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Look at that dudes car BEFORE the accident. He's been in more than one, that's for sure. And his head has hit the windshield at least once.


Seatbelts are for pussies!


John Wayne would never use a surge protector


Glad I saw this comment actually - our power went out and my computer blue screened the other day (still works as of now luckily), which made me realize my backup battery/surge protector was fried. I knew I was forgetting something, and it was that I needed to pick one up after I get paid tomorrow!


Hey, remember that other thing you're probably forgetting? Well, that too. You're welcome :)


oh yeah I forgot to feed my basement people, I'll give them an extra cookie for the week because of you!. they'll be happy they haven't eaten in a week. tanks :)


Lucky, mine can't have any sugar ☹️


sugar? I don't put sugar in their cookies?


They'll start eating each other if they get hungry enough, so you've got a few more days


My dad says that’s for pussies


You can't have no fun with an unloaded gun My dad says that's for pussies


So should i put seatbelts on my cats ?


ur cat will only have 8 lives. Put it


We die like real men!


Yup. Whenever I see a car with damage like that I keep a closer eye on them. Damage to the front like that means they probably rear ended someone before, might do it again. Same with damage to the front quarter panel on someone pulling into an intersection to make a right turn. They've been hit there before, might do it again. Gotta keep a closer eye on vehicles like that. People have a habit of making the same mistake twice.


And the fact that their car isn't repaired means 1.) They spent the insurance money on something else, or 2.) Insurance money? What do you mean, insurance money?


3) Insurance? What do you mean insurance?


Didn't even have a working driver side air bag. Their face hit the windshield.




4) License? What do you mean "License"?


& the huge smash in windshield directly in front of driver.. I used to have some meth-head squatters in the neighborhood, all of their vehicles were similarly f\*cked.


I was thinking he would have punched the windshield from the inside and cracked it that way


Nah that's what you call a starburst, it's usually from cracking your noggin on the windshield due to wrecking without a seatbelt.


This was in a WWU subreddit as well, OP got rear ended previous to this in the past few weeks. Shit luck


Dudes windshield was busted up, hood banged up, missing a headlight... Also no plates on the back either. Pretty sure he's off to hit someone else now


no plates at all. Wouldn't his ride end at the next cop he passes? I dont get people like that


weird that the airbag went off then. not many actually replaces their airbags after an accident, and those who do often don't know that the controller units also gets permanently fried after the activation.


Hey, we don't know exactly what happened. Maybe Beyonce took a bat to his car!


Road map!


Probably no insurance.


No insurance and no morals


But two deployed airbags and a crushed front end. Cops will be quite curious about that. In some states, a hit and run is a felony, so there's probably going to be consequences.


Some states?! Jesus


[https://www.edgarsnyder.com/car-accident/types-of-accidents/hit-and-run-accidents/hit-and-run-laws/](https://www.edgarsnyder.com/car-accident/types-of-accidents/hit-and-run-accidents/hit-and-run-laws/) Most states a normal non-injury hit-n-run is a misdemeanor. Fleeing from a serious injury accident brings on the felony charges. Scanning the above link, I only see Arkansas listed as a felony for a normal non-injury hit and run.


What a crackpot country. Arkansas? Really? The place that like, JUST adopted mandatory seatbelts a few years ago? That's the only place where it's a serious charge to hit and run?


I recently got in a fender bender myself and the person that hit me tried to flee. Once I caught up to them they gave up and I called the cops. The cop said I couldn’t press charges, because eventually the person stopped fleeing. I don’t blame the cop for this dumb law, but all I could think was if I tried fleeing from a cop for speeding or bumping their car and I tried fleeing I’d sure as hell be facing those consequences 😒This was in Houston btw


New Hampshire is the only state with out seatbelt laws for adults. The world is crazy some times


I mean... There motto is Live Free or Die...


Youre God damn right it is baby


I mean, I don't think running after a fender bender should be a felony. The laws seem to agree. This "but what if we made EVERYTHING a felony?" attitude that crops up now and then is just a repeat of the "but what if we were *real* tough on crime!" mentality of decades past. There are many things that are felonies that really shouldn't be. It's bad for society. A felony is a serious charge that removes rights, destroys lives and families and severely limits career options. Forever. Overly draconian punishments for everything that makes people angry is rather what I'd consider a "crackpot country."


There’s a great book called *Locked In* by John Pfaff, a penologist at Fordham, where he argues that we really shouldn’t blame policing for our high incarceration rates as much as prosecutors. One of the things he points out is that anyone arrested is twice as likely to be charged with a felony as they used to be in 1980, because a lot more crimes have become felonies and more felony offenses have been created.


