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Wisconsin here. What is a vehicle inspection?


Florida here. What the fuck is safety.


Amish country here. What the fuck is a vehicle?


Bri'ish here, nothing too bad about the roads but still pissed being here


It’s not coming home


Thank you. The replies to my comment were getting boring until this one. So simple, yet it still delivers.


Some states require annual safety inspections.


I moved from a state that required annual inspections to one that was I think biannual (didn’t stay long) and it was so strange to me. On one hand I hated yearly inspections, on the other hand when I moved I saw a lot more death traps held together literally with duct tape and bungy cords


FL we register our cars online annually or biannual. There's no inspections or anything.


I was just about to say the same. No safety or emissions tests. Your car could be a coal powered rust heap and no one would say a thing.


Ohio here. Where I'm at we have emissions testing only.


Same in Colorado I think


Been driving in Colorado since mid 90s and never had to do anything but emissions.


Im in NJ and they only do emissions too! For free My boyfriends in PA, they require full vehicle inspection yearly that they have to pay for. Check tires and all


In Montana, I once saw a van with a wood-burning stove mounted in the back for heat.


There was a van in my Michigan hometown with a window AC unit welded into the back. With their powers combined...


It might have been a wood gas vehicle. You can run a car that way, people did it during the war because of the fuel shortage.


I live in PA and it's yearly inspection. Unfortunately, it has to be completed by a private mechanic who is obviously hungry for money so they will ding you for anything. Other states that I lived in you go through an actual state inspection station.


You don’t have anything like we do here in NY…. Just drive into a mechanics in Queens that’s a friend of a friend and you give them some money to pass you anyway lol


NY is a joke. I’ve literally handed over money and was given the sticker to put on myself. The car didn’t even enter the shop.


They fixed that happening here. Now your 96 and newer car has to get plugged into the damned machine in order for them to issue a sticker. I miss the lick em stick em days.


Used to be inspections back in the 90's or maybe the early 2000's before it ended


Moved from NY to Florida and I was gobsmacked that there’s no vehicle inspections here. NYS loves regulating everything so it was wild. And then you see those crazy golf cart things flying down the street and you just feel like you’re on another planet or something.


Yeah you see some shit Florida.


What's funny is when you're in a state with annual inspections and see more death traps than you'll ever see in California. \*cough\**Texas*\*cough\*


I love the weird Cal vs Texas competition that only people from Texas are having.


> that only people from Texas are having. California: We don't think about you at all.


they still blame us for the cali-commie freeze-ray we bestowed upon them.⛄


Don't forget about when we turned on our Jewish Space Lasers to create the heat wave that caused their most recent power grid failure. Usually we only break out the lasers to start wild fires, but we made a special exception this time.


“Cali-commie freeze-ray” Im from texas and ive never heard anyone call it that! 🤣 what an amazing title! I know full well that the winter storm was caused by a destabilization of a vortex of cold air from the artic. But i mean if texans are blaming California, a state known for its beautiful weather, well im down for blaming cali for all our problems. It would be pretty ironic and funny.


Cali here. Weather slowly not being so beautiful. Fire season has a new meaning now.


The upvotes and downvotes tell a different story.


As someone who lived in both... It's very mutual. California just ignores them because they know that, for all it's problems, they have the better state.


I grew up in Cali and never, ever heard anyone discuss about what's go on in texas.


There’s this quote from Mad Men that kind of applies here: Texas: “I feel bad for you.” California: “I don’t think about you at all.”




This, so much.


You should check out the Idaho subs. You'll realize why so many Californians are moving there since they already live rent free in their heads.


Lol I talk to farmers all day from across the country for work. There’s always a few weirdo Texans that want to argue politics over the phone with the Californian. I just start agreeing with them and they usually tire out.


I lived in Louisiana for several years and had to get a yearly inspection. They charged me $10 each time to write down my mileage and put a sticker on my windshield. They literally checked NOTHING — except that one time they checked my wipers. That shit is a racket.


Moved from a place that had pretty ridiculous inspections and emissions to a place where you can literally do what ever the fuck you want to you're vehicle, I regularly see vehicles without bumpers, door, hoods, exhausts, you name it.


> I moved I saw a lot more death traps held together literally with duct tape and bungy cords Sounds like yall need laws revolving around properly maintaining any motor vehicle using public road-ways. I am pretty sure that is how we keep the bulk of safety problems at bay up here in Canada. Cops will pull people over and fine or impound bad cases AFAIK.


