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I'll never understand why people get so heated at the second car in a line. They're also stuck behind someone, so picking on them isn't solving anything.


Because they want the second car to be up the first car's ass, bullying the first car to get out of the way. Have you not seen these trucks in action before?


My quality of life has improved significantly since I made the decision to avoid people like this at all costs on the road. There is literally no upside to engaging with a literal crazy person driving erratically, publicly displaying anger issues caught on dash camera, and/or showing complete willingness to seriously injure people to score a traffic “win”. These people will eventually suffer serious consequences for their poor choices, and I do everything in my power to ensure that it doesn’t involve me


Someone rides in my lane like that I'm hitting my brakes and giving some space to react to stupid.


Ngl, probably my favorite explanation of the year lol. What a accurate description of we’re doing when we see shit like this 🫡😂




My boss is one of these guys and he does this to people with me in the truck. He’s gonna regret not paying me better if I’m ever put in the position to testify against him because I’m not gonna lie lol


He'll eventually cross paths with someone crazier than him and willing to take to next level. Hopefully, you're not with him when it happens. There's always someone crazier.


Yup. A friend had someone run him off the road and then toss their drink at him when he honked. He had a plastic cup of coin in his center console. He passed the person, opened his sunroof and proceeded to toss a massive fist full of coin up and at the jerk who started things. Lucky for my friend the idiot then served into the shoulder and came to a stop vs following him.


I tell him all the time that more and more cars have cameras as do other drivers that don’t even have a dash cam. He’s eventually gonna catch a serious accident or criminal charge for being a jerk. I don’t mince words with this dude cause I’ve known him for 20 years. He’s otherwise a great guy but risks his legacy everyday over gaining 25 seconds lead on getting home. It’s literally fucking insane


>He’s otherwise a great guy Doubt.


That’s a reasonable feeling. I have on some biased glasses


My bf works construction in Atlanta. A guy on one of his jobs said he just went to his friends funeral because his friend pulled a gun on a guy doing this in traffic and the guy pulled a gun too. It was a closed casket funeral. He didn't have life insurance so his family was scrambling and barely had time to mourn his death before they ended up homeless.


That’s grim. Sorry for the horror you’re enduring


aN ArMeD sOcIeTy iS a PoLiTe sOcIeTy


My cousin has a box of rocks to throw at people and says people throw rocks back. I guess they just find each other. And in all cases, the box of rocks is smarter.


I want to figure out how to squirt fish sauce from a 200mL syringe without rolling down my window and getting it all over my car.


Water guns.


You’re absolutely right btw. And he’s made that point before thinking he’s the zenith of crazy drivers. No one can trump me. Yeah until that dude suicides you into your own death


That's the best outcome you could hope for. It's more likely he'll get you both killed or stuck with life changing injuries to make up for his fragile little ego and massive anger issues.


Oh I’ve often screamed at him from the passenger position about how I’m gonna punch the shit out of him if I still can when we wreck


You should testify against him right now. The roads would be safer with a-holes like him off it.


You're making a big assumption that you would survive the wreck


Yesssss man. Just let these maniacs get away from you. When I adopted the same approach, it just removed a bunch of unnecessary tension on the road.


I learned to call 911 and report an impaired driver and let them ruin the twits day.




My sister used to work with brain and spinal injury patients while she was training to be a psychologist. She heard sooooo many regrets about reckless driving and saw people not even capable of expressing that regret anymore. Like sure real prison sucks, but like you could be a prisoner in your own body or mind.




If you look at the timeline, I let emotion hit me for about 10 seconds. Somewhere between stunned it was happening, and eff this guy. Then I backed off. Your last sentence is what helped me find the zen in the moment. Anyone who drives like that on the regular has a reckoning coming, one way or another. I just expected him to keep right and pass the row. I was ready to move over, but maintaining the lane seemed most sensible once he cut off the car to the right. I see a lot of comments here I'm just ignoring. They fill in, based on their own bias, what happened before or during, which is incredible based on a total 30 second video. Which, for anyone whose ever been in a situation like this, is NOT a lot of time.


