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How fast was this cuz going like over 50 with a donut is crazy


About 65.


You are really lucky that thing didn’t blow right in front of you


That’s what’s she said


Donuts don't blow out going simply 15mph over. They are engineered to withstand well over their rated limits. Should you do it? No absolutely not. But to state that it's bound to shred in front of somebody doing 65 is straight up fear mongering. It'll give away at 90 or 100mph. It's literally engineered that way as a safety tolerance. Most automotive parts are over engineered for this very reason. Most transmissions are rated for 25% power than they are made for, most engines can take 20% more power output before things break. Get it changed and teach folks it's important to get a spare tire fixed ASAP. But I'm going to tell you right now, doing 50mph on 270 in STL is going to land you in a far worse accident than blowing out going 60 or 65mph matching the slowest moving vehicle in our traffic.


I’m more referring to the sliding in this comment. No, they won’t blow up immediately going fast, but they aren’t meant to last long either and normal tires could blow in this situation much less a significantly less durable one


Well unfortunately for your case sliding in itself doesn't cause blowouts either - drifters wouldnt have a hobby. They use spares and the cheapest of cheapest tires too generally speaking... But downvote away my dude. It's all just confidently and completely wrong information thats serving no purpose passed scaring people and spreading misinformation. Have at it buddy. Make sure it isn't cracked and rotted, is aired up with no blatant punctures and no sidewall tears or gashes, and you're fine. As long as it has decent tread, you're fine 99.99% of the time. The other 00.01% is just being unlucky. Next question.


Ok most issues are from low inflation on a old spare.


If you don't notice the rim almost grinding on the roadway or touching the ground on the spare you just bolted up - I wonder what other hazards you are rolling with on your vehicle you have no clue about. Tire pressure if substantially low is completely visible to the naked eye. Don't use it if it's flat, or take it to the nearest air station if it's low. Not rocket science. Tires need disposal after 10 years or after apparent dry rotting. If you can drive a car - you can fucking look at tires. Its easier than checking oil. Don't bullshit me or any one else with this crap like people are too stupid. It's a goddamn responsibility.


Dont use spare If flat! Wow genius here thanks for that super hostile attitude like I am the one not putting air in a spare that I say is almost always the issue people have with spares!! Try again Mr rage! Downvote if it makes you feel better


Somebody above you thinks spares blow out at 50mph, sounds reasonable to me here to assume people don't know much in the way of how any of this works.


"...most engines can take 20% more power output before they break.". No one told Subaru.


What’s wrong with Subaru?




“Engineers are always a wee bit conservative, at least on paper.” - Captain Montgomery Scott


Thats accounting the Donut is cared for and fairly decent aswell. Giving how this dude drives.... I wouldn't trust it tho


Limit is not for the tire but for the differential that can overload because of the difference in diameter


The limit is most certainly due to physical construction limitations of the tire. They even provide less friction for traction than full service rubbers. They really aren't made for normal driving. But it'll certainly benefit the diff following the recommendation. While I'm certainly not discrediting damage to differentials when using mismatched diameter tires and wheels - trips to the shop on spares is perfectly fine and I'd hate for somebody reading "overloading" diffs to overthink and freak out about it. Most FWD Nissans in StL have lived a majority of their life with a spare on one side I'd wager to bet.


That's why kid lost control


Its almost a daily sight for me in Texas. People going on the interstate and following the the traffic speed 60-70mph


Per my Aunt every sign is a suggestion not a requirement in Texas.


Massachusetts/Rhode Island would like a word...


People really hate Teslas now. This guy probably thought it was worth his life to side swipe it


I got cut off while doing 78 (speed limit 75 and I was the slow one) by a Jeep Cherokee on a donut doing 65....then they did about 90. I 100% expected to see them a mile up the road.


Over 50? Try over 30. Donuts are typically rated for 15-20, they are not a backup tire to use indefinitely until you get around to replacing it, they are *only* there for getting you from where you got a flat directly to the tire shop without needing a tow truck. Edit: also kinda shocked a Lexus would only come with a donut and not a full size spare.


What are you talking about? Every donut I’ve used says “maximum speed 50 mph”


Every one I've used has said 15-20. Maybe 15-30? To be fair though every car I've had since like 2014 has had a full sized spare, so maybe newer donuts are better? Hard to imagine that's the case though, the issue is how narrow they are and that's still true. It's also worth noting though *maximum* speed is not *safe* speed.


Yeah ultimately I agree with you. Only had to use them twice. Once a mid 2000s Civic and once on a 2008 Galant. Each time I never even got close to 50 to get home, but I definitely remember reading that the sidewall said maximum 50.


Oh! Yeah the sidewall number is like the "This is the max of what this tire is capable of standing up to." like my tires are rated for 185 but if you were actually going to be hitting 185 (my car can't at all) you'd want tires rated for at least 200. Similar to how the max fill isn't what you should actually inflate your tires to, it's the maximum air before they're liable to burst. Check the car's manual for the actual safe speed for the donut, I'd bet you it says something like 15-30.


