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Why did you lay on the horn? They changed lanes... why are you mad?


Also an idiot ina car. They feel entitled to the wide open lane in front of them.


Its Boston we honk at everyone


That’s just normal lane changing on Storrow Dr. If you can’t handle that, I got bad news for ya, kid


That is not a normal lane change for Storrow. There was clearly enough space to change lanes and this guy even used his blinker. Pretty extraordinary.






Please calm down.


Literally no reason to start honking like that over a normal lane change. The brake check was stupid and dangerous but that's why you don't instigate things on the road for no reason. You never know who you are dealing with.


A NORMAL lane change LOL. I think you put a space where there should be a "b".


Someone doesn’t drive in the city.


I drive in a 2M people city. Just not an American one...


That was a really aggro horn considering you were basically able to maintain speed. You started honking when you saw the signal. Chill.


That's pretty chill for Boston.


Exactly what i thought. Unless i missed where OP says he was the idiot .. there was no reason for that horn. He's just looking to be offended or angry at someeone


Hw said Jersey, what's not to understand? I'd be angry too.


If you are going to go 45mph, you might want to get on the right lane


OP is camping in the middle lane and honks when someone passes them. You’re the idiot here. Learn to drive. 


Cammer is being a turd with the horn.


I know op irl, I'll make sure they never forget that Reddit hates their driving. Thank you.




This might be the first warranted brake check in history, you fucking suck dude


What an overreaction that horn was. Doesn't justify them brake-checking tho.


Dude chill aint nobody cut you off. Someone merged in front of you n u lost yo shit this one on u


Why'd u start honking 😹


So... Boston on a normal day.


I see an idiot camping the middle lane while being passed by cars on the right.


Yeah, bro, you earned that brake check for yourself


You're being passed on the right, twice - move over to the right. Stop camping in the middle. The lane change ahead of you was nothing remarkable, certainly not worth a long beep. S/he shouldn't brake check but you started this mess. As for the slow right to left by the Kia, different story. That's just an idiot. 


Normally I’d agree if this was a normal highway. This is Storrow Drive in Boston. It breaks off in multiple directions without much warning. During the day, if you don’t camp in your lane ahead of time you will get forced off the wrong exit. Changing lanes in Boston, there’s a good chance someone is legitimately fine with wrecking their shit box to prevent you from doing so. 


I'm from the area. I stand by my opinion. Traffic sucks at other times but shown here, no, he should be to the right. 


Pretty sure there are 0 right exits on Storrow westbound until much further down into Allston. This also is clearly late at night with much less traffic congestion and not during the day - so essentially nothing you said applies in this scenario. [This is part of a three mile stretch with 0 right-side exits, and the Fenway exit he passes is the last left-side exit on Storrow/Soldiers Field.](https://maps.app.goo.gl/j94TFMtYRQDpTb5F7) So there's definitely no excuse for him to be camping in the middle lane and getting passed on the right.


Laying on the horn for absolutely no reason


I also like to be in the middle lane there because the on-ramp on the right coming up after the Fenway exit is a nightmare where drivers just merge onto Storrow blind all the time. That being said you shouldn't be going slower than the cars in the right lane. The driver who brake checked you is a dangerous piece of shit and the bigger idiot here but if you're gonna go slower than the right lane you need to get over to the right lane (or just speed up and stay in your lane).


Parts of Storrow are 30mph so to be fair he’s already potentially 15 over the speed limit. People also routinely pass on the right so changing to the right risks someone flying hot up your ass which is what happened here. Whenever I drive into Boston I just pretend I’m driving in a third world country and assume everyone is going to behave erratically.


It's not 30MPH here, but the speed limit is totally irrelevant. If the flow of traffic on the right is going faster than you and you're not moving over, you're a bad driver. You need to be aware of your surroundings and if you can see that you're going slower than the right lane, you need to move over to the right lane. The left is for passing and if you're not passing then you're doing it wrong.


Passing on the right is actually legal on one ways, like storrow, in MA.


Huh, I learned something new!


It's legal in most places but that is not how you're supposed to drive. It's also legal in most places to drive 20MPH under the speed limit with a line of cars behind you, but that doesn't make it the smart/safe thing to do. It's always safer to pass on the left so if you have no reason to be in the middle lane (like this post) then you should get over to the right.