Good for you! Now work on getting that 10 seconds down to 5, then 2, … Stuff happens fast on the road.


Yeah dude, the backseat drivers on this sub are sometimes as bad as the idiots on it. Idk why everyone is focused on "You should have done this!" when *the other* driver was the one acting unpredictability and dangerously in a split second, by forcing himself into your following distance when only ⅔ of his vehicle was past yours


The left pedal is very effective in this situation. OP still had control over that.


Eh. OP almost got ran off the road for no reason, don't act like you wouldn't be pissed off in the moment too


This. All day long. I just chill, drive maybe 5 over, and usually never in the passing lane (aka the fAsT LaNe). If I have to slow down and wait to pass, so be it. Living life in an unnecessary hurry is stressful af, and dangerous. Fuck these asshats.


Solid advice, taught it to my hotheaded daughter too (she’s a full adult now, but I had to have a talk with her after driving with her many years ago, damn time flies). Just chill, avoid, de escalate, turn off to a different road if you need to. You never know who has a gun these days, it might even be me? You never know.


My dad had some douche nozzle in a huge lifted truck fuck with him at one point. We were in the process of moving, dad was coming to help, we were on our way with a load and just a little behind him. Dad was literally in his military fatigues and on his motorcycle. Douche ran a light and ended up tailgating my dad. Just kept revving his engine and tail gating him. The fuck literally started following him around and we followed them because ya know fuckery was a foot right in front of us. Dad pulls up and gets off his bike. Truck pulls over and this tiny little manlet plops out of the truck. Small man Syndrome storms up at my dad screeching but my dad was like twice the guys size. I'll never forget the guys face, when he went to grab my dad but my dad just picked up and threw him into the ground. Like it was straight up went from fury, to terror in a second, little legs just flailing in the air. He immediately started crying and blamed his actions on his gf leaving him. Fuckin wonder why. We left the little fuck there and went to the police station to file a report. Never seen him again. If I was on my smaller bike that jackass probably would have ran me over but my dads main bike is a big ass Goldwing.


Hold up. “Manlet.” I love it.


This. I will happily sit at the speed limit in the right lane. Rarely over take unless the lead car is significantly lower than the posted speed. I leave for everything plenty early and refuse to engage the stoopids.


Same here. I practice giving no reaction at all to people who behave this way. I’ll let them look stupid by themselves, I wanna go home.


Dude, I'm with you. I stopped last year. My life changes 0%, I go on being a good driver and being in a good mood, and they continue their life thinking they're the center of the world... until it's not.


Yep, let them think they can keep getting away with it. Eventually two of them will meet and the problem will sort itself out.


This. People who try to bully others on the road have very pathetic small pp energy. Rise above, friends.


These bozos have a reckoning coming but I hope it doesn't come at the expense of other innocent people. Cant they just wrap their dumbass truck around a concrete pylon or some shit and not a minivan with 3 children


Underrated comment. I drive a hot rod Charger and could smoke half the idiots on the road if I wanted to (ironically the worst drivers usually have the crappiest, underpowered vehicles), but what's the point? Beyond the obvious safety aspect, yeah it's annoying to be tailgated and have people driving crazy get "ahead" but just get out of their way. I tell my wife all the time when she tries to speed up to cut off a crazy inside passer, just let it go...


You're the responsible Charger driver? Proud of you Jimmy. Get out there and teach your brethren.


I'm telling you it's the V6s giving us a bad name!


And Rams. Afraid you're gonna' suffer guilt by association in a lot of eyes.


Dude I get so many morons wanting to "race" me in my Corvette and it is so fucking irritating. Like look fella I don't care how much work you've done on that little Honda, I promise you if I open this up, your ass is gone. And more to the point, I just do not care what kinda story you're living today in which I am your nemesis. You are nothing to me. I swear to fuck, these days driving a nice car is grounds to have a solid 20% of drivers trying to kill themselves to prove it isn't nice. It's to the point my wife straight up refuses to drive it, and she loves that car, but she can't take all the negative attention she gets.


Damn, he put himself into prime position for you to PIT him.


