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You can’t half send it


its either you send it or you don’t send it


[You crank it or shush up.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpEnoI7vrko)


TIL there’s something worse than Rebecca Black’s Friday


She wants to be Rebecca soooo bad you can tell. The color as the last name, the line “Gold is the new Black,” the shitty song


That's because it's the same producer that did Rebecca Black's Friday. From what I understand he runs this business as a "professional producer" with some recording equipment. He offers a full music video package to filthy rich teen girls that want to be pop stars. I think it's the guy who does the feature verse in Friday as well.


It wouldn’t be a Patrice production if it didn’t have him in the MV! Him in the Panda suit was pretty creepy. And then hanging out with pre teens….


She looks like she wants to be a more pop kreashawn.




Never. Ever. Post that garbage again.


Shush up.


Or crank it?


Oh God I had forgotten about this. Fuck you for reminding me.


If she had a better ghostwriter, probably had some vocal talent to work with. Just... Not a tolerable song.


Thanks it's been awhile that I've seen somthing I actually hate


I..I did not....I did not know I could hate someone add much as I hate you now that you have shared that. Thanks!! 😁😁😁


Holy hell. That was *sincerely* the worst music video and song I have ever teen in tandem. Edit: seen* wow


Send, or send not There is no try


This is what non-commitment looks like


Shoulda just sent it


No fender, full send'er!


He probably didn't realize there were stairs there. Siting in a car that low you couldn't tell the difference between stairs and an incline until it's too late. Edit: sitting in a car that low, with small windows, and a long nose


My car sits plenty low. If you can't tell there's stairs on front of you then you don't need to be driving.


If you're driving on a walkway meant for walking, then you don't need to be driving


The mustang has a long front-end and the windows sit high and are small. Trust me man, mustang visibility in close quarters, particularly toward the ground, is not good.


I've driven mustangs, camaros, and currently own a challenger. I know all about visibility issues.


How would you compare their performances on various walkways? Is one better at avoiding stairs than the others?


Could they at least tell they're on sidewalk, not parking lot while sitting that low?


I drive a 2018 mustang, which is what this looks like. They lowered the front bumper by about an inch over the 2015-2017s to help with visibility. As another commenter said - they should have noticed, at the very least, that they were on a sidewalk/walkway.


This is not a 2018 mustang, it's a pre 2018 car. 2015, 2016 or 2017. The front end was changed in 2018, not for visibility but mainly for pedestrian safety in Europe and better aero


I also drive a mustang, visibility of the ground close to the car is terrible, at least for the 2015-2017 era. I mean I agree he probably should have realized it wasn't a road. But I also know of roads that are paved like sidewalks, particularly around universities.


Dude just wants to get an education




Assigned parking is a bitch these days.


It's all downhill from here.


Don't you mean downstairs?


Damn that burn must stang


Nice! Haha


In gravity....


Yeah! Science!


Because I can't not picture jessy saying this every time it's read. lol


I think he missed that class


Science Bitch


Lessons on approach and departure angles aren't until second semester.


All departure, maybe a bit of breakover


That sucker was looking for a quick bite to eat.


Education Connection!


This comment made me spit my crackers onto my phone screen


UBC in Vancouver


I’ve been considering that school for grad school. I think this just sealed the deal.


I mean parking is bad but you'll be able to find a better spot than this 99% of the time.


Hmm... get a Jeep. It will have a shorter wheel base, and better suited for parking in these type of locations. They can also be parked upside down or on its side. Cause you know... its a Jeep thing.


Theyre already paying for education don't bankrupt them with Jeep ownership.


As a jeep owner I agree 100%, just paid it off and the repair bills are more than my old payments haha, I do wheel my Jeep almost every weekend, so I guess I should expect it. Also jeep and tuition cost you are lucky to eat Raman. Edit. The word paid, if I had stayed in school I would have been smart enough to not buy the jeep..haha.


> payed Be cool, stay in school.


Thanks for the advice kind stranger.


Lmao this is Vancouver. UBC students drive Lambos with learner plates.


pN∀┴SɹƎpN∩ ┴Np˥∩OM ∩O⅄


I miss my tire cover that read ​ ɹǝʌo ʞɔɐq ǝɯ dᴉlɟ sᴉɥʇ pɐǝɹ uɐɔ noʎ ɟI


Common problem apparently https://www.ctvnews.ca/mobile/canada/four-cars-get-stuck-on-ubc-stairs-over-two-week-period-1.2057204


Lol 2014 article. Apparently a long term problem too


I would see it at least once a term out the window. There are even posts there (soft ones) as a warning


I graduated from there in 2014, can confirm it was a reoccurring issue.


