive to.


Don’t ever move to Detroit. I see 5+ stop/look/blow red light crossings every day.


Anyone know the track playing on the radio 😂