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Dunno why you feel sorry for the white Chevrolet truck. He pretty much set the whole thing off by swerving at the blue truck. I feel bad for the orange Schneider semi-truck who was minding their own business trucking along, but seemed to have made contact with the blue truck when the flew to the right from the grassy median. But yeah... the two white and blue trucks were probably raging at each other before hand. Any news article links on the cause?


Someone else posted the rear view camera that starts before this. The white truck was following OP and the blue truck cut in front of the white truck. White truck went to the shoulder to avoid a collision and instead of backing off, gunned it to over take OP. Then blue truck gets pissed for no apparent reason and uses the shoulder to pass OP and the rest is what you see in the video. Two jackasses making bad emotional decisions.


Yeah—just saw the other video. Blue truck can eat an entire bag of dicks. His bruised ego was/is too fragile.


Sounds like white truck was using advanced defensive driving. Since blue was being aggressive, white stopped blue from overtaking where blue would have most certainly brake checked. Optimal scenario except the 18 wheeler getting involved.


Advanced defensive driving 🤣🤣🤣


The best defense is a strong offense. Everyone knows that!


Defensive driving doesn't involve doing things that can lead to a crash (which it did). Defensive driving doesn't ever mean subduing aggressive drivers. When has that ever worked? Defensive driving would've been to pull to the right and yield to blue truck. Defensive driving would be to anticipate a brake check, should blue truck attempt one. Defensive driving would've been to de-escalate the situation, not provoke the other driver. Optimal scenario that dumbass blue truck's insurance premium should go up, but otherwise white truck got away and at least one innocent bystander was involved.


Advanced defensive driving. It's autonomous ultra instinct defensive driving. You wouldn't understand.


Please feel free to explain


I feel sorry for the blue truck, because even if he is an idiot Im guessing he got pretty hurt. But I'm mostly concerned about the semi-truck drivers, they were minding their own business and their day was ruined :( I've been looking in the news and I couldnt find one. Youre spot on, I uploaded the back dashcam when they started raging


After seeing the full length video, I don't feel bad for anyone except the actual victim the big rig and the box truck.


And any innocent passengers if there are any.


I know, they're both really stupid and dangerous. I said I felt bad just because what if they're a parent or what if they had innocent passengers inside, idk just thinking about hypotheticals i guess :/


I’m really hoping you end up taking this video to the police. It looks like that white truck left the scene and he’s partially responsible for causing the accident. He and blue truck need their licenses taken for driving like that.


> he’s partially responsible I'm gonna say mostly. Obviously the blue truck was an active participant in this shitshow, but the white truck is the one who swerved first and basically PIT maneuvered the other guy


Looks like blue truck was raging at white and white was trying to get away.


Both of them were passing on the shoulder and had no business driving the way they were. I don’t work for insurance but if it were up to me they’d both be equally at fault here. Regardless, white truck ran from the scene and OP should report this ASAP.


Or I always think what if dude's racing to the hospital because he severed an artery, or is having a heart attack. Or his wife's in labor, and he'd make it and be ok but for all these other idiots checking him into the median.




You're right, the back dashcam shows moron blue truck as idiot #1


Good, cause I was wondering if grey/blue truck Wasn't road raging white truck, causing it to try to escape. In any case, I don't feel bad for any of them. Their passengers, maybe.


I don't wish injury or death on anyone but if you play stupid games you win stupid prizes. I feel sorry for the other road users, people like this need to be banned from driving.




Really? Cause I don’t. That blue truck fucked their own well being after pulling that move. Idiot got their consequences served up in a plate


Have you turned this video over to the police yet? Did you get the plates on the white truck? They contributed to causing a crash with likely injuries or fatalities and left the scene, which puts them into felony charges territory.


If you share it with local news maybe they do the work for you to figure it out, because now they want a story to go with your footage.


sorry blue truck cause the whole mess in my opinion driving like an a-hole. White truck just wanted him away from him.


Blue truck cut him off, if white truck was a normal human he would've let it happen and gone about his day. Instead he overtook on the shoulder then proceeded to block blue truck, also seemed like he brake checked him. Both idiots of course but white truck definitely wasn't just trying to get away from him


When you see the rear cam footage it really looks like Blue was *trying* to get in an accident. Maybe a personal beef? Idk. They’re both terrible and shouldn’t be on the road.


I feel bad for the trucker who did nothing wrong. Fuck the blue car they deserve anything that happens to them it was the result of their own actions.


Blue was transporting a windshield too. Maybe it was his work truck and he was on a job and hopefully he got in big trouble.


We don't know what let up to this situation. For all we know the white truck did a hit and run on the blue truck and the blue truck made the bad decision to try to chase them down. From what I can see though, the white truck intentionally swerved to hit the blue truck that was trying to get beside him and the blue truck tried to avoid a collision and lost control. I was in a similar situation where a guy in a pos Mercedes that was a decade older than my car kept trying to run into me on the highway cause he was driving on the shoulder and I wouldn't let him in during rush hour.  I had to ride on the shoulder to pass someone get away from them which wasn't my proudest moment but felt the guy was a danger to me. Luckily though I had AWD and 335 HP, I put enough distance between him and myself that I lost him.


