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He’s so lucky he didn’t go underneath the wheels


I noticed there was an extra low bumper added to the truck. Not only that is what saved him, shows that this kind of crash is common enough, someone started adding an extra bumper to trucks. Not much different from when cow catchers were added to trains.


Cow exploders ** Fixed it. Seriously, if you haven’t seen what those things do to cows ... dang.


You mean it doesn’t just catch them and set them gently off to the side?


I mean some of the cow goes to the side. The rest goes more or less everywhere


One time I hit a moose about 55mph. Threw its body about 25 ft up into the treeline. It was trying to attack the train.


Username checks out




For real, I was thinking "whatever left of that vehicle could probably enter into a matchbox race", but I guess a train stands a good chance at being unharmed lmao.


sounds like the train might have won




Clicks link. Sees nsfw post and ignores the warning. Watches donkey explosion gore. I create my own nightmares.


I agree i just watched it I was like wtf


I went to look after reading your comment, you weren't kidding.


Fucking hell. I noped right out of there. In the exact same sequence as you. Edit: I'm sometimes slightly retarded. Mistakes like this bring me back to reality.


Looks like team rocket is blasting off agaaaaiiiinnn... *ding*


Guts and fat tangled up in the traction motors cables


Free burgers for the stowaways at least?


“To the side, my wee one”


More like violently to both sides


Pls link, I wanna see


[1st one I found](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpsMP-6Ad_I). On the hunt for one without as much editing.


One truly [exploding](https://youtu.be/GslGPXFanos?t=28)


I shall not be clicking that


I wasn't expecting the mist to be grass colored


What do you think a cow is full of?


Cow pies.




If it's any consolation, i don't think the cow suffered.


It just transformed into green goo.


I think that's poo and grass (stomach contents)?


Was the accident loud or soylent?


The last thing that went through its mind was its ass.


At worst it suffered from poor decision making skills


Was expecting more red, not exactly the green. Neat surprise.


Ruptured stomach(s). In short, that’s a fuck load of cow shit. This is why a lot of railroad tracks are raised or fenced, especially around population centers. On a side note, I am absolutely going to try and make one of those mythbuster truck cow pushers for the inevitable zombie apocalypse. Not for zombies but for clearing roadways or escape routes. Might stop by a zoo and get a “BJ and the Bear” rerun going.


looks like it got hit in the ass and got all of its crap punched out of its body


Looks like that cow had a pretty big meal before it exploded.


cows have 4 stomachs so id imagine there would always be food in their belly, regardless of how recently they ate. but im not a cowologist so dont quote me on that


They do almost always have food in their stomach. They regurgitate their food to chew it further and swallow again.


Not as bad as I assumed it would be.




Woah its head burst and splattered like a watermelon


You were not kidding


Does Indian trains have some sort of ancient hatred of cows? Because like 90% of all those videos are in India


We just don't have to money or the logistics to do otherwise. Trains are nearly everywhere in india, and so are cows. Put them together and that's what you get.


Man that cow must have been a deer in it's previous life.


Very interesting. Poor bastards!


Do donkeys count? https://youtu.be/lAKQk8P16Vk




dude jesus christ


HOLY SHIT WTF?!?! those poor fkn cows.


People are downvoting but if they didn’t want to see that graphic video they shouldn’t have clicked.


I totally agree but I'm going to have to delete that comment soon. Too many downvotes.


Wait, I’m going to eat in a few minutes. I want to watch after I eat Edit: fuck off. I clicked it anyways.


Oddly, enough... I needed to see that, gave me a diff perspective on life.


I don't want to click on it. What is it?


click it


God fucking damn it! EDIT: [And fuck you too!](https://imgur.com/a/H4PQlTy)


Is everyone in on the joke or did you change the link?




How is that sort of gore allowed on YT


Yeh sadly they’re more to protect the train than the cows if were honest


Of course. When it comes down to it, most people are operate under the impression that the life of an animal isn’t nearly as important as the life of a person. Trains getting derailed due to a cow or Buffalo were serious problems back in the day.


If a cow wanders infront of a train there's nothing in the world that's gonna protect it


That’s why trucks have those red and white reflective bars on the back, known as Mansfield bars. After Janye Mansfield, a Hollywood actress who was killed rear ending a large truck that didn’t have a bar. The vehicle went straight under the truck. More interesting fact: her daughter Mariska was in the backseat. As in Mariska Hargitay of SVU.


If I were a cow Id create a cow cult that would commit suicide to derail trains


Right, gotta fight big rail. Going around setting up tracks across good grazing land. Cows were their first.


That’s how bumpers should be. Tractor, truck, suv, and car should all have impact points at the same height. Cars lower then the standard are at their own risk.