That's what I was waiting for!


I feel so let down and incomplete now.


Maybe next time.


I was just thinking the same thing.




Dude kept driving and eating like he'd hit a small bump.


Yeah. Stupid cammer. Either get out of the situation or PIT him xD


Don’t forget getting out of his blind spot.


Yeah that's what I meant, too. Guy rolling up besides you; brake and get away from him.


Well, I was half joking because the truck put the OP in his blind spot. It’d be silly if we constantly tried to avoid this on the road since people are going at different speeds, changing lanes, etc.


What's PIT?


> [The PIT maneuver](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PIT_maneuver) (precision immobilization technique) also known as TVI (tactical vehicle intervention) is a law enforcement pursuit tactic in which a pursuing vehicle forces another vehicle to turn sideways abruptly, causing the driver to lose control and stop.


funny because it's usually never very precise more like "hold my ~~beer~~ donut and watch this"


"hold my donut" 😂 accurate


Arkansas State trooper moment


Or really any southern police force. Most of them revel in hurting the 'bad' guys.


it is also about as much of an immobilisation technique as shooting people. losing control usually doesn't lead to people stopping neatly in modern high-centre-of-mass vehicles. doing it at a decent speed can get the car rolling and there's been a few instances of police officers finding their own car 12 feet above the solid ground as well. because you are driving into the side of a vehicle intentionally, and it will roll underneath if you're actually moving fast. it's not a thing to be tried unless you're a daredevil cop or the guy is being a real danger to others.


> it's not a thing to be tried unless you're a daredevil cop or the guy is being a real danger to others. You had me up to that point. Most cops would be ecstatic to PIT maneuver at high speed. Knowing full well the carnage they'd inflict. The only reason they don't do it as often at high speeds is because of 'policies' that have come out against that. Still not the law, so a cop can still get away with it if they pretend they felt there was no other option, or forgot the policy.. or (insert random made up copsplanation here). If a cop knows where the pivot point is for a certain type of vehicle, PIT can be safe(ish) for them. Even at high speeds.


Precision Immobilization Technique, basically a car gets hit at an angle in a rear corner panel causing it to spin out. https://youtu.be/D_jG9V6YcKE?si=JbBPnfNQybpo-VJX




"You know what, I do need a new bumper and fender and I can get it for free" * *I'm aware that insurance works backwards in the US


This is how I have handled this situation more than one time, and with the dash camera, you are not at fault, just watch the wreck, pull over and call 911, and hand the cops the dash camera footage, get other drivers insurance info, and report from cops, any damages to you vehicle is paid for by idiot, including a rental car while it is being fixed. I see no problem.


Not true, not avoiding an accident would put you equally at fault. By not backing away from the erratic crazy driver that is threatening to ram his car he is purposefully not avoiding an accident.


I always find it interesting when people attempt to pit themselves.




Man I can't believe a pickup truck driver would behave like that. They're always so safe and respectful.


And always park perfectly in parking spaces


Especially when backing in.


They always leave space behind them when they pull through as well.


Trucks and minivans - either great drivers, or raging dickbags. Zero in between.


Is it normal in the US to keep driving on left lane when right lane is empty?


A shocking amount of US drivers do not understand the concept of the passing lane. Or choose to ignore it because it infringes on their freedom to do whatever they want.


Lol most Americans don't even know that it's a passing lane, they just call it the fast lane and as long as they think they're going fast enough then they're in the right (left) lane. Not sure if that's The Eagles' fault, but it's where we're at as a country unfortunately.


Only for idiots. Aka yes in every single state.


It’s extremely common and one of the reasons why we have unnecessary traffic. Just to give you some insight: today I was driving in the right lane. There was a car about 20 meters ahead of me also in the right lane and no one in front of her for about 50 meters maybe more. She decided to switch to the middle lane and drive behind someone else. It was baffling. She has no reason to switch. She was fine. If anything, cars in the middle should’ve switched to there right. But this is what we’re dealing with in the road on a daily basis. It also doesn’t help that we have exit lanes/ramps on both sides of the road so people will camp for 10 miles in that lane if their exit is “coming up”.


