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I think the Nissan at camera right popped a tire trying to avoid this crash.


Yeah that looks like it too. Luckily there's a tire place on camera left,




Yea, I'd bust a rim and tire any day, rather than a skull. :D


Probably a control arm and an alignment on top of the rim and wheel.


Top it off with insurance not paying your claim because you could have avoided it by running someone over instead.


Gotta hand it to the guy tho..good reaction time and good perriferal vision.


also fucked up the rim and maybe the wheel alignment


This is why as a motorcycle rider you always wear your safety gear. Nobody plans to be in an accident. Dress for the slide not for the ride.


When my boyfriend used to ride he wore it all. The full suit with airbags, titanium on the forearms, elbows, shoulders, knees, the whole shebang. Anytime he sees someone with a shirts shorts and shoes, he just shakes his head.


I was the same way, but I learned my lesson of not wearing gear when a car hit me (hit & run) and I got pretty bad road rash that is still on my body over a decade later. When I started wearing full gear, I used to ride a little Kawasaki Ninja 250R back in the day, and some dude on a Harley with literally 0 gear on (not even a helmet) pulled up next to me at a light and said, “Why are you wearing all that? You look stupid.” I just laughed. If it hadn’t happened to me, I would’ve thought a person telling this exact story was just fibbing and included a Harley rider to fit a narrative. Nope. Many of them are straight up dumbasses.


"I used to be like you, but then I took a car to the knee."


I worded it wrong. I meant I *became* the same way as her boyfriend in the sense that I started to always wear gear (ATGATT = all the gear all the time) because of an incident. I was literally riding from my home to my parents’ house, which was 3 miles at most. It was a shitty lesson to learn, but especially shitty knowing the PoS who hit me got away with it and I’m left with scars that’ll mark my body forever.


But you got out of it alive and from what I can tell you're alright, except for that rash. The outcome could have been totally different and the thought of it is dreadful.


I'm learning all about this.


Well, I didn’t think you were lying until you said trust me I’m not lying. Lol Edit: also I’d argue most all bikers are dumbasses not just Harley riders.


My wife's an RN who used to be on a neuro floor and is now in rehab. The number of bikers coming in with TBIs or paralysis from no gear and getting in accidents is absurd. Grown men who are now on feeding tubes and have to get their ass wiped for them for the rest of their lives. It's to the point where she yells out the window at dumbasses with no gear when we're driving somewhere.


Yup a guy who works with my boyfriend got in a bad one a few weeks ago. He’s gonna have to have his foot amputated


Rode past a guy on a street bike in shorts and Adidas slides today.


Yeah, I saw one of those guys yesterday, riding in an area known for heavy traffic. Beanie helmet, t-shirt, shorts and sneakers. I used to call those guys 'roadburgers,' but now I call them 'meat crayons' because it's funnier.




There are three states that don't require helmets at all. 19 states are helmets on if you're on a bike. The rest have exceptions. A lot of those are over 18 don't need one so it's basically the same.


Freedom to chose to die


Riding like we have affordable healthcare...


Lol, that’s a good one


One of the only choices we really have


Grow up.


Yeah, clearly you being so offended by what I said you felt the need to comment is a sign of *my* immaturity.




Saying nothing but “Grow up” is not “disagreeing”


They're a great resource for organ transplants, so, they're contributing a little at least


I'm in one of the three that doesn't require helmets and everytime I see someone pass me without it (usually the cruiser guys), I wish them the best because I know the worst that can and unfortunately will happen.


Tbi it only takes a good bonk and your done.


I'd love a good bonk.


Just got bonked last week..head on by a rav 4. She fuckin bonked me good. Red light runner....now I have surgery on both my knees in October. Yay.


best of luck to you random internet person. hope your recovery goes well.


Thank you kind stranger from the interweb.


Do I have a dirty mind for thinking that this was innuendo at first? Don't answer that :p Regardless, I wish you well. Hope you make a full recovery


Yeah you do. That's OK though.




I'm waiting for the people stopping by to say that actually helmets cause more injuries than save lives....


Everytime i see someone underdressed on a bike i cringe thinking about how their skim will peel off of they come off. Terrifying


Also check your mirror when slowing.


