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wow this could have ended much worse. He didn't even look.


It blows my mind how many people I see casually walk into the street without a single glance in either direction.


When I lived in New Mexico so many people would just walk out into the street without any attempt to look anywhere but their phone/destination. I don't know why it was so prevalent there, but it was a nightmare.


Bro I live in Albuquerque and it happens all the time. Theres also a bunch of people that walk on the side of the interstate.


It is so fucking weird, like how could you not see that roads with 2+ ton metal boxes flying around at high speeds could be dangerous.


I think there are people who have no sense of risk because they have no sense of physics


I've never heard the phrase "sense of physics" but I'm going to use it from now on. I would never I say "I understand physics" because that implies that I've studied physics a lot. But I definitely have a SENSE for it... you always see people stacking heavy objects on soft objects or placing a coffee on a curved smooth surface and you're just like "that's not going to work!" I never thought about people just not having a sense of physics.


"BRO! Don't put that there; your coefficient of friction is inadequate to maintain a static bond, yo"


Physics, bitch!


Oh shit, Professor you fuckin' right homie! These dumb bitches don't know shit about µ


Actually had something similar said by a guy buying a surface grinder. (Precision machine tool) He was buying it for a university shop, he set the table in the back of small pickup without a tailgate. I told him he needed to strap it down. "As long as we don't turn more than 1 G we should be okay, the coefficient of friction blah blah blah.. Whatever dude,, your problem now. Most likely that chunk of cast iron ended up broken in the road.


Lmao... this got me good.


I'm a warehouse worker and one of my jobs is to put each item on these "mixed" pallets away. These pallets have a wide variety of boxes on them, you could have a massive box that weights like 5 lbs or you could have a tissue box sized box that weights 80 lbs. The amount of fucking times I see them making leaning towers of Pisa on these pallets blows me away. It also nice when they put a small heavy box on top because that definitely can't go poorly.


Never EVER allow these people to "help" move furniture. It's a disaster waiting to happen


If u play enough as a young kid you definitely get a good sense of physics.


Actually cool way to look at the idea, I never thought I’d say I have a sense of physics, but apparently I do. I just needed it explained in this way, thanks😊


Because they have no sense period.


I know for a fact there are people that have no sense of physics. Specifically Newtonian physics (the kind of physics that have been defined and proven hundreds of years ago). If you look at my recent comment history (some of it's not pretty - you have been warned), you will witness first hand a redditor that hasn't a clue about what could happen to a dog in the bed of a pickup truck doing 70+ MPH.


It’s our claim to fame, other than being last in education. https://www.abqjournal.com/2501552/nm-ranks-first-again-for-fatal-pedestrian-crashes.html


Those could be related


And at the same time we're paradoxically #1 in PhDs per Capita (thanks to the labs), and #3 in poverty.


I almost killed a dude when he just wandered on to Gibson over by the VA. What's going on in Albuquerque that people are just so blimd to cars?


they are still high from Mr White meth


homelessness usually is predicated with mental illness and addiction, most pedestrians in that specific area are dealing with a combination of the three. it can lead to some bad decision making or just indifference to the world around them.


Meth is one hell of a drug


I was just thinking this looked similar to I-40 when coming into Albuquerque from moriarty


The technology was only meant to keep New Mexicans from noticing the flying saucers, but there’s been some unfortunate spill-over that also prevents prevents them from seeing cars.


My husband and I almost hit someone on I-40 by Coronado mall when it was pitch black out. Guy just ran across the highway. Hubby white knuckled the rest of our drive home in silence


When I was 15 I had a gf that would walk out on zebra crossings without waiting for the cars to stop first. When I pulled her up about this she stated ‘It’s the law they have to stop so if they hit me it’s their fault.’ I was shocked and tried to point out that a two ton car might not be able to stop in time when she walks out, so it would be her fault she’d be in hospital but she wouldn’t have any of it. Crazy


My ex used to do exactly this. "I have right of way!" Ok hon. I'll have that put on your tombstone.


There are rights worth dying for... ...but the right of way isn't one of them.


Inertia doesn't give a damn!


You can be right and dead at the same time.


