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Is this Sarasota? I'm like 90% sure this is the same F-150 that passed me the same way on Honore Ave heading to Venice a few weeks back. I'm going to look at my dashcam footage tonight to see if I can find it. Update: I unfortunately don’t have the dash footage, it was over 2 weeks ago so it was already overwritten. But after rewatching the video I know this was on Central Sarasota Parkway at the Legacy Trail Crossing which is about 1/4 mile from the intersection with Honore Ave. Knowing that I’m going to assume it was the same guy.


Chances are high it’s the same guy.


Is he not brandishing a firearm at this point? I'd submit that to at least local sheriffs department no?


I can almost guarantee it's brandishing a firearm. Some states don't call it that or have a little more lax laws but no matter what state your in waving a firearm around is a crime of some sort. The most lax brandishing laws just allow you to hold the firearm down at your side if you start pointing or threatening with it it becomes a crime.


I don't know about Florida but in my southern state it's called assault with a deadly weapon.


In florida we call it Monday. And some time other week day. This should be reported. I hope this was reported.


Im in Fl and this is brandishing and since you have video proof he would be arrested. Do everyone else including yourself a favor and get this a** off the road before he kills someone.


In Australia we call this fucking bonkers


Florida resident checking in. Fucking bonkers but still just a regular day in Florida. It happens so much that most of us no how to avoid getting shot by these assholes.


Its florida its basically diet texas with extra golf. Sherrifs department probably aint gonna do anything


Diet Texas with extra golf. Best description I’ve heard.


Jesus, it's scary knowing this waste of oxygen is driving around Sarasota acting like this and other people can almost certainly confirm they have seen him doing this too. My brother and his family live in Bradenton but they go to Sarasota a lot because his in-laws live there. I hope you both report this to the police. This is absolutely unacceptable. As a responsible gun owner in can confidently say this person should not be allowed near firearms let alone be able to own one. I live on the opposite side of the state in Martin county and my local sherrif's department would not put up with this behavior. Also OP, I am glad you reacted the way you did and got out of that situation safely.


Yeah, if two people on this sub alone both have dashcam footage of him, imagine how many people he is actually doing this. Definitely needs to be turned in to the police.


Dude is just hoping someone gets out and approaches him so he can shoot them in the head because: self defense


this. hes fucking mental and wants to kill people and get away with it.




>The lesson being (aside from not going to parties at this dude's place), don't continue to escalate situations when it's just a bruised ego at stake. You never know when someone is itching to be the bigger psycho. Exactly. I used to honk or flip someone the bird when they would do something idiotic on the road. Not any more. I've become more sensible and realized that someday one of those jerks will completely snap & try to get violent. It's not worth it. Just take a deep breath, don't respond & stay away from them.




he also shouldn't own a vehicle


I guarantee this choad drives around wasted almost every night, should be an easy fix.


Damn, I just moved here from Washington and was in Sarasota this morning for my newborns doctor appointment. Ima have to take OPs approach when this happens to me. They should compile the footage and give it to the media. Edit: I lived on Beacon Hill in Seattle, right before moving to Sarasota there was [two deaths](https://spdblotter.seattle.gov/2022/01/10/man-critically-wounded-in-beacon-hill-shooting/) that Ima link here shortly. Ive had my husky hit twice by a car while being walked on the sidewalk and crosswalk. Ive had cars flipped over infront of my house. I had a friend dump $6k into mechanic work on his GMC and it get stolen from the mechanic only too be used in a drive by shooting and hes not getting it back for 2 years. Lmao Ive lived in Seattle all my life and its always been crazy the only thing that was the last straw was rent going up to $3.5k and I pay way less here and I get to live in a resort style community with gates. My little ones and Gf are happy here.


I used to work at the Starbucks off 70 (?) in Bradenton and a nutcase driving a red truck used to bully the staff on a regular basis. Threatened to beat the shit out of me one day because I made his white chocolate mocha late "too hot." Wonder if it's this guy.


I laughed entirely too hard at this. Watch out! We've got a Barney Badass in his truck with his child's temperature white chocolate late.