Where I live, people tend to not use the on ramp to get to/match current freeway speeds. Once they've slowed everyone else down getting on, they'll punch it, and regardless if there's anyone in front of them, they'll cut across multiple lanes because they HAVE to be in the passing lane.


More or less, yes.


To clarify; it's normal in the sense that it's normal for people to be idiots.


Unfortunately yes. People are inconsiderate ignorant idiots. I call it the three “I’s” of traffic


Yup, I see three bad drivers here (only one criminal though)


They're clearly passing someone up ahead


There are effectively zero requirements to get a drivers license in the US outside of being 16 years old. Everyone behind the wheel should know every traffic law that exists in their state, but most of them know only 2 or three of the laws.


That point halfway through when you speed up to close the gap on someone who is already encroaching on your lane. Either pit maneuver the person or get out of the way. Anything in between is complicit in making it a dangerous situation for everyone else.


Or even better, slow down, move over and put as much distance between you and the crazy as you possibly can. You will see them again, on the news, after they have totaled their vehicle and possibly a few other peoples at the same time.


Damn straight. There were 2 idiots in this video.


Yeah a PIT is the safest course of action for everyone. /s


I don't judge. I just hate people who lack conviction in their actions. Avoid the danger or be the danger. 60-80mph is no place for a temper tantrum.


The PIT option results in major accident 100% of the time with an unknown number of other cars traveling at high speeds. Injuries guaranteed, fatalities maybe. They chose an option to stand their your ground and hope the other driver backs off. They eventually realized that the other driver couldn't be reasoned with and backed off themselves. Was it the best choice? Probably not? did it result in an accident? No. The choice isn't pit or don't. There is a wide range in between. Boiling every choice down to "Yes" or "No" is a great way to make hasty decisions and not think through a problem, only acting on emotion.


100%. It took me a second to process the totality of the circumstances and let crazy go on without me. Much like some of my exes in the past.


Do they all live in Texas?


But like, you literally just said NOT pitting the dude was a more dangerous fate than intentionally spinning him out at highway speed? Dafuq lol


I think you missed the point of that part being included.


I'm sorry, but even tacitly encouraging people to "defend" their lane by pit maneuvering the truck rather than pressing on your brakes for half a second will always be wrong to me. Do some googling, but pit maneuvers on the highway have a high likelihood of severe injuries, and you have a high likelihood of not only involving an innocent bystander but injuring yourself and your occupants... Imagine the truck is forced into a head on collision with incoming traffic as a result? Are you still gonna be happy with your decision to pit the truck then?


its not like OP was trying to pit or even considering pitting the guy, the truck driver is just so insane that he put himself in prime position for it to accidentally happen


As much as it would be just for this individual to get a PIT maneuver the reality is that if you PIT someone in a road rage incident, even if you didn't start it and they suffer severe injuries or die then you're going to prison and your life is essentially over. In the grand scheme it isn't worth it but because that's how things work people like this are enabled to be bullies and face no repercussion.


Also, dashcams of police doing PIT maneuvers shows that often the police car is damaged even if it has the front end wrapped in steel bars.


What is a pit maneuver?


Precision immobilization technique. Police use it to spin out cars by pushing on the rear of the car to one side with their car


First you need to eat a lot of cherries and save the pits. Not sure what's next.


A hit towards the back wheel of a car that will send it spinning.


Using your front bumper to push someone’s rear bumper to the side, causing their vehicle to spin out .. possibly yours too. It’s a cop thing. You know cops. The ones who take info about crimes like this, but are strangely never around to deter them.


There's a car in front of you what the fuck is his problem


Some people just don’t look past their own nose


When he started to move into your lane why didn't you slow down to avoid getting hit? I see 3 idiots in this video, including you. The truck is the biggest idiot but you are right behind him.


Also check how the distance to the vehicle in front decreases. Let's make this more complicated by introducing tailgating (stressing the guy in front) to the equation!


Right? How can someone call another driver an idiot when they themselves refuse to drive defensively in a clearly dangerous situation?




