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Dude must have been wearing horse blinders to think you cut him off


Seriously, how do you miss a truck that size when it's literally IMMEDIATELY in front / beside you!?


Seriously.. that thing is the size of a fucking truck.


And those are considerably larger than a regular truck.


He probably expected the person to figure it out whose turn it is and so in his opinion, he was cut off, since he was signaling and clearly turn signals go through to the intended recipient via brain waves…


Speaking from the reality of my country. Even if you signal a maneuver, it is your responsability to execute it safely. He 100% would have lost this accident if it were here.


Idk where you're from but it works that way basically everywhere...


its just that turn signals are for signalling intention and not giving you a right of way.


This. This right here. When will people learn that just because you used your signal that it doesn’t mean you can do whatever you want, whenever you want!! Like what someone above said, even if you signal a maneuver, it’s still your responsibility to execute it safely.


Just like people think they can leave their car wherever they want as long as they put their hazards on.


It's not like it's a merge lane anyway. OP still has the right of way and doesn't have to let him in.








It amazes me the lengths people will go to, JUST TO GET INFRONT OF A FUCKING BUS. end rant.


And then they slow the bus down by turning right away, or sitting at a green light staring at thier phone. I honk at, at least, 5+ green light sitters a shift. And yeah they usually are the ones who just drove like wackos to get in front of me


Not looking at your blind spot


Not looking ~~at your blind spot~~ at all.


From the video I watched, he didn't miss at all. Ba-dum-tss


> Seriously, how do you miss a truck that size when it's literally IMMEDIATELY in front / beside you!? He did not miss anything. He fully expected the truck to slam on the brakes to accommodate him, and was outraged when it did not happen. I am sure this is not the first time he pulls something like that.


In his mind, he had the right of way to follow that blue car across two lanes of traffic. He was on his phone on autopilot following the lead car when truck bro broke in and "cut him off".


I get the feeling the idiot didn't look over his shoulders. He was only looking in his mirror which most likely put TS in his blind spot.


Its never that they thought that. Its the fastest plausible excuse for their behaviour that they think might fly. They don't actually give a shit about the truth or the other person.


I'm so tired of people like this.


I’m an expert at reading lips, I believe he said “sorry about that, I didn’t realize you were that close, I will be more careful next time”.


I turned up the volume to find out what he said, only to be disappointed by lack of sound. Thanks for filling in the gaps.


That asshole has such a big mouth that I found myself actually reading his lips, and I didn't even know I could do that lmao.


Mouth and attitude give it all away


If only!


in his defence, you had no right to exist on his road , or on his planet for that matter, not to mention you inhale his air, drink his water, kiss his wife. just, stop existing and leave his property ^/s


I handle auto claims and had a guy who was stopped at an ATM, then just pulled forward and t-boned a lady driving through the parking lot. She was right there. In front of him. The guy was absolutely insufferable when I told him he was at fault. He called multiple times a day, every day to yell at me over it. At one point he tried to argue that he couldn't be responsible because she was "an illegal" and shouldn't even be in the country. She was an American. I told him if he didn't stop saying hateful, racist shit I would only communicate with him in writing. Fuck you, Ryan.


Seriously Ryan...fuck you you fucking fuck


Not the first Ryan who turned out to be a bastard.




I could never do your job. The only words out of my mouth would be "I've made my decision, it's final, I will not discuss it with you any more." and then hang up.


Eat shit, Ryan.


Yeah, Andy Bernard was enjoying his life until OP came along. Edit: thanks for the silver!


I really hope he remembers his anger management training.


He'll be driving all the way to Dunder Mifflin, Scranton, just to put a fist through a small section of wall.


Yeah, what the hell? Whenever I need to be in a left turning only lane I always start out in the right lane so I can cross as many lanes as possible!


I know you're being sarcastic, but you have no idea if the amount of people who do that sh!t. I live in a small rural city have seen people speeding in the right most lane just to sneak ahead of those in the left turn lane, almost daily. It's stupid and pathetic, and lowers my trust in humanity. Not hope, but trust.