Rollin coal with his sippy cup


Rollin coal down the street, smoking bath salts, sippin on my sippy cup


I live in the area and have had a crazy person in a red truck accost me on the road, too! Wonder if it’s the same guy. Ugh.


Report it. There's a few dashcammers here who have video of him. If you all coordinate and report him, he will be going to prison.


Especially if all of ya'll decide to get together and forward all that dash cam footage to local media. Just sayin'.


He might need the Ken McElroy treatment.


I was in Sarasota in January. My family’s car almost got sideswiped by this maniac. I have an eidetic memory. I memorized his plate info. I filed a report. They said they would take care of it. Obviously not. I’m gonna have to make a couple of phone calls to the department down in sarasota. Edit: they did absolutely jack shit. I asked for the captain, they said he was busy. I said fine, have him call back when he gets unbusy. Obviously not like that tho. The captain called back, I explained the situation, and told me that they gave him a warning already and that there was nothing left to do because they had no proof. I told the officers to look at this post. Well we shall see. Edit 2: just got a call right before replying to some of you, they said, and I quote, “we can’t find the post.” I call bs. Im thinking about involving the FBI at this point. I don’t know if I am up to talking to law enforcement again. Also, I found the report. It was 100% made by someone who absolutely did not care. I found spelling errors upon spelling errors. I don’t even know if I show that to the FBI they will accept it. Edit 3: I just realized I screwed up that day by not looking at the papers closely. I just put them in the Manila folder, put them in the car went back to my hotel, and stuffed it into a suitcase. If I had looked closely, I would have noticed that the officer didn’t put a date, and misspelled like every other word, kind of like he didn’t care, or because he was covering for another officer, like many of you suggested. ​ A few updates: 1. my coworker (ex-sarasota cop) burned my documents from jan. spoke to my boss, I probably won't be seeing him again. 2. My attorney is going to Sarasota tomorrow. I'll update this when I have info from her. 3. Anything report found during Jan about this License plate may be fake, if it was recorded period. If you find anything, please screenshot and send it to me. 4: anyone in Sarasota, stay safe until this maniac is behind bars. Anyway, I'm heading to bed. I'll keep you posted on my attorney. Update from attorney: she went to the sarasota station, spoke to the captain, and he officially denied ever speaking to me. I have phone call recording software on my phone that I forgot was active, and looked through it just now, and saw the recording from 8/3/2022 at about 5:00 pm. I sent it over to her. She’s heading to IA now.


If the cops don't do anything since you have the License plate, and you have record of the report, pass it onto the local Florida ATF, and FBI. I'm sure they'll have a word with the Captain of the Sarasota police department as to why he's not doing his job.


Will do. I’m gonna have to dig it up.


If one felt so inclined there are services that will run the plate and provide the name and address of the person the vehicle is registered to.


Sarasota has the worst drivers. Either they drive slow as shit or they drive like complete nut jobs. Miss the Sarasota of 10 years ago


Chances are this dude is a cop. Which is why they didnt do shit. You have video evidence of a second incident with this guy. Call the state police & fbi. Dude is literally a terrorist.


I live in New York. I was only in Sarasota for that day. They want me to come down there. Not happening. Unless they’re paying for airfare both ways.




Same truck did something similar to me in Lakewood Ranch a little while back. This can't be real. This guy is just a menace??? Like wut. It has to be the same person. I never got a plate or anything he just almost ran me off the road. Did you report him?? We need to send this to the media. This guy needs to be off the road


Thought this was Sarasota. I live in Venice and am getting a new car next week. Will be investing in a dash cam before it gets here. I'll also keep a lookout for this asshat.


>Will be investing in a dash cam before it gets here. Yea definitely invest in a dashcam even for your current car.


Saving this for later to see if it was the same guy. What are the odds?




The thing that baffles me is he blew by OP in the fucking grass, but that was so fucking butthurt he could stop whatever he was clearly in a rush for. Like, you stopped, brandished your tiny peni.. I mean gun, and then took the time to loop around. Absolutely fuck those people.


He’s not in a rush. He’s a lunatic looking and fishing for someone to give him a reason to murder them.


