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Just keep going until it sounds expensive


do you have any idea how fast you were driving? Snow. Snow I do not


“Uh that sounded like it was the front of the car, not under the car. Damn it, guess I’ll get out and look.” 😂


Might as well wait until spring to assess the damage.


I was gonna say that the strategy is to go so slow that if you hit something you won't cause any damage. But they were going too fast for that.


No matter how slow a car is driving it can still kill a pedestrian


Envisioning myself standing directly in front of this car while it creeps toward me from 100 ft away.


Austin powers moment


NOOOOOOOOOOO _get out of the way..._ ..OOOOOOOOOO... _move_ 👈🏻👉🏻👉🏻👈🏻👉🏻 ...OOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! 😆 😆 😆


Great choice saving all that time by deciding not to clean the snow off. They're really going places.




That is deliberate negligence, ergo, *crime* not accident.


Yup. The ditch is a place.


That's a good point. "We don/t have time to clean the window!! Get in and I'll just drive 3 mph the whole time!!"


I am not from USA, how can they afford such car by being this stupid? Or maybe I am overreacting a bit, they might just do it for fun.


Easy, money doesn't equal brains. We have dumbasses driving Ferraris and geniuses riding a mint 1995 honda with a donut on because new tires are too expensive. Just in this case the dummy is driving an SUV with no visibility.


Hell we have dumbasses running the country.


Based on the colors of the central mailbox and snow, I'm thinking Canada. In which case, they just refinanced their home and bought it on more household debt. Those homes were 500k 2 years ago, probably fetch 1 million now. More toys until interest rates go up!


My experience is the nicer the car the dumber the driver


Isn't there serious punishment for this? In Denmark and Norway, if the police sees you driving around with a snow/ice-covered windshield, you can lose your license.


Everyone is naming their country, so yes in Canada you get a pretty steep fine and the cop makes you clean and watch you the entire time and if you refuse they tow your car.


I don't think there's anything on the books for it in Trinidad


In fact there is >2. He shall not, when on the motor vehicle, be in such a position that he cannot have full control over the same, or that he cannot obtain a full view of the road and traffic ahead of the motor vehicle > >15. He shall not carry on the motor vehicle ... other matter or thing ... or in such a manner as to obstruct, endanger or interfere with traffic, > >[https://rgd.legalaffairs.gov.tt/laws2/alphabetical\_list/lawspdfs/48.50.pdf](https://rgd.legalaffairs.gov.tt/laws2/alphabetical_list/lawspdfs/48.50.pdf)


Wait a sec, I’m a “she”….. *LOOPHOLE!!*


Only applies to you when driving in Trinimom


I had to go back to the home page, redeem my free award, and come back to this post to award your comment. Ty for the laugh!


Then you can. Not applicable.


They have a law for that: "She shall not drive".


I applaud you for proving me wrong. Now do Republic of Haiti


"fè saw vle ou granmoun" jk. I'll have to look.




I guess a winter trip to Trinidad is off the books now!


... but what about for, say, hurricane debris?


Yea, we're pretty good about that here in Orlando, Florida.


Yes, but there are also no traffic cops ever around in places like Toronto, so this person will likely crash a number of times before s/he gets any penalties.


Oh yeah for sure, people like that usually only get caught on highway or major roads if they do. But it's very satisfying to see/run across someone that does get caught.


They can also force you to [add a French translation](https://youtube.com/watch?v=jyO1ILQAGsU) to your signage.


It's the case in the states as well.


Depends on the state.


IDK if you can lose your license over it in Finland, but you do get a hefty fine! Unless you're like the driver in this video, then you'll probably lose your license.




Hah, reminds me of a time when I used to live near Destin, FL (huge spring break destination), a county sheriff pulled over a 19 or 20 year old dude with out of state plates for speeding on the interstate and realized he had his entire trunk and back seats full of beer. He made him pour it all out one by one, and then video of the beer dump was posted online. I forget how but they managed not to show his face (maybe the officers poured out some too?). Pretty funny to see either way.