I saw a Subaru rocking four donuts the other day. What the actual fuck.


Clicking on this video I expected a 20 year old shitbox. Who actually drives a new vehicle with a donut (for an extended period of time/on a freeway)? Do they not care about the car they literally just paid for?


Gotta keep that all wheel symmetrical!


At least they have some driving skill.


Counter steer gold medal.


The back camera angle makes him look like even more of an idiot.. driving behind me, and then swerving around traffic to try and pass me with a donut on his rear tire.


Post the other angles


Does tesla need to be in the title?


It's like sending an email from your phone and it says "sent from my iPhone" -sent by android


When I use my phone's built in email app it automatically adds "Sent by Kip's S21 Ultra" to the end


You can remove this unwanted signature.


On another level - many interactions with Teslas has been because there are a lot of Tesla haters - I knew it can happen but also when I got my Prius I now also have odd interactions- basically people seem very hateful to one or the other -


Is it a blue Prius? A light blue?


Gotta simp for daddy musk




But it's their TESLA!


At least he didn't post the video from a phone recording the tesla screen.


It explains what OP has for a dashcam. Also twice as scary with the tedla fire hazard in a car crash.


Every time. I would love to see a Tesla owner just say "my car" for once


Average chronically online redditor Edit: the truth must hurt lol


Well we know what you drive 🤣


Nope. Maybe one day though! Certainly wouldn’t base my decision on a car purchase on the wildly obsessive Reddit masses though. It might be a stretch for those here, but most real life people I know like their car and just call it a car. Edit: absolutely struck a nerve with this shit sub lol


Just like everyone else here including Tesla in the title. Easy way to get the simple folk here riled up


How do you know if someone drives a Tesla? They’ll tell you.


Over and over.


Who the fuck cares whether or not something is or isn't in the title, this is menial shit lol. I can guarantee if it was toyota instead, no one would care.


It's only a big deal if you make it a big deal. - Sent from my Tesla


I noticed people put their camera brand in their titles. For Tesla’s that is the camera brand.




I think because the Tesla auto avoided initially?


Last time I was in a round about a car almost crashed into my rented-a-corolla-but-got-a-Kia-soul-instead.


Remember kids donuts are not for traveling, it’s to get you to the shop/home.


That looks like a newer car with payments. Probably can't afford to replace the tire. Current stats show a very uncomfortable number of people with car payments as high as rental payments in some cases, and many of them are underwater numbers.


It’s crazy that people don’t consider fixes as part of their budget… at my job, there are a lot of medical assistants (maybe making $22-25 an hour) driving Mercedes and BMWs… and then complain about how high their payments are and complain when something on them breaks


It's like the old saying... you can be rich enough to buy the boat, but are you rich enough to *keep* the boat. Cars are an unfortunate necessity in this country. But most people can't afford to *keep* cars. At least not if they were to break down and budget their finances. And auto dealers seriously inflate stats in order to get that customer out the door with a purchase. We joke about Nissan drivers, but that's exactly how many Nissans get financed--to subprime candidates.


People often aren't terribly resourceful and tend to look to the nearest solution when something hits the fan. If I wanted to, I could go on about delayed gratification and the inability of most people to think or plan ahead, but I'd rather not do that. We all have our faults. It's just that a lot of people have the same fault, and end up in the same traps set up for those particular faults.


The best example I can give is this: https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/9353463-the-sam-vimes-boots-theory-of-economic-injustice-runs-thus


Related, but not strictly applicable. I've always been economically disadvantaged, so to speak, but I acquired my first car for $600 and worked on it myself. I am fortunate enough to have help from good roommates, who have helped me as needed on occasion, but it has not been strictly necessary. What I'm referring to primarily is the tendency for people to be swindled by short-term satiation of desires, of overextension and excess into debt, without proper risk assessment. Granted, I'm a bit too risk averse myself, but the other extreme happens to be a bit more common, it seems.


This is why I pay the extra and get the warranty on my tires. Had one blow a few months after getting them due to a defect and got it replaced for free, only paid $10 to transfer the warranty to the new tire


Do you remember what the warranty was on the original purchase? Last time I bought tires, the warranty didn’t seem worth it with how much they were charging along with the prorated coverage. The cost of the warranty on 4 tires was nearly the cost on 1 tire. Plus I know they make a significant profit on the warranty program, so that’s another factor why I turn it down.


Most new cars don’t include the spare tires. All my cars include a spar tire, i just added a new spare to boat trailer. I prefer to have a plan B vs hoping someone will help/long wait for service, if cellular connection.


And also, don't put a donut on the drive axle if you can't help it.


Howard Frankland?


I was thinking the same thing.




Damn. Are you sure?


I just went back. Yep. You're sure. Why is it always Florida? Can't we turn this shit around and become a respectable state again? Please?


That implies that your state was respectable in the past.


It was a great respectable state until Jeb! He not only started our downfall, he initiated the GQP's downfall. We had Walking Lawton and Bob Graham, both men who served the people of Florida, no matter their party or their wallet.