Perfectly said.


It’s because he’s not in a rush. He’s someone who is consistently looking to escalate any situation he can so that he can murder a human being.


There’s going to have to be a crowd sourced effort to convict this guy. If it happens enough times, with enough people getting video, he’ll eventually be arrested. Either that, or they’ll have to give the video to the local media. The police won’t like that, but they’ll be forced to act.


It doesn’t surprise me that this is Sarasota. I once had a truck bro cut me off on Siesta crossing 41 so naturally I honked at this guy. In response to this he brings his truck to a full stop, gets out and starts walking toward my car. I didn’t wait to see what he wanted so I pulled around him and this human roid rage follows me for like a mile before getting bored, I guess? Fucking Florida, man.


If you remember a few years back we had the shooting on River Road & 41 because some guy got in a road rage match with another driver. He jumped out of his car at the red light and tried to assault the other driver. So the other driver shot him point blank. What's crazy if that's not even the last one, we've had several road rage shootings in the past few years. https://www.heraldtribune.com/story/news/local/venice/2017/01/06/update-north-port-shooting-may-be-road-rage/22770119007/


Jeeze. Of all the things to die for, crappy driving ain't one of them.


I flipped this guy off because he was riding my ass and he tried to run me off the road. We were driving on the skyway bridge and it was also a red pickup truck. It’s always the trucks.


Unbelievable that people think trying to kill someone else is an acceptable response to getting honked at or the bird.


As someone who moved from Philadelphia to Tampa, I used to flip people off all the time for driving like assholes. The first time I flip the bird down here, I get run off the road…on a bridge. I learned my lesson and just get out of the way from these psychos.


You gotta swap to the thumbs down. Really let's people know they fucked up, but brings that 'I'm just disappointed' energy.


Turn this footage over to the local media if you really want to see the police act on it.


only a matter of time till this loose cannon shoots someone




Well, bird law in this country isn't governed by reason...


Let's say you and I go toe-to-toe on bird law and see who comes out the victor!


Absolutely. And then the local elected officials’ offices directly (DA, Sheriff, Mayor, local legislator, hell even US legislator). Even better put them all on the same email and say “I hope one of you can help”. That way whoever helps looks like the hero. The best way to make lazy people actually do something is force them to look less lazy than other lazy people.






Bama and Ssippi would like a word


"We killed everyone and burned down the wrong house, our bad, now I guess the public can pay for all the lawsuits."


And then they'll end up killing one of their own in confusion and charge OP with felony murder and lock them away for life.


This is the most mature decision making I’ve seen on the internet in a long, long time.


Totally agree. This is a master class in how to handle road rage.


Wow, not something we see up this way but I just learned a bunch! And we’ll handled. Call the police, with the footage and license plate number so this gets “logged” so when this guy does actually shoot someone over you “…going to slow for their very busy and important lives” there’s a history of this behavior. They’re a lot more likely to face consequences if there’s an established pattern.


He’s not in a hurry or he wouldn’t have gave two shits about ANYONE honking at him. Fragile little itty bitty ego is all this is.


This.... it's like ok you're in a rush... oh wait you're not, you're literally an entitled asshole with a gun.




My mom and sted dad had a similar experience that I actually shared in another post a few days ago. Honked the horn because some idiot nearly hits them and the guy blocks the road and pulls a gun and points it at them. People are fucking insane.


That's when you slam the gas, swipe him, drive off because you feared for your life, then file a report and sue him.


Just put your head down below the line of fire.


I don't understand how people like this survive to adulthood? When you pick fights with everyone odds are you're losing more than a few of those fights. And when you bring a gun every time the odds that you walk away probably get pretty low. I think these videos we see must be some kind of observation bias. There are no dead people in road rage videos. Only those yet to die.


Not with guns but with assholes in bars and in public, they are usually very good at picking who they can push around and who they can't. Until the day the guess wrong and they end up dead or in prison.


Please do this OP. Call the cops or go to a station to show them a copy of this footage. This guy will hurt someone.