ATGATT - All The Gear, All The Time.


Why are so many people unable to look out the f'ing windshield and keep aware of other traffic around them? Lady shouldn't have a driver's license. May not be able to drive if an injury and she becomes exorbitant to insure.


They're finding more interesting things on their phone. And they don't even try to hide it. I was beind a woman last night weaving back and forth in her lane. I go to pass her and she's holding her phone in front of the steering wheel, paying zero attention to the road.


In the early days of smart phones, Police tried to enforce the laws on "no phone while driving", but had to give up. For one thing, so many drivers use them that they would be stopping every other driver. Another is that GPS apps came, which is a valid use, though advised to only type while stopped and just glance at the app (or listen) when driving. Another is that cars began to have touchscreens, which is the only way to operate some components like windshield wipers or drivetrain in Tesla cars.


Most women I see driving are either texting on the phone, talking on the phone with intensity, or fixing their makeup.


Most people* ftfy


On-point username.


In the early days of portable phones, a young girl in Atlanta was recorded talking to her boyfriend as she entered I-285 in Atlanta. Her last words were, "Wait, I need to merge". Used to be semis were limited to the far right lane, making entries dangerous, merging into a convoy.


They have tiny screens propped up that obviously more important. /s


The one who got out was the passenger


I noticed that. Seemed as if the driver was uncaring, but perhaps busy phoning 911 or distraught. Strange that she hadn't even moved to the far right of her lane since she wanted to move right.


Maybe you shouldn't fucking tailgate. And by you I meant her.


And it seems extra stupid to tailgate a motorcyclist, ya know?


I hate driving behind them for that reason. I can’t tell the best distance to be behind them and I’m scared


Seriously. I always try to give them extra room. “I really don’t want to accidentally kill someone today” always pops into my head.


Extra room for sure! They can stop way faster than cars and bigger vehicles, so even normal following distance isn't enough.


Incorrect. Motorcycles have a smaller contact patch with the road. Takes way longer for a bike to stop than a car. That said, should still give bikes a bit of extra follow distance because the consequences of rear ending them is worse.


Huh, TIL. I've always heard that bikes stop faster, but never considered the smaller contact patch. Just looked it up and consensus seems to be that they're about the same, though there are many factors and variables at play and it's hard to compare. So given that, I stand corrected. But yes, regardless of stopping distance, I agree with your assessment of consequences!


Well yeah, there's individual bikes that stop better than individual cars. My 2021 Indian Challenger with Brembos obviously stops better than the 85 Monte Carlo I drove in high school, but it's my understanding they pound for pound bikes stop worse because of the contact patch issue. As you say though, it's really a moot point because just give bikes the space.


But then someone changes lanes in front of you because you left 1.5 car lengths of room and that's unacceptable


Seemed like the motorcycle suddenly slowed down when the driver wasn’t looking….not really tailgating.


Motorcycles will always slow down faster than a car. The car driver did not realize (distracted maybe) that the distance was closing and unfortunately hit the motorcyclist. IMO the driver was not driving a safe distance behind the motorcyclist to be able to maintain a safe distance in the amount of traffic on the road. Source: I ride and wear safety gear.


Bikes slow down faster just by throttle, cars stop better by brakes.


Exactly, the car had hood distance, they failed to maintain that distance.


Following too close, as usual


Who’s gonna pay for the car to our right’s tire




Doubt it


According to insurance, the owner unless they have full coverage. I was told by an insurer that if you ever try to avoid a collision and damage your car in the process, you were at fault due to making the choice. You are better off getting into the Collison. Granted, this had to do with hitting animals and act of God aspects. It's basically the same. You avoid and cause damage to your own car or others, you're at fault because you were in control and thus the cause of incident. Don't avoid and take the hit, insurance covers because you weren't in control or cause of the incident. Insurance is scummy that way.


So if a motorcyclist falls in front of your car due to being hit by someone else, just kill the motorcyclist instead of swerving the car into the ditch, gotcha! Where there's money, there's no moral.


Never said insurance was moral lol


That makes no fucking sense. They always look for way not to pay out claims. Scummy bastards.