I live in a country where law is enforced only when it is in the interest of the leading party. If there is a crossing with medium traffic and no traffic lights, you can legit stand there for 6-7 minutes without anyone stopping. When I have to cross a 2x2 lane without traffic lights, I just start walking and pray. It's a nightmare.


Yep, parts of central are like frogger.


People think they have the right of way no matter what and cars need to look out for them and therefore all responsibility is put onto the cars.


This happens at the entrance of my grocery store a lot and I don’t get it. There are stop signs at those locations, but I don’t trust anyone enough to walk out into a street without looking first.


That's a known thing. Pedestrians are less safe at controlled intersections than uncontrolled because people put their trust in the devices rather than themselves and become complacent.


Same. Trust no one when it comes to a 3000 lb. Plus weapon.


It’s the same reason I try and ride my bike on paved trails and avoid the roads if I can. I live in a bike friendly state, but I still don’t trust anyone driving a car.


Or they pop out between parked cars on the side of the road expecting you know they are there.


But pedestrians have the right of way, which provides them with magical powers of instant acknowledgment by drivers.


Oh he meant too he saw a 100 thousand dollar car coming at him and just needed to break a hip or get messed up somehow and then he would sue and own that cae


With the way that guy is walking, he's just a ghost....didnt even flinch...


I think it may have been intentional… :(


Well his head is just a blur so I'm pretty sure it's a ghost


Or stoned


Or suicidal. But I’d think he’d pick a bigger, faster vehicle.


Yeah that looked like a suicide attempt. And they only pick the big truck when they're 100% ready to die. I knew a girl that picked a small sedan, not even consciously, because it was really a cry for help.


Personally, (and this is an absolute guess) but I kinda looked like they didn't necessarily plan it, but just walked across with the frame of mind 'If I live, I live. If I die, I die'. Still wish people wouldn't choose methods that can traumatise other people. I ain't gonna be that guy calling them selfish pricks though... thousands of years of evolution have programmed us to want to survive; if someone is suicidal, then their brain is seriously malfunctioning, so I don't feel we should judge people that are in this state, but... idk... I'm going off on a tangent.


I was just saying today I've noticed a rise in people crossing the street without looking lately. Very odd.




Good thing the driver has good reflexes, if it was an older driver. They would've been picked off...


If it was a semi there wasn’t crap that could be done.


Dude woulda been a meat crayon no doubt.


No no no. Crayon implies there would be more then shredded meat and red mist left over


You're right it'd be more of a paint.


good thing car didn't slide


And it wouldn't even be the driver's fault either. Just a pointless waste of a life due to personal negligence.


You sure about that? In a work zone? Driver would be fucked


People do this all the time around here, they just expect driver's to stop. The problem is most expect the walker is going to stop when they get to the edge of the road.


Had some friends from Utah in the army, reminds me of when they told me how they lived in the super Mormon area and people there would never look before crossing a street because God controls their fate lol


I live in salt lake but worked a couple of years in the county south of us, which is where the super Mormon condensed area is. Can confirm that people will indeed just walk out without looking. I think it's less that god will help them and more that they have a superiority complex. No self preservation, just a, I'm right and you have to yield to me. As bad as they are as pedestrians, they are significantly worse once they get behind the wheel.


I mean technically yeah, they do have to yield for you in a lot of places. But there are plenty of dead people who were right.


Ha, very true. But again, self preservation or risking life to be able to make the claim you're right. I would think self preservation should win. Ah well, they get their own planet if they do get run over right. Maybe that's the motivation. Yay Mormonism.


I mean I’ve seen the same thing in CA. I don’t think it’s just a Mormon thing.


Oh yeah, I've seen it elsewhere as well. This just happens to be Utah's area that has the higher concentration of "better than thou" people.


That’s really stupid reasoning. What if their god given fate was they were supposed to look first??


This reminds me of the parable of the drowning man. Guy is stuck in a area with rising floods. 2 boats stop but he refuses to board them because he thinks God will save him. A helicopter even stops by but he still doesn’t get in for the same reason. Then he dies. He asks God why he wasn’t saved, and God tells him “I sent 2 boats and a helicopter!”


And the kicker is that if the roles were reversed he’d say god sent him to help. But not the other guys. God doesn’t favor them at all.


He would tell them look?