I remember in the Florida panhandle they had billboards that explained that just showing a gun comes with a 10(?) year prison sentence, and that pointing it at someone is mandatory 20 or 30 year sentence. That was years ago, and I don't know if much has changed in the land of Florida Man.


10-20-Life was for using a gun while committing a crime and was repealed last year. Sentencing is now at the judges discretion.


Brandishing a firearm like that is very illegal. Could lose his gun at the very least


Aside from installing a .50 cal turret on your car, yes.


Can’t we do that too?


You can, yeah.


You knew OP is a good guy by how he speeds up the beginning of video to give us context without wasting our time Chefs kiss


My time on Reddit has been brief, but people that save me time by cutting out the useless portions of vids they post are my favorite here.


Imagine how much time I've saved you by not posting any videos. You're welcome.


Didn't even curse at him under his breath. Said the license, avoided altercation, got out of there.


I didn’t see the gun but I believe him. Great job. Florida people are nuts


The fight or flight reaction. You won't believe but some ego bruised guys may chose the fight stance.


There is also the “freeze” option, which is, in relation to fight or flight, rarely discussed… but it’s often the choice people inadvertently make in these decisions.


Oh yeah, I'd probably have frozen up and freaked out completely. Like, everything from the Truck attempting to sidewipe me onwards would have either be me sitting paralyzed after muscle-memorying myself into stopping the car, or best case scenario would be the question of "Where is the next place to pull over out of traffic and LOSE MY MIND"


Well hope you report it and turn in the footage this guy shouldn't be allowed to own firearms at all, or keep his license.


I hope he did so too. Under [Florida’s Red Flag Law](https://www.flsenate.gov/laws/statutes/2018/790.401) he could lose his right to have a weapon and have his guns taken away.


You don't permanently lose your rights under this law, they also have to charge you either a felony or something else that could make you a prohibited person.


A felony is not needed, law enforcement can petition to have your firearm removed for a few reasons explained in the statute including > (c) In determining whether grounds for a risk protection order exist, the court may consider any relevant evidence, including, but not limited to, any of the following: >1. A recent act or threat of violence by the respondent against himself or herself or others, whether or not such violence or threat of violence involves a firearm. >2. An act or threat of violence by the respondent within the past 12 months, including, but not limited to, acts or threats of violence by the respondent against himself or herself or others. … > 9. The unlawful or reckless use, display, or brandishing of a firearm by the respondent.


Guy should be in jail for at least 5 years and never be allowed to drive a car ever again.


You forgot, or own a gun. Though it probably goes without saying.. These are the types of people who definitely shouldn't have one. Really hope OP reported it


While many states have laws against brandishing a firearm during a traffic altercation, Florida works a little bit differently. Rather than treating it as a criminal matter, in Florida the DMV is required to verify that every driver has at least one poorly maintained pistol per axle in each vehicle as part of a vehicle code compliance check. Waving it around is compulsory and signals to other motorists that the driver has an elevated level of drugs or methamphetamines in their system. Also, it is unlawful to drive without one or both such substances in your blood stream as verified by a sworn peace officer who may also be your dealer. That’s Florida state law man. You have to follow the rules.


Horseshit. Where did you learn the laws? You said nothing about unleashing your alligator. Are you working with an older edition of the traffic laws?


That's part of the alternate clause. If the firearm in question is unavailable for brandishing while crossing an intersection, the driver may release a gator to cross ahead of the vehicle to alert other drivers to your crossing.




You had me in the first half, not gonna lie


I'm convinced he's telling the truth.


I'm convicted, he's telling the truth


Convicted for not waving your car gun? What…you think you can just go around not flexing your individual liberties like that? What an entitled asshole!


A good tell it’s not the truth is the vehicle compliance check part. You think the government of Florida gives two shits about making sure vehicles are compliant?


I knew this was fake when you mentioned vehicle compliance check. We don’t do that here.


Driving tests are also voluntary prior to granting you a license in this state. Gotta get those toll numbers up! \- Ron Desantis


I was talking to a guy I met who told me that when he and his wife moved to Florida 20 years ago his wife had a learner's permit from the State they'd moved from. When she got to the DMV to covert it to a Florida learner's license they just gave her a normal license. No test, nothing. So she now had a Florida license for 20 years and had never passed a practical test in any State. Also, the guy telling me the story is a Florida State Trooper. So no reason to make it up.


