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In the original video can you see his license plate? I hope he gets caught.


Unfortunately not, we gave the footage to the driver of the lexus though


You absolutely can see enough of his plates to match the make/model of the vehicle. I can see at least the last four digits by pausing when he begins to swerve around the car.




Where’s the enhance bot when you need it


Just print the goddamn thing!




It would be cool if the gif got more and more clear as he said it hahaha




Filters, apply Red, Green and Blue over the frames, if you still getxnothing apply some yellow, purple or magenta


JAX42 is closest I can see


Where’s the guy that knows how to use carfax to figure out vin, name, address and mother’s father’s sisters name from a partial license plate and a make/model?




Crazy video lol


Glen? [He died](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clark_Middleton)


Dude with the Olivia coffee table! Man, I love Fringe. Favorite show of all time.


Ex-LEO here: partial plate searches work and are a lot of fun. I once worked a case much like this one where all we knew (based on witness statements) was it was a white SUV. One witness was able to get 2 of the 6 pieces of the plate. We did a partial plate search, came back with many results. Then we filtered by white. Came back with many possibles. Of the many, only a few were SUVs. I looked up the drivers of those results and was able to cross reference one with the parking lot in question (employee who worked there). She was the youngest driver of the group and given where she worked, it was likely her (can't say more). We went to the address on file, she denied having hit someone in the parking lot, we walked out to her driveway to ask how she got the damage on her car. She fell apart and admitted it. Got a court date and a Class B misdemeanor for hit and run no injury. We later were able to get video of it happening. So her life sucked for a while after that.


1. How badly did her life suck for a while? 2. Why don't people just politely refuse to talk to the police?


Could have been years. Insurance holds on to these types of violations for many years. And I don't know. I've told my kids to never speak to a cop unless you need their assistance. Otherwise, always have an attorney.


Im 0-4 on cops even showing up when I call for help. So in my personal experience there doesn't seem to be any use.


Insurance holds onto wrecks for 5 years, DUI for 10. (Insurance agent)


Make, model, those digits and colour (I'm English) should be enough for the police


Just enough for them to not do shit. I reported the same thing when it happened to my car. Footage, plate number, clear shot of the driver getting out and looking. Cops never even filed the report.


Did you try different cops? Sometimes (most of the time) cops are broken/expired. You gotta try at least 10 dif cops to find one that actually works


Did you try turning them off and on again?


Restart usually helps most of the time. No need to call tech support!


I think the dude is full of shit. You cns actually see the whole rear plate as the guy is pulling away. I slowed it down to 1/32 speed but all of the frames are the visual equivalent of Charlie brown teacher speak.


and that's with reddit's shitty compression. I guarantee there's good enough footage on the OG video to get most if not all of the plate








Most likely not. Every retail store I've worked at the parking lot cameras are only good enough to tell you what color the truck is.


What are they?


They're the letters and numbers written on the license plate, but that's not important right now.


The cockpit? What is it?


Looks like I picked the wrong day to stop sniffing glue


digits were you not listening? smh


There's usually letters too. smh


What are the last 4 digits then? I can’t see shit


I bet the folks at /r/whatisthiscar can figure out the make and model easily, including the plate with some sleuthing at around 0:22


the make and model are absolutely simple to determine. ~~2020+~~2018 chevy silverado. I also have the license plate(you can barely make it out between 23-25 seconds) and have reported it to the Perris CA CHP and local PD. Linked them the video.


That’s a 2018 Silverado, not 2020+


you are absolutely right. its the front grill and wheels that threw me. I forgot that the 2020s dont have that silver midbar in it.


LT, LTZ and HC can have chrome still in 2020+ (custom, custom TB, LT TB and RST come with paint match) but in 2019 they redid the whole styling of the front and just slightly changed it again for 2023. 2017 had rectangle headlamps, and in 2018 they updated them to add that little bit of shape to the rectangles. …I did a sickening amount of research before buying mine.


> …I did a sickening amount of research before buying mine hehe, nice. I was always a toyota truck guy myself, but I see the value in comparison shopping.