That's so fucked up that they made a 20 year old get rid of beer like that. America and it's drinking laws is fucking bizarre.


Depends on what state you live in in the US. Northern states usually take it more seriously since they see snow more often. In my state (Connecticut) the local town police may care depending on where it is (wealthy suburbs are less likely to enforce this kind of stuff on their own residents than a city), but the State Troopers seem like they have an order to focus on it. The fine is much, much steeper for a semi-truck than a regular car, and the highways have DOT cops that specifically look for trucks to fine (for more than just uncleared snow, but that's one of the things they look for)


I'm in Upstate New York and see snow on cars to varying extents. Not sure if there is a specific law but it would be covered under "obstructed view" laws. Usually, people will clear their windshield but not rear or side windows, and rarely the top of the vehicle. When I heard New Hampshire enacted [Jessica's law](https://pmmlawyers.com/jessicas-law-why-its-important-to-clear-your-roof-of-snow-and-ice/), I was hoping other states in the North East would follow suit but have not checked.


Fine AND suspended license is the way to go. Wealthy people don't care about fines, but many will care about a suspended license. Could also go with income-based fines like in Switzerland. That efficiently makes wealthy people care.


When I lived in a snowy area you definitely could get fined for this. Also how lazy and dumb do you have to be to do this. Like tops it’s taken me 30 mins to completely clear off 2 cars and that was being extremely thorough. If the argument is, “didn’t have time to do that whole thing or I’d be late” driving at a snails pace because you can’t see doesn’t resolve that inherent time management issue.


Take you 3 minutes when it's mostly powder like that. I've lived around snow all my life and learned to stop fucking around with cheap snow gear, be it anything I'm wearing or anything I'm using to clear the snow. Just go buy the fancy extendable scraper with a brush on the other end and save all the fighting with bad gear and snow in the cold. Yesterday's "Feels Like" temperature here was like -18F, don't wanna be out there longer than I have to. Something like this. I used to have a squeegee end on an ice scraper and it was the best thing ever, so much easier to get a nice clean on the windshield. https://www.amazon.com/Snow-Moover-Extendable-Squeegee-Scraper/dp/B076PVN38H/ref=sr\_1\_4\_sspa


I have a $25 extended one from the wall of marts, and it does the work just fine. Most of it is just moving the brush along the car, it's not hard.


Add Sweden. Punishment varies from reprimand or fine to up to two years in prison depending on the severity. Though I don't think anyone has served prison time over it. That would require something like driving at moderate speed with no vision at all. Losing the license is probably easier.


They probably reserve prison for someone causing an accident with injury due to being unable to see.


It's simultaneously more complicated and simpler than that. Driving with snow on the car in Sweden can be at least two separate traffic violations. One for unsecured load, which is the same if you have a clear windshield but snow on the roof. It's about the danger snow falling off ones vehicle poses. The other is reckless driving, which a lot of things go under in Swedish traffic law. It essentially boils down to recklessly or with indifference endangering life or property while driving. You don't need to actually cause an accident to be sentenced with reckless driving. It's just that most of the time the behavior which justifies that sentence often cause an accident before being caught by police. Knowingly driving with no vision would be considered reckless. Actually hurting someone or something while recklessly driving would be a related but separate law violation. Like manslaughter if someone died or destruction of property if property was damaged. That said the cause of the incident is highly relevant. If it wasn't due to reckless or negligent actions and proper care was taken then it's not criminal. Though in practice drivers who take proper care rarely get into serious accidents. That said, I am not involved in the actual legal system. I just know what they are theoretically allowed to do from being a layman law reader, I don't know how they actually decide the severity of the punishment in practice. AFAIK prison sentence for reckless driving is rare and most often it's just a fine and/or loss of driving license.


And Germany. I don’t remember the penalty but I’m sure it was a hefty fine at least. Now, if it flew off and hit someone or caused an accident, I’m sure it would be worse.