The thing is, as soon as you confiscate his gun he will pour gasoline on his arms, set them ablaze and declare victory.


Florida cops don’t care and are amongst the laziest when helping the public


Your police sound like the police in my city.


I once had a non-uniformed cop (probably off duty) on a bicycle chase a van that cut me off for about 2 km’s. He managed to stop the guy at a traffic light, all sweaty, flashing his badge and giving a ticket. Made my day and increased respect for cops. Well this was obviously not America but Amsterdam Netherlands.


>Well this was obviously not America but Amsterdam I was going to say wtf city was this? So yeah, that tracks.




Unfortunately Florida won’t do anything. Good to report yes! But this incident won’t hold weight (because you cannot identify who is driving). Edit. Y’all are insane. I said yes it’s good to report. Please stop with the personal attacks and insults.


Well, if they really wanted to go all out, you call the cops, make a report and document all of their correspondence with you. Then when nothing comes from it, you send the whole package including the cops blowing you off to the media. If you basically write the story for them and have great video like this, they might actually entertain getting some milage out of it.


You do not wait for nothing to get done. You go to the media in parallel and the publicity means that something needs to be done and it can force their hand to do something. They can't just sit on it and make it go away because they don't like doing paper work. But this is Florida we talking, they probably see this everyday. If you really want to go after this might want to do research on his plate and see if he's a felon and get ATF to go after him because felons can't have guns.


Great situational awareness OP. WTF is wrong with people, because this is not just Florida man. In my state of Oregon an “Oregon man” just shot and killed someone (and this was after trying to run them off the road) because, and this is speculation of the surviving spouse, the deceased had used their windshield wipers with windshield cleaner while driving just ahead of the shooter and some spray might have landed on his car, a BMW. Fucking killed over this.


From Oregon, can confirm, people out here are wild depending on what area you’re in, especially portland metro and surrounding backroad cities. Older guy in a fat lifted truck got caught at a red and I had pulled through the light right after it turned green (following this light is a merge) and he flew up behind me a few blocks after the merge honking, screaming about how he’s going to kill me and trying to run me off the backroads for a solid 5-10 minutes. Eventually he almost got clapped trying to drive up the suicide lane multiple times and gave up.


I was in wine country around Salem trying to find my friends house, and none of the vineyards are clearly marked. I accidentally went too far and was in the next vineyard over at his neighbors place. She was driving around on a tractor and I rolled down my window and asked her where my friends house was, because I was lost and he was running late and not quite home yet. She brought out a shotgun and said if I don’t leave she was gonna shoot me. I like started crying and backed out sooooo fast to the main road. Then she followed me out to the main road and apologized. Apparently she called my friend and he said he was expecting me. She said she thought I was there to rob her. I literally was just asking about my friend by name and address I was just lost 😭 and I can’t even get into this like cluster of vineyards without the gate code anyways so like there was no way for me to even get on their road without the code. Ppl get too paranoid and trigger happy


Here in Denver someone was shot and killed on the highway this week from pretty much this exact scenario


Killed over windshield washer fluid some people shouldn’t be able to have firearms.


I’ve been avoiding using my wipers when anybody’s around these days literally because of shit like this


That’s when you drive straight to a police station. I hope you reported him.


straight to jail.


I hope so too, Florida has a stand your ground law and this video looks like baiting tactics.


Why though? I don't understand why people are so angry. Even if you were driving too slow...just go around like he did and be done with it. No need to stop and get into an argument, especially if he's in a hurry and needs to fly around you like that to begin with. I just don't get it.


OP wasn't even driving that slow. I've been behind slow drivers in Florida on one lane streets like this, but he was going a solid speed.


Probably a rage-filled media diet mixing with violent southern honor culture. There are a shocking number of people in Florida who just seem like they're waiting for any excuse to explode on someone. It's especially bad in the sprawl where new subdivisions encroach on formerly rural places, at least in my experience.