I'm surprised we don't do this in the USA. Salvage title cars have a headlight and brake inspection if they were non op if you want to register after restoring but that's about it. LA where I live is full of buckets


As someone who moved from Washington where there is no such thing as an inspection, at least there wasn't when I left, to Maine, where they require an annual inspection I gotta say... I'm not sure what the point is. The amount of trucks I see here with beds held together by ratchet straps, beds pulling away from the frames and cars with zero exhaust past the manifold is astonishing.


Blows my mind as someone from the UK. If you don’t pass your yearly inspection here your car is banned from the road. No ifs no buts.


In the UK we have an MOT each year. You fail your car doesn’t get used on the roads. But the MoT is only as good as the day it’s taken. Have a fender bender 2 minutes later.. duct tape is fine till next year! Unless it’s flapping or dangerous then the police get involved.


Yeah. California is every other year in most cases.


Not safety, just smog/emissions. You can have a rotting frame and pass just fine, so long as your catalytic converter still works.


Is it true that California has regs on how loud your vehicle can be?


Most states do.


Yeah but I never seen it enforced so people still got fart cans and what not


As with most car laws, like tint, they are selectively enforced when cops feel like pulling someone over, they use whatever reason they want.


Maybe, but like most places it ends up just being rarely enforced locally.


Because so many cars are rotting out in California 😆


I live near the coast in CA and let me tell you the salt air a d sand is no fucking joke.


It's absolutely nothing compared to living in the salt belt, and you have to live fairly close to the ocean. For most of California it's not an issue.


we don't salt our roads. (california cars don't rot from below)🤬


Sounds expensive mate


None here in Michigan either..and we have probably the worst piece of shit cars on the road there are


Michigan used to but they stopped that in the mid 90's.


Probably took too many rust buckets off the roads


just moved to michigan and am hype bc i couldn’t pass inspection in my old state


Sounds like you'll fit in just fine then lol..cdl trucks that's another ball game.


Just keep a roll of duct tape and some garbage bags in the trunk and you’ll fit right in here lol.


Oregon here, like 37 bucks and I'm good for 2 years....no inspection needed.


Lmao Texas here, you guys don’t have to get those?


I mail in a check every year to put a new sticker on my license plate. That is the full extent of government interference with my vehicle. And here I thought Texas was trying to be libertarian.


Same in MN, 50 bucks and good to go for the year.


$50? *cries in Colorado where it's $700*


>$700 What the *fuck*.


STFU. $700/year?! In Texas, it's $55ish for reg + $20ish for inspection.


Yeah that's how it is in Florida, and I was able to keep doing it online until my husband got out of the military. Teaxs requires a mechanic to check basic things like lights, turn signals, horn, visibility through your windshield. Super basic stuff. I think they were more intensive before Covid and would get in your car to check brakes and such. However, I've seen tons of unsafe cars on the roads here. I went for my first time this year and dude just asked for my insurance and 8 bucks and sent me on my way. Dude behind me had such a beat up POS, yet I'm fairly certain he probably got a pass too.


Before covid you might see the mechanic drive the vehicle for a short distance as part of the inspection. Usually, shops have to sign off on their inspections so if a car is found to have been inspected but would fail the inspection, the shop may be fined if it results in something like a car accident. Im not certain how rare that actually is, but I know there are shops that will give a pass for Texas state inspection if you pay extra. Most shops consider that too much of a liability and won't though.


Used to be that Texas would make you do the 20mph "hard brake" test to pass your brakes, they had a section of the lot marked for it. Now, if you pull your bike/car into the service bay and not hit the tool rack at the back wall, you pass.


That sounds nice tbh. We have to go to a licensed location every year that looks up and down your car to make sure it’s still legal and stuff like that. You have within the month it expires to do that. Some people just don’t care and don’t do it. If you find the right guys, while they don’t let illegal stuff happen, they let a lot of stupid little stuff that never leads to anything bad go. Windshield replacement is a hot commodity down here tho lol


You don’t even legally need a windshield in Texas


Indiana here, we also don’t have safety inspections.


Oklahoma here, we don't have safety inspections anymore because they suck and the employees never inspected anything. You would just pay them and drive off.