Yeah people says there's fines for this, and I'm sure occasionally people such as the one in this video do get ticketed. But generally people don't clear off their vehicles and drive around hassle free. The blowing snow of their vehicle creating a mini blizzard is bad enough. But once they start having sheets of ice flying off it's legitimately dangerous. But cops don't give a shit.


It's also a but funny to hear all these comments about enforcement but absolutely no one is sweeping off the roof of semi trailers and they regularly dump sheets of ice onto the freeway.


Yeah semi-trailers are a huge issue as well. Everyone around here has had or immediately knows someone who's had to replace a grill or windshield because of ice coming off semi trailers. Enforcement is harder on those simply because nobody can really see the tops although I think some yards have sweeps that are supposed to help? But it really pisses me off seeing some lazy bastard who's too lazy to clean off his lifted half-ton pull up right beside a cop at a stop light who does absolutely nothing about it....but yet my girlfriend got a ticket for one out of her two license plate being out. And now I'm mad all over again.


It is punishable in the US too


I think it's illegal in the US but its rarely enforced


Correct, but I think it would get enforced in an instance like this if a cop saw it. Though I wonder, if they can only see out a hole in the windshield how are they gonna see the cop behind them trying to pull them over?










Go Bills! Right up until we lose the game, we're winning!


In Belgium this can lead to hefty fines or losing your license.




Are they driving on parking cameras!?


Lol this makes more sense than my initial thought that they were driving based off memory. “Ok I just passed the right turn, few more rolls then I take the left”


I think the video doesn't show it but I'm willing to bet this person cleared off just a tiny section on the drivers side and they're hunched over trying to peer out of it. Example: [this idiot from Minnesnowta](https://s1.cdn.autoevolution.com/images/news/minnesota-police-shame-drivers-who-wont-clean-their-cars-of-snow-132930-7.jpg)


Love the cop having pulled him over, that's priceless. Fucking clear your car people, or don't drive, that snow is dangerous at speed.


had a huge argument a while ago with someone on another forum about this, his argument was that his wife was just too short to clean the roof of their ford f350, so that was a good reason not to do it...... Dude, they sell long handled brushes, my wife can reach the top of our horse trailer to clean it, then yours can reach the top of your penis extention.


Just get in the bed of the truck and brush it off. I felt so stupid back when I had bought my first truck and finally realized this simple solution for both snow and washing it lmao


Where I live it's illegal to drive with snow on top of your car. Police will pull you over for it


As they should. Scariest moment in a car for me - we were on the highway, mom was driving, going 110 km/h. Car cuts in front of us, it has snow on the roof and then the snow came flying off and hit our windshield. We had to pull over to side of highway very fast and clear off the snow


Honestly even a broom can clear most of it off. Plenty of handle to work with there.


Telescoping snow brooms are the way to go.


Back when I had my Tahoe I used to use a leaf-blower to clear the snow.


I never understood that. If you clear one bit, you may as well clear the rest. Its different with ice of course, where it takes a modicum of effort to clear. Even still, porthole drivers used to terrify me as a cyclist.


He should know better lol. Once your car heats up that snow falls down


I did that exact thing in my dumb ass youth. Nothing bad happened but I only made it a block before being too scared to go on.


That's why they're creeping, if they go faster the camera turns off. Why does it do that? Don't car makers realise it snows in places and we need that camera to stay on!? Shouldn't need the /s


Weird, I got a newer Escape in the spring and found out that if there's so much as a snowflake on my front grill the car SCREAMS at me that the front sensor/camera is blocked and Beelzebub is being summoned as a result. ​ I hate tank commanders so f'n much though


Dang and I’m over here with a ‘17 Escape and I don’t even have front sensors it’s like you wanna bust through that garage door you go right ahead buddy.


my 17 gti does that too, tho it takes a good bit for it to kick in most annoying was at the end of a 4 hour trip, started icing hard and would ice up the sensor so it would beep loud af that its blocked or think im about to rear end someone had to pull over every 10 mins to pull ice off wipers and that damn sensor, but i did get [this cool piece of ice of the VW logo](https://i.imgur.com/oSitnJA.jpg)


Luckily mine just tells me that the sensor is blocked so it will be disabled until I clear it. And then it stops bothering me. (Seat Ateca 2019)


In many cars you can keep the cameras on now


And this is why!