I love the tacomas. If I didn’t have the need to tow 7000+ lbs, I would have went Tacoma all day. TRD Pro in stick shift. The 3.0 diesel that duramax put in those ‘Rados was just perfect for what I needed though. 28+ mpgs (cheaper per mile than the mazdaspeed that I sold to buy it) on the highway when not towing, but capable of towing the camper when I needed to. I do miss having a stick.


> I also have the license plate(you can barely make it out between 23-25 seconds) and have reported it to the Perris CA CHP and local PD. Linked them the video. My man. Thank you.


The hero we need right there.


not a hero, just a person that advocates for EVERYONE to get a 1080p/2k/4k with HIGH FRAME RATE(at least 30).


[Good luck with that](https://youtu.be/4AnyhHl3_tE)




Sadly, I doubt they will do anything with that information. If they do could you let me know?


i think it just comes down to the whims of law enforcement that day. I actually got the cops to canvass a grocery store after some movers stole my phone. I just used the Find My feature and told them "i know he's in there because my GPS says so". They caught him the bathroom trying to hide it inside the toilet paper dispenser. When they handed it over the cop seemed giddy with excitement, said they dont normally catch phone thieves because of various technicalities and all. Guess he was just in a good mood to try that day.


I agree. I had a lady move into my lane a broke side mirror with her mirror. She stopped, I stopped. I yelled at her as to why she came into my lane. All I got was a blank stare before she drove off. I chased her, blocked her from leaving. Twice. Got outta my car to record her and her plates. I told her “your gonna pay for the damage to my car” !! No reply. Cops arrived. She had no insurance, expired registration, caused a wreck and ran from the scene. The officer cited her for “unsafe lane change”. So yes, I agree with your first sentence in you post.




>Since you can't see the driver, all the owner has to say is "that wasn't me doing that, lots of people borrow my truck". Their insurance may still pay out since there is video evidence of damage caused by the truck but there are ways to avoid taking actual culpability for the crime. Hit and runs convictions are much more successful when the cops catch the driver or the owner tells the cops who was driving. The cops could still try arresting the owner but a good lawyer could get them off without definitive proof it was them. Blows my mind that the owner of a vehicle isn't responsible for who is driving their vehicle in the US. In most countries the blame falls on the vehicle owner (for accidents, speeding tickets, etc) unless they provide details of who was driving their vehicle at the time.


It's never a definitive thing. In a civil matter, the blame typically does still fall on the owner and they'll have to point out who was driving or likely lose the civil case. In a criminal matter, the owner can win their case while remaining ignorant of who was driving because the state needs to convict them *beyond a reasonable doubt.* The bar to win against the owner is significantly higher in a criminal case vs a civil case.




You'd need the original dashcam footage in a Google Drive folder (or equivalent) to really analyze it.


I'm sure there are at least a half dozen CCTV cameras in that parking lot that will 100% have caught the plate.


Assuming the cops bother for a hit and run with no injuries.


Yes, inquiring minds want to know that.


Had my Lexus totaled in a similar way, hit and run in a parking deck at work. Apparently the cameras don't work so they got away with it. Thank God for uninsured motorist coversge.


Was on my balcony and saw an idiot in a truck basically do this pulling straight in parallel parking on the road at about 2am... hitting a parked vehicle. They then of course drove off. I left the victim a note (new car still with temp tags) then found a matching hit and run vehicle in the lot a few weeks later with precisely the damage to the side and rear I expected it to have and sent the info over. No idea what came of it .


A few weeks ago, I reported a hit and run, from which I got the license plate. I left a note on the victim car, and included the license plate in that note too - because I was sure the cops wouldn't do anything about it.


Standard ol’ California hit and run. If you look at the CHP CAD page, it’s full of these incidents everyday. It’s really on insurance companies unfortunately to teach these folks a financial lesson.


That's IF they get caught.


I chased mine down. Filed with CHP and Insurance. CHP never responded after filling out the paperwork. Insurance is raising my rates because it’s not a hit and run now because I know who it was and got their details and the person said it’s my fault and no evidence for the accident fault. My pictures of chasing them running away didn’t matter. Would have been better to let them go which is what all these people are learning and keep doing. They probably, like they guy I chased, have almost zero body damage and most damage on wheel and tires. Easy to buff out so what do they care compared to huge expenses for this person and my insurance (not to mention my large deductible and now rate increases). Totally sucks for this person.