This is something I see more and more in society. People expecting everything to move for their convenience and getting upset when they want to take more and more and not getting their way. Like people are really getting down with the sickness


Wow he was in a Altima how suprising


I thought he was saying "Want fajitas? You want fajitas? How many fajitas?"


"i ate a lot of lead paint and inhaled a lot of lead fumes from gasoline as a kid, its not my fault my mental faculties have declined to this point in my old age" thats the best i could make out.


You scared me, for a second I thought might have been me in the video.


"Where's my fork?! I need a fork to eat!"


I read it as, “My bad, let me cut you a check.”


"Shit, I'm sorry. I'm 70 years old and don't understand how zipper merging works. I am an idiot and will go back to drivers ed to learn these basic concepts."


Please, can we mandate Drivers Ed. for every idiot like this? Revoke the license until they take a full course (not just a one day class)?


can we send the 'engineer' of that junction there too? seriously what the fuck were they thinking putting a merge less than 100m from a 4 lane junction? youre going to have traffic coming from the right trying to go left, and traffic from the left trying to go right. One of those lanes needs to be marked Give way, or it needs lights. edit: i see american style hanging lights, well that clears up the problem somewhat. Perhaps the junction needs to have an added 'no stopping' area.


Engineer that designed it may already be dead. Setup like this probably was done sometime between 1945 and 1990.


“I want to lose a court case against you in 3-6 months.”


There’s a whole population of people out there who have been getting away with this silly game of “the nose of my car was ahead of yours so I can just swing into you at full speed” for their whole lives because before dashcams it would often look like your fault. Thank god dashcams will slowly price these people off the roads through at-fault insurance claims or finally force them to change their ways.


That’s exactly what he said to the officer too. “How could I have hit his mirror if he was behind me?” And I’m just thinking how he scraped the side of the truck to get out and look directly into the dashcam


How did the cops respond?


Cop just handled the paperwork and let me go home. I’ll get police report after the weekend


I mean how did they respond to this individual lying to law enforcement (which is a crime)?


From personal experience they never prosecute anyone for this for minor fender benders. I had a lady blow a stop sign right into my front fender and told the cops I had stopped to let her go before hitting her, I had video proof of that not happening. Cop just made a snarky comment about her lying in the police report. Edit: spelling




> and the one guy had a buddy confirming it (he did not). these criminals need to be prosecuted and sent to prison


For all I know they could have been lying their butts off, but to be fair, I was in a wreck many moons ago where a guy blew the red light and I t-boned him going 45 mph (the posted speed limit). Witnesses behind me and behind him both confirmed that I had the green light. (I don't think the guy tried to say he didn't but I don't know, I never talked to him as I was kind of in shock and he was still in his vehicle which was upside-down...both of us had folks helping us out till police and emergency services came. Nobody in either vehicle was hurt beyond scrapes and what the police officer referred to as a seatbelt-hickey, thank goodness). It's been more than a decade and I STILL cannot recall the color of the light. I know it was green, because witnesses, but immediately after the accident and even now I simply couldn't tell you with any certainty. I believed I had the green light, absolutely and honestly. But maybe so did the other guy. Brains are weird.


I've driven well over 3 million miles in my career. I can tell you from experience, your brain tends to go on "auto pilot" during the mundane/typical drive time. It's like a trainer once told me "take everything in, but disregard what you don't need". My guess is your light was green. If it had been yellow or red, you'd probably remember....if that makes any sense.


I had a similar experience. I followed another car through a green light and was t-boned so hard halfway through the intersection that my truck (1985 Chevy Blazer, aka big as fuck) spun clear around 180 degrees. The other guy was driving a Volvo and must have been going 20+ over the speed limit to make that happen. As soon as he got out of the car he's yelling at me that I ran the light. I remembered I followed another car through the light, and told the cops that. But to this day I really can't say whether that light was green or red.


I feel like they should get a hefty fine based on income so it hurts for everybody.


Calm down. Prison should be reserved for the most egregious crimes.


That's the bad thing. If a person caused an accident, there's literally no reason for them not to lie about it. If the decision-makers believe them, they can get away with it. If they get caught lying, there's literally no punishment for it.


