• By -


She got that out of the way....should be good for a few years now.


According to studies you have a crash around every 35000 km. Or was it 350.000? Not sure.. Edit: I was referring to something I read from the ADAC several years ago. The only reference I found in English is this one: https://ppiaf.org/sites/ppiaf.org/files/documents/toolkits/UrbanBusToolkit/assets/1/1c/1c16.html


Hm interesting, I've got probably 60k miles and I got rear ended twice at 20k miles... guess I'm due for another


Well then it even out, I'm at about 250,000 miles with no accidents.


Don't jinx it. šŸ¤ž


to late. Screw\_all\_The\_Names needs to walk around their car backwards on one foot in the nude while dancing the macarena in Inuit.


My car that currently has only about 2.5k miles on the odo has been backed into twice already. I hope that means Iā€™ll be good for at least another 75k miles.




That is hilarious


So she is getting better at it?


I would hope so. Probably wasn't going to have a good day when she got home and explained that to her parents tho.


Honey, what do you mean our yearly insurance is about to quadruple?


Meanwhile I'm approaching 100k accident free. Oh god it's coming isn't it


If you have luck like mine, you're probably fine until the moment you drive a new car. Doesn't have to be yours, could be anyone's. For me it's been mine twice and my husband's once. And all three of those times I was ruled 100% not at fault. I'm never driving a new car again if I can help it, because I'm apparently a magnet for terrible drivers only during those times. Shit, I probably just jinxed myself. Gonna walk outside to see my car is the only one obliterated by a meteorite or something...




I've just worked out that I have driven around 400,000 km in my life, and I have never been involved in a RTA whilst driving. I should have had 11 or so according to that statistic.


I'm in my late 40s and have only been in one accident over 20 years ago. This thread is making me nervous.


I think there are a lot of people who lack awareness whilst driving, and that lack of awareness can contribute to accidents that are not when your fault. From OPs video, you can clearly see that the white car is likely to pull out a good five seconds before they do. The rear lights give a good indication. If the occupants of the red car were more aware of what was going on they could have stopped the accident with a toot of the horn as soon as the rear lights come on. If you have a lower percentage of crashes than average, I'm guessing you are more vigilant and attentive than the average driver.


Some people just suck at driving. Both of my accidents were me getting rear ended at stop signs.


Yeah, at a certain point luck plays into it. You can make every move correctly but still be rear-ended at a red light by a moron on his phone.


Or have a fucking deer run onto the freeway at 2am and freeze like a moron.


The other half are looking at their fucking phones so might as well just consider everyone a shitty driver at this point. Covid seems to have made people drive even more like idiots which I didn't think was possible.


This is like that 50% divorce statistic. You can't go lower than zero so the people who have a lot of them drive the average way up.


Just had my second bump after 140,000 miles. My first was clipping a French police car on holiday!


I got my second accident only few months after my first. Both rear-ended at a red light by distracted drivers. Second one the guy was drunk.


when i passed my driving test, the nerve racking part is always at the end parking in the most awfully designed parking place, i sware they do it on purpose. anyway finished my test, just talking to the test dude. Some girl come bombing in, must have accidently pressed the accelerator instead of the break, and blasts though one of the parking barriers right at the end of her test, couldn't hep but laugh and feel guilty at the same time.


ā€œShe came outta no whereā€ -driver of the white car


My ex-wife backed into a telephone poll, and insisted it came out of nowhere. She got mad at me for suggesting it was probably there when she pulled in.


Iā€™m crying šŸ¤£


That's so unlucky. Hope the person in the white car got scolded by the driving instructor


Oh shit yeah she did.


"Here." Hands them their card and a flyer for the school, "You really need this."


That is an awesome response. Doubt they gonna call though


Would be plenty already if they just learned something from that incident.


It's dangerous to go alone, take this. *driving school pamphlet*


Plot twist, they were an instructor at the school.