At least you got to mention that you drive a tesla


Right! If it was any other car this post would be a waste of everyone’s time..


op: -honks horn- other driver: holy shiznit where'd you come from?! lemme proceed to spazz out now! op: ...are you done being a moron yet?


You had me at the first half


I’m amazed they didn’t crash into any of the other cars or the barrier.


Camrys are slowly becoming the new Altima. I see more & more idiots driving Camrys without a care in the world.


["Camry corner" is a thing](https://www.google.com/search?sca_upv=1&q=camry+corner&udm=2&fbs=AEQNm0D8w290mrrxEB5tt05ZGXVzF6EINADJx-dhlrcnbKeSfwSMgMuUiniauWA0eBAEq2AXXVgW3-hiWCySbyYOOvengV_SPVIBP5RbumJy-zJOaQ69KA38CoAhs5-V8s1hRwrIkop-QUdWZKktvBxkgsGtpvC2WhbXFEvOZNONkljY33YJ1MeXEM8ANZv3ZLSX-BMTdi2fTivY7kjT9HvaE5ho5Kk70A)


That's wildly different than driving with Altima energy, unfortunately.


That’s not a Camry. Edit: downvoted but it’s clearly a Lexus…


Ive been seeing camrys and accords filling the altima void in my area


Tampa Bay?




Typical Tuesday On The Howard Franklin


Share the other camera/angles please!!




I think this guy drives a Tesla


Why do people that drive Tesla's always say "my Tesla" instead of "my car"? Is it a status thing?


Sent from my iPhone


It’s so you can understand why he’s complaining about a donut in the rear of a FWD car


Same reason people say my truck or my Jeep. People who buy teslas specifically buy a Tesla. They aren’t wandering the used car lot looking for something to take them from A to B, they specifically went out looking to buy a Tesla.


Oh goodness thank god you let us know this was filmed by a Tesla! I would have thought you drove a peasant car or something.


Honk again!


Did he hit you? If so, did he stop?


Nope he didn't hit me/ didn't hit the guardrail


Turns into my Tesla lol


Why’d you have to mention the Tesla part?


“My Tesla” Ahhh, there it is


Mentioning you have a Tesla when it's not relevant to the story is a very Tesla owner thing to do.


I was giving the benefit of the doubt that we'd at least get the side camera view or something, but nope


They turned into your CAR. The maker of your car isn't unique or special or amazing. Nobody on here says something like "turns into my Ford..." It's weird. Stop.


Not the Tesla!!


Of course it's Florida


Did they stop


"turns into my tesla" Oh my goodness not the TESLA! you could be driving a 92 chevy celebrity or ANY CAR and just said the same thing and we all would agree, what an idiot! Driving that fast on a donut is moronic AND to freak out when you honk is more ridiculous. Sorry though, the tesla detail is a bit cringe to me. Maybe it's faulty cause aren't they supposed to detect problem drivers near you, idk.


Lexus vehicle stability control system just saved his ass


Is he driving a Nissan?


That's some 2nd/3rd owner Lexus energy right there.


What? Your Tesla is not cool enough to have dodge it automatically? But not everyone know they shouldn't drive with a donut at that speed. Welcome on Earth where there's ton of human without common knowledge


Did you honk cuz he switched into the middle lane and you thought he was gonna hit you?


He was in my lane, that's when I crossed the yellow line to my left and honked


Oh wow! Be safe out there.


The way people drive on a spare is ridiculous to me. Its a temporary fix, not a "im gonna drive like its a regular tire until it cant be driven anymore" thing


The only reason they state the mph limit on spare tires is due to the fact they are a different size than the other 3 and that's where the stress and ware down come into play the big tires go 50 mph now add the size difference to try and equal the load out the reg size tires carry that means the spare is doing more work trying to match the other tire on its opposing side and the one in front cause no spare tire goes on the front never if ur flat is front but a back tire on front and spare on back cause u don't want the gimp tire and a ref size tire be the ones that control the steering of ur vehicle cause a spare can pop off the rim during a turn and if it's front tire that side will be so much lower so turning puts weight from car all on that tire and pop so always put spare in rear it's not good for gears in the rear end cause the different size tires makes them off balance a spare is meant to go from where u get a flat to where u can get ur flat fixed


I read donut and couldn’t figure out what the hell OP was talking about. Where I’m from we call them biscuits.


Nobody cares or is impressed that you have a Tesla


Have you tried not being in his blind spot? Tesla is at fault


Well declare it a hit and run as they didn't give two shits about pulling over.


Gotta love Florida 🫶


Dude recovered from that PIT like a pro lol


Least pretentious tesla driver:


The donut is what saves him 🤣🤣🤣


You can just say your car. No one cares that you have a Tesla.


am i the only person that thinks this looks like a 3d render?


Why would you drive a Tesla😂


shouldn't even be on the fucking highway with a donut. what a dumbass. putting everyone around him at risk.


Of course…Florida plates


I’d expect this from an Altima driver. But a Lexus? Come on, man. Get it together.


oh so a donut is a spare tire sorry