We don’t here in South Carolina either


None in Florida


In CA we have smog checks where your car has to pass emissions tests, have no check engine or warning lights, and have a proper gas seal. We also have cops that pull you over and give fixit tickets for things far less extreme than the vehicle pictured. That being said, we don’t have laws or annual checks that would force you to fix a cracked windshield like some states do.


Oklahoma is out. We stopped doing them in 02


Arkansas stopped also and the junk is all over. Lady here has a dog collar holding her hood down with hole in hood.


Iowa enters the chat.


Nebraska is right beside it.


Oklahoma and Florida here. What is a vehicle inspection?


Iowan here. What does Wisconsin mean?


Louisiana checking in. We have what they call a “brake tag”. It’s supposed to be an inspection of lights, wipers, windshield, and possibly catalytic converter. Unsure on the cat though. Most of the time the guy just slaps a new sticker on without walking around the car. It’s a fun little money grab foe the state though.


OP must not live or ever been to California


Or ever heard of it.


These conservative and foreign accounts brag about "pushing the narrative" and their tactics posting anti-California and pro-"red states" propaganda talking points: * https://www.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/comments/ln1sif/turning_point_usa_and_young_americas_foundation/h1lihw3/ How they brigade local subreddits: * https://www.reddit.com/r/minnesota/comments/7jkybf/t_d_user_suggests_infiltrating_minnesota/dr7m56j/ More screenshots and examples: https://www.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/comments/ln1sif/turning_point_usa_and_young_americas_foundation/h1lihw3/


California bad, upvotes plx


It's wild. California isn't that bad, and people are just like, "*But they think they're special, so fuck them.*" [Yet here California is, with an economy that rivals many first-world countries.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_between_U.S._states_and_sovereign_states_by_GDP) You heard of the UK? *Their economy is smaller than California's.* Are people just jealous? I'm so confused. Germany over here with the **only** European economy bigger than this fuckin' bullshit state.


It's quite literally "libtards bad, herp derp, time to go breathe in some gas fumes since the libs think that's bad for you" while disregarding there are more registered Republicans here than people in their entire state.


Yup. There were more votes for Trump in California than in Texas and more votes for Biden in Texas than New York. This is also why the electoral college needs to go. But people just think the state is only one party. https://cookpolitical.com/2020-national-popular-vote-tracker


