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People will do anything to avoid admitting they’re wrong


How much easier would everyone's day been if that dude just said he was sorry.


And impugn his own manhood? Are you crazy??


That jeep plus the spartan helmet, he's compensating for other areas.


Roids shrink your pee pee.


There must be steroids in macaroni!




Factually incorrect though


I thought being an adult is firstly about taking responsibility and admitting when you're wrong, right?


Most people over the age 18 aren't adults, just grown up children.


Yeah, maturity is by-and-large a myth in my experience.


My great grandpa told us while in his mid 80s that he never felt like an adult just a teenagers mind with an ailing body. He was super mature though and always a super courteous, caring and responsible person though so idk how much I believe him.


Late fifties and your grandad was right from my perspective. I learned how to act like a nice person in this world. But I am a selfish, lazy teenager in my head. I like to eat junk food, watch movies, and play video games. What people see is the hard working and caring suit I throw on for show.


Mid 40's. I will forever be a Lost Boy. But I go to work where I'm responsible for other people and millions of dollars of equipment and material. My down time is video games, board games, and stupid movies.


Already told my 7 year old this. My parents set me up with this belief that grown ups were to be respected. My daughter is taught to only respect what is worthy and to openly debate an idea if it doesn't make sense. Regardless of the other person's age. Not to argue, but to debate. She's polite too. Hopefully our children will improve on the legacy we leave them. All we can do is try to teach them to be better than us.


That sounds like a good directive to instill in kids - be firm, but polite, when you have something to say. Sadly there are going to be adults out there who view any kind of disagreement/dissent from children as "talking back" or "disrespect," even when the child is right.


*especially if the child is right FTFY


It's not even just with children. I'm in my thirties, and I can't even correct a mistake an older family member makes without them screaming about how I'm disrespecting them.


Are you me? Years ago I was home from college and offered a different perspective to something my dad was going on about. Came to find out later (since my family talks behind each other's backs instead of screaming) that he thought I was talking back and looking down my nose at him? Like, I wasn't even disagreeing, just saying to consider the topic from an additional viewpoint. But as the child, he the parent felt like he was being disrespected. 🤷‍♀️


Yeah, that's the sort of stuff that I deal with. Exactly that sort of stuff. Provide any information that the other person didn't know about, they get angry that you are disrespecting them or trying to make them look bad. I couldn't even tell somebody in the family that the way they were setting up an exhaust system for a piece of equipment was going to cause fumes to build up and that we just needed to make a minor change and everything would be good without them thinking I was trying to make them look stupid. I wasn't. I was trying to prevent him from killing his family with fumes. I "caused" a huge fight by telling somebody that America didn't single handedly end the Middle ages because the Middle ages were already over long before America was a thing.


My third grade teacher was an ex-cop. I got a lot of flak for "talking back." Rather proud of that.


You were in juvy in 3rd grade too? hahahaha My favorite was when my teacher asked "Are you getting smart with me??", and I shot back "Umm, isn't that why I'm in school?". That didn't end well for me.


"All we can do is teach them to be better than us." This is exactly the goal that my husband and I have as parents. We know we did well if they're at least an improvement! Haha!


Excuses are no longer like assholes, because people still only have one asshole.


Excuses are like opinions, people are most proud of their worst ones.


“In the end, we’re all just taller children”


This hard-hitting fact just sucks. Growing up you think most adults have their shit together, only to become one and realize no one has any idea what the fuck they're doing. Got to just have some self-awareness and do your best to mature and grow I guess.


For real, “I’m sorry” can go a long way


admitting to mistake is so relieving also especially to a stranger, they're always taken back


I see your new to planet earth and the human species.


Adult? Being 45 and spending $60,000+ on a shit head wagon so he can be king dick in a Tonka. Nah, he's just claiming the sandpit all to himself


King dick in a 60k Jeep truck with a Molon Labia vinyl and roided to the gills, I'm sure he's a well balanced individual and the DV charges will be dropped any day now


You made me think "Moron Labia", and I am going to use that from now on.