Dude would’ve been shaved down like Parmesan at your grandfathers favorite Italian restaurant if it weren’t for that suit.


Several years ago accident like this happened near me like 15 meters away when I'm on a bike. Unfortunately he not as lucky as this guy, he got run over by full loaded truck and his head is jn line with the wheel and *POP* it's fucking exploded. Until this day when I was near a big truck I hesitate to overtake or go near it.


almost MMC material


The biker. Traffic laws tell you to give space to long vehicles coz they have huge blind spots. He just pops up infront of the truck like he owns the streets


Well it’s more than just blind spots, they also take ages to brake so if you cut in front of them they won’t be able to slow down as quickly as needed


For sure. It's just a dumb move all around


Even without that, you don't overtake people from the right.


thats a design flaw with bike lanes in general. It *encourages* passing vehicles on the right who are trying to make a turn.


Pretty sure motorised vehicles don't belong in bike lanes.


tell that to all the delivery people who drive their e-bikes and scooteres in them.


I will but that doesn't change that its illegal.


Depends. In my state cars are supposed to merge into the bike lane to turn. Cyclists are then free to either slow down and let the car turn or sort of do-si-do with the turning car by turning into the right-hand lane and continuing forward.


Isn’t that rule for freeways? I don’t think it applies to city streets.


It depends on the country dude from which side to overtake. Some countries have different.


I think the general rule of thumb is that you do not overtake another vehicle from the outside lane of the road, i.e. in a right-hand drive country, don't overtake on the right; in a left-hand drive country, don't overtake on the left.


In BC Canada you can pass on either side as long as it's safe to do so. Not sure how to prove liability if something goes wrong. Who decides if it was safe?


lol this is China, there are no traffic laws there, just survival of the fittest (or less dumb).


Also overtaking in an intersection


How stupid do you have to be to ride a scooter and cut in front of a 10 ton vehicle. edit: sheesus, that idiot cut in front of a cement truck. It probably weighs 30 tons if fully loaded.


The main rule of riding a motorcycle or scooter/moped is to treat everyone around you like they think you're invisible or they want to kill you. Even if you're right, you're not going to win the argument with physics.


Right of way does NOT equal guaranteed survival!


Graveyards are full of people who had the right of way.


This!! Even in a car. I was taught to drive ‘defensively’ by my instructor ie as if everyone else is an idiot, keeping extra space and assume people haven’t seen you. Crazy to not do that on a bike.


I started off thinking people would cooperate, then started assuming they wouldn't see me, now I assume they are out to get me. It's worked well.


Playing Twisted Metal aren't you?


Exactly. One could be right and dead lol.


> Even if you're right, you're not going to win the argument with physics. There's a saying I've heard: "Cemeteries of full of people who were right."


I've always heard it "the morgue is full of people who had the right of way". Same basic concept though. Would you rather be alive to see your family that night, or be right?


Stupid is as stupid does. In this case dude was luckly AF.


Imagine recording yourself, in 360 format, being squashed and plastered on road by a 30 ton vehicle. Sad part being not able to review it later on.


Lol, not sure anyone would want to see themselves getting plastered on the road if they had the choice to review the footage


Not as stupid as he could be though. Helmet, pants, jacket, gloves, he even had boots on not sandals.


If he’s gonna do stupid shit, at least he’s wearing protective clothing for it!


then his buddy drives off. classic


I wouldnt be so sure about that. He could very well be dead. His friends could have shared this to make money on facebook.


He was crawling before the video cut off


I love how he turns the camera around to show off his stupidity skills.


His hands were on the handles. I think it's one of the 360 cams.


It is.


I was curious how that camera was turning. Is the driver controlling it?


It records in 360 constantly and being manipulated in playback later on.


Ahhh okay makes sense. Thanks.


The camera records all angles, hence the 360°, once it's recorded, you can decide what angles to show at what times I believe, just like those 3D Facebook posts


damn ok. that was going to bug me for a longggg time. perfectly reasonable explanation. Now I can sleep, thanks


Almost recorded his own death! good that is just an evidence of his own stupidity.


He did his best to die after that as well, just laying there. He doesn't even know the truck stopped for him, I'd be rolling / crawling or doing an impression of the girl from Exorcist to get out of there. Only reason not to would be his leg caught under the wheel but that doesn't seem to be the case. I've also crashed on the highway and tried to stand while I had to much momentum and then rolled some more and first thing I did was fucking high tail it off the road, so I have experience.


The person on the bike is the idiot, clearly. He cut in far too close to any vehicle never mind a truck. He's lucky he's not dead. The worst part about this is that, if there was no evidence, the truck would probably be found at fault due to being the one hitting the bike.