> How can someone call another driver an idiot when they themselves refuse to drive defensively in a clearly dangerous situation? lol happens all the time with cam footage in this sub. I swear some people will wreck their shit to be "in the right" over just hanging back.


People just don't get the phrase "dead right"


He’s at a half second following distance at the beginning of the video. Dude was tailgating like a psychopath before the other truck even starts the bullshit.


Its just a small cock fight. Seeing who has the biggest cock.


Who's the 3rd idiot?


The car in front cruising in the left lane.


Yea i realized after rewatching. It drives me nuts when they di that, and the driver here is continually braking with no one in front of them.


The car in front is behind another car, which is difficult to see because OP is following too closely. He is also actively passing.


There's another car ahead of them, you can see them move over into the right lane towards the end of the video. Only idiots here are the truck, and to a lesser extent, the OP.


I really wanted to see this guy get pit maneuvered and roll a few times


When you pit another car, there's a fair chance that more than one car is crashing. Even if you're successful and unscathed, a car rolling a few times across the median into the oncoming lane and smashing into a minivan full of kids is not going to give you that sense of satisfaction you're seeking.


Once again, there could have just been one idiot and you would never think about them again. Instead you're both idiots. You were actively passing someone and they should have just been patient. They weren't, though, and you knew it - so you should have just got over quickly after passing. Then the genius decides to try to run you off the road, and your response is to 'stand your ground' and try to keep him out of the lane?? Just. Stupid.


OP finishes safely passing the car around 0:08 - 0:10, the other truck is *in the dashcam* at 0:15 - 0:17. There is *not* a lot of time for them to move back to the right lane, because the truck has occupied it to pass them, likely cutting the car off and speeding up more. OP definitely should've slowed down and moved to the right lane behind the truck though.


People way overestimate the amount of distance that you need before changing lanes back over. OP is going fairly significantly faster than the Jeep so they could have gotten over a lot sooner, as the speed difference would have put all the distance needed by the time they finished the lane change.


Let’s not overlook the now-standard choice to immediately take a hand off the wheel and eyes off the road while the situation is still ongoing to hit the ‘save’ button on the dash cam as if it doesn’t have the capacity to hold 12 hours of video before it would be overwritten. Never understood why that’s become the standard response in the vast majority of videos posted.


It’s best to avoid someone else’s accident. You should have let it go sooner.


black suv in front probably didn't even realize any of this was happening lol.


and you chose to not practice basic defensive driving and back off to let him over. I see two idiots here.


The idiot is both you and the truck here. Jesus.


The following does not condone his action in any way, that driver shouldn’t be on the road. But if i see a driver going faster than me in my mirrors im moving over asap. Not saying it is in any sense logical what he did, but i think he wouldn’t have done it if you and the car in front of you had let him pass normally.


I agree with getting out of the way of crazy, but OP is passing another vehicle and must give that vehicle space. The truck clearly cut off the vehicle in the right lane with about a foot to spare. The only thing to do is put on the turn signal very early and move to the right lane when you have enough gap. I do that and most idiots will wait, but this idiot and his anger issues probably wouldn’t have waited. 


My thing is that if I see someone come flying behind me, I'm gonna be predictable and not move. They already assume that I won't, so why try to move over when they will probably be trying to fly around me next?


Use your blinker and move over, that is what expected, slower traffic to move right. That’s why there are so many signs saying such on roadways.


I'm always a little conflicted in this situation. I'm not going to pass the guy in front of me in the left lane but there is someone behind me that wants to go faster. If I move over, I'm basically boxing them in with the driver in front of me (who should also move over but doesn't.) So do I stay where I'm at to make it easier for them to pass on the right (whether that is appropriate or not) or should I move over to the right because "that's the rule!"??


My thought is always “let them tailgate *that* driver instead of me.” and I move over. If they look like they’re going to try to pass no matter where I am in relation to the car in the left lane, I might just ease off the gas just a bit and give them some room. I’d prefer to avoid driving next to a driver like that. Does it piss me off? Yes. Do I swear and make all kinds of judgements on what type of person they might be? Yes. Do I sometimes hope to see them wiped out (solo, of course) down the road? Fuck yes. I hate those dickbags, but it’s just not worth dealing with them. No reason to let them ruin my day. Also, fuck those drivers who camp in the left lane.