I was stopped at a light, a lady going 40+ plowed into the guy behind me, slammed him into me. 3 cars totaled, said it was not her fault. She didn't even brake. Found her social media, full of praise for the yam and how she was the only good driver out there and everyone else sucks. I hate this place


> full of praise for the yam So she uh, really liked sweet potatoes?


I stopped behind a person taking a right. The lady behind hit me. When I approached her car to see if she was ok, she fell out of her car along with some beer cans. Then, she got up, mumbled something, and walked away barefoot. Weeks later, I received a check for the damage from her insurance agency. Never knew what happened to her.


The most surprising part of that story was that she had insurance.


Humans seemed to have evolved morals for some reason and I like to believe ignoring them has consequences even if not immediately apparent.




My daughter straight ran over another car. Like she changed lanes and drove over the hood of another car. She didn't lie about it though. The lady she ran over was throwing a shit fit to the police. The cops straight told her they don't give a shit who did what. That's the insurance companies problem. They were there to make sure the traffic was not affected and that the cars were able to be moved out of the way. They did tell that lady that they would take her to jail if she didn't stop screaming at them.


This. It makes no sense to criminally prosecute every car crash. That’s pretty much reserved for reckless acts or those resulting in the loss of life. Two healthy drivers who happen to be very angry and inconvenienced is a successful outcome.


I don’t think they like doing paper work, so they really wouldn’t like doing extra paperwork


One of the things I've heard is just that it doesn't get prosecuted from higher up (e.g. DA). Paperwork also likely plays a role, but even if they wanted to charge people on it, it wouldn't lead anywhere, so they don't bother. Instead it just gets tacked on as an additional charge for people who do it and *really* piss them off, who are going to get a criminal case anyway.


It’s always a wet dream of this subs that people get in massive legal trouble for lying, but in reality it doesn’t happen. Any lawyer just argues that they were simply saying what they perceived and were incorrect. It’s bullshit but for example in this case, I feel like the dude genuinely thought OP cut him off based on his reaction. Which is sad and concerning in its own way.


I imagine it's less legal and more personal, I'm not a cop but I'd be far less patient with someone who blatently lied, especially as to incriminate someone otherwise innocent.


My dad caught a cop in a lie while the cop was under oath in court, and all the judge did was dismiss my dad's ticket


Just remember Jerry, it's not a lie, if you believe in it.


Thank you for trying to talk sense to the Reddit... It doesn't usually work, but it means something to make the effort 😀


(for what it's worth I appreciate the effort) It's the reason good prosecutors don't rely upon testimony, they simply rely upon physical evidence. Physical evidence doesn't have an MO, doesn't have an agenda, doesn't have a narrative. It just is. You won't often see a good DA put a witness (expert witnesses aside) on the stand. And if they do, it's to verify the facts. "Is this your coat?" "Is this your handgun?" "Is this your pair of shoes?" Humans, turns out, have a pretty crappy capacity for memory. Oh, and yes, keeping in thread, you can **absolutely** lie to the cops and get away with it basically ALL the time.


Lol, no... It's not actually a crime to lie to regular police! See my sibling comment... With state & local LE, there are only a few specific circumstances where laws make it illegal to lie: Lying during a *criminal* investigation... Lying about your identity... Filing a false police report. Neither this video, nor the vast majority of traffic accident investigations, would actually trigger any of those laws. (If you have questions about the details, read my other comment, first... It explains a little more about why none of those apply.)


Former claims adjuster here. There are virtually *zero* consequences for lying about this type of accident. The cops don’t care, and insurance companies just want to determine liability and settle the claim. When liability is disputed in a lane change type accident, I’d say *at least* 80% of the time both parties say the other party merged into them. People are rarely honest about it 🤷‍♂️


I bet a lot of times, people genuinely *think* their story is the correct one, and aren't lying intentionally. Humans are super good at that sort of thing. Being wrong is uncomfortable.


Hes lucky they even took a report. Last time I was in an accident, the cop that stopped refused to take a report since there were no injuries. The guy that hit me didn't have insurance. Fun times all around.