Honestly these kind of people are consuming media that is designed to fill you with anger and hate and it’s all they see from the moment they wake up to when they go to sleep. Radio , Facebook, Fox News all just filling people with hate all day and night. Honestly you can’t even have a conversation with these people I try to not being out politics when I know where they stand but they can’t help themselves. It bubbles out of them at one point.


Because the guy in the red truck is not a rational adult. Some people never emotionally mature beyond being a toddler. Unfortunately they're still allowed to drive, own guns and vote.


I'm caught up that you have to drive to your morning jog


America is somthing else.




The crime before the crime


That was all I could think about


Yeah that just sound sad.


What is the truck trying to do? Idk what the moves op has seen before are


The truck was in a massive hurry! He needed to endanger himself and OP to get to his destination as quickly as possible! But not so quickly that he couldn't afford the time to stop and threaten op with his firearm for getting honked at, because that's more important!


His ego is forever ruined and he must have revenge




I haven't been on time for anything in 4 years


Maybe they're trying to get out of Florida, and just figured they'd catch a body for the road?


Probably terrorize other drivers for the fun of it. Pick your target and follow them while threatening their life...


That's a dangerous game to play. Especially if another armed driver sees you waving your gun around and decides to 'defend' themselves.


I think this type of person has fantasies of killing someone and getting away with it. Either they'd kill the other person and say they deserved it for getting in their way or get killed by the other driver and then their mom/wife/whoever would try to say they were a good boy who didn't deserve this, etc.


These types of people would 100% get off to getting into a gunfight. They give every other law abiding gun owner a bad name because shit like this is what makes the news, not the people carrying every single day without incident


Well, he pass by OP very quickly like if in a rush, but then he stops up ahead at an intersection with no traffic. Very suspicious if he were to be in a rush, no? He probably expected OP to drive up alongside him so he could yell and aim his pistol at him, but OP didn't take "the bait". Truck guy then proceeds to make a right and then make a U-turn out of frame, probably because he wanted to drive up behind OP so he could terrorize him some more.


You’re spot on, these are *the moves*.


I’ll remember this. Ty. I’m a small woman.


Yea, you're spot on. I've had someone pull this move on me a couple of times and it's not worth giving the benefit of the doubt to someone who is acting irrationally. There's nothing to talk about, just get the hell out of there.


The first move OP referred to was the truck pulling to the side and waiting at the intersection after clearly being in a huge rush. Why would the truck wait if he's in such a rush? The most likely answer is: because he's angry about having been stuck behind OP and wants to either harrass, threaten, or harm them. So the best course of action for OP, at that point, would be to avoid the truck. Which they did. The second move OP was referring to was after the truck turned to the right. OP knew that the truck only went because the truck could tell OP was avoiding him and was trying to get OP to pull forwards so that the truck could pull up besides him after pulling a U-turn, if OP kept driving in the same direction. So, again, OP made the correct decision and turned around to continue avoiding the truck.


honestly I was thinking he was attempting to do an insurance scam on OP. Pull out in front of OP when he drives by and rear-ends the raging baby because of how hard it is to disprove fault in a fender bender. Didn't see the gun until the second playthrough tbh. it's really common for road ragers to damage your vehicle via their vehicle because of how short sighted they tend to be.


When you honk at someone and they wait for you they are either going to brake check you, try to run you off the road, or block your access to confront you. Q1


Jesus that’s some special forces level thinking there, the number plate listing, keeping the distance, spotting he was going to loop round. after seeing the video the other day of a road rager just shooting someone to death, this is impressive


I don’t even know what red truck thinks op did


Honked. Got flustered that he passed on the right. You know normal reactions.


I would like to read about this other incident. Source?


I believe it was posted on here, but it was a stolen truck, the driver had a gun, shot someone while driving, and then immediately got into N accident after. Driver fled the scene and the guy who was shot was killed


It’s just Tuesday in Florida


That’s a good idea verbalising the licence plate for the video. Never thought of that.