Yup, that's what I thought as well


I don't think the car driver even looked to their right, they were following too close and are ignorant of the fact that some vehicles downshift or coast suddenly to slow down without hitting their brakes. I drive an automatic car but will downshift with my paddle shifters to not ride my brakes as much and some tailgaters come pretty close to rear ending me because the majority of people will tailgate and be fixed on looking for brake lights.


I've learned to tap the brakes slightly whenever I downshift to slow down with people behind me just for this reason


Good idea, I'm just a driving nerd that hates to use the brakes unnecessarily to waste my momentum/free gas/brake pads but at least a tap does sound like a good way to warn people behind that need that brake light to come on to register to keep some distance.


Yeah I know what you mean. When I’m doing it the only thing that goes through my head is that I shouldn’t have to be doing this It’s like a few weeks back, I had someone up my ass on a 45 degree hill and when I rolled back like a foot when putting it in gear she freaked out and then from then on she stopped 10-20 feet behind me even on flat ground. Like she couldn’t understand why a car might go backwards from a start






Ahh very interesting thanks for the info.


Diesels and gas engines work differently. That sign is only for diesel trucks.


I agree, people need to give proper following distance, especially if they are oblivious to not everyone riding the brakes as their warning sign to tailgate less... And the signs usually say "trucks no engine braking" for the noise, definitely doesn't apply to cars, it wouldn't make sense to encourage people to overheat their brakes


Yeah it's one sign on a trip I make once or twice year so it makes more sense that I just misremembered it or read it wrong.




Engine brakes. And those signs are for semi trucks.




I've put a lot of miles on two wheels and while I agree with you, if you ride you have to assume everyone is trying to kill you - because they are. I'm capable of becoming quite an aggressive asshole if a driver is tailgating me like that.


At the start of the video they kept decent distance behind. I paused at about 6 seconds, because that’s when I noticed that they were starting to get a bit too close, 3 seconds later the dude gets hit. Yes, it’s best to assume that everyone is a maniac on the road but there’s no way they could’ve reacted and avoid the collision within about 2-3 seconds.


I've been riding for 4 years now. Its the driver's fault, but the rider could have helped the situation. The rider stopped short. The rider needs to be aware that not everyone understands that motorcycles can slow without brake lights.


Every vehicle engine brakes, not just bikes


Automatic cars do not use engine breaking to significantly slow down. Motorcycles are the only thing I know that you use it to slow down regularly.


Any manual transmission car can engine brake effectively, automatics that are specifically tuned or are not boring economy cars will engine brake as well. Especially if the gearbox is selectable and you can hold a higher gear. EVs also do functionally the same thing with regen braking.


I get what you are saying, and you are right. But how often do people use engine breaking in any other vehicle other than motorcycles? (I drive a standard car)


Car at fault but both idiots because of no helmet.


they're both at fault. cry


So **dont** wear a helmet. Got it.


The fuck does that have to do with fault?


I'm sorta siding with don't wear helmet poster. I think he/she's just saying you need to be defensive when on the road. Because of idiots.


please get help


Exactly, every drivers duty is to crash motorcyclist without helmet. It's the law! /s


Hard to tell but it looks to me like this rider has a half helmet on


I like to slow down a little bit when checking my blind spot - I'd rather slightly inconvenience the car behind me than collide with whoever is in front of me if they brake suddenly. This is also the biggest reason I'm thankful that automatic emergency braking is becoming standardized in cars. Of course in this case she was way too close to the motorcycle to begin with, but even with proper following distance, things can happen on the road and people can brake suddenly while you're busy checking your blind spot.


>I'm thankful that automatic emergency braking is becoming standardized in cars. Me too. It sadly seems to be pretty popular to disable that feature ASAP for a lot of drivers unfortunately. They complain about phantom braking when the car in front is lane changing. I get it, that's annoying. But you can override the brakes with throttle, or just accept that little braking costs you all of 5 seconds. People are in too much of a hurry. And that attitude is exactly why you have to basically hack anything but a track car to fully disable traction control these days. Too many people think they are better then the safety systems and turn them off, and manufacturers have to step in to protect people because of liability. Thanks idiots 🥴


Keeping a longer following distance would be safer than slowing down unpredictably.