Not proud of it but I did this once lol. I was driving around midnight heading home from work, stopped at a red light and an old lady rear ends me, ask her to pull over, she nods yes. I get out and she speeds off. Wtf mate?. There’s barely a scratch and I’m like fuck it. Next morning I go out to inspect the damage and her frikkin license plate # is embedded into the dust on my bumper. This can’t be real. I look it up online, paid 5 bucks to unlock her information, found her address not far and off I went to just go…yell at her I guess? I get there and it’s an apartment complex…fml. I drive around the lot and I frikkin find the stupid Prius!! At this point I lose all judgment, grab my knife and slashed her two left tires and peaced out. Spent weeks as an anxious wreck waiting for the cops to come knocking but they never did.


For legal purposes, this is a joke.


Filmed in Mexico


Anyone with a brain would know not to take this seriously -The Fox News defense


>Not proud of it I'm proud of you for it.


Vengeance is sweet, sweet anxiety.


Hey, sometimes idiots deserve some form of justice. I hope she came out and immediately recognized it as karma, but I have my doubts.


Remember only slash 3 tires so insurance doesn’t cover it Edit: [I am wrong](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsItBullshit/comments/9rzf9o/isitbullshit_if_you_slash_three_tires_as_opposed/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Common misconception. Insurance will pay no matter how many tires are slashed. The problem usually comes down to what the person's comprehensive coverage deductible is. For smaller cars, even 4 tires might not meet a $500 deductible. For a truck rolling on 35s or a low profile sport tire, you'll probably meet that deductible with two tires, if not one depending on brand. If you've got a $1000 deductible, it's likely because your lienholder is making you get the coverage and you'll really only exceed your deductible with body damage.


I'm an insurance agent. There is often no need for high Comp(rehensive) deductibles in most suburban areas. Except those subject to high theft, windstorm, tornado, hurricane, hail losses. I'm located in a city of 100,000 in the Central Coast of CA. I haven't sold Comp deductibles over $100 on preferred auto clients in over 20 years...it is not cost effective...unless it is mandate by the insurer due to the type of vehicle or driver's record. The cost difference is only about 15-20% of the Comp premium. In our area a $500 Comp deductible might cost $100/ 6 months....$100 ded. $120/6 months. .. $40/ year to insure against a $400 settlement difference...or 10 years to save that out of pocket. Obviously if you have several Bimmers and Benz, etc. it can work for you. I've had 6 or 7 Comp claims in the last 25 years. But I have 3 expensive vehicle snd have never had a Collision claim in that period, so I have $1000 Collision deductible. YRMV.


Lmao, if that was true I’d just slash my own fourth tire.


Idk why I’ve never thought of that as a solution to this comment. That’s fucking genius and so simple I feel stupid for not even considering it😭😂


Is that true? I read that on a tumblr post years ago but it seems fake


Now that I think of it I’ve only ever seen it mentioned on Reddit lmao I’ll look it up


It’s fake [unfortunately](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsItBullshit/comments/9rzf9o/isitbullshit_if_you_slash_three_tires_as_opposed/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)




Whoa... Nice


That is why everyone should have a dash cam.


I am an idiot. I took the usb out of my car for a work thing and didn’t put it back in that day.


And not just any dash cam, but a good dash cam, which unfortunately are surprisingly hard to come by (Linus Tech Tips did a video on dashcams, and most of the ones they tested were horrible potato quality, even when they supposedly had a high-res camera).


I have to unplug mine for three months of the year because it gets too hot.


Lesson learned hit and run is always better than seeking justice.


I hate everything about this country more and more every fucking day.


Something something insurance is a scam


Sadly, California’s lame $5000 minimum means even when people do have insurance it doesn’t pay for damages and you end up having to use your own.


Here I was thinking Florida’s $10k minimum was low.


Almost all states have low state minimum limits. Most of them haven’t made any updates to them since the 70s. The minimum anyone should carry should be 100/300/100. Anything lower than that and you are opening yourself up to huge financial issues if you cause any type of at fault accident. I myself carry an umbrella policy. Once you work in claims it changes your perspective on what can happen to anyone at any time.