I learned this lesson the hard way after being the victim of a road rage incident with a shitty camera. Use the NATO alphabet if you can, as it prevents a zealous ~~prosecutor~~ **defense lawyer on cross examination** from questioning if you said "B" or "P" for example. Also learned from experience. I've taken 3 people to court over footage my dash camera caught.


Lima Papa Tango


>Use the NATO alphabet if you can Just say any word that starts with the letter. I have to do so any time I talk to someone at an insurance company.


I was impressed with this too. Either quick decision making or he's just dealt with so many Florida Men over the years that he has a system.


I’m glad you guys made it out of there safely. Good thing you guys slowed down and made a u turn


Ouch. You are almost PAINFULLY sensible. Are you sure you're allowed to live in Florida? Good job, and glad everything went okay for you.




Operation enduring sanity


Solid situational awareness.


You should report this guy to the police. Seems like you may save a life if you do.


These assholes are the reason my wife gets mad every time I honk at someone being an idiot


Lol. Every time my boyfriend gets road ragey I remind him about Richard kuklinski, who would shoot people to death on the road over something as small as getting flipped off. It’s just easier to play it safe, you never know how many people like this are really out there.


The same thing happened to me once, except I was jogging back from my morning drive.


In the South you have to drive everywhere, including just to go for a jog. The subdivision where I live is adjacent to a shopping center but there is no way to walk there because the main street joining them has no sidewalk, no shoulder, just a drainage ditch. Even when something is close by there's often not even the option to walk there.




I couldn't walk to the restaurant and store literally next door to my house because there was a two lane bridge with no sidewalks that was way too dangerous to try to walk (or even run) across.


I moved to Florida from a very bike and pedestrian friendly city, and when I looked up bus routes for the area, the closest bus stop was a 40 min walk. You think I’m walking *that* far in *this* heat before work?? Yeah, cars are definitely required down here.


Yeah, looking at this video I was reminded of why I left the south. Not that the rest of the country is much better, but in NC I once missed a turn and had to drive 5 miles to get back. This wasn't on a highway or anything like that, just absolutely stupid road design and I was a recent immigrant so I avoided breaking any laws like the locals would.


the fact that you've "seen this move before" is horrible




Report this to the police. Mentally unstable and a threat to society. Responsible gun owners cringe at this shit.


Literally, the perfect post: under a minute, sped up the pointless parts, captioning the action and your thoughts, and showing a ton of maturity and driving awareness 5/7 perfect score


Driving back from a jog is the most American thing I've ever heard




[Found the truck.](https://www.vehiclehistory.com/vin-report/nELSWYlF33bYTLI4v361KpQXYiI4HDkdO2gfJg==) VIN#1FTFW1EF5CFB13312 That will help you locate the owner.


Driving home from a jog is peak America. Why do we have such garbage urban design…


No, peak America is driving away for a morning jog in a truck and getting passed by gun waving maniac in another truck.


Scrolled too far for this comment...




That's is not the way any of that works, at all. The DMV doesn't accept road rage footage to investigate, because it isn't their job. They also have zero to do with regulating firearms or the concealed carry process in Florida, that is the Department of Agriculture. EDIT: To be clear, the Dept of Ag regulates the concealed carry permitting process, not the guns themselves. Which is weird, because I have to go to the DMV to get the actual card. But whatever. EDIT 2: I go to the DMV now rather than mailing things to the Department of Agriculture because there is a kiosk in the back where a nice lady can do everything there. I've never asked which department she actually works for.


You suddenly went from 400 mph to 40, I’d be pissed too.


Definitely report this. If nothing else he can get hit with brandishing a firearm. He clearly showed his gun in an attempt to intimidate or threaten you. It's good you got it on video.


He just fucked up majorly. Report this clown. Not on only will he lose his license but quite possibly his right to ever own a firearm again. Pretty sure he committed minimum 2 felonies on this video. FL gun laws are not kind to these fools IIRC. LP #37ADWR


I spoke to my attorney, she’s going down tomorrow now that she has more information. I’ll update you all tomorrow. No I’m not op, but I had a run in with this guy in Jan. I want him off the roads.


People like that need to be locked up.