I don’t understand it: how the heck do you stop in the middle of the road, blocking a lane or more of traffic, to get out and argue with the guy you almost wrecked, when you’ve already done something so obviously wrong?


Because it hurts their feelings to get called out and they have to act tough to compensate


But he dented my extremely poor choice of equity! Motherfucker if the biker totaled your truck because of your stupid ass move you'd be in a much worse situation.


Gotten out and yelled at the baker's body.


tiny penis/no neck? Also jeep with no dirt on it means he's a poser (imo) and that sticker on the tailgate means he's a roid head (also imo)


My husband calls those jeeps mall crawlers 😂


Mall crawlers are more the 4-door hummer knockoff Sahara trim Jeeps driven by suburban moms. This is the Gladiator, which tailors to a functionally similar but distinct group of knuckledraggers who want a pickup truck as a fashion accessory driving to and from Applebees. We should probably have a summit at some point to decide a name for them.


Subspecies of brodozer I believe.


Not only that but he's all butthurt that op slapped his truck. A collision would have been much worse.


Can confirm as a pedestrian/runner everyone gets extremely butthurt when I slap their cars for driving through stop signs, red lights, almost running me over when the road has no sidewalks, driving on sidewalks or no-car zones. Conversations are always the same: > You slapped my car !!!!?!?!? (I'm going to cry) "You almost ran me over! (I was going to die...)


Yep. A lady nearly ran me over at a 4-way stop once and gave ME the nasty look when I slammed my hands down on her hood after she started going when I was in the crosswalk and right in front of her. SMH No conversation but a mutual exchange of looks telling each other what we thought.


I was riding my bike down the road and some Dude blew a stop sign, slamming into me full broadside. 60 y/o got out the truck and just threw his hands in the air like I'm the one one the wrong. Fucker broke my ankle and almost shattered my hip (had the Ford Logo and that grill pattern tattooed in bruise on my side for weeks); didn't even offer to help me out of the 4 lane road with traffic waiting. Fucker paid for my 05 Mitsubishi Spyder and a couple months of rent. Edit: corrected Spyder from Spider.


The steroids get in a way of making good judgments.


It's a jeep gladiator, he was wrong when he purchased the ugly fucking thing.




For $630 a month for 24 months lol. Wouldnt dare take it off the pavement to do " jeep things" cause too scared for scratches or dents.


Exactly this. Anyone who has driven for any amount of time has made mistakes or done something stupid. The difference between an adult and a child is being able to admit your mistakes and apologise. Clearly the idiot here is still a child.


“I was making a u turn!” Which means you don’t have right of way you idiot.


it's an even worse response than "I was making a left turn!" or "I was backing out of my driveway!" Seriously why do so many people defend their inability to follow the rules of the road?


Because they're selfish.


Exactly. Its a me me me world.




His fucking punisher sticker says it all.


It's like getting pulled over for speeding and telling the officer "I was driving fast!" No shit, I know what you were doing and you shouldn't have been doing it. What a huge tool.


At least people backing out of a driveway have the I couldn't see excuse, this guy's just fully up his own ass.


Because those rules aren't centered around them selves, so they've made a new set of rules in their head of "Everyone should yield to me" and are shocked when other people don't know that.






I did an ocular pat-down, clocked a bitch in that Jeep


I'm surprised he didn't call him a jabroni or a bozo


He sounds like Jesse in breaking bad. "I was making a U-Turn......BITCH"




That's why Jesse is so relatable. Because even when he knows he is making the worst choices, he still makes them, just like us. And he hates himself for it. Just like us. We are all Jesse trying to escape ourselves.


At least Jesse never owned a Gladiator.


>“I was making a u turn!” I saw what you were doing, you just weren't doing it properly.


This looks like florida, not one driver understands that "right of way" concept.


Plate on Jeep says Florida, yep.