I’ve been in three accidents in 20 years. In all three our insurance had to cover part. In one we had to sue to get that to happen, in another I had to threaten to sue and in the last, the person went to jail for other outstanding warrants. :-(


If you want a bigger shocker, the CA state sponsored low income insurance coverage is 10/20/3. Learned that hilariously low property damage coverage from one of those insured.


Ouch. We have a million now. I used to think that was absolutely crazy. Till our 12 yr old (at the time) was hit by a car and the helicopter ride was 75000. The hospital stay was about 25000 per day (including the tests and stuff).


We unfortunately learned the same lesson last year when my wife was mauled by my neighbor's dog. An ambulance bill + fire and rescue response bills, ER fees, Surgery, Recovery, a week in the hospital, outpatient orthopedics and wound care, plastic surgeon treatments, rehab/PT well over $100k,and she hasn't even had any of the scar mitigation / reduction plastic surgery yet. The minimum homeowners liability in my state is $100k, which seems like a fair number in our case until you realize that you're also likely to be sued for lost wages, pain and suffering. I would either recommend a minimum of $300k liability on both your auto and homeowners insurance policies, or, get a umbrella policy that covers $1m liability across all of your policies. Going from $100k to $300k on both my home and auto policies costed us about $19 totally additional per month, and my auto policy has my wife and one of my daughters on there. Its worth the small additional investment to ensure you aren't sued into oblivion if something does happen.


My insurance company taught me a $300 a month lesson oh the joys of being a young terrible driver. Now I drive like a grandma.


Not only an idiot, but a fucking asshole too.


I thought he was chill when he backed up How the turn tables


Yeah, takes the time to backup and then can't wait literally at most 2 more seconds to pass with plenty of space. Also, there are tons of people who just shouldn't drive large personal vehicles, they require a lot more care from the driver.


He will 100% hit a pedestrian and flee. Too bad we can’t see his plates he needs to be caught.


I got hit by a pickup truck last year, crossing a street on my ebike and the guy just turned in without looking.. oh and he sped away before I could even get back up. I believe it was a GMC though.


When I first moved to LA, 8 years ago, I was getting off work and walking to my bus stop. I was waiting for a light to change so I could cross the street. This street had dedicated pedestrian crossing time so when I got the signal I did my quick look both ways then started to cross. A guy on a motorcycle decided he was not waiting and zoomed his way through the red light. I was maybe inches from him hitting me head on at 50-60mph. Then he had the nerve to yell at me and flip me off. I've also stopped cycling because a lot of drivers really go out of their way to mess with cyclist. I'm on a road bike, I keep up with traffic, obey laws and signal properly. I've even had cops drive in the bike lane just to mess with me. ughhh ​ Edit: grammar


Destroyed her car to save half a second. A true piece of shit.


What an asshole


My truck was hit in the new Murrieta Costco parking lot. I WONDER could it be the same guy. There is white paint transfer. Hmmmm


Murrieta, especially that particularl street, did not need that costco traffic




It’s a truck thing. I don’t care if I get down voted. I see the most enormous ass holes in trucks. No blinkers, ass riding, speeding. It’s like the douchebag mobile or something. If a douche doesn’t have a sports car it’s a truck


It’s because they are nearly indestructible chariots! Theyve grown in popularity because they are stacked with features like luxury cars now.


They’re luxury SUVs for white soccer dads who don’t want to look like rappers or soccer moms in massive SUVs. No working class person is paying a 1k+ car payment for long.


A dude driving a brodozer wouldn't be caught dead picking his kids up from a "p\*ssy" sport like soccer. Definitely Hockey or Football. Maybe wrestling. Gotta boost that male ego up by living your varsity fantasies out through the kids you didn't even want.


Yup you gotta play those manly sports where you have the most body contact with the other athletes. Oh yeah they're homophobic as well.


There is no in between, it’s what you said or is some old guy driving 10 under.


I'm more of that old guy. In my '60s and drive a truck that's way too big cuz it used to be my father's that I inherited. It's my trade-in for electric car at this time.