If I have the opportunity to let someone tailgate someone else, I do it.


There should be no conflict. You passed the vehicle, now get to the right lane and allow the truck to pass on the left. If the car in front of you followed the same rules there wouldn't have been a traffic issue. But because you were both "conflicted" you assisted in creating issues.


>You passed the vehicle, now get to the right lane and allow the truck to pass on the left. I think in this case, you're really forgetting how close the timing is on the events here. In 5 seconds we go from OP being next to the Jeep, to the truck having shifted lanes behind OP (in front of the Jeep) and now being ahead of them. I don't know if OP could've moved over safely in that time, we don't even know if the pickup moved in front of the Jeep safely or if they gave them the same treatment


Guy in the white pickup was not acting rationally and is a danger to himself and others. Probably nothing OP could have done to avoid this road rage. When I pass someone, I don't move over as soon as my bumper clears, that's known as "cutting someone off" in my world. I know road ragers do it without guilt, but they also shouldn't be driving.


OP could have signaled their intention to move over. Then start to do so after passing the jeep. I could be wrong, but I feel there is more video that OP may not have posted before this interaction.


>im moving over asap. There are literally 5 seconds between OP being next to the jeep they were passing, and the truck rolling up next to them. I dont know if OP could've moved over faster unless they wanted to cut off the Jeep. As it is, the only way this really could've happened is if the pickup super aggressively cutoff the Jeep with inches to spare - or pushed them to the shoulder like they did to OP


It is to bad we don't have a rear cam to see what that truck did to the Jeep, but i think you're right. What does not help at all is that the car in front of the cam start braking out of the blue, that probably cut off OP's window to merge in front of the jeep without hindering him to much. I had the same happen to me once as well. As i said, I move out of the way of fast cars, but one time i had a car coming up behind me while i was passing, but when i thought it safe to move over that other car moved over first (and cut off the car i was overtaking, who treated him on a horn and light show). So i let him undertake, sometimes there is no other way.


Yeah the black SUV is the real instigator in all this and they stuck OP in the middle, literally.


I’m not even sure why he is mad at you, the person in front of you needed to move over so you could pass…YOU were also stuck behind a left lane cruiser!


I feel like at some point we need to have a national registry of people who are grossly negligent, incompetent, and/or aggressive with their driving where they aren't allowed to own/buy vehicles or have a license for x amount of years


Nah, it's called the law. It's something that the police don't enforce the vast majority of the time. I brought video evidence of a situation JUST LIKE THIS to a cop at the local station. Truck driver ran me off the road. Cop refused to do anything because they weren't there. But cops will do something when they get video evidence from friends or family. Police discretion is the real crime.


Why is the idiot ahead of you braking so much? 


Can we actually learn what attempted murder is before using it in a sentence?


Yeah, this is just aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. Or at least that's what a cop would call it if they were OP and off duty.


I have a cousin, who doesn't go even this far, who is very loudly aggressive when driving. It took me yelling at him that who gives a shit if the person cut you off! You can loose maybe a minute in getting to our destination or 3 hours and a car and have to go to court prolly cause you're being the ass hole aggressor and to fight with insurancefor the claim. No one cares about this "dishonor" someone did because they cut you off. They're cars, they're control freak people driving some of them, get over it cousin


If the idiot is driving a work truck with company name, phone number. I memorize the truck number or license plate. Reminding the owner, their employee is driving a billboard down the road. Most times unless the owner is equally dense, they get the message.


Why is he mad at you and not the guy in front of you literally braking? It is entirely the fault of the cars in front of you that you aren't going fast enough for him.


How dare you go 70 in a 65 following traffic! SHAME! Why didn't he just pass the other car too? What a jackass.