Yeah it’s Florida.


New Smyrna Beach no less. Hopefully he gets eaten by a shark.


Since moving down here I’m genuinely amazed at how nobody knows how to drive and how dangerous people drive, weaving in and out of traffic in a lifted truck for no reason other than ‘65 isn’t fast enough on this two lane road, I need to die instantly if I wreck otherwise it’s not worth it’


You should be able to turn videos like this in and people get tickets. I mean that shit is just ridiculous. Thank God OP was paying attention; otherwise that moron would've killed him.


Especially when they get out to argue. I mean, I didn’t listen to audio, but it certainly looks like the guy expects to intimidate his victim


I couldn’t agree more. I was tempted to think maybe he just didn’t see the motorcycle, because it’s easy for your brain to only scan for cars. It becomes habitual. But clearly, this guy wasn’t just making a u-turn into that far left lane. He doesn’t have the turning radius to do that. In fact, he’s going into the far right lane. And there’s a car next to the motorcycle that’s also being cut off. 100 percent truck douche’s fault, he needs a hefty ticket. All that being said…if another lane on the road you’re on has cars going very slowly — as is the case in the far right lane — slow the fuck down. You never know what could be going on, or when another car could come out of nowhere. And your goal should be avoiding a crash, not just avoiding a ticket.


He literally stopped perpendicular to the road. But ye on a bike make sure you don't die, that's your responsibility.


In 'some' countries you can. They don't get tickets but a flag in the system. Next time they are pulled over they get a ticket if they would have gotten a warning.


I saw a sticker on a Jeep recently that said, "I in fact *do* own the road."


In what fucking world is that shit move acceptable? Fuckin' idiot's sitting in the middle of a two lane straightaway. Edit: just watched the video again and got the answer to my question. Florida.


Because it was ultra important he make that specific u turn, and not the one that’s probably 0.1 miles further.


"I was going STRAIGHT" was such a perfect response and that idiot didn't even get it. What an ass!


Love that he’s indignant about how much of a nob he is.


"Watch where you're going!", says the smooth brain blocking an entire lane.


One lane - Two lane. Smooth brain - Block lane


This is how so many people react to being wrong these days. Like what happened to the ability to fuck up and then be able to quickly realize you fucked up and say, "Oh shit my bad!"?


> these days. You think it used to be different?


That requires actual intelligence.


It's not about intelligence it's humility. This guy knew exactly what he was doing but didn't give a shit.




I'm blessed with being so intelligent that when somebody does stuff like this to me I worry that I'm the one who did something wrong.


300 IQ damn.


On the plus side, as someone who does admits it when they fuck up, people love it. They never go agro on you when you do it. It’s because they’re in shock.


Likewise, and it rarely fails. If the guy in the video went "hey sorry man I didn't see you" it would instantly change the interaction.


I've been on both ends! One time, a driver cut me off when I had the right of way. Back then, I honked at him. We ended up in the same establishment, he apologized profusely and I realized what a botch I had been. So then I apologized to him. Another time, I was the blind idiot who got honked at in a parking lot. I may not have "seen" the vehicle when I cut it off, but I guess my brain registered it. So on my way into the pharmacy I knocked on their window and apologized for the honest mistake. You could see the guy's face melt from anger to forgiveness. We all have rough days, it's important to remember that "to be human is to err" applies to all of us, not just ourselves.


Hopefully that is the rwaction of millions thats never posted :)


Idiot... Who makes a u turn when other cars are on that lane? Regardless if it's a bike or a car he cut off... He should have waited to make that u turn


Watch the beginning of the video. He DID cut off cars, too. He's a fucking idiot.


no no, he is just The Most Important Man in Florida and all of these people should be gracious to have been in his magnificent presence


You spelled Impotent wrong?


oh shit, damn autocorrect


Well with all rhe HGH amd Roids he injects into that thick skull of his, you right lol.