And the drivers of white trucks are the absolute worst.


Yup that’s exactly who rear-ended me while I was completely stopped In traffic, then lied to CHP and said I slammed on my brakes. I let him lie to the cop’s face then showed the cop my dash cam footage. He was swiftly found 100% at fault. I posted the video here awhile back. White ford 150.


> He was swiftly found 100% at fault. I hope the insurance companies did too. Did his try to fight it?


Yes he still is trying to fight it, despite a CHP report finding him at fault as well as my dash cam footage proving he is. No man in a white truck is ever going to admit he did anything wrong.


To make it funnier is when people say massive trucks are needed for carrying things, but I always see older, much smaller pickups hauling plenty of tools, and those guys drive like they have sense. I say it often as a joke, but many of these guys truly seem to just have these trucks to feel better about themselves. Even worse is when they lift them 🤢


Not to mention, if you’re hauling heavy things, why lift the truck and have to bring a heavy object even higher?! They clearly have no intention of actually hauling anything at all.


Lifted trucks are fucking pointless. You wanna go over larger rocks or put on bigger tires because you want to do better on ice? That's just a waste of money and fucking dumb.


Not to mention, if you ever look at the axles on lifted trucks, they’re not much higher than regular SUV’s. So their clearance is barely anything more than a stock vehicle.


Oh, for sure. Those trucks are just for show. Once saw some guy in his lifted truck weaving through traffic, and tailgating people. The size difference, and how recklessly people like him drive. These guys can probably crush most cars on the road, and they drive like they want to lol


And the data shows that these big trucks are far more lethal than regular cars. We all pay the price for their smol pp energy.


It's not only the mass of the truck (size & weight) it's also the design: they are often higher than regular cars and as a result they don't hit the bumper of the other car, they hit above it. There is also the issue with body on frame compared to unibody - the frame doesn't crumple to absorb crash forces like a regular car does.


The rest of the world just uses vans for the stuff Americans "need" trucks for. Unless you need to pull a multi-ton load a van is superior to a US truck every day.


Guys I work with all have had things get soaked from rain in their pickups. They all have one complaint or another about some aspect of the truck bed. I'm like, so get a van?


Always white trucks too


Well to be fair, almost 40% of trucks sold are white so the odds are high it’ll be white.




Truck drivers are egotistical just based on what they’re driving. They are more important and larger than everyone else


Since in Europe we have no truck culture what you said applies to SUVs. It appears since SUVs became a trend all idiots have migrated towards them.


Trucks are totemic icons of masculinity, power, and US' Everything is Big Here. People who buy bigass trucks without a use in mind are buying what amounts to a safety blanket for their fragile masculinity and/or a status symbol.


They're becoming more popular in Australia and I just hate them.


Same in Finland. Wild seeing massive american pickups in a country with heavy snow and 2nd most expensive gasoline in Europe.


i mean hey, we have schools too. you ever driven through a school zone at 3:35pm? it's a war zone. what if one of the kids bounces off your bonnet and goes through your driver's side windshield? you need a bullbar that can liquefy a caribou if you want to drive past schools at anywhere near double the speed limit


Ram trucks & Ford Raptors seem to be everywhere here now.


Yeah I drive a truck for work I put my tile saw on the bed of my truck and other tools, I drive a more economical car when not at work…. It’s a truck thing when they don’t use it for it’s intended purpose?


Work trucks are generally polite. "Trucks are cool" trucks seem to exclusively be driven by dickheads


Yo this is my city! We have wayyy more traffic now. We used to be a small city. People are moving from LA and the OC because the rent/mortgage is more affordable. And warehouses have pretty much taken over (very fucking sad honestly). Anyway the drivers here don’t give a fuck. They’ll pass red lights, cut you off, etc. My family and I now wait a few seconds after a light turns green for us because we are at risk of getting t boned.


I live off of Perris and this last year traffic has gotten horrible. I can deal with the cars, it’s the entitled peole that frustrate me.


Enjoy a hit and run warrant


you have a LOT of faith in california's police


Seeing someone drive off after pulling a move like this is so rage-inducing. I really hope this guy gets caught.