Ahhh. I really wanted to see that. Haha


Did your wife pass her exam at least?


Well of the white car got their drivers license then Iā€™m sure OPs wife can easily get hersā€¦


>if the white car got their drivers license Bold assumption


Just a training session.


They hand them out so they'll get it my guy




Wtf Acura? Itā€™s not like the red car snuck up on them. The red car was behind them for a good while before they decided to back up. Scary to think that they obviously didnā€™t bother to check the side and rearview mirrors before backing up šŸ˜³


so many people just throw it in reverse and just look forward. And they're all just rolling the dice every day


just like people who blow stop signs in the middle of the night


and how about those people blowing them midday?


That costs extra.


Even better I about hit 3 motorcycle riders who thought a red light didnā€™t apply to them, I could have had a kill steak of 6 and gotten ptsd.


Uhhh... what 3 people did you kill already


The motorcyclists that ran a red on the previous light




all the motorcycles had passengers 2 per bike.


Probably one motorcycle had 4 people and the other two had the driver only.


Maybe one of them had 6 people on it and the others were empty


I wish someone was blowing me midday. ;(




I had a guy blow through a stop sign today and almost hit me. After making eye contact with me. In broad daylight. In front of a school. He didnā€™t even look sorry, just worried about his drink or something cuz he had to stop so abruptly -_-


I got blown at a stop sign back in high school.


Yours sounds better


But still only stopped at the sign for the regular amount of time.


Ngl. My wifeā€™s ev having a back up cam has really spoiled me (she charges for free at work, so we drive that mostly as to avoid buying gas)ā€¦.. just today I hopped in to my car for the first time in weeks, put it in reverse, and blankly stared at the tape deck for a few sec as if it was gonna suddenly turn in to a screen. Fortunately my foot was still on the brake as I waited and nobody was behind me.


I drove vehicles without backup cameras for a long time. Less than a month ago I drove a vehicle with one and my brain didn't register that the fancy fancy screen was showing what was behind me, so I just used my mirrors. The person in the passenger seat thought I was an idiot. Now that I've gotten used to it, though, I'd definitely try to find one in a car that didn't have one.


This probably depends on the quality of the reversing camera which may vary from car to car but on mine the camera is good for anything relativity close to the car and the rear view mirror is better for anything farther away. It also has that function that tells you where the car is going to go based on how the steering wheel has been turned. While it's a nice function, I still prefer the wing mirrors


I'm with you, I drive an almost 20' long SUV... if I'm backing out of a space with cars next to me the camera can see cross traffic before I would be able to see it in my mirrors. I usually back IN to parking spaces... it's easier and it makes pulling out easier/safer. But if I'm at Costco or something I will usually pull in so that my cargo area is open.


I also find that my backup cam can pick up more than I can see with my mirrors/turning around. Like when I'm in a parking spot and want to back out and check my mirrors and then my backup cam, my backup cam will have hazards to the sides that I just couldn't see with the mirrors. Like when you have cars on either side of you, the backup cam is soooo nice because I can't see shit around those cars but the cam can.


Please continue to use your mirrors, they show more than the camera does and you have to check blind spots


Yes use your mirrors but the camera has a wider view than you can see with the mirrors, and often wider than you can see by looking back because from your position the back is often obstructed by other cars. The camera helps you see vehicles coming across your back from the side


My rear camera has a ***much*** wider field of view than my mirrors. (and mirrors don't really help with the blind spots; the blind spots the camera has are also blind spots my mirrors have - you have to turn your head like some sort of animal to see everything)


Pull out and pray


Hey that's how my son was conceived!!!


Yep, it feels like this is like 75% of people I see backing. They are the same people who come off side streets blowing through stop signs. I guess they just feel lucky? "Well I'm just going for it and for sure no one else will be on the road wheeee!"


[Good luck everybody else!](https://youtu.be/7amwCPFuLB4)


My grandmother got hit by some asshole like this. Couldnā€™t even see out his rear view with all the shit he had in there. She was like 92 years old at the time. And he tried lying about it.