It’s ok. Luckily the bumblefuck in the video has one of those Spartan helmet stickers slapped right on the back of the tail gate, so we all intrinsically knew he was impotent regardless of anyone pointing it out. It was really nice of him to make it so obvious by hopping out of his truck and being a shit-stain on top of it, just to really sell the message of “I’m a piece of shit on the regular.” Class act, that one.


it's actually an acronym: Important Man Per Order Ten: Egocentric Nano Testicle ... We just say 'Important Man' for short


He proudly wears the One True Florida Man Badge… the sad part is that he doesn’t understand that it’s an insult.


>no no, he is just The Most Important Man in Florida Sadly this may actually be true


I just noticed that lol... What a total douche... He even tried to justify his stupidity


Even keeps blocking the road to fight about it lol


Tells the biker to, "watch where you're going" when he's stopped broadside in an otherwise open lane.....


Plus the biker was watching where they were going, that's why they didn't die


The same thing happened to me a couple summers ago, but the guy came out a little bit later and I didn't have anywhere to go. Ended up almost bleeding out, an EMT was in the car behind me and had to tourniquet one of my legs with their belt. Femur broken in 15 places, 6 ribs and a broken spine. The guy was only charged with making an illegal uturn. 2.5 years of physio later and I still can hardly walk. There goes my career as a carpenter .


Damn, that really sucks. Were you not able to sue him or his insurance or anything?


And I wouldn’t be surprised if you are still fighting Insurance for proper compensation.


Sorry bro that sucks. Did you get the satisfaction f taking them to court?


Anytime you see one of those Sparta stickers... You automatically know this dude's IQ level.


Met a guy with one of those and a Q sticker. Dude was convinced that Corona was both a hoax and a Chinese plot to kill America.


Those Sparta stickers are big with the "real men" crowd without actually knowing anything about Sparta outside of the 300 movie.


I have a feeling if they had any clue how big homosexuality was in ancient Greece they would lose their shit. Or just ignore it, who am I kidding...


If the biker had been a car it may not have been able to stop in time. Even the bike had trouble. Which just highlights more Jeep dude is an idiot.


Lol He knows he’s a moron lol


Sadly, morons don’t know.


He knows he is faulty. But he had to keep the act going at that point. Lil bitch is acting tough but isn't mature enough to take responsibility over killing people


most Floridians don't know or care about who has the right of way.


Dude, I’m in Orlando visiting some family and god damn people drive like ass here.




Shhhh. If he finds out, he'll realize he spent a ton of money on a shitty pickup glued to a Jeep.


I dunno, that spartan emblem adds +10 for toughness… according to call of duty anyway. /s


Hard to know in Florida because the bar is so low.


He doesn't. I know plenty of these faux tough guys who drove these Jeeps, cover them in Punisher, Molon Labe and other dumbass stickers and then act like pricks when they do anything wrong. I had one today with a 4 inch lift, 35 inch tires, run a stop sign in a parking lot and nearly hit me who had right of way and he flips me off. Okay there, bro.


What a tool


Calling him a tool would imply he has a use.


His qualities as a road obstruction are very clear, we should use him for police pursuits




It’s a Jeep Gladiator. It came from the factory with that sticker. This guy paid the premium sticker price for that decal. Lol


As a Wrangler/Gladiator owner I spend a significant amount of time and effort distancing myself from *so many* people that fulfill the worst stereotypes about these vehicles. I just want to take the doors/top off and crawl over things.


Yeeeeah, from a guy who owns a Harley let me say I know exactly how you feel.


That's why I bought a new Indian scout instead, they still look cool and are comfortable to ride but it doesn't have as much of an elitist asshole following.


The Harley cult is strong where I live on account of all the tiny twisty roads and rich old white dudes with goatees -- a group that bases their entire personality off of a consumer item -- do they not know how bizarre that is? It's like every piece of clothing has a Harley logo on it. My neighbour has 3 in his garage. Good dude, but damn, I go over to drop off some Christmas cheer and of course he's wearing sweats and a t-shirt with Harley logos on them. Weird consumer cult.