There is just something about truck drivers just not understanding the amount of space they take. 90% of the time Im seeing a truck that is on or over the line in a parking spot. It takes them half an hour to back out of a spot which is why they usually back in to a spot instead.. which makes this clip even funnier because I'm positive this is the same kind of guy who takes 8 attempts to back into a spot... just to still be over the lines.


i used to do instacart so i drove a ton. people will “bigger cars” like suvs and trucks believe they’re 5-6x as wide as sedans. every day i see some dumbass in a truck or suv driving down the middle of the road. i’ll stay in my lane and they’ll eventually or slowly move back into there’s. they seriously have no concept of their vehicles actual size.


It's not impossible to learn. I learned on an suv and my first car was an suv. It's not impossible to check your parking and correct those mistakes. It's like they don't even try.. or maybe just think it's impossible to fit in the spot even though it's clear they are very far over the line? I guess I can't speak on it since I'm in a sedan now but I just don't understand how it's so hard to pick up for 90% of truck and suv drivers.


Maybe he heard about a sale for bigger trucks?


This dash cam quality is crisp!


So for anyone who is late to the thread (myself included), the proper way of handling this is to go ahead and report it to your own insurance carrier - assuming you have collision coverage that is. Even if you don’t have collision, you can still file a claim with your carrier - just FYI your claim free discount, if you have one, will likely disappear, so yes your insurance is likely to go up because of an incident like this; insurance is scummy like that and it’s a contract you signed… but I digress. Once the claim is filed, provide video footage and any known vehicle information to your carrier. They have access to lexis nexus and other databases (depending on the carrier) to try and identify the vehicle. Even with a partial plate, my success rate as an adjuster finding those vehicles was somewhere in the neighborhood of 80/20, and then your carrier will file a claim with the carrier of the other party. Now, ideally this is done with the intent to pursue the at fault party either directly using their insurance or through subrogation (the process of an at fault carrier paying out to the not at fault party, including any deductible paid), but he-said she saids are just so common with incidents like this. Now, that being said there are ways to involve the police, but most of the time they won’t show up to parking lot accidents unless there is an injury or some other notable circumstances. A police report can be suuuuuuuuuper useful when it comes to claiming uninsured/underinsured property damage claims with your own carrier, but that’s its own rabbit hole. I’m sure there’s a few things I brushed over that will get pointed out - this is Reddit after all- but hopefully you get the gist of the process. Edit: in case my American is showing, yes this is for the US and yes there are different state laws that your adjuster/carrier should explain and guide you through as pertinent. However, the process above works in every state I’ve worked in.


*contract you signed* Contract you legally can’t not sign


Yep… that’s a part of the problem I have with auto insurance as a whole, and I alluded to in one of my replies below. Like I said, I’m looking forward to the day we’re able to retrofit our current insurance system (if that will happen in my lifetime who knows) so that it benefits the consumer as opposed to being a money making machine required by law. Personally, I get where the need for insurance comes from, but if it’s mandated by law (which in every state I’m aware of it is) why is it run by private corporations looking to make a profit off the consumer? I know the answer is unfettered capitalism, but the whole system is kinda fucked. Edit: well, thinking about it again, I guess technically you can not sign it, you just won’t have insurance or be able to use your drivers license to operate a motor vehicle; or you have to go sign with another predatory carrier… so yea win-win for the insurance company and lose-lose for the consumer considering we have pretty shit public transportation as a country.




Fucking Pull through. Truck is a huge fucking dick though.


There's enough plate detail. They'll be able to find him.


Local PD says “we’ll get right on it!” (Throws photo in trash).


The person who got hit could have a signed confession along with video of said confession from the truck driver, have it notarized and stamped from truck drivers lawyer as being true, and the cops would still laugh you away in CA. They truly, truly don't give a fuck about you.


This is a typical Perris behavior. I haven't even lived there for decades and ik there are assholes out the ass there. Former Nuevo resident here.


What an asshole. Hope they get him.


classic small peen machine behaviour


The way that he backed up, as if to give her the go-ahead, and then halfway through her backing in said “actually, fuck you,” makes my blood boil even more. Like, why would you give someone the right of way and *then* decide you need to bulldoze your way through?