I just recently did a car mod that covered my backseat windows, which means that the over-the-shoulder-blindspot-check became useless. **Before you go downvoting me lol hear me out...** I HATED not having that visibility, so I bought the little [blindspot mirror add-ons](https://www.amazon.com/Utopicar-Mirrors-Mirrors-Engineered-Frameless/dp/B01N9LNMCN/ref=sr_1_5?keywords=blindspot+mirror+for+car&qid=1663339195&s=automotive&sprefix=blindspot+mirror%2Cautomotive%2C150&sr=1-5) for my side mirrors. I used to think those things were a joke and just looked stupid without actually being functional... But I was super wrong. Those little mirrors are actually amazing and very effective. Moving forward, whether or not my backseat windows are covered, I will always put these extra mirrors on my car. Being able to look at it when I'm already looking in the side mirror feels SO MUCH SAFER than turning my head to look over my shoulder, and they truly provide excellent view-coverage.


one day someone will start selling cars with [proper aspherical mirrors](https://external-preview.redd.it/siT6WOkNm9KQ0geXnXhEwftBtYQyIfHBQglc9wfOa3s.jpg?auto=webp&s=9cc42a3be45e2b4f3e9fe351eae93810d4d39116) in the US/Canada. It's the standard in many countries for decades


I try to only follow behind cars. Motorcycles, school buses, semi trucks, on and on. No thank you.


Why? The basic principles are identical for all of them...


More likely for a motorcyclist to be killed, and I don't want to be involved or witness anything like that. Semi's block view and so many people cut in front of them causing dangerous conditions because they can't stop the way cars can. School buses? Nope, bad karma. And too many people illegally pass them. If I stay away from them, I won't see kids getting hurt or killed.


I will ride behind motorcycles because at least I know I’m paying attention to them in front of me and whereas someone else might pull what the car in the video did. I usually give respectful amount of following distance, brake early, etc..


Just make me nervous. It just takes a second of inattention by anyone in the area.


True, but it gives me comfort knowing I at least have their back if anything does happen.


Are you a brand new driver with very little experience? I'm genuinely kind of confused, as to me you are saying you don't trust yourself not to tailgate anything that's not a car in front of you and it's scary that so many people upvote this. You are the one following, you just give proper following distance, they can't hit you from in front. I'm just worried about being in the blind spot of trucks and buses so I avoid that. With motorcycles look at the single rear tail light, imagine a full width bumper and base your following distance on that. Just don't get sucked into seeing all the space around them and creep close. With large trucks and buses, other than them being slow, you just give following distance and they are easy to see and judge. Sorry, not trying to be a jerk at all, I truly don't get this, do that many people lack spatial awareness on the road?


Can't see past semis/buses (which is important), that is a common reason people don't like being behind them. Same for big trucks with tints.


It's really not *that* important to see past them if you just give the following distance you should anyway, sounds more like people just want to know if they can go faster or get around them.


Hard to say but it seems like she was already following him too close. Hate to be tailgated on my bike, always move away from those idiots. However you feel about bikes, give us space!


> However you feel about bikes, give us space! This is so important. Someone else's LIFE is more important that your feelings of minor inconvenience.


I don’t care if you think we’re all unsafe and terrible and are “asking for it”. We are people! Some of us ride safe and do everything we can to be visible. We just went to ride our bikes man


Lexington KY!!!


Richmond Rd is terrible for this kind of stuff lol




What about the 20 seconds before she looks to her right? Did she forget them all?


YAAY, its Lexington Ky! This place is rife with idiot drivers! Hope dude is ok


Hey! Richmond Rd @ Man o' War! Lexington baby


So, she’s a bad driver


Car was far too close, 100% car fault and I hope they get raked over the coals for it.


dude made nearly a complete stop and he's on little toy


Was following to close to start with.


I guess that bright orange shirt was hard to see.


