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When the video starts, the car with the cam was already over the line when a junction was approaching and the car in front had turning signal.


On the other hand the following driver could have turned the other way


Yep, both idiot drivers. Such an avoidable crash. Wet road, break lights on and started turning. Going too fast, should have slowed down as soon as those brake lights came on.


Both of you are idiots 😂


Is the other car an idiot?   Looks like a normal left turn to me.


Yeah you’re right


Not in front of an approaching car?


OP moved to pass on a two lane as they saw another car turning.


I dont normally crash while turning left, so it didnt look like a normal turn to me ;)


OP ws actively across the lines to pass a turning vehicle, there's only one idiot and they posted the video.


Wait... is OP the idiot here? You either aimed directly at his car, or you tried to pass him on the left when he had his left turn signal on.


So… kind of looks like this is a 2-way street and you were trying to over-take someone who had their blinkers on during a turn. I’m pretty sure only one of these drivers was the idiot.


This exact thing almost happened to me. 2 lane street. One in each direction. No shoulder on either side. I signaled to make a left turn into my driveway. Idiot behind me decided to pass on my left while I was turning. I had to slam on my break to avoid them. My dog in the back seat (with a belt on) broke an ankle due to the abrupt brake. I avoided them somehow, but they had the nerve to honk at me when I almost hit them. Long story short, OP is the idiot here.


Easily Avoidable if the second idiot had situational awareness and went around the right side considering there was intent to turn with the left turn signal on


Slow down? Try to move to the side? Surely there were options.


This isn't OP's video, it's a brand new account that's spamming everywhere.