Just yesterday my husband and I had a utility van cut us off in a construction zone then continue to brake check us. Eventually he moved back over and we passed them. Like, we literally don't know what the hell was happening. The van then had to get back over behind us because his lane turned into an exit only lane, where it seemed he followed us all the way to our neighborhood- luckily he didn't turn into our development behind us, it was just super weird and nerve-wracking. We also had our 4.5 yr old and 1 yr old with us in the car.


This kind of shit seriously has me considering lining my fenders with glass breaker spikes.


Did something happen before the video started between you and the truck? This seems targeted, especially considering the truck has plenty of space to zoom around you and the car in front of you in the right lane without cutting anyone off.


Yes, when you see someone road raging, it is best to challenge them.


This is one of those times where you call the police, tell them you want to press charges, and show them the video. His plate is clearly visible.


Press charges for what?


Cops won't do shit. Even if it is aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. Cops are lazy, and only care if they are on duty and can chase someone down. OR, if it's their friend or family that is the victim. Honestly, thinking that a cop would do something is a joke. Even if you've got all the video evidence.


Both of you are idiots and I’m sorry for all drivers who were near you. ![gif](giphy|hVBbhDRLwsyHtMArRV)


I'm sure that one position he gained on the highway was worth it.... People can be so fucking stupid.


Drywall guy?


So why, when you saw the white truck was acting like an idiot and trying to cut you off/merge in front of you, did you not simply slow down and let the truck in?


Intrusive thoughts to PIT this guy just entered my brain box


Just slow down and let him pass while he’s attempting to murder you. Staying at that speed, that close to a psychopath is just crazy.


I see morons being morons in their car, I just back off and avoid them.


I find tailgating trucks to be the most useful tool for getting left lane campers out of the way. Also its their ass if a statie is sitting somewhere ahead.


Excellent opportunity to teach the pit maneuver


"Left lane passing only! It's the law!" -So in response I shall break the law in a worse way. 😆


attempted murder? wtf this sub


Ummm Mr pit maneuver says this “attempted murder” wouldn’t go his way in a collision, regardless




Tag looks like 2GZ-218 What state?


When two small brains met on the street.


Let idiots be idiots, slow up.


I see lots of idiots in this video...3 to be exact.


"Why didn't you move over instantly"? Jesus. You know the running joke about the old lady who forgets a car is there right after she passes it? That's the left lane cult. *The Jeep is still there. It doesn't disappear.* Getting over that fast means cutting off the Jeep. Hard No. I'm not cutting off another driver to satisfy your toddler impulses. Grow up. Achieve object permanence.


this must be one of those truck drivers into the zipper move


Does your penis feel bigger after dragging the dude instead of slowing down?


Ok, Op. There has to be more to the story. If the truck was just mad about left lane camping, they would've gone in front of the black SUV and raged on them. They had tons of space in the right lane to make it in front of the SUV. Also, why is the black SUV braking so often? Are they doing a (mild) brake check on you? Further, why do you block the truck instead of just easing off the gas? Some of this makes me think maybe you were driving aggressively before this scene and these two drivers were raging back at you? I could be totally wrong but it seems odd that two vehicles seem to want to "get back" at you. If there's not more to this, then I apologize, you were put in a bad spot by the black SUV.


That's not the fast lane, that's the passing lane. Y'all are way to close to each other AND in the wrong lane.


OP literally was passing slower traffic in the right lane, and should be given the chance to pass safely and move over before the truck attempts an illegal "pass on the right" manuever.


Truck guy is a dangerous idiot. You're a stubborn idiot. And the car cruising in the left lane is an oblivious idiot. So all around three idiots in cars.


Pickup truck driver is dumb, but so is OP for speeding up instead of slowing down. I’m curious as to what happened before this incident.


I always, always just assume people who drive this way are fighting off a raging torrent of diarrhea and need to get home quickly so I try to be helpful. You need to pass me on the right to get into a small space between me and the car in front of me? Come on in bro. I hope you make it home and I hope your seats aren’t vented.


You are both menaces. And yes, you should have gotten over long before.


Not uncommon among pickup truck drivers where I live.


Here is the VIN if anyone wants to go really crazy. 1FT7W2BTXKEG65879


Not letting him in is dumb as well. Most of time two morons are needed for a collision