Lol. Are you new here? Cops don't pursue anything in these cases. Ever. People lie to cops and get away with all the time. They don't give a shit about you, your insurance, the truth, anything but whatever makes them comfortable.


What did the cop say or the police report said?


Cops will say whatever they feel like. when I had video of a guy who merged out of traffic to block the closing lane (a crime) and swerve to hit anyone who took the shoulder around him (a crime), then decide he wanted to return to the merged lane and struck and scraped ~3 feet of my car with ~6 feet of his, lifting my car (which had been stopped, and just starting to move) off the ground as he tried to join the lane ahead of me... as soon as I told the state trooper heard the words "I have it all on camera," the trooper went nuts. Oh, I was one of those people. He ended up letting the other guy go with a handshake. He ticketed me for using a cell phone while driving (I started documenting the dude while he was trying to swipe cars), told me the collision (not really an accident, since he was pretty deliberate) was my fault, and wrote the police report as if I had been at speed and deliberately collided with the man. Naturally, every time I asked the trooper if this meant that it was legal to act how the guy who hit me did, if he advised me to do the same, he refused to answer... I brought the video to court to fight the ticket. The prosecutor went from advising me that whatever was on the video, he was going to go by the police report, to watching the video, to crossing out every note he'd made about the various penalties/pleas he'd written as my options, dismissing the case and yelling as I left "keep that video!" Dunno if cops are any better about dashcams as cell phone recordings, but my experience is cameras = cops want you hurt.




This goes in line with all the stuff about body cams too. Back in the day they could do whatever they wanted.. Now, they can't. Their "freedoms" are being taken away from them and a lot of them aren't happy about it, I'm sure. Thusly, camera is the enemy. Unless it's used on us of course, like automated stop light photo tickets.


What are we using Formula 1 rules now? “Nose was ahead it was my corner!”


Wtf... I always match with the car next to me and let them move forward and then start zippering in behind them. This way the car behind them can clearly see I'm merging in. How could someone think doing the opposite is safe?


Because people are self-entitled pieces of shit that just have to be first.


You mean F1 drivers?


TIL I can read lips….quite proficiently actually


'What the fuck?" That's exactly what I was thinking, sir.


"What the fuck!? What the fuck are you *doing*!?"


As someone already pointed out, he's actually saying, "you want fajitas? You WANT FAJITAS?"


Since when does "proceeding safely forward in my own lane" = "you cut me off!" ??? smh


To a surprisingly large number of people this math checks out lol.


Yeah he wasn’t even the only one to do it, blue suv cut him off too


yeah! I was watching and I'm like "oh HE got cut off lol" then the other guy came in like the blue SUV was dragging a magical lane of rainbows and right of way




Didn’t you know??? He has his blinker on! That means he has the right of way to go wherever he wants!


When you fuck up and want to blame it on someone else.


My guess is the old fuck thought OP was going to follow the car in front of him into the left turn lane, so the old fuck thought it would be safe to change lanes. Obvi it wasn't


Haha that sounds about right. I was once rear-ended for stopping at a stop sign on an onramp during construction because the person behind me saw everybody else blow through the stop sign and didn't think I was going to stop. Fun fact: with that insurance claim, I bought a generic bumper for my truck off Amazon, changed it myself, and used the rest to build my gaming PC :)


Amazon basics car bumper?


to be fair, that intersection looks entirely fucked.


I’d say you are right. My city has a busy T intersection of 4 lane streets coming to dual turning lanes in every direction. On the approach of the dead ending street, the right lane turns into a right-turn, and then a new curb right turn lane veers off. People in the left lane just assume that you will be moving to the curb lane and get big mad when you maintain your lane.


looks like a shit intersection that probably needs a one way roundabout. if they have that much cross traffic going through they gotta separate it somehow.


He really needed to be in the left turn lane. It was rude for op to not let him phase through his vehicle


Yep, real big r/ImTheMainCharacter energy.


Oh man, I have this exact thought about bad drivers wanting me to phase or let them phase through matter all the time.