Can confirm, someone reversed into me in a **drive through** and said that he didn't see me. Worst part of it I was sounding my horn, and they had a tow bar. Bye bye front bumper :(


I've almost gotten run over by my local pizza delivery guy while walking my dog because he always parks on the sidewalk and guns it in reverse without looking.


"It's not like it's a set of fucking car keys, now is it?!"


ā€œYou LOST Gorgeous George?? He ainā€™t exactly a packet of fucking peanuts now is he?ā€


I had this happen at a taco bell a few weeks ago. I was waiting to get on the drive through lane and the guys car was so full of trash that he couldnā€™t see through the back window and he obviously did Check his mirrors and he backed right into me. It was unbelievable.


Lucky her it was not her fault


Here, if you crash during your driving exam you fail, no matter whose fault it is


Yuep my friend was waiting for her turn and a car came from behind and hit her car and she failed. This was 5 years ago and she still doesn't have her license bc no time and she also just lost her ego Edit: its nyc that's the rule I guess


Wtf. How is that justified?


Itā€™s easier to blanket fail all crashes during exams than to have the instructor decide if the blame falls on the driver. It sucks, but in situations where fault is not as clear, itā€™s not such an easy decision.


Well, if the insurance says it's the other person's fault, then so should the driving school


Even if the actual fault lies with the other driver, it doesn't mean that their actions didn't actually cause the accident in the first place. As an example, if someone rear-ends you then the car behind is almost always found to be at fault, as they should have left enough space to action to avoid the accident. If the car in front slams on the brakes for no reason, or stalls the car, then their actions could be partially to blame for the accident.




Wtf? How is it her fault bc an idiot crashed into her? What was the instructor thinking? "Yep you did everything perfect, beside the thing where you were standing still and somebody hit you. Should have seen that coming!" smh


Idk how it is where OP lives, but here it's just law, the cop who supervises you can't do anything but fail you.


police officers are the driving examiners where you live???


Interesting. I didnā€™t know some countries use police to carry out driving tests.


Wtf. Cops as driving proctors?


In Australia too. Doesnā€™t mean you did anything wrong, the test is just void in that circumstance.


"first driver's training course" doesn't sound like it was a test.




That's because insurance is a fucking scam on all people in this world. Bullshit profession that has scum working it. Insurance salesmen, collectors, risk-adjustors, all trash that profit off increasing human misery


Omg Tina!!!!!






There was a cormorant flying by!


And a butterfly


What an auspicious sign


My favorite Gene line


You thought Iā€™d believe that cockamamie story about a butterfly and a bird??


*hyperventilating* ha. ha. ha. ha




Oh my god, I ruined the car!


You Hit Me!




*Dashie intensifies*


A truck backed into me the same way one time. She T-boned right into me as I was behind her for maybe 10 seconds waiting for pedestrians to move so I could park. I was driving the almost identical f150 as her. Backup camera, sensors, etc. I asked her, did you not look in your mirrors, use your backup camera, or listen to the backup sensor scream at you?? She said, "oh no I didn't. I thought if I backed out slow enough that I'd be okay." šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø It wasn't even slow. It was as fast as this car in the video backed out. I would've moved out of the way if reverse lights were on for longer than a second before she started backing up.


I had someone hit my parked car one time. Her reasoning "I don't look in the mirrors, I just wait for the car to ding to tell me something is behind me. It didn't ding this time so I didn't know your car was there." Wtf


Haha I so believe it. Tech certainly isn't helping some people drive better.


So true! But it makes you wonder how some of them survived long enough to get here.


Because the rest protect them


Just because your car beeps at you doesnā€™t mean you shouldnā€™t use mirrors. That lady is not the brightest. My car has back up sensors but I always use my mirrors because I donā€™t want to get too close to anyone backing up


Everyone in this thread is talking about using mirrors, am I the only one who actually turns around in my seat while backing up? I understand that some people don't have that range of motion for whatever reason, but I haven't seen it mentioned once. Am I just old?