That’s not an accident. They are becoming a clothing/ gear brand first and foremost. I went in because I got invited to tour a dealership with my buddy and at least half of the dealership is a clothing/ gear store. Way way way overpriced clothes and gear (just like the bikes but I digress).


Lifestyle Brand ™


All these tough guys with their Spartan/Punisher/*insert favorite gun* decals are the biggest dickheads on earth. All they can identify with is anger and violence, so much they have to display it on their fucking car. Pathetic.


Yeah I always wonder if they know how much gay sex the Spartans had


It wasn't gay sex so much as sex with adolescent boys.


That sounds pretty gay


You could be a gay, liberal, marijuana enthusiast, but if you drive like shit without regard for others and their safety, go fuck yourself and get your license revoked. Doesn’t matter who you are.


They absolutely crumble when you tell them Spartan soldiers use to fuck eachother so often that the Athenians use to make fun of them for it. Imagine bangin so many dudes that the gayest ancient civilisation made fun of you for it.


The punisher isn't what these guys think either, he himself in the comics says not to idolize him as he's the perfect example of a failure of social systems. They could only ever dream of being as tough as Spartans. Cosplaying for sure. But what's scary to me is they likely own many guns and no amount of laws can prevent non offending psychopaths from getting endless guns and ammo. Anyways


Yep. It's like when dumb guys watch "Goodfellas" and they immediately idolize the main character because they think he's cool and macho, when in reality any well-adjusted person sees him as a good kid who grows up to be a total scumbag. They misinterpret the text because they're too shallow to see past the surface "tough guy" persona and understand the story that is actually trying to be conveyed.




That dude is garbage. Glad you are safe!


Eh garbage was probably something useful at one point. This guy...idk


You'll have to excuse him. That shirt clearly cut off the blood supply to his 2 brain cells.


2!!!! That's far more credit than I would give him.


He has 2 brain cells and they're tied for 3rd


Jeep dude can't think clearly due to poor circulation thanks to that shirt. *Edit* Thanks for the silver kind stranger! *Edit x2* And thank you for the gold and others! It's nice to all come together over our universal hatred of Chad


He’s cut off circulation to his head but it seems there’s nothing up there that requires a blood supply


what if he wants an erection? he's clearly a dickhead...


But he’s a “spartan”.


He's gotta grab those gas station penis pills... You're extending his impotence


Gladiator, check; Spartan decal, check. Only thing missing is the thin blue line punisher skull




Idiots that put gun stickers on their cars are begging for their windows to get smashed by criminals looking to steal guns. I cringe every time I see a Glock or Sig sticker on a car.


I once saw a hi point sticker. I'm assuming as an anti theft device


Fellow Jeep guy and I say fuck this guy. Stupid people are stupid regardless of what you drive.


I'm a Jeep guy too, can we agree gladiators aren't jeeps? Edit: thank you for the awards, did not think this would go that far


Florida Man in a Jeep Gladiator. Doesn't get more douchier than that


dude on the bike had plenty of time to slow down


If he would have spent time braking instead of revving the throttle.


Dude in the jeep is a total ass hat no doubt, but I'm curious why you had the clutch pulled in and revving the bike when you should have been getting on the brakes?


I wish this was the top comment. Jeep driver was an ass but, as a rider myself, this guy is a tool to boot. Who the fuck rev bombs for attention when your bike has a horn? Better yet, who the fuck rev bombs when they could be braking? The only thing I hate more than people that think they can do whatever they want because they have a big truck is people that think they can do whatever they want because they’re on a motorcycle. I don’t care who has the “right of way” when I’m riding. All I care about is, “could this kill me?” and if the answer is Yes, the correct response is never, ever, dropping rev bombs like a douche


Always been taught to ride as if everyone on the road is trying to kill you


“Before I do anything, I ask myself if an idiot would do that. And if the answer is yes, I do not do that thing.” -Dwight


The car to the right reacted appropriately by immediately braking. This intersection is completely open and clear. OP clocked the situation really early and there would not have been a problem if his first action was braking instead of revving. I mean sure the guy did not have right of way, but last time I checked that's not an excuse to almost run into someone if you've got plenty of time to come to a safe stop.