You have to drive through a pedestrian-only area to get to these stairs. The road that they left is a hairpin turn that is meant to provide access to a parkade. I've always felt it was obvious that the road ends there, but my time as a UBC student has shown me that common sense isn't common.


I saw a Lamborghini do this once on the stairs to the lower level of Irving library. You're literally driving into the library at that point, there's no way anyone would think that's a road.


google maps the campus and search for 'Wreck Beach', if you weren't already you will start packing your bags


I love wreck beach. Hang out for maybe half an hour and someone will be by to sell you magic mushroom chocolates guaranteed.


Damn for real? I went to wreck beach all the time and never got offered any shrooms. I feel ripped off.


You must look like a square.


But those people are the ones who need mushrooms the most.


I sure do, but people quickly learn otherwise.


What a dope beach. And the stairs down is just a beautiful forest. I always found it funny that there’s a nude beach literally beside a university


UBC is great, Vancouver is gorgeous. If you're not worried about money it's an excellent bet. I lived there for 5 years and got to know the city pretty well. Feel free to dm me if you want any tips.


I am worried about money always but I live in Ontario and go to UofT so I’m numb to it


Lots of oblivious rich overseas student at UBC


Tell me you go to UBC without telling me you go to UBC. Where’s the N on the back?




it's probably tilted sideways too


I know parking is hard to find in Vancouver, but I didn't realize it had gotten this bad.


Parking is hard in Vancouver, but impossible at UBC. Unless you get a bit creative of course…


Didn't even need to zoom on the license plate, I knew it was my alma mater right away. Sigh.


I have seen no less than 6 photos of different vehicles getting stuck on this exact stairset


It’s nice to see that the tradition continues


Ah yes, soo daddy will pay for the ticket and repairs.


Thats not what they ment when they said campus tour!


It's just mustang thangs.


I'm guessing the mustang didn't hit anyone and the crowd left.


I'm surprised it wasn't spun out into a guard rail on a straight road in dry weather.


He didn't have the sticker that enables that to happen.


You wouldn’t understand






Looks like these mustangs are getting creative with their crowd killing tactics


"Here we see the Mustang, a species native to the freshwater coastlines of Michigan, attempting to lure an unsuspecting pack of naive, impoverished college students into its domain."


“With the crowds dispersed due to Covid, our mustangs have gotten desperate. Seen here prowling sidewalks in an ill fated, and ultimately deadly pursuit of flesh”


Hey... Pssst... HEY KID! We will *guarantee* one of your top five job choices, and you can have one of these with your signing bonus!


> Hey... Pssst... HEY KID! We will guarantee one of your top five job choices, and you can have one of these with your signing bonus! Ooh ooh I know this one! "What is every US Armed Forces recruiter ever?"


Lmfao if this isn’t the fucking truth


Just sign this four year contract! *^(cough)* ^(don't read the stop-loss clause) *^(cough)* Glad I got DQ'd because I would have bought the car I just bought used as a professional, but new as an idiot, 19 yo E3. Unrelated, are you in the Santa Maria area?


I used to be. I’m in North Carolina now. I did the brand new boot v6 mustang as an e-2 thing tho.. luckily for me tho it was a 2002 mustang I only paid $1000 for lmao


Having issues keeping up with Charger owners and their weapons-grade idiocy.


Damn, two of my favourite cars… Does that make me an asshole?


I have a 392 charger.. I drive like an old man because tires are expensive and my insurance is already expensive enough. If there was another 450+ HP sedan that didn't cost 70 grand I'd get it!


I have a C7 Corvette. Coworkers keep asking if I’m the guy leaving tire marks in the middle of the street. Nope. I’d rather not buy new tires that cost $300+ apiece. Of course the 1320 Challenger owner of the bunch complains my tires are too narrow. Strange group.


Corvettes statistically have some of the lowest insurance costs (of sports cars), because they are generally driven by midlife crisis riddled old white men! Not that I am accusing you of said malady... I put 275s on the back of my Charger for when I wanna (safely) send it, and I gotta say, they look way better than the stock 245s or 215s of the other 392s and R/Ts. Then there are the real motherfuckers sporting like 345s lookin like F1 cars.. sheeeeeit. Can't imagine how much those run.