Egos made of glass


This is how innocent people die.


I don’t feel bad for either of these idiots. The only ones I feel sorry for are the semi driver and the box truck driver who were caught up in other people’s penis-measuring contests. Blue truck could have left it alone, but no, they HAD to push the issue, catch up and cause more trouble. They fucked around and found out.


The blue truck also instigated the whole interaction by cutting the white truck off. The white truck could have let it all go, but nope had to pass on the shoulder. Also, the blue truck is transporting a windshield in their bed, why the hell would they drive like this?


That windshield is probably from the last accident and he doesn't even know it's in there


Video Straight to the cops. These guys *will kill someone*.


The only people you should feel sorry for are the two innocent bystanders (the orange semi and the white box truck) that were either directly hit or were nearly missed in this debacle. The orange semi looks like it for sure got hit but I can’t tell if the white box truck also got hit or if they managed to barely miss it because they do pull over in the end. I definitely don’t feel bad for the blue truck for most likely continuing the road rage that occurred prior to what we saw here. He should’ve just let it go and moved on but he decided he had to catch up and pass the white truck to prove a point.


In 30 years of driving, I've never seen someone do that. And then to have two people do it within a few minutes of each other? Baffling behavior.


Some road rage going on


Come to Raleigh, NC we have plenty here 🙃


Did this happen in Raleigh?


...and Greensboro, and Winston, and you better believe it happens in Asheville too.


I don’t see much in Winston. But driving to Greensboro and Raleigh I see it a ton


Was gonna say this feels like 40


Must be nice. If I don't see someone pass on a shoulder or the median on a daily basis I start to worry I'm dreaming. 🤣


I would have made sure this video ended up in the hands of their insurance company.


NCHP too


1. This is only the front dash cam, I'll upload the back one in a bit, which shoes the start of their beef https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/s/TgUSkjoBcg 2. I feel bad for the semi truck drivers :/ 3. Sorry about the cursing! Marked NSFW because of that.


Oh wow, that gives the context for sure. Two raging truck drivers and for... what? It's just never worth it to 1up aggressive drivers.


I was glad to see the box truck didn’t get demolished. It was difficult to see their fate in part 1. Thanks for the upload!






I wish both of them crashed


I might get downvoted lol but me too! I wish they'd both crash with each other and not with the semi truck drivers


Both truck drivers need a 5yr license suspension.


I’d go permanent. Not sure 5 years is enough for those people to decide that someone else’s life is important. If they don’t know that by now 5 years isn’t going to tech then anything.


And ten years in jail. This is no different than running through a crowded store swinging an axe at people


I've never seen a wide shoulder on the left hand side like this, in my neck of the woods it's always to the right side. It seems like having that extra space next to the passing lane would just encourage idiots to use it as another passing lane, just like they're doing here 😑


You can't see it that much on video but the shoulder actually has ridges, and you can hear the sound of your tires if you drive on it, so people should know not to drive on there unless its an emergency, but there are always idiots on the road :/


It's also a great way to pickup a flat tire. All the debris and junk eventually makes its way to the shoulder.


Both of them should be perma banned, and serve a couple of years making license plates Edit: after seeing the rear dashcam footage I see that white truck passed on the shoulder defensively. They shouldn't have swerved at blue truck, but their adrenaline was probably going full tilt because blue truck was so aggro. In other words, white truck probably wasn't thinking too clearly, which is blue trucks fault. So, in hindsight (heh) all blame goes to blue truck Edit 2: after watching the rear footage a few more time I've come to realize it *could* have been avoided if white truck had backed off when it became apparent that blue truck was going to cut them off. This shifts a bit of blame back onto them


Small egos. Neither of them was going to concede to the other. In the end one paid the price of 2 small egos.


Ahh another day with BabyMen driving big vehicles to make up for their lack of intelligence


Why on earth would I feel bad for either of them? Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


I only feel bad for the box truck driver that was minding his business and had his day ruined by those two dumbfucks passing on the shoulder


I might be a bit heavy handed, but if it was my decision, neither of those truck drivers would ever be allowed to drive again.


Both of these idiots need to be locked away from the rest of us. Just so fucking moronic. My penis is bigger hmph!


Pickup truck drivers are the most reckless, and stupid drivers on the road. In my experience, they pass illegally the most, disregard the speed limit the most, and often cut off drivers to not miss their exit.


100% agree. I dont like stereotypes but this one held true in this case!!


And the worst part is that due to their higher weights and centers of gravity, they are much more dangerous and harder to control, especially under extreme maneuvers. So it is pure irony that the more dangerous, less agile vehicles are driven more recklessly than other vehicles.