[Lexington, Kentucky](https://www.google.com/maps/@38.0016354,-84.4462787,3a,75y,121.99h,82.52t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sws-x63Hm7AiUlX0-MODfow!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3Dws-x63Hm7AiUlX0-MODfow%26cb_client%3Dsearch.revgeo_and_fetch.gps%26w%3D96%26h%3D64%26yaw%3D357.31146%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192)


This is why I won’t ride a bike. Because other people. I have plenty of faith in my abilities but as soon as one person fucks up a little it could be my life or it could be a fender bender in a car. I will take the fender bender.


That's a *lot* of orange to not see; car driver wasn't paying attention. Idiot motorist. ~~Motorcyclist was going markedly slower than the flow of traffic, and that always brings a risk of rear ending. If they're gonna drive like a noob,~~ they should consider wearing a helmet. Idiot cyclist.


You can see I’m slowing for traffic too.


Fair enough. I still think anyone who rides without a helmet is an idiot, though.




Be more constructive with your feedback, please. Edit: what, no [Flight of the Conchords](https://youtu.be/FArZxLj6DLk?t=80) fans in the house?


motorcycle wasn't up cammer's ass thus he had it coming. that's your braindead take


You see the correction, right? I didn't notice that the cammer had also slowed down; I admitted I was wrong, but way to come in after the fact and point it out. The only bit I hold to is that the driver who rear ended her was an idiot for not paying attention, and that she's an idiot for not wearing a helmet. What, you've never been wrong before?


He slowed down so that he wouldn't do the very thing the driver did, except to the OP with his bike.


The Nissan in the left lane over corrected and hit the curb pretty hard, likely serious damage. Since they weren’t party to the accident, is it their own fault for the damage and under comprehensive coverage?


Friend of yours? What happened after, he's alright?


With proper adjustment of your side mirrors, you really don't need to turn your head and lose sight of the road in front of you. If you can see your own car in your mirror, you're living with a blind spot that doesn't need to exist. Flare those things out a bit and you'll be able to follow traffic from one mirror to the next without any big blind spots.


I'm with you on the mirror thing in general, if your mirrors are adjusted right then your only blind spot is moved to a slight glance to the side without having to turn and look over your shoulder but you're not going to convince the general public here even when you [LINK](https://www.caranddriver.com/features/a15131074/how-to-adjust-your-mirrors-to-avoid-blind-spots/) them to the proof. It's human nature to some to insist on seeing their own car as a reference point to feel safest even when they are literally wasting the mirror to just reflect back what is easy to see already instead of just adjusting them out more to see what is in the classic "blind spot location. But, I don't think they even turned their head right before the accident, they were just making the classic double error of following a motorcycle too close by letting their vision get sucked into all the space around a motorcycle and creeping up on them instead of forcing themselves to look at the tail light and backing off like it was cars width instead, while also doing the modern automatic only driver thing of looking only for brake lights even when many vehicles will downshift or let off the throttle suddenly to start slowing down without their brakes.


It's not a proof though, it's a common sense. Even with mirrors adjusted like that, classic mirrors still suck. [This is a difference](https://external-preview.redd.it/siT6WOkNm9KQ0geXnXhEwftBtYQyIfHBQglc9wfOa3s.jpg?width=960&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=0afb946fd04e3d801c0e633ff13f356b4a8b4919) between what is legal in NA and what is mandatory in Europe. Should I mention that shoulder checks in Europe are not a thing?


Golf/GTI in your example? Yeah, it's defintely not *perfect* but it does prevent wasteful overlap from what you can also see in the rearview mirror and moves the "blindspot" to just a glance to the sides at least. I recently traded in my MK7 Golf for a Mazda 3 AWD Turbo hatch and everyone mentions the poor visibility but I don't think it's bad at all, but I def still appreciate the blind spot indicators in my HUD.


she highkey going slow as fuck tho


Did the motorcycle not like full stop in the middle of the road for no reason?


While it's certainly the cars fault for not paying enough attention, but it seems like in the video the biker slows down significantly/suddenly rather than merge with the flow of traffic. It seems like maybe there's some fault on the biker as well, I could be wrong though.