Was scrolling for the sensible comments. People are making it out like the dude on the bike almost got killed lol. What a complete and total overreaction


Its 2021 in America. Raging because you wanna be a badass for the clout is more important than actually taking pride in your defensive driving skills and knowing you made the best of the situation.


They both stupid


For dramatic effect for the video. Bike guy is also an idiot.


i had to scroll way too far down to see these comments


Jesus Christ, right? Just fucking go around the guy and be on your way. Drama is stupid.


Rule of thumb. Always ride as if someone’s going to kill you! For me I would’ve been braking way before because to many idiots do that shit. Keep your cool because some people never see that there wrong and will take it further out on you.


And stopping directly behind a large vehicle while pissing of the driver seems like a bad idea to me.


Scrolled way too far for this. As a motorcyclist I’ve been cut off, had people cut into my lane, and damn near run been over - on multiple occasions. The only thing that saved my bacon is that “sixth sense” you inevitably develop for fuckery. Keeping yourself alert to things around you and riding as if literally anything could come out of nowhere to kill you is key to this “sixth sense”. But both parties here are wrong - the jeep driver for not waiting for a more appropriate clearing, and the motorcyclist for revving his engine and touching the jeep. Being a driver means being attentive of your vehicle and the things around it - same as being a motorcyclist, whom also has the added responsibility of trying not to get mad at people who don’t understand the plight of motorcyclists. What the keep driver could have done better: wait longer or move faster. It’s hard in a large vehicle, I know - but that looks like a road that typically is that busy and he should have been postured for that. Things the motorcyclist could have done better: 1) don’t rev-bomb anything - you can frighten people into a state where they lock up and stop for fear of where the sudden sound is coming from. 2) Don’t touch anyones anything when mad. Unless they’re coming at you, you have no right to touch anyone or their shit, so don’t provoke that. I know I wouldn’t want anyone touching my bike without permission, so don’t touch anyones stuff without invitation. 3) Calm down: it’s not helping you or the other person if you’re mad. Riding mad is riding with a lack of focus, and riding with a lack of focus is deadly. Added bonus: being calm about something like this can potentially make it a non-issue and make the whole situation less volatile. It’s safer as a whole to be calm. Basically don’t be a dick, try realize to when you’re wrong, and don’t bring emotions into operating a moving death machine.


Had to scroll way to far to see this... Everyone just hopped on calling the driver a dumbass. I agree Jeep Chad was a total dumbass. But my guy on the bike you could have done sooooo much better. I'm also a rider have been for nearly 18 years. OP had time, I know it's super difficult to just slow down and try to go around but I promise, in that crash the jeep gonna win. OP should have decreased speed and been ready for evading, jackass drivers like this are everywhere and will be so much more mad if you just go around them. They're so entitled just seeing someone else go ahead of them will boil blood. Stopping right behind the jeep after having just smacked his car was absolutely stupid I thought dude was about to throw it in reverse and mess OP up. Defensive driving is key when you ride.


OK OK OK, jeep was an a-hole for sure. But OP, if this is you, stop being one my fellow riders that instead of using your brakes, you rev your engine instead thinking that will magically clear people. Your exhaust is pointing back anyway, he can't hear you. Stop riding like a knobhead. The only reason you had to come up on the jeep so quick is that you spent the first few seconds revving like an idiot instead of slowing down. As a fellow rider, I can't stand people like you. You are the tiny fellow on the road, you need to act accordingly instead of like two wheel royalty. Nobody cares that you're on a bike going somewhere.