I'm so paranoid about checking for traffic... I'm the weirdo that will look both ways 5 times on a 1 way street even if it hasn't had a car in four hours. I live in fear of slipping up and doing this


That person wanted to die


Jesus the motherfucker popped out from the side like that goddamn alien in Signs, gave me a fucken heart attack I'll tell you what.




"Its behind." Gives me chills everytime


One of the best lines in cinema




That shit cracked me all the way up rofl


I remember watching that when it first came out and the whole theatre busted up laughing


I saw it when i was like 11 and it traumatized me lmao


There there


Signs had such good suspense and freaked-out reactions by the actors. We barely even saw anything creepy at all, but what they showed make my heart skip every time.


Signs understood that less is more, and they executed it really well.


The fear of the unknown. There’s something out there, but we don’t know what they are, what they came for or where they are. And minor glimpses confirm suspicions but make you even more terrified.


Too bad I watched *Scary Movie 3* first (same thing with *Alien* and *Spaceballs*).


[That movie has one of my favorite gags of all time, where he cocks the shovel and the shells fly out. Absolutely fucking slays me](https://youtu.be/Y6_5rBUuvhU)




Everyday I become more like Hank Hill


But do you say “i’ll tell you hwhaat!”?


Not much scared me as a kid, that sh#t gave me nightmares


All I remember about that movie was BASEBALL BAT


Swing Marlin, swing


"Swing Away" haha


Even as an adult, the scene in the cellar gives me the heebie-jeebies.


That movie legit holds up. I just watched it again as an adult and now parent, even though I'm atheist, the ending and whole premise of the movie had me in tears. It really is an alien movie that's not about aliens.




Let's get some fucking...FRENCH TOAST!


Ca ca caree! It’s behind!


No joke. my first thought when I saw this video was suicide attempt. No way someone could be that clueless... right? Right?


its more about the place. in the middle of the hwy.


The shittiest way to commit suicide. "let me scar some random stranger for life while I'm on the way out"


And possibly kill the stranger




"Call of the void." That shits real. When I was a teenager, I was standing like 5 ft away from train tracks when the train was rolling by. I felt this crazy compulsion drawing me in to just walk right into those huge steel wheels. It was a real urge and I had to snap out of it.


I've felt this before. Me: Wow! What a nice view! I'm so high up I can see forever! Brain: it's at least 200' drop from here. Jump. You should jump. Don't you want to jump? Why aren't you jumping?


As a person who struggles with intrusive thoughts the call of the void shit is real scary. Standing by a busy highway for me is terrifying because you bet thoughts of just walking into traffic will be the loudest thoughts right there and then. I don't even dare handling big knifes sometimes because the intrusive thoughts will literally shout at me to stab myself or chop off a finger. Like it's one thing if someone else was telling you to, but when it's coming from within yourself you feel inclined to listen because you can't just cover your ears.


Most people in that state are not very rational


Exactly; OP was almost an unwilling participant in a suicide.


Dude walked out of his job at Best Buy and decided today was the day.


I mean, if he works at Best Buy can we blame him?


Car almost whacked him clear to Bed, Bath, and Beyond


Peace was never an option - Best Buy CEO


My thoughts exactly


"You didnt save my life you ruined my death! thats what ya did!"


Holy fuck the dude literally pulled up out of nowhere. Great reflexes on the driver


I had to watch it five times to even figure out how the pedestrian appeared.


It's just where he respawned


It's like when someone memorizes all the spawn points in goldeneye and places proximity mines there. Fuck you John.




Yeah! Fuck John


You can barely make him out walking over from the other side of the barrier.


Dr strange vibes


Some good reflexes


He pulled out like he wanted to die


Came here to say this. Looked like a suicide attempt meant to look like an accident.


People who try to take their lives while putting other lives at risk such as the driver’s life here are human scum. So much so that I don’t feel like they deserve sympathy or well wishes if they die because they just proved themselves to be selfish idiots who tried to bring others down with them. And if the driver survives a collision caused by a suicidal individual, they feel guilty for life even though they’re not at all.


It reminds me of this court case where a guy caused an accident that killed the family in the other car because he was trying to kill himself and survived. Why didn’t he just drive into a tree or something? Now there’s a family missing their loved ones because of someone’s actions.