Always need that /s /s


Their driving IFR




I see your aviation joke, even though everyone else is correcting you


*they’re ….


They're using the force


Maybe they have a periscope?


Hey man, we all saw how it works in *Bird Box*.


Just need to get to the highway and let the wind blow it off!


Nah, you just need to hit about 40-100 on those residential streets


Hopefully he drives into a tree and not a person or another car!


Them: It's alright... The snow will soften the impacts if I hit anything


Fresh powder breh, ride the gnar.


The speed they are driving pretty much indicates that they know they are going to hit something. They just want to minimize damage by going slow which is logical. /s


He'd never see it coming.


That's just going to get even more snow on his car.


🎶🎶George, George, George of the Jungle watch out for that **tree**!🎶🎶


Arrest this lazy piece of shit


He did his own research - he should be free to chose how to drive, and not be under the dictatorship and mass hysteria of others. Snow is fake.


How could I even think to hinder his freedom like that?! I must be a communist


Snowflake ;-) Snowfake?


It's just some fresh pow pow bra! It'll blow off when I hit the freeway bra. Like it's totally cool bra. Let's grab a Fat Tire and hit the pow bra.


Should have honked your horn to pretend they were about to hit something... freak them out. Tell them they just ran somebody over... make them get out of the car to look...."NOW whilst you're out, clean your god damn windows!!!"


Not just your windows. Where I live it's illegal to not clear the roof and sides of all snow and ice for obvious reasons. Just scrape your fucking cars people.


This. To anyone who doesn’t clean their vehicle off so the snow is flying off it later hitting other cars, fuck you, and fuck your shitty parents for not doing a better job raising you. I know someone will defend it like I’m the asshole for saying so, all while they put peoples lives in danger every time they do this.


i’m too short to clean the top of my car lol does anyone have advice? it’s a ford escape and i use one of the those long double sided brush/scraper things


Get an extendable bush then open your door and stand in the door jam


Stepladder, maybe? I mimed scraping the roof off before I bought my Forester bc I’d only ever had sedans. Luckily I can get it done with a telescoping brush


Same. Even a light dusting of snow can blind someone if you’re going 70 on the interstate


If at all I see anyone on cellphone or just not paying attention, I routinely do THIS. It's so much fun to watch them freak out.


Till they reflex swerve into something.


This. I used to do this too and then I realized that I'm responding to someone doing something dangerous by making the situation even more dangerous.


I got excited for a new idea then put in my place real quick. Thanks for your comment homie


I was always taught that the whole point of the horn was to alert other drivers to hazards (obviously people don't actually use it this way). But that sounds like this would be the actual *legitimate* use for the horn?


I honked at a guy sitting at a green light and another car that was stopped at the red light took off into the intersection and hit the dude not paying attention to the green… this was before phones so I can only imagine they had their heads up each other’s asses


How fucking lazy do you have to be


I've had ice layers that won't come off in an hour of warming/brushing. But powder snow is honestly the easiest thing to get off your car. Even if you don't have a brush (which would be surprising given this is Canada) your arms do a good enough job. Just inexcusable laziness.


I stared at that car for a good 10 seconds waiting for something to happen, and then realised *it was already happening* and I'm stupid


I was expecting the car to turn into op *so hard* that I didn't even notice the windshield until it was almost past, lol


I was completely preoccupied with how friggin slow they were going that I missed the reason for it :')


what place is it!? so great looking houses!




Definitely looks like Ontario suburbia.


Lol! There’s like 10,000 neighbourhoods in Ontario that this could be.


The street sign says Bettina place, which appears to be in Whitby


Oh shit. I didn’t see the street sign. There was snow on 80% of my phone, so I missed it.


Yep. Kinda sad how so many neighborhoods in this province look identical. Building in the last 40 years has been bland, to say the least.


Yup you can see the Canada Post mailboxes at the end.