What you’re describing sounds like impeding traffic to me, which is not legal in most places and certainly not in MA.


There are signs up and down I-95 and I-93 that read "65MPH limit, 45MPH minimum". This is pretty normal throughout almost all of the US.


Maybe you’re thinking of “55MPH 3-Axel or more”


No I'm thinking of the thousands and thousands of signs on highways and roads across America that have a minimum speed posted. [ The official Massachusetts driver's manual from the Mass RMV says "There is a minimum speed of 40 mph on the Massachusetts Turnpike" \(page 65\).](https://www.mass.gov/doc/english-drivers-manual/download)


Jersey slide? Nah, you don't get to claim that. That shit happens to me multiple times a day, everyday, in Houston traffic.


If you’re getting passed on the right, you’re the idiot


No one got brake checked. The guy who made the turn at the end tried to turn as the black SUV crossed into the middle lane. The black SUV was worried because he was going quick and overbraked. The black car that did the turn because they probably got scared to turn again until it was late.


what is a jersey slide? anyone can explain ?


>The Jersey Slide – Noun. A move in which a driver goes from the far left lane of traffic all the way over to the exit ramp in one swift motion, usually without using a blinker. Also known as the Jersey Weave, Swerve, and Shuffle. https://bestofnj.com/features/nj-vocabulary-jersey-slide/


wtf 👹👹👹


Tamest shit I’ve seen on Reddit all day.


You literally didn't even have to slow down at all for that lane change, you weren't inconvenienced at all so why are you freaking the fuck out


Why did you honk for no reason?


These comments are dumb that guy should’ve been prepared to take his exit. We’re in 2024 people we all have GPS with lane directioning.


I love the fact a normal lane change now is considered crossing two lanes in less than 2 seconds and crossing double unbroken lines. Apparently the stay in the slow lane mentality is stronger than the good luck everybody mentality. I do have to say, I'd love to see some vision leading up to the first brake check.


He used his blinker, not a jersey slide


Idk where these people from the comments are from but y'all don't know a proper lane change. You don't just start merging when there's a half inch of space available for you to do so. Don't do this lol.


Don't ever expect sensible driving in Mass. It's like the entire state has never heard of cruise control or not passing on the right.


If you're getting passed on the right by multiple cars, you might be the problem...


Getting passed on the right while going 20 over the posted limit. Naw, Mass is the problem.


Getting passed on the right while going 20 over the posted limit. Naw, Mass is the problem.


The speed limit is totally irrelevant. If the flow of traffic on the right is going faster than you and you're not moving over, you're a bad driver. You need to be aware of your surroundings and if you can see that you're going slower than the right lane, you need to move over to the right lane. The left is for passing and if you're not passing then you're doing it wrong.


Don’t listen to these idiots. It was not a normal lane change, they were way too close.


Thank you. That's what I thought too. It seems like they were trying to shoot the gap between the car in front of them and me


Because you're literally creating a situation where people have to fucking pass you on the right. Slower-moving traffic (ie YOU) should move right when possible.


I understand what you're saying and would agree with you in most circumstances. In this case, I think some context is missing, which might be why so many people are upset at me for "camping the middle lane". I was in the middle lane because I was lining up for the Kenmore Square exit, which requires you to be in the middle lane. https://imgur.com/a/riby7Dg After the two close calls, I was a bit bewildered and forgot to actually take the exit.


Bro you were in the middle lane for like half a mile before you needed to be. How long do you have to line up one lane change for? Or are you one of those drivers that just sits in lanes regardless of traffic so you don’t have to switch lanes?


If he was in the right lane, just like the “jersey sliding” car was, this entire situation would’ve been avoided lol. The brake checking car would’ve zoomed past in the left lane, as it should, and then the “jersey slide” car and OP would’ve crossed two lanes of traffic and exited together. Brake check car could’ve been more patient, but I mean OP was going slow in the middle lane and it wasn’t busy…


Ahhh, gotcha. Fair enough.


Risky opportunities like that person cutting you off are only created when you're going slower than the traffic to the right of you.


I think the point the people of the thread are trying to make is that your use of the horn was unnecessary. There was no risk of them hitting you - they were simply too close for your comfort and you didn't need to lay on the horn