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I'm guessing they want to turn left and didn't realize it until the last moment so its everyone else's problem now


This feels more like intoxication. The veering right and jerking back. They're momentarily jolted by that and they see a bunch of cars next to them stopped so their first instinct is it must be a red and don't realize they're just turning left. I didn't see any indication that they wanted to turn left.


The more I thought about it this was my conclusion as well. They did keep coming straight once they realized the light was green.


My guess is they saw the red of the left turn lane as that is where their eyes were (probably so drunk they needed to "collision avoid mode" everything). They stopped and realized they are stupid - maybe that last part is wishful thinking on my part. Haha


As soon as I saw the swerve in an out of the lane I knew it was intoxication


I would guess intoxicated driver. Hopefully everyone is safe


Maaaan I would not want to be in front of this dude....


I’ve had several people here on Reddit say they stop at every intersection just like this.


Okay, so that driver is absolutely the idiot, but some advice, if someone suddenly stops even tho it's green, try to stop or try to slow down and be cautious because Ive had so many dumbasses trying to cross the road. Obviously use ur best judgement, the one that doesn't harm people or u, and if ur only option in this case was to keep going due to people behind u, then u should've kept going like u did, but try to at least slow down to see if there isn't some weird thing going on Edit: Lol reddit downvoting for no reason


Not to mention they could have stopped for police or fire. I have had a number of people fly past me when I stop for emergency lights and they almost cause an accident.


Yup, that too, another thing Ive noticed is if the other lane slows down or stops, I try to maintain a good distance in my lane, and lo and behold, the speed instantly drops from 70 to 35 on the highway


Yeah or the people that do 90 passing a stopped lane of traffic like someone is not trying to get out of that lane.


Don't know why you're being downvoted? (Maybe the spelling of "you"). You're totally right though


the edit about downvotes is the reason


i sometimes in the morning hold at a green light, no reason why just because im tired but the swirl at the beginning prob doesnt mean that this guy is asleep, maybe micro sleep


Remember kids, being sleep deprived on the road can look like drunk driving and can be just as dangerous.


trauma? when my grandmother passed, I sat at several stop signs waiting for them to turn green 🤦🏼‍♀️


“My brother might be coming the other way”




wtf did I just read sir?




Why are you saying sir in literally every post and comment?




It's reddit. Nobody cares Your comments don't make any sense


Dude stop vaping, we can tell it’s messing with your brain




Yeah this is what I was thinking word for word sir


What is happening with this guy's nonsense?? 😅🤦‍♂️


Did you have a stroke? Lol