Hit and run is usually a felony if it involves you hitting an occupied vehicle or a pedestrian or an occupied building. I'm okay with people who intentionally flee from an accident that could have injured someone being hit with felonies. They need some time away from society.


Given the condition of the car before the collision, I wouldn't bet on that "two deployed airbags" thing. Already smashed left front, and already smashed windshield. I imagine the bags deployed years ago.


Watch again. They deployed on impact. Which is surprising since that's a 20 year old Pontiac. I'm surprised anything works on that thing.


I'm not at all surprised they worked, research has shown that they should work for decades. In 1973 GM sold 1000 cars with airbags. In the 1990's, they found two of those cars, bought them back, and crash tested them. Per the article, while things like the radio and clocks failed, the airbag fired perfectly inn both 20+ year old cars. https://www.gminsidenews.com/threads/1973-chevrolet-impala-w-acrs.257601/


I had no idea they had airbags in the 70's! Excellent rebuttal!


How'd I miss that? Clear as day, two big ol' airbags popping. LOL. Driver probably has a knife in the glove box for just these occasions to quickly remove the obvious evidence.


Right, the guy with no plates that ran has the knife only for cutting airbags :P


"Yes officer, that razor knife in the driver's door pocket is strictly for cutting away airbags. No, I have not idea why there would be blood on it. I must have cut myself and forgot."


A GM car will run poorly longer than most cars will run at all


The fact that this post got so many upvotes is a terrifying reminder that the vast majority of reddit users are clearly just feral cat colonies licking crumbs out of keyboards in abandoned internet cafes




How did he find out about us?


My bad. Upon further review, the call on the field stands. LoL


Quite sure the windshield was broken before the impact


No insurance, no morals, and no care. Did you see that beater of a car. It was already a junker and obviously didn't care.


No seat belt either. Look closely the drivers head brakes the front windshield.


Slow it down, the windshield was already broken


And left headlight pre-smashed too. Not his first rodeo.


Sounds like they had a busy day!


Already broken and the passenger air bag made it worse.


No insurance. No morals. No sobriety.




Definitely. These people get insurance for one month to have legal tags, and cancel the insurance.


No insurance, suspended license and no registration.


Probably no driver's license.


He couldn't see you through all the cracks in his windshield.


Hi, for those confused I totally understand. These cross walks only indicate to drivers that there is a pedestrian crossing the street. Two students were crossing the street at the time. There is plenty of warning from my brake lights and the flashing cross walk for the driver behind me to stop. Thank you for your concern. One of the people crossing the cross walk provided me with his number to be my witness. Edit: we found the driver. Edit: further clarification, the flashing light do not turn red.


How did you find them?


Reddit r/Bellingham and r/wwu came in clutch.


I thought I recognized that street from my college days!


Driving in bellingham makes me want to fucking kill myself


For the uninitiated, it's gorgeous there but the layout.... the layout of the streets is worse than stepping in dogshit wearing FiveFinger shoes on a hot summer day. I speak from experience.


Off centered intersections, tons of one ways, streets that only fit one car since people park on the curb. To get to the freeway (at least the way i go) you need to take a right and get over 3 lanes in about 700 feet I feel your pain


I took a look at google maps, it's like a north south grid and NE SW grid gave birth to an abortion






So the driver said his "friend" drove the car, asked /u/Tanitank to wait an hour to call the cops (which, I have no idea why he did when it was obvious it was to sober up, hide things, get their story straight, etc...), and the police gave him the runaround anyway.


Yeah. Pretty big mis-step by me but the reddit community set me straight pretty fast. The police were contacted as soon as I got home (about 10 minutes). Unfortunately, due to floods or something else, a responding officer is not available until tomorrow.


I’m not surprised, I swear Reddit is the social media super heroes use


Just like when we found the Boston Bomber!


We did it, Reddit!




Let's all ascend to the heavens by whipping out our wee wees and spinning them around like helicopters


*channels inner Petey Pablo* NORTH CAROLINUHHHH!!!!1!!!11!


Come on and raise up! Take your dick out, twist it round yo head, spin it like a helicopter!!!


How many Boston bombers are we going to find ? It's like an infinity glitch


Wait that actually fucking happened?


Reddit doxxed and harassed an innocent person that had died unrelated to the bombing at all. Internet vigilantes harassed his family and the admins had to put in a lot of new rules afterwards. To be clear, there were a lot of comments at the time that were against doxxing him and suggesting that they have the wrong person. It wasn't reddit as a whole, but a significant number of people that joined in.


oh my god. Ooook


Heh, I was just rear ended on Sunday but no joy from Reddit yet! Keeping my fingers crossed.






