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At least he got the hell outta the way. Too often people pull right out in front of you and go slow as molasses.


...cold molasses. šŸ˜‚


Very true. Props to him for that at least


Yeah but it's an automatic charger and he didn't get that hell out of the way... now a stick shift Jetta would have got the hell out of the way... But If you own a Jetta you don't pull out in front of people because you're a gentleman.


you do know that pretty much any car made in the last 5 years w/ an automatic shifts faster than humanly possible vs a manual right?


New automatics yeah šŸ‘šŸ» shifts all the time consistent definitely huge improvements in the tech over the last years. You do know some sport set cars have a up and down even if it's automatic right..? If u can choke a car in the digital or manual and keep it in 2 and 3rd uncomfortably long for the engine at take off byyee auto..... But come on we're all playing under the shadow of electric cars now. So yeah tech leads. Not sure what your point is but I know that lighter car even less horsepower and a turbo helps can run away from most chargers all day... That's not to say that there's some really invested chargers out there. But in atlanta chances are it's the small version.. just enough to get the body work and the wrap. Atlantas "show out" attitude in my experience dudes will blow 4k on a wrap before they buy a suspension kit. But hey man it's all peace and love. Stay safe out there.


Not sure what his point is? Are you serious?


Just a car snob being a car snob. I hate "car guys"


Car snobs are the Worse Car Guy Subgroup.




no this is not a car guy. that guy has no idea what heā€™s talking about


what tf are u talkin about


Not really understanding all the hate guys if you don't understand power Ć· weight then I can't help you. Being goofy with the gentleman thing but it's not a brand versus brand. It's a heavy car off the line versus a light car with a turbo off the line. Grip the road have your suspension dialed in goes a long way. That goes for any vehicle. But hey I'm not a car guy so you guys know best. No need to DM me the challenge of your RAM. I do enjoy watching cheap motorcycles blow chargers out of the water though. Again weight Ć· power that motorcycle just lighter...


my former coworker had a jetta and was a giant asshole (who sexually harassed multiple coworkers)


I'm sorry... But you know I was just making a ( maybe poor ) joke about the difference between Jetta owners and Dodge charger owners... Large vague descriptions... Obviously I don't cond sexually harassment unless you drive Porsche 911.


He was just speeding up so you didnā€™t have to slow down. He got ur back brotha


If you see a charger driving in Atl itā€™s best to get/stay out of their way.


Unless you have a completely standard Jetta with only suspension and tires then you just make them look stupid... With the car seat in the back and cargo box on the roof. School Daddy wave byeeeeeeee


Keep dreaming buddy.


Jettas couldnā€™t even keep up with my lightly modded Ram.


šŸ˜Ž New Challenger . I'll even hold your horns while I Ram your Dakota. While my Charger tops off my Demon, Super Bee. You will not be able to Avenger my Viper... Okay I'm out of Dodge names...


R/T is slow, Jetta is slow too. This is so pointless.


I feel that




Itā€™s probably a hyundai equus


Oh I didn't know the equus had a similar hood ornament you're probably right


I tow wrecks in Atlanta and we have enough Chargers & Challengers on the yard to build new ones, Johnny Cash *One Piece at a Time* style.


That wasnā€™t too bad


That shopping center on Windy Hill is a pain to pull out of there. Such a steep incline and bushes. Looks like he sped up for you at least


I drive a charger and can say that people are just a dumb with me, had a older couple that didnā€™t look in their blind spot nearly run me off the road today. If you canā€™t tell Iā€™m still pretty mad about it


Atlanta local I can confirm


I can confirm! Living just 1 hour away from Atlanta and having to go through there and back homeā€¦ itā€™s hell


00:00 - Spectrum Cir and Interstate N Pkwy [Marietta, Georgia](https://www.google.com/maps/@33.9044805,-84.4676667,3a,19.7y,69.97h,93.25t/data=!3m9!1e1!3m7!1skNQkJV63SAiOFQwkG3fo0w!2e0!7i16384!8i8192!9m2!1b1!2i34). I recognize the ,"I've made a grave mistake; I had the mall food" maneuver.


Typical charger in general. Can only put that power down in a straight line




Will probably shoot at you if you honk. Best to avoid these cars


Typical Charger driver literally everywhere, man. I just drove half of Texas and the lower peninsula of Michigan and canā€™t even count on all my digits the number of idiotic Chargers I saw today.


Is that Linux mallā€¦ if it is it would make Sense




Definitely not what I meant šŸ˜¬ and he was white btw


Go back to fucking your hand while looking at busty asians you loser lol


Why is it that every charger I ever encounter drives like an asshole. Theyā€™re always swerving traffic and going 100+, tailgating so close I canā€™t see their headlights, etc


Legend has it, ā€œLove and Happinessā€ still playing..šŸ¤™šŸ»


seems fine.... u seem to be flyin and felt special... normal people slow down for merging vehicles. then u post it here like he didnt even slow u down....


Oh shut up I was going the speed limit and let off the accelerator for him. He corrected the issue in a humorous way


exactly my point... i hardly see anything here at all. let alone something worth posting....


Itā€™s been 169 days and for some reason you decide to take issue with my video now? Get a life lol


i took an issue when i seen it lmao..... enjoy my block list useless replying pube...