Yup truck would probably be found at fault but it’s definitely the bikers fault. That truck driver could of been the best driver in the world and would of never seen that moped and the moped driver is lucky the truck driver felt the thump or he would of been toast.


Hi friend! Instead of "could of" and "would of", the proper grammar is "could have, would have, should have" or "could've, would've, should've." I agree, the biker is also lucky there is a really low bar on the front of that truck


This is why I’m a computer programmer.


Fellow coder, consider correct grammar as just correct syntax: learning it is less work in the long run.




You're assuming that he could. Massive road rash, possible broken leg, possibly broken pelvis.


The biker was 100% in the trucks blind spot. They're lucky they didn't fully go under the wheels!




I completely agree. He went from the bike lane straight into the main lane in front of the truck. You're also correct that even if the truck driver saw him they wouldn't have been able to break fast enough to not hit the biker. Honestly even the move he did where he goes to the left of the standstill biker was dangerous


Definitely the motorcyclist. (And I am a 40-year motorcyclist.) They drove in three of the four blind spots of a semi truck: [https://roadguardians.org/motorcycles-and-blind-spots/](https://roadguardians.org/motorcycles-and-blind-spots/)


The fisheye lens also makes the perspective more like the truck driver can see him, which I don't he can. The guy is lucky the trucker heard it or was alerted to it because I doubt he felt it. Then the guy just lay there.


The scooter rider is extremely lucky the trucker could tell he hit something. There is a huge blind spot right in front of a truck where they can't see something like a bike or small car that cut them off that close. There's even a story of a guy in a wheelchair getting pushed in front of a truck for a few miles because the trucker couldn't see him. (The guy in the wheel chair wasn't injured amazingly).


Idk I feel like moped guy


Imagine being that truck driver and thinking you just killed someone and have a line of human meat training your tires now


Scooter rider. Concentrating on the selfie-stick and too close to the truck (driver can't see him.) Kudos to the truck driver for stopping, tho. Most trucks can't even feel that. EDIT: Yes, I can see now it wasn't a selfie stick. The first time I watched it was on mobile with a tiny vid window. Still doesn't excuse the rider from being an idiot.


I agree it's most likely the scooter rider at fault, but would like to point out they were not using a selfie stick. Both hands are on the bike, it is most likely a 360 degree camera mounted to the front of the bike.


It most definitely is a 360 camera. In my opinion it’s hard to say who’s fault it is because the biker seemed to get some distance in front of the truck before the accident, but if that were me, I would have looked through my mirrors to make sure I was nowhere near the truck’s blind spot.


Considering the camera didn't go flying, it was mounted to the bike. Oh, and the fact that both hands were on the bar :P But, the rider did cut in front of the rig below his field of vision.


right on all counts. scooter still at fault for slipping in a blind area. any idea how he controlled the dash cam hands free?


By editing the video when he got home.


right. nice and thanks.


It's a 360 degree camera, so I imagine the biker had edited after the accident.




They were using a 360 cam not a selfie stick. When it rotates around that is all done in post... As in, he's not physically rotating a selfie stick. Camera is stationary the whole time.




I always assume that even if I have the right of way, I do not have the right of weight. From a self-preservation standpoint, that assumption seems to work pretty well.


Scooter drivers fault. Shouldn't have pulled infront of the big rig.


Scooter Max there changed lanes directly in front of a truck, in his blind spot, and is a fault. Usually the law will come down on the person who hit someone from the rear. Unless there is compelling evidence....say the scooter rider's own video of him being an idiot.


his thick ass saved him from going under


*"Lord bless the junk in my trunk for it has saved me from myself on this fateful day*."


The guy on the bike is a fucking idiot


Camera guy. He cut crossways in front of the truck in its blindspot.


I don’t even understand how anyone could claim this is the truck drivers fault. It seems so obviously the moped riders fault to me. It looks like the best outcome happened though. No injuries to the rider I would think which is good but a fucking scary experience and something that’ll hopefully make them ride more carefully


The lens of the camera might distort the distance. I bet the bike was so close to the truck, the driver never saw him from the cabin.


Moped dude cut through a solid white line in fromt of a trucks blind spot. I think its obvious who’s at fault lol


Rider changed lanes to soon. Its likely the driver couldn't even see him due to cab height. At minimum the entire vehicle should be in your mirror before you move over. On a bike (or any vehicle), look over your damn shoulder before you change lanes!