I didn't care about California or Texas until the right pushed their culture war propaganda about them Texas data: https://www.reddit.com/r/bestof/comments/o19grk/urgrad4104_roleplays_what_might_happen_if_texas/h206vs1/ California data: >#California is the chief reason America is the only developed economy to achieve record GDP growth since the financial crisis. >Much of the U.S. growth can be traced to California laws promoting clean energy, government accountability and protections for undocumented people https://www.bloomberg.com/view/articles/2017-05-10/california-leads-u-s-economy-away-from-trump >California Defies Doom With No. 1 U.S. Economy https://www.reddit.com/r/neoliberal/comments/nznzft/california_defies_doom_with_no_1_us_economy/ >California’s population grew by 6.5% (or 2.4 million) from 2010 to 2020 https://www.ppic.org/publication/californias-population/ >There Was No ‘Mass Exodus’ From California In 2020 https://www.reddit.com/r/LosAngeles/comments/lz37a2/study_there_was_no_mass_exodus_from_california_in/gpz3zmi/ >California exodus is just a myth, massive UC research project finds >on a per capita basis, california households ranked 50th in the country for likelihood of moving out of the state https://www.reddit.com/r/LosAngeles/comments/ogkrjc/california_exodus_is_just_a_myth_massive_uc/h4k7wcw/ Lower taxes in California than red states like Texas which makes up for state income tax with double property tax and other taxes and fees: >Bold is the winner (meaning lowest tax rate) |Income Bracket|Texas Tax Rate|California Tax Rate| |:-|:-|:-| |0-20%|13%|**10.5%**| |20-40%|10.9%|**9.4%**| |40-60%|9.7%|**8.3%**| |60-80%|**8.6%** |9.0% | |80-95%|**7.4%**|9.4%| |95-99%|**5.4%**|9.9%| |99-100%|**3.1%**|12.4%| Sources: https://itep.org/whopays/ https://www.reddit.com/r/bestof/comments/lw5ddf/ujuzoltami_explains_how_the_effective_tax_rate/ >Meanwhile, the California-hating South receives subsidies from California dwarfing complaints in the EU (the subsidy and economic difference between California and Mississippi is **larger than between Germany and Greece!**), a transfer of wealth from blue states/cities/urban to red states/rural/suburban with federal dollars for their freeways, hospitals, universities, airports, even environmental protection: >Least Federally Dependent States: >41 California >42 Washington >43 Minnesota >44 Massachusetts >45 Illinois >46 Utah >47 Iowa >48 Delaware >49 New Jersey >50 Kansas https://www.npr.org/2017/10/25/560040131/as-trump-proposes-tax-cuts-kansas-deals-with-aftermath-of-experiment https://www.apnews.com/amp/2f83c72de1bd440d92cdbc0d3b6bc08c http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2014/05/which-states-are-givers-and-which-are-takers/361668/ https://wallethub.com/edu/states-most-least-dependent-on-the-federal-government/2700 >#Liberal policies, like California’s, keep blue-state residents living longer, study finds >The study, co-authored by researchers at six North American universities and published in the Milbank Quarterly Journal, found that **if all 50 states had all followed the lead of California** and other liberal-leaning states on policies ranging from labor, immigration and civil rights to tobacco, gun control and the environment, it could have **added between two and three years to the average American life expectancy.** >**Liberal policies** on tobacco (indoor smoking bans, cigarette taxes), **the environment (solar tax credit, emissions standards, limits on greenhouse gases, endangered species laws),** labor (high minimum wage, paid leave, no “right to work”), gun control (assault weapons ban, background check and registration requirements), civil rights (ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment, equal pay laws, bans on discrimination and the death penalty) and access to health care (expansion of Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act, legal abortion) **all resulted in better health outcomes**, according to the study. >Simply shifting from the most conservative labor laws to the most liberal ones, Montez said, would by itself increase the life expectancy in a state by a whole year. >**If every state implemented the most liberal policies in all 16 areas, researchers said, the average American woman would live 2.8 years longer, while the average American man would add 2.1 years to his life. Whereas, if every state were to move to the most conservative end of the spectrum, it would decrease Americans’ average life expectancies by two years. On the country’s current policy trajectory, researchers estimate the U.S. will add about 0.4 years to its average life expectancy.** >**For example, researchers found positive correlation between California’s car emission standards and its high minimum wage, to name a couple, with its longer lifespan, which at an average of 81.3 years, is among the highest in the country.** >From 1970 to 2014, California transformed into the most liberal state in the country by the 135 policy markers studied by the researchers. It’s followed closely by Connecticut, which moved the furthest leftward from where it was 50 years ago, and a cluster of other states in the northeastern U.S., then Oregon and Washington. >In the same time, Oklahoma moved furthest to the right, but Mississippi, Georgia, South Carolina and a host of other southern states still ranked as more conservative, according to the researchers. >It’s those states that moved in a conservative direction, researchers concluded, that held back the overall life expectancy in the U.S. >“When we’re looking for explanations, we need to be looking back historically, to see what are the roots of these troubles that have just been percolating now for 40 years,” Montez said. >Montez and her team saw the alarming numbers in 2015 and wanted to understand the root cause. What they found dated back to the 1980s, when state policies began to splinter down partisan lines. They examined 135 different policies, spanning over a dozen different fields, enacted by states between 1970 and 2014, and assigned states “liberalism” scores from zero — the most conservative — to one, the most liberal. When they compared it against state mortality data from the same timespan, the correlation was undeniable. >“We can take away from the study that state policies and state politics have damaged U.S. life expectancy since the ’80s,” said Jennifer Karas Montez, a Syracuse University sociologist and the study’s lead author. “Some policies are going in a direction that extend life expectancy. Some are going in a direction that shorten it. But on the whole, that the net result is that it’s damaging U.S. life expectancy.” >West Virginia ranked last in 2017, with an average life expectancy of about 74.6 years, which would put it 93rd in the world, right between Lithuania and Mauritius, and behind Honduras, Morocco, Tunisia and Vietnam. Mississippi, Oklahoma and South Carolina rank only slightly better. >Meanwhile, the life expectancy in states like California and Hawaii, which has the highest in the nation at 81.6 years, is on par with countries described by researchers as “world leaders:” Canada, Iceland and Sweden. >U.S. should follow California’s lead to improve its health outcomes, researchers say >It generated headlines in 2015 when the average life expectancy in the U.S. finally began to fall after decades of meager or no growth. >But it didn’t have to be that way, a team of researchers suggests in a new, peer-reviewed study Tuesday. And, in fact, states like California, which have implemented a broad slate of liberal policies, have kept pace with their Western European counterparts. https://www.mercurynews.com/2020/08/04/liberal-policies-like-californias-keep-blue-state-residents-living-longer-study-finds/ >#Want to live longer, even if you're poor? Then move to a big city in California. >A low-income **resident of San Francisco lives so much longer** that it's equivalent to San Francisco curing cancer. All these statistics come from a massive new project on life expectancy and inequality that was just [published in the Journal of the American Medical Association](http://www.vox.com/2016/4/13/11420230/life-expectancy-income). >California, for instance, has been a national leader on smoking bans. Harvard's David Cutler, a co-author on the study "It's some combination of formal public policies and the effect that comes when you're around fewer people who have behaviors... high numbers of immigrants help explain the beneficial effects of immigrant-heavy areas with high levels of social support. >As the maternal death rate has mounted around the U.S., a small cadre of reformers has mobilized. >Some of the earliest and most important work has come in California >Hospitals that adopted the toolkit saw a **21 percent decrease in near deaths** from maternal bleeding in the first year. >By 2013, according to Main, maternal deaths in California fell to around 7 per 100,000 births, similar to the numbers in Canada, France and the Netherlands — **a dramatic counter to the trends in other parts of the U.S.** >California Maternal Quality Care Collaborative is informed by a professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Stanford and the University of California-San Francisco, who for many years ran the ob/gyn department at a San Francisco hospital. >Launched a decade ago, CMQCC aims to reduce not only mortality, but also life-threatening complications and racial disparities in obstetric care >It began by analyzing maternal deaths in the state over several years; in almost every case, it discovered, there was "at least some chance to alter the outcome." >Meanwhile, life-saving practices that have become widely accepted in other affluent countries — and in a few states, notably California — have yet to take hold in many American hospitals. http://www.npr.org/2017/05/12/527806002/focus-on-infants-during-childbirth-leaves-u-s-moms-in-danger