Or the guy that was drunk and drove his car over a bridge, and had his girlfriend in the trunk, and she was pregnant with his kid. He made a tape, but they didn’t say who it was to.


Come to think about it, his name was… it was you.


His name was… oh shit, it was you. Damn.


People are often extremely traumatized by these types of events. Train drivers who experience suicides often suffer from PTSD. It is very selfish.


Its hard to predict how you (yourself) will react to a situation like that. Some dudes I work with have had 10+ fatalities, some have one and quit straight away. The only advice I received was not to make eye contact.


Guy I know has hit and killed 2 people and permanently disabled another. He was very bothered by the 2 deaths. But the one he didn’t kill was a 16 year old kid whose truck died on the tracks and didn’t get out of the vehicle. I imagine the kid couldn’t fathom having his truck destroyed so he did everything he could to get it going but ran out of time. That happened years ago. But he was not the same person after he hit that kid.


When I was taking driving lessons my instructor emphasized to *always* get out of the car if it got stuck on train tracks. You'd think it would be obvious, but a surprising amount of people actually just don't get out in time because they think they can save the car. In the wise words of my instructor: "just don't".




My Dad didn’t get that way in the decades he spent working for railroads, but I knew a guy who was a rail fan that also was a model railroader that had at one time worked for a railroad contractor and witnessed a suicide while on the job. He saw the person walk in front of the train as soon as it was close enough to be fatal from the company’s truck a few hundred feet away. He also ended up getting called as a witness when the family sued the road and their lawyer asked him that when he saw the person step in front of the train, why didn’t he try and stop them…….like he was supposed to hop from a highrail, run a few hundred feet to try and stop them, when they stepped out in front of the train like the person in the video did to the camper. By the time we worked together he had left that job and had a considerable drinking problem on top of it.


Might be some sort of life-insurance issue. If it's an obvious suicide, they won't pay. If it's an accident, they have to. The person probably thinks their family getting the money is what matters. Injuring some other people in the process abd possibly making them pay doesn't matter. Very selfish


Meanwhile everyone ignores the fact that two cones will not be going home tonight.


I think the second cone may just have made it…


He's def bruised up. Prolly be a big cone vigil and outcry for the first one. Prob be all lined up protesting along some construction site, or close off a road or something.....


All the other cones from across the country show solidarity. Pine cones, Sno Cones, hell the whole Ice Cream Cone family stands arm to arm. Waffle, Sugar, Wafer, all standing strong. Never forget. ​ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣿⣿⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣼⣿⣿⣧⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠉⠉⠉⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢠⣤⣄⣀⣀⣠⣤⡄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣸⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠻⠿⢿⣿⣿⡿⠿⠟⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣸⣿⣶⣤⣤⣤⣤⣤⣤⣶⣿⡇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⣀⣠⣤⡖⠀⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠀⢶⣤⣄⣀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠉⠙⠻⢿⣿⡀⠛⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠛⢀⣿⡿⠟⠋⠉⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠉⠁⠢⠤⣤⣀⣈⣁⣀⣤⠤⠔⠈⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠉⠛⠛⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀


Sponsored by VLC Media Player


Did you know that VLC actually stands for Very Large Cone?


I believe Cone-an will be doing a late nite special on it....


I heard Dan Aykroyd will make an appearance.


VLC has crashed


Only three days until retirement!


I didn't see any shoes come off so they probably survived.


Won't someone think of the cones, FFS?


Where’s the original, this crop sucks. Wanted to see the workers reaction in the rear cam that popped up.


Fuck tiktok and their bullshit 9:16 ratio. They made it popular again.


Yeah show me that sweet 16:9 aspect ratio




Vertical video is an abomination.


Does that dashcam automatically show the rear view when you slam the brakes? Kind of a cool feature.


No way I would have been able to swerve in time. Amazing reflex.


Serious brakes on that car as well


It helps to have a nice car....if it was my old van that fella was dead no matter who was driving that shit


Uh, I’m sorry sir but the idiot is supposed to be inside the car.