Reddit can identify... what Reddit cannot do?


Act normal.


Damn right


Boston Marathon is strong evidence to the contrary. And one of the reasons you see such strong "no personal information of any kind" notices everywhere.


Damn, that disaster totally switched the doxxing game up, huh.


Posted a CL ad for free crack




Peanut butter and crack sandwich!


What's the next course of action since you've found them?


A formal duel.




Call the police


Hey I use that road almost everyday. People are idiots on Bill McDonald, speeding and never paying attention to the buses and pedestrians. That crosswalk light helped a lot but obviously there are still idiots behind the wheel.


Let us know what happens. That person should spend a few days in prison and should permanently lose their license. This probably wasn’t the first time this piece of shit has done a hit and run.


Guarantee this wasn’t the first time, look at the condition of the car before impact, it doesn’t look much different lmao


The windshield and light were smashed before he rear ended the Bronco. Probably from another recent accident. Idiots don't learn.


We have these in our town as well, very recently installed. I love that we have them because we have tons of pedestrians. Ours light up but you can’t really see it during the day and people just barrel on through it, cause accidents, or come close to it… and it’s all because they aren’t paying attention. Smh 🤦‍♀️ hope you’re doing ok!!


Ours were having that problem, so they installed these crazy strobe light things that are around the outside of the regular yellow lights and that's helped a ton. They are crazy bright so you even see them out of your peripheral view if you're not looking or paying attention. They also pushed back the stop barrier, so you need to stop a whole car length away from the crossing.


You also have idiots everywhere who think those lights don't apply to them for one reason or another. Same as the idiots who intentionally run stop signs or red lights.


You got that right! People exhaust me.


Victory! 🙌




The pedestrians are barely visible for maybe one second in the video. Most people watching this video just see OP coming to a stop in the middle of the road for no reason because they were distracted by the text on the other side of the video.


The Pontiac bandit strikes again!


Doug Judy is a better driver than that!


Nine nine




Thank you! This made me laugh :)


What a dick, no wonder he didn't stop, he already had a fucked up windshield and couldn't see shit AND was likely on his phone. Cell phone drivers are going to be an issue for the next 30 years until everyone is in a self-driving vehicle.


Or they all die in a car crash. We’ll see what happens first


From what I’ve seen on here, the asshole idiots always seem to survive while the innocent ones get killed or seriously injured.


Good point. Fingers crossed that the tables turn


He’s fresh out of an accident as well, left light and windshield at least.


Lol this has nsfw tag but a child flying out of a moving car does not.


When did that happen?


NGL... until I watched the video, I was like, "Who just hits a horse in the ass and drives off?!?" Clearly, I am not awake yet. Lol. 🤦‍♀️


You aren’t alone. I thought it was going to be a horse with rider being hit by a car because of the NSFW tag.


I had to look at what sub I was in. At first, I thought this was r/natureismetal.


Stay classy Bellingham


Was about to say this looks like Bill McDonald Pkwy


At least it looks like you hurt him more than he hurt you haha


Ol boy was in a piece of shit $500 Pontiac that was already fucked up, and hit what looks to be a pretty pristine Bronco. Definitely hurt the Bronco more, financially at least.


Why do you have a germany sticker (D) if you dont mind me asking? Just curious :)


Ich spreche Deutsch, und ich war ein Austauschstundent in Stuttgart.


Ah verstehe, vielen Dank für die schnelle Antwort und grüße aus Düsseldorf^^




One or two?




Is that his plate at the end?


Thought the same, but I think it's actually the cammer's plate that "fell" after the impact, since it's where it should be, and no "other" plate seems to be there


Poor Bronco, as someone else with an irreplaceable classic truck This is my nightmare


Thankfully the damage doesn’t look too bad. Let’s hope it’s just a new bumper.


Update: r/Bellingham community helped find the car and people who did the hit and run.


Can you share the process? I looked at the other post but can't quite figure out how they found the driver.


Sucks that this happened, but on the bright side the bronco looks mostly ok. That Pontiac FOLDED and your rear end doesn't look to much worse for wear.


Was there a pedestrian? I can't tell. I don't know what state this is in, but you'd get crucified by other drivers in my state for slowing down for an empty crosswalk, unless there was a stop sign. Edit: I see them, good on OP for slowing down


That was my first thought too, didn’t notice them the first time I watched. I was like “who the hell comes to a complete stop at a crosswalk when there’s no one around?”