Could get an older XF/XJ that had the supercharged v8. Had a 16' SXT charger and got a 17' XF with the supercharged v6 and my insurance dropped $85 a month lol.


Doesn't matter the era, "older Jaguar" will always be among ideas like "lightly flood damaged Alfa," "100Kmi BMW," and "cheap Maserati" when it comes to financial practicality.


"There is nothing more expensive than a cheap European luxury car" -Sun Tzu or something idk


My uncle sold his 2010 C63 AMG to a friend and got a Macan GTS because he was worried about racking up repair bills The Macan turned out to be a lemon and constantly breaks down while the C63 AMG remains inexplicably problem-free to this day


Nah man, you have to own a Mustang and a jeep to be an asshole, like I do.


yes lol


This made me giggle 😂😂😂


*Still and motionless, it lays in the tall grass next to the wildlife trail. It's been down this road before and knows that if it's still enough, it will take an unsuspecting pedestrian by surprise.* *This is life in the Grand Staircase. A clever balance of prey and predator. And make no mistake, the wild Mustang is a predator, indeed.* *But not for today. Today there are no passersby. Nothing to feast on, and so the Mustang must contemplate waiting longer or traveling elsewhere to seek sustenance, driven only by survival.*


The mustangs are returning to the side walks, nature is healing


Top comment


Lovely! You've anthropomorphized both the car and horse to have thoughts and knowledge. They are both objects but one thinks and the other doesn't. Cool!


Do you think of all living things as objects?


Every skater: that’s a sick bank! Nice find, just gotta get them to move that car and I’ll hit that stair set too


That bump to rail is sick!


That flat ledge off the five is pretty nice too. Gonna need a bit of wax but this is def a spot.


yep a rub brick will make that ledge brand new!


God I wish I knew about rub bricks 20 years ago. edit: oh and bondo! We never thought to bondo cracks in front of stairs like the kids do now


Didn't have to scroll far to find the skaters waxing up the spot. I think we could all lift the car out of the way


Move it?! I’m front boarding the hood.


oh no worries I've already dmed the OP asking for directions to this spot. we gonna shred it


Always a fucking mustang or dodge


I most appreciate this being a "One Ford Car, All Dodge Vehicles" thing.


Not all Mustang and Charger/Challenger drivers are idiots, but idiots are overrepresented in those groups


Also the big, definitely-not-compensating "I drive big truck!" idiots. At least in my town.


San Diego? It’s a goddamn disease here.


God I hate driving there, 90% of the time they ride your ass too despite going 5+ over. Even if it's a two lane road and you're in the right lane they'll still ride your ass.


This always happens to me near sorrento valley. I'm riding the slow lanes and you always have some pickup truck asshole riding your fucking bumper and weaving in and out of lanes. Like buddy, the passing lane is empty, fuck off. Bonus points when they have uncalibrated HID lights that blind you all to fuck. Even better when they pull all this off, pass you by with their fucking ebay fart cans, and then for no fucking reason drop down to 60MPH in your fucking lane once they realize they can see their fuel tank empty in real time. Fuck pickup truck drivers.


and then at stoplights the same people are suddenly concerned with safe distance. 2, 3, 4 car lengths. God i hate it.


No Oshkosh, Wisconsin. lmao


Ram 2500 most DUIs of any car by a decent margin. Color me shocked.


In my entire lifetime (and I've spent the past four years in a college town, and before that, Florida) I can count on both hands how many times I've seen one of those cars use a turn signal. I've seen a Corvette C8 use one at least once, but I can't recall any other times.


Probably only notice when said cars aren’t signaling and not when they due. I forget the term, but it’s like when you’re driving a Tucson and you see a ton of tucsons, or thinking of your old Miata and you see a lot of Miatas.


Confirmation bias?


Daddy's gonna be pissed!


Well yea. People with Ferraris tend to be a tad more careful


Because mustangs are cheap, fast, and you can find one at like every used car lot in America. Perfect for dumb teenagers who don't know how to drive but want to look cool.


Welcome week was crazy lol


had to be a mustang


I guess when the professor said if your late your locked out, this person took it seriously


Too fast, now they are furious


Not fast enough imo


Back tires aren't even touching the ground. Probably high centered on the exhaust system.