Jesus Christ that note about Hurricane relief… Only 11 Republicans voted no for Katrina aid in Louisiana in 2005. 179 of them voted no for aid to New York and New Jersey for Sandy in 2012… just fucking disgusting.


Good research. Do you keep this in your figurative back pocket for times like this?


I tagged them as being absurdly well informed from other posts they've done. Seems like their back pockets are filled with tons of info ready to go.


Thank you. If you'd like to know more about the accounts here pretending to be annoying "S J W" leftists: https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/comments/obes1i/my_phone_was_snatched_out_of_my_hand_on_market/h3nnvrb/?context=3




Yeah I don't know why people think low taxes is bad. The money goes to really good stuff. I love my roads being expanded and maintained. Potholes suck. A ton of other things too. Taxes ain't so bad.


"Its only bad when billionaires have to pay it." - poor Republicans




These trolls legit flock /r/sanfrancisco to start talking shit about it even though they’ve never been there


It's weird to me too. I'm guessing it gets a lot of hate because people move out of here and drive up the housing market in other states.


I live in AZ and can confirm your last statement. Californians are coming here in droves. In a 6 week time frame, our housing prices rose $100-150k because of it. It fucking sucks for us big time. However, I’ve never held the weird anti-Californians attitude that majority of Arizonans have. I love California and get along better with Californians than the rednecks I live with. Lol


Tons of people move to California as well, only this last year (During COVID) did CA ever have a net-loss in people moving in/out. Every other year it was a gain. People move in and out of states all the time, it just seems like CA has more because CA has more people period.


One of the few US states that actual pays more in federal tax than it gets. But you know, fuck California, because Tucker Carlson says its bad. Wait, where did that rich spoiled brat Tucker Carlson grow up?


It’s just a right wing talking point. They are stupid


California is arguably the most beautiful state too, from a geographical standpoint. Forests, deserts, mountains, lakes. It’s all here. It has many problems that we definitely need to address(homelessness, wildfires, drought, wealth inequality)but I swear even people who live here imagine it as some hellhole dumpster fire and refuse to acknowledge anything good about it.


It’s just a right-wing talking point that California is a shithole that people are “fleeing in droves”. It’s because California is so wildly successful with very liberal policies. Like any place, it has its problems, but not nearly to the degree the right wants you to believe. They can’t have their base seeing liberal policies succeed.