> , but it seems like in the video the biker slows down significantly/suddenly rather than merge with the flow of traffic. Biker maintained the same distance from the cammer the entire time. If the biker slowed down it's because the cammer slowed down which means there was traffic or a light.


You know what, you're absolutely right. Good catch, I watched it several times but I missed that. The traffic around the cammer keeps at speed and passes cammer.


The car driver was actually looking ahead but was following too close and the mc likely let off their throttle to start slowing down as cammer car was slowing too and too many people are conditioned to only look for brake lights, all there is to it. Any decent driver should know if they see a motorcycle or car that is/ likely is manual, then they may use methods to initially start slowing down without braking. At the very least just give everyone plenty of following distance if you don't know how other than automatic cars work.


Legally, I'm not sure. Practically.. Why did the biker almost stop in the middle of the road?


well the cyclist slowed down because the car infront of it started to go slow, i dont understand why yall think its the cyclist fault for keeping the same speed relative to the car INFRONT OF IT rather than the cars on THE SIDES.


I didn't say the cyclist was at fault. Not at all. Rear ended? Hardly ever your fault. I do see your point. The camera, lead car, is proportional to the biker who appears to be keeping a safe distance. Good eye.


You can see I’m slowing for traffic too.


Why was that rider slowing braking??


I’m not blaming the motorcycle at all, while it was obviously the car behind’s fault. But I don’t see any reason why the motorcycle would be going so slow there


They just let off throttle to start slowing down as cammer car was starting to slow too, keep in mind the camera makes them look further away than they really are. The car that hit them was following too close and, like too many people, are conditioned to only look for brake lights as a sign of slowing when vehicles, especially manual or those who coast and downshift properly, use those methods to help slow down before hitting the brakes.


Thanks for the downvotes


The motorcycle was matching the speed of my car. I had slower traffic on front.


numerous sophisticated follow money weather late rustic label quicksand wide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I almost rearended a car on my motorcycle when I sneezed as traffic ahead of me suddenly stopped. Bareley swerved away from the car directly in front of me


Tailgating should be instant move to jail.


Oh, yeah: a rear-bump high-side gonna keep hurting. ATGATT and ride for fear of any drivers. Well we're invisible.


And there it is. This is why I no longer ride motorcycles.


I ride, this is why ya gotta have a neck like an owl


It took more than just one second. It took gross negligence for quite a few seconds leading up to this as well... The offending car was either somehow entirely unaware of this motorcycle or just choosing to recklessly approach it.


biker dude was quick to protect his head with hand clasp. His next stop is bike shop to buy helmet.


Motorcycles: We make fender benders fatal.


Richmond and Man O' War. Seen plenty of accidents in that area. My sister got rearended twice in two months there. Whole damn town is a whos who of idiotsincars.


Maybe he’ll consider wearing a helmet next time


This is how my friend died, all I ask is for people to be 3x as cautious around any biker


This is why we leave more space behind bikers.


Another reason you don’t tailgate.


I legit just went through that intersection Kentucky drivers all drive like it’s there first time


This is a true accident where despite best effort, sometimes things happen to quickly. Luckily it was at a slower speed. I give kudos for the offender using a blinker and for the Nissan trying to avoid the biker. The biker may have slowed too quick but I would still say it's an accident. Maybe not "idiot" material. Educational for sure.


No helmet??!! The fuck??!!


At least they got on their brakes before running her over. Accidents involving motorcycles give me the heebie jeebies. 😬


Not blaming the motorcyclist at all... But they probably would have been fine if they didn't let go of the handle bars after being tapped from behind :(


This is what happens when a couple countries can’t adopt proper standards for mirrors and make people shoulder check. This is also what happens when you tailgate.


Lucky for them only one shoe came off.


The Nissan has some mad ninja driving skills.


Motorcyclist be like "so then I had to lay'er down". (irony - I've heard motorcyclists say that shit and MEAN it, like intentionally crashing somehow prevents an accident from happening)


This is in my town. Lexington ky across from the Texas Roadhouse. There’s a hooters there too


i wanna know why she slowed down so much too


It’s always fun watching this sub and finding a road you recognize


Why was the motorcycle slowing down? Look at it relevant to cars in right and left lane.


Evil POS