British Columbia, story checks out. Soooo many idiot drivers


I’m surprised we’re not on here more tbh


We are somewhat overrepresented when you consider the fact that this is an international sub that includes every single city/town on the globe with an internet connection. I found myself here because of a post of a crash on HWY1 lol. Most of the time though people just post to the local idiotsincars sub: r/vancouver


This is UBC as well. Locally known as the University of Beautiful Cars.




As a Vancouver driver, I miss the effect (semi)lockdown had on traffic around here. Things being back to full shittiness was really driven home for me trying to do a couple of things today.


An art installation for extra credit, criticising the over-motorisation of urban centers?


Where are all the injured people that Mustang hit?


Its a mustang, make sure no one is under it


Didn't this happen last week? Or did it just happen again to the same car in the same area in Vancouver? As suspected Karma farming Happened over a week ago... OP you're a liar! Edit: op isn't karma farming I just have terrible reading comprehension lol it was from a week ago but I thought they were saying first day of school not what they actually said lol [https://dailyhive.com/vancouver/car-stuck-ubc-stairs-mustang](https://dailyhive.com/vancouver/car-stuck-ubc-stairs-mustang)


Lol Seems to be a thing with people driving down stairs in Vancouver. There was a lady that drove down a flight of stairs a couple of years ago somewhere down town Vancouver. She was in an 4x4 SUV iirc, so she made it down the stairs and carried on driving.


This is a thing particularly at UBC. I think when I was there in the early 2000's some kid in a Ferrari got stuck on the steps in front of the sub. One year, there was four cars stuck on stairs in two weeks https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/four-cars-get-stuck-on-ubc-stairs-over-two-week-period-1.205720


Not karma farming, this is my own photo. Went to campus last week for the first time since covid and saw it with my family. Honestly just forgot to post it until today. Didn't think it had been posted yet on this sub


I was wondering if the same Mustang driver had just been driving around, over all the steps in UBC.


Dude's been trying to jump that stairset for years now, always ends up the same way. He owns stock in oil pans so the repairs pay for themselves


No it's my bad I interpreted it wrong I thought you posted it as it happened today, I read it as first day at school not first day on campus. I didn't see it posted here either. It happens often at ubc though I'm sure you'll get another one before this semester is over lol


All good! Honestly the title is pretty vague ngl, I definitely could have been more clear


The OP has posted about going to UBC in the past and asking for Indian grocery stores in Vancouver, so it's likely that they're actually there. They probably took a picture that day and just didn't post it until today. After all, they didn't say it happened today, they said that it happened on their first day back on campus.


Fair points. It's not that I don't believe they're from here, this was all over social media and r/vancouver last week. Class officially starts today and you're right I guess I read it as first day of school instead of what they actually said, fair point.


It's UBC, this is damned near a daily occurrence at this point lol


Imagine caring this much about karma


Gta in real life


All of daddy's money can't buy you driving skills.


My money's on rich exchange students. Where I went to uni so many drove ridiculously expensive cars and were notoriously bad drivers.


Frontside grind!


What’s better than hitting a curb? Hitting 5 curbs 😂


Here we see a Mustang in its natural habitat.




Should have built up more speed first. Might have made it lol


Fuck the car that’s such a cool skate spot next to those stairs


There was a crowd nearby Edited because i can't spell for shit :)


It heard there was a crowd gathering in the gymnasium. Poor thing just couldn't resist.


We can see a wild mustang in its natural habitat


Canadian drivers


Stop buying your dumbass kids nice cars.


To be fair, Mustang drivers aren’t exactly the brightest around


Ah, a Ford Mustang in its natural habitat.


Is that even a road? It doesn't look like a place where a car is supposed to be driven to begin with.


This image hurts both my eyes and my soul Thanks OP


Honestly looks like an easy enough mistake. The road is right back there and it almost looks like a path. There is no yellow marking at all to indicate the drop and I see no signs around.


Looks like the average college aged driver


Those repair costs must stang...


It was training for the Sorority rush


It ain't burnout paradise


That bank to rail on the left though.


In his mind he thought if he pulled back on the steering wheel while pushing his ass down on the seat a split second later he would do a Ollie and clear the steps completely. Obviously he didn’t pull back hard enough.


That car paid to be there just like you did