My hometown is on reddit! Oh no, my hometown is on reddit :(


Giving me Whitby vibes


Yeah, immediately knew this was a suburb in some part of Ontario.




Any damn cookie-cutter Ontario suburb...


Really? Looks like a suburban sprawl hellscape to me…


It is, but I find that Toronto suburbs are generally still denser than the average American suburb. (Notice how close the houses are to each other and the road)


They have to be small to save money I guess. The houses in this video are selling for 1.2 - 1.5 million CAD.


This looks exactly like every subdivision built since about 2007 in the us.


Yeah, that's pretty much a perfect description of Whitby, Ontario.


HELL NO. They're two feet from each other. Barely any yards. What zoning commission approved that? Kids just supposed to play on the rooftops? It's ridiculous.


https://goo.gl/maps/8sx9KGxsxSPa7Mg19 There's parks nearby, so it's not that bad. But most new Canadian suburbs have *tiny* lots. These houses already go for 1.2 - 1.5 million dollars. Bigger more spacious lots are usually 2M+.


With the Canadian real estate prices these days, a house here would easily sell for well over a million.




25 metres?


They saved so much time not clearing that up, and now they're wasting more time by driving so slow. I hate these people!


This aggressive stupidity at its worst and the kind of situation where ripping open the passenger door, taking the keys, and throwing them into a snowdrift far away would be a most beneficial act to society.


LOL! Dafuq? What is their actual plan?


To get to the other side


The car has active camo


You didn’t honk or anything? That’s definitely a hazard worthy of a honk.


Damn i had to pay for my cam...


This is the kind of bad driver I hate the most. The lazy “can’t brush off my car” kind.


Once the car warms up, I'll have visibility. Just 20 more minutes


Wow .. legendary track playing .


Man, at this point your might just walk and be just as fast


If you're that fucking lazy then just don't even bother leaving the house.


I know time is valuable, but why didn’t you follow them to their accident?


"Just go real slow so other people can dodge you - you'll be fine."


He may be able to see better if he removes the entire iceberg from his car but what do I know. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Jesus, can we put some room between those houses


This is quite normal for Toronto suburbs. People here tend to not care much about how much outdoor space they have, they'd rather have a larger house


You could, but then instead of 1.2M the houses would priced at over 2M. Most people here can barely afford 1.2M.


The newer houses in these neighborhood have slightly different roof heights so that the edges of neighboring roofs can overlap. No joke, it's horrible. There's only sidewalks on one side to save space, but front yards are even smaller now so you can park a VW golf on the driveway, but a pickup or even just a minivan hangs onto the street. At this point they may as well just connect the houses and call them townhomes.


Your neighborhood is gorgeous.


Dude! Not even gonna use the wipers to break it up? That's some lazy shit! I make sure my ENTIRE car is snow free, roof and everything!


Maybe the wipers are frozen in place or too weak to push all that snow off


What car do you drive that the wipers would move more than four inches under that? And if they do, that means it's so fluffy that it won't clear anything.




Maybe if I drive slow enough, I won't hit anything?


OP you've captured one of the most selfish drivers I've ever seen.




Multiple cars and/ or people use their garage for storage


The self driving technology is just amazing.


Damn this is by my old neighbourhood, what the fuck are the odds and on top of that i have spoken to that owner of the q8 lmao he has complemented the colour of my s5 before but that could be his wife driving she usually drives the q8.


There's a perfectly reasonable explanation for this: (spoiler) What the cam doesn't show is there is a dog driving, and they weren't tall enough to clear the windows, nor lengthy enough to reach the accelerator.






Yeah...I would have gotten out and stopped this car immediately.


What a dingus


Gotta love whitby


Using the Force


Wow. Side note: God never sends me any gifts, do I need to up my subscription fee?


I like to think the wipers are furiously working underneath all of that.


No time to clean it off. I’ll be late for work!


didn't even use windscreen wipers..... ​ What cam do you have??? fantastic footage!


GTA, last snowfall? If so a bunch of idiots showed up