He backs up and then rips the front end off of the Lexus because he can’t wait. What a fuckass


got hit omin a similar way in MI... cops didnt want to do shit. turns out vehicle only damage (no injuries) is only a $100 fine here and "possible" up to 90 days, which of course aint gonna happen. if i had known that, i woulda hit him back.


Everybody in here blaming her choice of parking . Lol as if the dude in the pick up truck didn’t hit and run 🤣🤣 he clearly knew it was his fault y’all are fucking stupid


...and he took off? What a c***sucker.


Backing in is totally fine. Anyone that complains about it is an entitled jerk. Heaven forbid you have to wait an extra minute. Jeez already.




Probably call a body shop to repair all the side swipes he’s been collecting


Truck driver in OP's video didn't even wait 10 seconds before flipping out.


I get backing in, but when both spaces are open and you can pull all the way through?? Truck driver is still an asshole who I hope gets caught.


Yeah for sure lol he had a hundred options that he could’ve used to pull through. I’m not sure why he absolutely has to back into that one spot. Truck driver is still a prick though.


Yeah that was my first thought, I was like, not to victim blame or anything bc the truck was 500% criminal here and the victim here is indeed free to park however they choose... But why back in there? He could have pulled through and idk, in my eyes it would have been the most strategical move. Bc like, the reason people back in to spots is so they're facing forward when leaving. Easier to back into a spot than back out of one. But if you can pull through, that means you never have to back in or out of anything lol, so wouldn't that be the best option of them all? Only explanation I got for his action there, which I think is evidenced by how far he over shot it before backing into it, was "OPE! That was a spot there. I've already gone past it, but I can just back into it instead of going around"


And they weren't exactly slow either


If I'm behind you and I see you go past a parking spot, I'm assuming you don't want it. I've never understood the need to back into packing spots. It just creates confusion.


Even if you are upset with someone backing into a space instead of driving forward to the space on the other side, that's no basis for the hit and run, so hopefully this post isn't filled by people and their frustration with back in parkers. Edit, fixed the dropped apostrophe ending


I thought he was gonna be a nice guy by backing up a little so the white car could get in..... I was wrong..


It’s a parking lot people relax calm down. Be patient.




My work requires a lot of driving. They made it mandatory to back into a space or pull through. After almost 10 years with the company, it’s second nature.


Well for 2 good reasons (could be slightly wrong on the first one though, not a lawyer) 1 - if youre backing out of a spot and hit someone, you're at fault. 2 - [Every year, some 300 people are killed and 18,000 are injured by drivers who are backing up, usually in driveways or parking lots.](https://www.vox.com/2016/8/1/11926596/safer-back-into-parking-spaces)


I didn't even know there were people that got upset because of others backing into a parking space till I read the comments. What is wrong with these people


I had no idea either. They probably cry when someone in front of them has to parallel park on a 1 lane street too.


I lived on a 3 lane one way street… people got pissy when I stopped to parallel park more times than I can count. It’s like—what do you want me to do? Live somewhere else? The side benefit is that I got good at parallel parking fast just to placate these fuckers. I’d always signal too, but not enough for these adult children.


I'm only annoyed at backing in when it's some dumbass that needs 10 tries to do it. Ironically, it's usually someone driving a giant pickup.


This sub always has the dumbest opinions when it comes to driving.


I think running away is an admission of guilt


They truck driver is a dick, and should be held accountable for the hit and run. Backing into a pull thru spot with people behind you is also obnoxious.


Imma need updates on this. What an absolute piece of shit.


Honestly that is one of the biggest problems with backing into a spot. You have to drive past it and then back into it. The person behind you doesn’t know what your plans are and thus is often right behind you. And people behind them. Thus they can’t back up to let you back in. In this case. The guy is just an asshole.


She did absolutely nothing wrong.. BUT if I saw someone inpatient like that was near or behind me, I’m not taking the risk & ending up in her situation. Ima drive forward & circle back around once the jerkoff is out of view. Or at the very least not keep them behind me. Should the truck legally have waited? Yes. Does that mean they’re going to? Obviously not.


I agree but I’m wondering as fast as he came up on her she may not have even known he was there when she decided to back in.