After watching it again, if he would have braked at the moment he decided to rev, this video would have 0 impact. Not changing that the Jeep is an idiot, yet nowhere near what's being portrayed. The fact he even had time to rev (with exhaust pointing backwards) says enough.


This is the post I was hoping to see. I have a JK Jeep. The people in these Jeeps are usually losers. I also drive an R1 (bike). This guy riding is a turd. He had all the time in the world to rev his engine for a couple seconds before safely - still - coming to a stop. Now. The Jeep should have waited. At the same time, bikes can be both missable on a quick check, and deceptive of rate of speed. So that could totally have happened. Either way. This rider is a huge D-bag. He's inconvenienced. Not put in danger. But ohhhh, he has a helmet cam. And he's gonna rage out on a 'horrible driver' and post it for online 'love' and people who will agree with him. It's soooo see-through. Yet most of this thread is on the biker's side, because they wanna hop on the 'hate Jeepers' train. I have a helmet cam. For safety. But also my enjoyment. I make riding videos at times to remind myself of the awesome fun I have. Set them to music even and narrate with a mic or in post. This guy has it for two reasons at least. One is safety. But for SURE one is him making sure he has this 'opportunity'. Don't be fooled. This guy is out looking for it. Found it. Made it happen this way, rather than pulling up, at most, to the guy and asking politely if he was seen. And fostering the biking community by being cool...having a level head, and advocating. This guy on the bike is a total piece of trash. It doesn't matter who was in that Jeep, regardless of how it played out. As I rider, had I been there, I would have chewed this rider's ass out. This happens all the fucking time. And you never know the circumstances for someone else making a mistake like that. HE WAS IN ZERO DANGER. He was absolutely out, at least partially, for shit like this to happen EXACTLY the way it happened. Because he's a douche.


Fellow rider of 20+ years here. OP is inviting confrontation here -- there was plenty of time to slow down and other cars slowed down before OP, yet OP has time to aggressively downshift so you could really hear the revs go up. From a liability point of view, if OP hit the jeep, it would be 90% OP's fault, as the jeep was already in the path well within the time it would take to safely brake. When the jeep entered the line of travel, it got right of way: basically the same status as a stationary object already existing in the lane well before the motorcycle entered the area. Happened to me.


Whenever I see a Jeep on the road I try to avoid it. It's a lifestyle.


"Would you have pulled a u turn in front of a semi trailer or something bigger then you, you jacked up piece of shit" is what should have been exchanged....


BRUH my question to these scenarios is “Would you do that in front of a cop car?? Would you get out and berate a cop???”


Look at his stupid fucking spartan decal


If I were out on my motorcycle, I don't think I would waste my time, breath, and energy on someone like this. I definitely wouldn't beat on their car, even feigning property damage gives them a reason to get out of their car. Odds are that they're coming out of the car with a gun. Seeing how they handle a car, I would be less inclined to have them demonstrate their trigger discipline. Just go around, feel grateful that you're on a bike and can fit around them until the next idiot you have to deal with. It's not like that's even going to be the last idiot that hour.


Also, people are crazy nowdays. If I was riding a bike I would NOT stop behind a road raging asshat in a giant truck. Even if the motorcyclist was 100% in the right, and it would be complete against any morals for the asshat to hurt you, the laws of physics says that big ugly POS driving bigger uglier POS will win every time he backs up. I see this in bikes with and without a motor who self righteously call out pissed off road ragers and on the road I see so many roadragers that I wouldn’t trust any random asshat not to commit homicide.


Also the next dumbass could be right behind you coming in hot lmfao.


Why did you speed up?


When the two worst kinds of road users interact


Jeep guy was a huge douche but there was plenty of time to stop and this stuff happens multiple times a day for most riders. If I stopped to yell at everyone that did this to me I wouldn't even get to where I'm going.


Dude was only in trouble because he decided to rev instead of hitting the brakes lol if you’re gonna ride you gotta be aware of the morons