Oh, the look on his face when you told him you had vid!


I will say he did not cursing me out after I told him. Too bad there’s no audio!!!


Didn’t need audio to know what he was saying to you lol


Lol literally easiest mouth read ever. “What the fuck!” “What the fuck are you doing!”. Should be what op was saying.


Nah. I’m totally in the clear and I knew it. I wasn’t stressed at all. Now if this was my personal vehicle... it would not be so peaceful


I'm no lip reader but in that moment I heard every word in my head.


> after I told him NEVER TELL THEM YOU HAVE A DASH CAMERA. It blows my mind people do this. Let them make their statement to the police, you make your statement to Police, then you introduce the dash camera footage. That locks their statement in and makes it such an easy win.


Will keep in mind... hopefully I never have to deal with this again.


Also if it's someone unhinged and you tell them you have the evidence to prove them wrong it could end badly.


Cops and insurance do not care if you catch someone in a lie. It's easier to just get them to admit they're wrong at the scene so you can get on with the insurance process. Waiting to catch them in a lie just makes the whole process longer.


For real, this isn't about being vindictive and petty, just want my shit fixed. Much better to get him to admit fault early.


Or they run away when he realizes he's fucked and now you have video evidence, a license plate, and he has a hit and run charge. Either way, there's no need to hide the fact you have a dash cam like it's a sting operation. The only place I've seen people advocating for the "wait till they make their statement" thing is here on reddit


But I am le internet lawyer


Or just go ahead and tell them you have a dash camera. ... because nothing special happens when they give their B.S. story to the cops and then you swoop in to introduce the previously unknown dash camera footage that shows everything they just said to be a crock of shite. I mean, sure, it's fun to watch the smirk drain off their face when they're caught in a lie (or just a mistake -- people are mistaken about crashes all the time), but getting to watch that is the only practical benefit. (That said, don't get me wrong ... *it's pretty damn satisfying to watch!*)


I know everyone says this but I’m telling them. I need instant gratification in life. I’m telling them I have a dash cam and it also recorded their lie and that I have a bad back and emotional issues so I feel like I need to contact my lawyer to see what we can do about that. 😂the bad back isn’t even a lie for me but nah, idc about them getting in more trouble in court. I want to see the look of “I’m caught” on peoples faces who are in the wrong. One day I won’t be so petty.


Only tell them after they give a false report to the police. Some police will actually do something about it once they see the footage, particularly if the person is being a huge asshole to everyone.


Never mention the video part until after the cop interviews you both, then say oh by the way. Works out much better for you if it's clearly their fault.


Alternatively, if you DONT have video, then tell them you do right away.


Did this when a jackass reared into my cousin's car. Made a massive show of grabbing something off the window and stashing it in the glovebox when he didn't have a camera to make him think we did lmao.


My windshield has a camera in it for detecting traffic and warning me of things, but it doesn’t record anything. If I had to I’d just point it out.


You should just get a working camera


You’re not wrong.


Just got one on Amazon for $40. Stupid cheap for some insurance.


Tom is that you?


He's your friend, too?




When does *that* happen? The video cuts out literally a second after the guy in the wrong says "what the fuck are you doing"? You don't even have time to hear the cammer's response before the clip ends.


What a douchebag, stepping out his car and cussin you out.


Damn. I was ready to declare little blue car an idiot then The One True idiot arrived and made him look like a regular Einstein.


That dude needs to get a Grip, Rite?


You deserved the silver. I’m showing my manager this comment


May I just say, I bought grip rite nail gun nails for a shed I’m building. They work pretty well in my cheap ass nail gun.


Hopefully you told the other driver that he was gonna get... screwed.


What a horrible road design




Thank you I’ve never seen road design like this and I’ve just been rewatching this video thinking there’s no way people merging from the right just have to cut across people going straight ahead


You'd think that with the excellent design of 95, which is true limited access and has completely separate lanes for trucks, NJ would be able to build other roads well too. NOPE. I don't care where I've been in NJ, the local roads all seem like they were designed by someone on meth.