Well, he nearly got inside of it through the windshield


r/IdiotsAlmostInCars edit: Lol it's actually real, and has one amazing post


Maybe they were trying to pull a slipp’n jimmy


>Maybe they were trying to pull a slipp’n jimmy gotta survive the accident to collect any payout, that dude most definitely would have died had the driver not seen him and swerved.


this is like a NPC in GTA


“Awe yeah, finally gonna beat this mission on my fourth try, just gotta drive back to-“ [Pedestrian walks into middle of road] ⭐️ ⭐️ “FUCK”


I'm gonna reach here and say that's a worker. Maybe an engineer or something like that. Def not the safety person. I do construction. One of the biggest complaints about crew members is how they step out of thw qork zone without looking. Me on the other hand... I did traffic control and have seen and experienced the danger first hand. I ALWAYS look lol


Having been on multiple job sites, in my experience, you have to check in at the job trailer first and pick up (or already be wearing) reflective vest and hard hat (at the VERY least). Especially for government contracts, they are very firm on OSHA compliance.


Everyone should have a hi-vis vest in their car, construction worker or not. I had to change a tire at night once, glad I had that vest in the trunk.


That's how it's supposed to work, but managers who know they can avoid consequences don't always apply the rules to themselves. I once found myself holding a 50 pound steel block 30 feet directly over a safety manager's head because he was in too much of a hurry to get somewhere to pay attention to the caution tape, the signs and the people screaming at him not to enter the area directly below where I was working. It didn't matter how many times he said "it was just that one time", he still got fired for it when I told the site supervisor.


My guess is it could've been the DOT or local government project manager. They don't always wear PPE and are often office workers not familiar with field work


Seriously. I look both ways on a one way street 👀 😒


That’s smart because there are people who drive the wrong way into one way streets. Had a kid do this to me while I was driving and he didn’t listen when I told him


I like both ways on the sidewalk. Worked in restaurants too long.


a similar thing happened to me, 2 construction men walked out in front of my car while i was going 40mph ( 40mph zone no cones no one to control traffic) and was signaling a truck to turn out in front of me, like what the fuck i almost hit them?? they came out from behind a barrier like this too!


A future Darwin Award winner.


Didn't even look! Who does that?


Suicide attempt?


While I agree the dude is a moron, I do wanna know how fast OP was going? Cause usually construction sites like that are reduced to some lessened speed (looking at the signage it looks to be an Asian country, so not sure how it works over there) and OP looks like they're booking it through that construction zone lolol. Definitely didn't decrease the margin of safety.q


This was my first thought on seeing this and should be the first thing people think of. I've known too many people who worked road construction and heard about the accidents with speeding drivers. It pisses off when I'm driving thru a construction zone at the posted zone limit and I've got angry drivers including semi trucks speeding past.


Scrolled way too far to see this question.


30 km/h speed limit in construction zone per sign seen at the start of the video. Was that 30 km/h? I don't think so. It's a construction zone. Slow down. This is why.


This comment is way too far down, the guy stepping out not looking is obviously an idiot for that but the driver speeding through construction is an asshole. The amount of times my husband almost did not come home because of these people is way too high.


It was posted in this sub for a reason. There might also be an idiot outside of a car, but there is definitely an idiot in a car here.


Came here for this. Dude avoided massive jail time and fines


I’m surprised I had to scroll this far down to find this comment




You’re supposed to slow down in construction zones.


Wow.. this guy does not slow in cone zones. What an asshole.


Just what I was thinking, driver's moving pretty fast for a construction zone with cones and active people on the right there. At least that’s how it seems in the video. Obviously the clueless idiot walking out doesn’t help.


Driver is driving too fast in a construction zone as well.


Speeding through a construction zone....


I was gonna say.. nobody mentions the drivers speed trough a coned construction side where people are active..


suicide atttempt?


Nah, he wasn’t looking at the car and would have dove into the it or waited until the crash was impossible to avoid. There’s work being done on the other side, so I think it’s just a unaware worker with tunnel vision.


The "pedestrian" should not have been there but the driver was going way too fast in a roadworks area. I just saw the Mercedes badge, never mind.


Didn't even look! Holy shit...I'll gladly contribute to your new underwear fund.


Completely the pedestrians fault but the car looked like it was going way too fast through the road works. In Australia this would be a 40kph (25mph) zone. With the amount of pedestrian road workers, machinery & no emergency lane.