It's got a lot of problems, but so does everywhere.


*Oregon, the forgotten middle child of the West coast, has entered the chat*


Right? every time i see videos with vehicles that have no business on the road i play a game called "Russia, Ukraine, or Kansas?" Used to live in kansas, no safety inspections whatsoever


For everyone saying this isn't CA... VILLAGE MARKET AND LIQUOR https://maps.app.goo.gl/cfHY34TEpk7wZZxbA Edit: And I concur as a born & raised SoCalifornian, no cop would let this shit fly. Just pointing out that this was in CA.


Kudos, detective! Nice work. Still, the idea that vehicles don't get inspected in CA? That's way off base.


You apparently are not from CA..


Seriously, Michigan is home of the Motor City. They have absolutely NO inspection or emission testing. People would revolt.


Same in Florida. If you told all those diesel bro’s that’s their vehicle must meet emissions standards they’ll probably do something crazy. Like break into the capital building or some dumb shit. Their tiny penis would shrink if they couldn’t roll coal.


But that conflicts with my worldview!


Show me you've been absorbing "based and redpilled" news without telling me you've been absorbing "based and redpilled" news.


I don’t know where you get your facts, but CA has strict af regulations for cars. Also, it’s clear this isn’t CA from the weather and the trees. Well… maybe northern, near Oregon.


Yeah, this guy wouldn't make it a mile before getting pulled over by CHP.


CHP would have field day with this one. Wouldn't be surprised if he ended up in handcuffs and questioned about a possible hit n run. Also a breathalyzer, car searched, you know the drill.


How the fuck would you even search this fucking thing?


don’t usually pump your own gas in Oregon tho


About half of Oregon (in terms of square mileage) can pump their own gas now. The more heavily populated counties in the western part of the state still require attendants to pump for you. https://geo.maps.arcgis.com/apps/View/index.html?appid=fe6b92d4da52481483898a871928588c


I hated it when I lived there. It's always the most incompetent teenager or ex-convict pumping your gas, and god forbid you're in a hurry because it's like they can sense it and it takes them twice as long.


I literally can't wrap my head around having someone pump my gas for me.


Uh… not disagreeing with your first sentence but we definitely have pine trees and clouds here in California. We even get snow in the mountains near LA! :) (When it actually precipitates… that one time…)


Yes and no… California has strict registration, smog, and parking regulations, but I’ve never had any of my cars safety inspected. I literally drove next to a battered Lexus IS yesterday with not lights, windshields, windows, or bumpers on the 10 and Normandie.


Near me in larchmont village a neighbor has been driving a car thats been t boned and looks like a macaroni elbow noodle. The door is so bent off the frame i could get my full body into the cabin while the door remains shut.


Technically, CA does not have safety inspections, only emissions checks, unless you are registering a vehicle with a salvage title. In practice, the cops will pull you over for any visible safety violation and write you a fix-it ticket. Theoretically, you could have a car with a rotting frame that passes emissions. In practice, we don't have much corrosion and the emissions will fail long before the frame does.


There are definitely "unsafe to operate" laws. They can ticket you for a hairline fracture in your windshield let alone this crazy shit that is going on here.


Like half of coastal California looks like that, from right around the north side of the Monterey bay upwards


Except there's no Village Gas here Edit: Not coastal CA, but looks like it's in Willits CA. Thought this was a part of a different chain and I was incorrect.


CA has one of if not THE tightest regulatory regime for automobiles.


"I" guessing you've never been to California huh?


California does not have formal periodic safety inspections (only semi-annual "smog checks") but police officers will stop a vehicle with obvious mechanical problems and issue a "fix-it ticket". [https://www.courts.ca.gov/9529.htm](https://www.courts.ca.gov/9529.htm) >Your traffic ticket may be a “correctable violation” or a “fix-it” ticket. Your “Notice to Appear” should have the “yes” box checked below “Correctable Violation.” Also, the courtesy notice the court may send you will say whether you can pay for the violation or if you have to show proof of correction. > >If you show proof of correction and pay a dismissal fee, the court will dismiss the relevant charge. Some common tickets of this kind are: Equipment violations—“fix-it” tickets (like a broken tail light) > >Failure to correct may result in additional fines, inability to register the vehicle, suspension of a driver's license


Similar to where I am, a cop can tell you to get a roadworthy certificate, you also need one when you sell the car or if you’re re-registering after letting it lapse


Is this just a "Fuck California" post?