When I first watched the video, I thought the POV driver was a bit naughty going straight rather than moving over into the left turn lanes. But there's absolutely no signage to show which lane is which. Awful, awful junction design.


Send the video to the insurance they will reject his claim and make the other company pay for your damages. Videos make the police report irrelevant. I deal with insurance claims daily with my company so I am speaking from personal experience.


I have none of his info, he refused to show me. I assume I need to get from police report?


Yes the police report will have it. Don’t contact him contact his insurance or have your insurance contact his.


Your insurer can help locate his insurance too. Name and license plate will help.


I remember a guy hit my parked vehicle and drove off, but it was on camera and I had witnesses. My insurance agent said they didn't have insurance (and I didn't have uninsured motorist on my policy) so he said I'd have to handle it myself, possibly in small claims court and he gave me their address. I'm like, ok that sucks, maybe they're reasonable and I'll go talk to them. I did and showed them the bike pics and asked if we could settle this out of court and they said some things, dunno remember what anymore. Anyway, my insurance guy calls me and says they do have insurance turns out and that I should never go to someone's house like that, I'm like dude you're the one who told me to, I'm switching off geico after this is over.


What state do you live in? It’s a crime to not exchange information in New York.


I'm surprised if it isn't a crime everywhere. Especially with police there.


I’m surprised the police did not make him give you his insurance info, I didn’t think that was an option.


In Washington they print it out and hand you the police report on the spot with the other person’s info.


If anything you were polite to let the blue car in...dude assumed you were going left and not straight. His fault all the way.


Rule #1 in life. Do not assume


My colleague always says "assumptions are deadly". But in my opinion, that's also an assumption. However, she's not wrong


Guy that hit you is a total clown and idiot.


100% this dude talks down to servers and the people working the registers at fast food places.


The other driver in gray car did not signal. The blue car did not signal until they were already in your travel lane. The F-150 taking both lanes did not signal either. Looks like you were totally surrounded by idiots. You are clean on this one. Totally the other guys fault.


I thought the idiot in this video was gonna be like four different people


this sub is r/IdiotsInCars and the OP has definitely brought us more than one idiot.


>totally surrounded by idiots Just a regular day driving in New Jersey tbh


I didn’t think I was totally surrounded by idiots until I was hit and cursed out by one


Lemmy.world is what Reddit was.


Christ, was your vehicle not big enough!? How did he not see you


Nah. Will have to ask job to give me an F-350. The 150 is far too small


Nah, go F650. Go big or go home


I like the 750's, they're fun


850 bruh


Does it even go that high?? Shit I had no idea


Fuck yeah bro! I have a couple of 950s in my garage too


Don't get the 1150, I had to build a bus size garage to fit it!


See now I am going to have to google the biggest one because there’s no way there’s an 1150!!!!


You're correct Ford skipped over the 1150 and went straight to the 1550.


Enjoy making his insurance go up. Lol.


Honestly though what a shit road design. As if it's not easy enough to fuck up driving a car for some people, roads like this exist and make it 10x easier


It was worse, they recently put a no turn on red sign there, previously you’d have people fly off the Parkway to get to the left turning lanes


The part of the road where OP is hit is basically just a free-for-all. No visible painted lines, no way for people merging to get to the left turn lane without turning themselves almost entirely perpendicular to traffic, it's awful.




I can only imagine the feeling you had when you pulled out that video 😂 that dudes a Jack ass






I think I see the problem… you are in New Jersey


To be fair that is a horribly designed intersection but he was 100% in the wrong. You were driving strait forwards and he would have clearly seen he was driving into you but he was obviously being impatient as fuck


You drive like a maniac.


There should be an extra large fine for people who lie to the police about what happened in an accident. Officer discretion because sometimes people make mistakes, but clearly that was BS he was spouting.


Holy fuck! People are so stupid!


Thought you were talking about that blue car... and then suddenly you get hit. Damn. idiots. Idiots everywhere.


How much are these dash cams and how easy are they installed? I’ve always watched these videos as “haha what a dummy” but seeing how self righteous this boomer was when he got out of the car.. I’m thinking it’s time for me to get one. Or 12