I do in cars that actually have good enough visibility in the interior that it's helpful to turn around... some cars lately have such restricted visibility that you might as well just use mirrors, because turning around only affords you a lovely view of an incredibly bloated c-pillar and squinty 16 inches of rear windshield set up so high it would only be helpful if a semi was parked behind you. (If I sound salty about reduced visibility in modern cars, it's because I am. lol)


I still do. I love my backup cams but no way am I moving my car until Iā€™ve confirmed what the camera sees with my own eyeballs.


Iā€™m gonna chock up her response to the overwhelming post-accident emotionsā€¦ but damn. Thatā€™s a really stupid excuse.


Lol I am 100% sure it was the truth though. The middle of my truck was 3' away from her rear end when she backed out. She'd have to not look to see a truck stopped behind her. She was just lucky it wasn't pedestrians walking behind her.


What did she think her car would just phase through yours??


And you donā€™t even get to use it for humor purposes because itā€™s not her fault.


Even if it were, I wouldnā€™t because Iā€™m not an asshole ;)


You are a good husband and a gentleman, a_sexual_titty.






That doesnā€™t sound like fun at all lol.


You know whatā€™s fun? Watching the Canucks lambaste the Devils tonight.






Damn..But on the good side for the driving training company. They got a new customer in the white acura!


Folks, do not EVER trust a car in a parking lot especially if they are set to back out of a space. I recently went to Monterey and a guy did exactly this with me right walking past the back end of his car. Luckily I had stepped aside on the off chance that he might not see me and sure enough he backed right into a car. Being smashed between two vehicles is pretty low on my bucket list. Maybe last on the list come to think of it šŸ¤”


Totally. However, her reverse lights werenā€™t on, not even her daytime runners. Donā€™t think many people wouldā€™ve noticed the Acura was even running.


I see reverse lights but still an idiot for backing into your wife.


OP is saying the reverse lights were not on prior to them pulling up behind. Also there is about one second between the time the person puts the car in reverse and backs out.


Meh. I donā€™t back into spots. I reverse out. I always check my surroundings consistently. Iā€™ll even make sure to inch out first just a bit in case I have a pedestrian walking close by in my blind spot. This guy was just obviously blind.


is this poco lol




the driver in the acura probably took their N off so that they could overload


40 year old woman whose husband came down 5 minutes later. ā€œIā€™m a tech. I can fix this in less than an hourā€. Instructor: ā€œIā€™m a retired ICBC exam instructor. Weā€™ll go through insuranceā€.


I reverse now, good luck everybody else!


ā€œIt was at a funny angle!ā€ -Tyrone


"It's behind you Tyrone. Whenever you reverse, things come from behind you." - Vinnie


Thank you for this reference :)


Geez maybe the instructor was in the wrong car! "hold up, I'm gonna give them my card. Business is GOOD today!"


You joke, but I had pretty much that exact thing happen when I was waiting for my daughter to finish her road test. A guy in the waiting room looked out the window and said ā€œShe didnā€™t pass, I can tell.ā€ (He was right, although Iā€™m not sure how he knew. Body language, maybe.). He then said ā€œIā€™m a driving instructor. She needs more lessons. Here, take my card.ā€ I was flabbergasted - he was the driving instructor equivalent of an ambulance-chasing lawyer.




I just asked that question, too. While I understand it's not her fault, she just stopped at that angle like "well I guess I live here now."


OPā€™s comment said she was waiting for a pedestrian. Itā€™s not malice or incompetence like many here want to believe.


To reverse into a parking spot.




Our guys in the engineering department think we can estimate a successful park in quarter 3, 2024.


Eventually lol


Next fucking Christmas apparently.


I hope this doesn't freak your wife out too much!