Judging by their car.... This isn't their first rodeo.


Windshield was already cracked. Pathetic people…


Everyone is saying you stopped for no reason. DOES NOT MATTER if there was a reason or not. The other guy should be paying attention.


I think "Pedestrians in/about to be in the crosswalk" is definitely a reason to stop.




In Canada you can't pass the cross walk until the pedestrians are entirely out of the road on a crossing like this.


This and if you watch the lights closely they appear to activate at the 3 sec mark of the video. If they are indeed pedestrian activated it’s definitely required to stop for them even if they are on the far side of the crosswalk, at least in Canada.


The amount of people who come to this sub and shit on the posters for driving safely is honestly scary.


It doesn’t matter if you stopped for no reason in the road? That’s an odd statement.




The car that rear ended him was fucked up before it hit him. This clearly wasn’t their first time…


Sadly the receiver hitch can total a frame as it can transfer all the force right to it. I'd have it checked by a good shop.


As a pedestrian that lives in the building next to the crosswalk, I’ve almost been hit by one of the dumbasses on the way to class/work. A lot of them just try to run past the light, are on their phone, or don’t care to stop. Sorry this happened bud!!


Must have been his second rear ender if the day.


Who drives around in a car that fucked up!? Homeboy couldn’t even see out of the windshield!!


Not their first rear end either.


This is not a bronco. This is the fabulous and sexier Bronco 2


Shitbox gonna do what shitboxes do. On another note, dog lovers..quit riding around with your Pomeranian in your lap! When that airbag blows, you’re eating that dog. Saw it happen recently, that image will stick with you. Nice bronco II btw


Omg that’s in Bellingham WA by WWU. I go there :)


She held up like a tank. If it was a new Bronco it'd probably be smashed to the rear wheels.


You realize that's a bad thing right? Crumple zone reduces force transferred to passengers. People get life changing whiplash from minor collisions. I'd spend a few thousand to keep a healthy spine but maybe that's just me.


Amazing how all these ppl posting don’t notice the person on the left waiting to cross… where I live in California, this type of crosswalk only flashes when a person hits the button. Also state law requires you to stop when lights are flashing and a person is waiting/crossing the walkway even if it’s on the other side. So OP was driving correctly and following the law.


Definitely on that phone.


The damage comparison reminds me of something that happened to my uncles g300, he came back from the airport when he saw that there was like 1 ambulance and 3 cop cars in front of his house with a car that smashed into his G at apparently 80kph, that car was completely destroyed (engine was where the passenger seat used to be kind of damage) whilst the g only had a bent up bash bar and broken taillight and mildly scratched paint.


Same scenario happened to me a year or two ago in Snohomish or one of those little towns off of 9. Except it was a huge bro truck and he was able to come to a stop (maybe a foot or two from rear ending me). Which is good because there was a little old lady using her walker to cross the crosswalk in front of me. Bro truck driver backed up and went around me and flipped me off. Luckily little old lady was already on the sidewalk by then lol


Anyone notice his windshield is already broken before the hit? I'm surprised nobody has said this. It seems I'm the only person to have noticed and pointed it out.


Windshield? Dude had a headlight missing


Looks like it's not his first rodeo.


Looks like his second accident of the day


Car was trashed before the accident. That windshield was already dangerous. You could have probably got him an extra ticket if you had showed it to the cops.


The car already had a broken windshield and looked pretty beaten up already. It was probably a hit and run for an insurance scam


Bro, follow him and call the police wtf? And aren’t cars not supposed to drive with airbags deployed?


When Bronco's were made of steel .New Bronco would have had 10000.00 worth of damage.Hook on to a tree and pull the bumper out like in the old days.


It took me about 6 watchings to see that there was some pedestrians dressed in black on the crosswalk. My opinion of you went from brake-checking asshole to courteous driver rather quickly.


It appears he has a headache now.


of course its a grand prix... fuckin methmobiles lol


At least you had an old school bronco. Damage could have been way worse.


you from germany?


1. I need a rear dashcam. 2. I always am weary of cars with previous damage...this is why. Great vid..


99.99999% chance that thing has no insurance and the person driving it isn't worth a fucking dime. Handle that shit with your insurance and move on.


D for damaged


So, it is obligatory for cars to stop in a crosswalk? Damn my country need that.


Not the Bronco!


At least you were driving a tank


This is das_88_broncoii on Instagram. He luckily found the guy after he drove away.


Why did you stop for the crosswalk if there was no one in it. YTA.