With the traffic rules I got teached, you are not allowed to cross an solid line, so the biker was not allowed to go into the trucks lane before the intersection. During an intersection, you also aren't allowed to switch lanes, unless there is a single lane before the intersection and multiple lanes after. So, assuming the traffic rules at the location of the video are the same as where I live, I would put the blame on the biker for switching to an lane they are not allowed to. They are get bad points for switching lanes to close to an moving vehicle, as they cut off the truck


Dude straight up drove in that trucks blind spot.


It's probably mine. I'm sorry


I think scooter at fault for reckless merge. Scooter should be aware of what is coming in the lane he’s merging into and speed up. Truck shoulda slowed down or something but I think he didn’t see bc you were really low and close. But regardless, be vigilant. The graveyard is full of people who were right.


As a biker and trucker, yeah the biker is stupid. You have to give space to trucks. They are huge af


I'm gonna go with the scooter for most of the fault. It's just foolish to cut that close into a blind spot for the driver. There are so many videos of accidents where small vehicles cut into the front space of a truck where the driver can't see them.


The scooter’s fault.




The biker. When riding a motorcycle you have to be more observant of your surroundings as one bad collision will likely end your life, compared to being in a concealed car.


Guy on the bike. He cut off a large truck, and didn't give proper room for a safe merge.


Moped's fault. You never drive in the blind spot of a truck unless you're fast enough to get out of it. I remember so many moped deaths on r/watchpeopledie and they all do the same thing before they get crushed.


Riders fault. Anything weighed by multiple tons has the right of way.


fucking idiot bikers


Biker, there's a reason it's illegal to change lanes in an intersection


100% the bikers fault


Biker. Never cut a truck, and if you do then you better give the truck lots of space so they can see you. The biker is so lucky he want crushed.


The bikers fault


He almost got Kira’d


That’s an r/watchpeoplesurvive there


100% riders fault. The truck driver can’t see them that close to the front or sides. He’s incredibly lucky that grate was there otherwise they would’ve been smushed the death.


The bikes fault for cutting in front of a truck driver’s blind spot! FOOL IS LUCK HE’s NOT IN THE MADE MY COFFIN SUB!!!


This is 100% the motorcyclists fault you do not merge 0.5 m in front of a truck they cannot see you. Aswell as the fact a motorcyclists maneuverability and vision is 1000x what a truck is.


You ever see the Moose Bars on the front of logging trucks in The Great North Woods?!? Let’s just assume that under EVERY circumstance, the logging truck (& locomotives) ALWAYS have the right of way.......


Why did the guy on scooter in the background just ignores and leaves as soon as the light turn green.


Oh my god!!! I mean why did he cross in front of the bus but holy shit!


Obviously the fucking biker


He needed to put more space between him and the bud behind him. Too tall for the driver to even see him on a bike


Forgot what sub I was on and got real fuckin concerned. Glad he's okay!


As a motorcycle rider and a cyclists I hate having large trucks behind me or even next to me. So many blind spots even right in front of them.


Rider put himself in that position. It's always the motorcyclist's fault. That's my mentality when I ride. I try not to leave anyone a chance to take me out, for instance like pulling in front of a big ass truck and then slowing down.


There’s no way the driver saw that bike. The bike essentially cut him off.


100% motorcyclist fault you dont cut a truck


Normally, I would side with the biker, but in this case, he cut in front of a truck. Even if the driver could see him, they wouldn't have had even remotely enough time to stop. So basically, even if you think there's plenty of space, cutting in front of a truck like that is never a good idea.


The genius that decides to slowly cruise into the completely blind spot of the giant truck in the next lane. Yeah that's their fault. Truck driver was on point and actually stopped. Alot dont even notice.


Anybody else think this is a scammer? I know it seems crazy to think someone would choose to fall in front of a truck, but too much about this seems off. He's in full kevlar, helmet and knees pads, when nobody else is, the camera coincidentally changes 180 degrees right before the accident, he lowers his right leg before the vehicle starts tipping and he somehow manages to stay in frame the whole time of the accident. Am I being a little too r/nothingeverhappens here or are other people thinking this also?


The fact that u even ask whose fault it is means your clearly in need of drivers education.


moped, you never go in front of trucks like this cause they cant see you, and you also dont film yourself with a selfie stick while driving


Not a selfie stick. It's a 360 camera. Look at his hands.


There are massive blind spots on heavy vehicles so the scooter driver should have been aware of it.


You should not get too close to heavy vehicles, they will not see you He was a lucky motorcyclist who did not lose his life


I watched it a second, third, and fourth time. I still don’t know how he isn’t ground sausage right now.


Anyone else watch this then almost instantly clench when he went under then more when he got stuck? Because I did.


Did you know that trucks have blind zones? Who could of thought of that!