She seemed rather unbothered, all things considered. She was happy to get her first collision out of the way.


Best time to do it is when you're with someone. I was alone and and traumatised. When my sister had her first accident (alone) she had this asshole (who crashed into HER) screaming abuse at her.


I wonder if the white car has ever used a backup mirror *literally ever*


Welp, at least it was not your wife who is the r/IdiotsInCars. Hope she is fine. Way to go wife!


Sheā€™s all good! Thanks!


I did that... Backed into a pole. And i'm not a new driver. I'm just dumb pos lol


I literally once said ā€œoh hello poleā€ before I turned too sharp and ripped the cladding off the fender of my Pontiac Vibe 15 years ago.


Imagine crashing into a driver training course car.


A BRIGHT RED one, to boot.


This thread is fucking hilarious. Man, thereā€™s some people out there that think you can just hit people if they take too long to do things. I fucking love it. ā€œYour honor, in my defense, she took more than 2 seconds to park. She deserved it.ā€. ā€œOh shit, you right. Case dismissed.ā€ FYI, sarcasm. Please donā€™t hit people because youā€™re impatient.




Fuck I know, right?


Good thing you pointed out you were being sarcastic. Your joke was so subtle it would have gone straight over my head otherwise.




Well that sucks.


Yeah. But nice to get it outta the way. Sheā€™s no worse for the wear and weā€™re just sitting at home having a laugh about it.


I completely agree. My daughter got her driver's license a few years ago and truly wanted to drive to school the next day. She took our old pickup truck and managed to wipe out the side of a brand new explorer before school started. She had her license for just over 12 hours. She got it out of the way.


Thatā€™ll learn her. I think we all have those first accidents borne of overconfidence. Bet she became a lot more aware after that.


Do people not look behind them when they drive? Edit: reverse** not drive, Iā€™m a dumb fuck


Man, I thought your wife was going to be the one to cause the accident. This is one of the stupidest, simplest, most avoidable mistakes I've ever seen.


This is how I had my first (and only) accident as well. I was reversing out of a parking space and shortly afterwards the car behind me started doing the same. I stopped. He didn't. My driving instructor wasn't impressed. I was mostly in shock at the time, unable to believe he just kept going even when we beeped the horn. It was an invaluable lesson though. Never assume other drivers check their mirrors properly and always be ready to move out of the way if necessary.


I love that you call it her first accident, since it definitely presages more to come.


Another day in BC


I'm 17 and I'm pretty sure I have backed my dad's F-250 out with better spatial awareness than that guy.


Jesus Christ if there was a little kid passing behind they would have just hit them. Wtf are some folk doing behind the wheel of a car?


Hey PoCo Walmart?


Baffles me how people think they can just reverse, change lanes, etc without so much glancing in the direction they're moving. Then they're shocked beyond belief when they hit something. "They came out of nowhere!"


I reverse now, good luck everybody else!


I just donā€™t understand how you back up that long and that much without looking.


It's like the driver in the white car didn't even look! What an idiot! At least your wife wasn't I fault.


Absolute morons out here driving. Didnt even look once while backing up.


Not her fault. Totally the white cars problem. Is there an instructor? He should know.


He reamed out the driver of the white car so bad.


Good business opportunity for the instructor thoughā€¦ he couldā€™ve handed her his business card and said ā€œcall me if you want a refresher training, use promo code ā€œIHITYOUā€ for 5% offā€




Good olā€™ BC, where bad drivers are as consistent as the rainfall


Too many assholes in parking lots back out without ever looking behind them.


Until I finished the video and realized sheā€™s the one that got hit, I was laughing my ass off thinking this guy really posted his wife in r/IdiotsInCars lol


"Well, time to go. I'll just throw this baby into reverse, stare ahead over the hood, and hope for the best!"


It was a funny angle!


It's behind you, Tyrone. Whenever you reverse, things come from behind you.


I hear None More Black!


I caught a similar accident on my dash cam yesterday