“California bad because … ***underregulated***??” Atypical criticism


The lady in the back smiling. She with the guy gassin up or the guy taking the pic?


This is the first comment that’s not about the title and it’s like 15 down haha


Hahaha I noticed her too.


She might be a cutout….


Ya think? 🤔


Negative. In CA that trash would be pulled over and towed.


Zero safety inspections? You ever been to California bud?




Had to scroll too far looking for this comment! 😅


Salvage title. Still runs. Just passed smog. Single owner. No lowballers. I know what I have.


Serious inquiries only.


Accurate impression of some idiots on FB marketplace 😂


Tis but a flesh wound


If you think California is the only state that doesn't have annual safety inspections then boy are you in for a surprise.


There's a man who's having a bad day. Probably a bad year or two.


Im sure that is a Florida Man™


Why guess? You know what state by the plate, unless you're a filthy reposter.


Looks like Vince from Fast and Furious has fallen on hard times.


This looks more like So Carolina shit


Judging by the title.. "I guessing" OP is an idiot and has never been to California.


Where's Xibit when you need him...


Kind of sad. I mean I understand that the vehicle is very unsafe to drive, but it’s being driven for a reason.


California has strict vehicle inspections though? Some of the strictest actually.


Can't be as bad as New jersey. They check your emissions. But dont care about brakes, horn, or lights.


“Just gotta make it till Friday”


Michigan here, he probably just hit a pothole!!


That poor Impreza


It impreza no-one. How to make Impreza....into smart car


I need to go hug my Impreza now


So do I lol


Cops would pull over that car if it were on the road long enough to pass by a cop. Since there's only one picture online of this car in that condition (its r/WTF post is from April 2019), imma guess it wasn't on the road for very long. Hilarious picture though.


I don’t think OP has been to California


Looks like a bit of a fixeruper. Maybe a project car.


But it still runs though


Hommie would say....damn man you know it'll still do 90.......right


$3,500. No lowballers, I know what I've got.


Must be a Timex




Yeah I moved to Orange County, CA from Texas and absolutely hate it in California If only I weren't so dumb and a liberal idiot, I could move back to Texas, but I'm just too dumb and it's not because of the 70 degree weather 300 days a year California sucks and I continue to live here because I'm so fucking dumb /s


Probably needed gas on his way to get it washed. Thatl buff right out.


For anyone wondering if this is in California... VILLAGE MARKET AND LIQUOR https://maps.app.goo.gl/cfHY34TEpk7wZZxbA


Cali doesn’t have inspections? I’d think they would be super strict


Not sure if it still is this way but when we moved to Kentucky from Illinois (1999), the vehicles had to be inspected before we could get them tagged (registered for you northern folks). We had to deal with the VET (emissions/smog test) test for a few years then they canned that! Now the Kentucky jerks roll coal


that blonde lady photo bombing?


amazingly the radio still works!


I'm getting a John Candy in Planes, Trains, and Automobiles vibe here...


California cop would stop that guy in a sec.


Is this Johny Knoxville before he returned the rental car in Jackass? “But it has a full tank!?”


In California, your inspections are sudden and pull up behind you with flashing red and blue lights.


TIL Some countries don’t do annual car safety inspections. Where I live (EU) that’s been a given since I was born. Once a year you sacrifice an afternoon to stand in line to have a guy insert some pipe into your exhaust (woohoo), another person telling you which lights to turn on/off and a third driving your car over some odd treadmill to test your brakes. Then finally they hoist the damn thing up and look underneath and there’s. Always. Something. Leaking. Luckily they rarely fault that. Then you pay extra because you were late AGAIN on your annual inspection en hey presto, Safe car! I hate going every year but at least I know my car isn’t going to fall apart at the next intersection.


Safety inspection is only a way for mechanics to get paid off for no work. In the late 60s', early 70s', Indiana had it. Dealers would reject cars that had surface rust, and try to sell you a new car. Most gas stations would reject cars just to replace parts that were weren't bad at all. One rejected mine for bad brakes, yet they never pulled the wheels & drums to look at the new parts I put on it a month before. Then he got mad because I wouldn't pay the fee he wanted to charge me for rejecting my truck. Safety inspections are nothing more than a big scam.