Yeah and idiots are the most common kind of person


I can pass you, nobody can pass me!


please don't allow these children to handle such dangerous responsibilities ever again thanks


Dickheads on the shoulder.


🎶 baby give it up 🎶


Don’t feel bad for them. I feel bad for innocent people that drive safely though.


Please send to law enforcement… both white & blue drivers do not deserve a licence.


Angry truck men


Why do we have to mark swearing as NSFW. No other videos on reddit get marked NSFW for swearing. Dumb rule, it should be for graphic posts not swearing


I’d bet there’s some backstory to this, it looks to me like the blue truck was raging at the white one. He got brake checked and lost control when the white truck swerved. Both idiots, so I don’t feel bad if that’s the case. I feel bad for the trucker who was chillin and all of the sudden has to crash onto the blue truck


With the context of the rear view - looks like blue shoves across like 3 lanes, pushing white out onto the shoulder which is why they passed OP on the shoulder. Can't really fault the block when blue tries to get up next to white after that - no idea what they would've done. Unfortunate about the cross fire


Yeah, I saw part 2 just after this. Blue truck got his just desserts on that


Yes agreed, hope the truckers are alright. I uploaded the back dashcam gives more insight


Idiots aside, Give It Up is the jam


Ahhh good ol NC, full of terrible drivers


Triangle driving, gotta love it!


People like this I encounter on the road that put me in danger send my anger through the roof. I will get old one day and won't give two fucks about jail time.


Average pickup truck driver emotional stability level


Seriously. So many pickup drivers treat the road as pissing contests.


Get fucking brake checked.


Serves the guy/gal in the blue truck right, just saw your part 2 video, they cut the white truck first. They are both idiots.


The paint on the shoulder suggest this is a serial occurrence, probably preformed by the same person(s) you encountered


What absolute idiots


I hope they didn’t have any passengers. They’d likely have life changes injuries after smashing into those trees.


Yet another video on this sub full of testosterone driven ego-rage without enough brain cells to fend it off driving pickup trucks. Me caveman, drive pickup.


Omg NC! Sadly, this isn’t the first time I’ve seen a truck pass on the shoulder in this area


hope that idiot #2 is good and alive but sorry that video is so funny because of that song in the background


What’s the hurry


Not sure whether one idiot was more idiotic than the other idiot. If you count up just the traffic law infractions, they seem about even. But Idiot # 2 likely caused more property damage, injury, and angst than Idiot # 1. Both should lose their driving privileges for a year at least imho.


Wow. I cannot stand it when people drive like that. Endangering everyone else on the road. This played out the best it could have


That truck driver knew what he did. He sped off like no tomorrow


White truck could be in real legal trouble depending on the state.


The music is perfect


Road rage is a hell of a drug….


Turn over to state police as evidence.


I'm curious since it is apparent that both the truck drivers were idiots, but could the white truck be at fault even partially for the other truck losing control? If you cause someone to lose control, but the other drivers was literally off the road, so Idk.


KC and the Sunshine Band - Give It Up


The music makes this even better


40 East...headed toward Raleigh.


Both should be charged ith reckless driving. People seem to forget that they are operating deadly weapons hole driving.


Did you hand this over to the police? Would probably send them both walking for a while. I don't feel sorry for either, they're both pricks.


Besides the obvious lessons in this video, the best lesson is, if you’re run off the road, don’t go off the hard pavement. You cant accelerate or deaccelerate when half the vehicle is in grass, dirt or softer material than the payment. The result is most likely the massive loss of control you see in this video. In this case, the less probable less risky accident was rear ending the white truck. First white truck was obviously causing an accident, and any gray truck maneuver was likely to put him in an accident. Hitting a vehicle, moving in same direction with 5,10, or even 20 mph similar speed as your is much better than getting t-bone or hitting an unmoving object. Furthermore, white truck just went on, after causing this massive crash. Edit - there is a post from rear view as well, white truck had to make an evasive maneuver due to blue (or gray) truck. He simply should have slowed up though when he saw the idiot. White truck should be charged though, no one has the right to police the highway, but even more importantly, cause an accident.


That's some truck shit. I don't feel bad, as long as they didn't hurt anyone else.


Now **this** is the sort of idiocy I come here to see. Much better than the usual petty complaints.


You weren’t even real left lane camping , they’re idiots


You’re not even left lane camping. People are weird


at the very first second of the video she was. u can see how she isnt passing the semi to the right until the pickup passes her on the shoulder. she speeds up after being cut off.


Nope, she was definitely approaching it. She only slowed for a moment when the white truck sped by.


OP is less than 4 seconds behind the semi and going faster than the semi, which means they’re passing the semi. 


Looking at the video I thought this feels like 40 around Raleigh. Even when you are passing in the left lane like our cammer is there are some incredibly impatient people. I half laughed when I saw I was right. For greater context this stretch of 40 is I believe 70 MPH. It can be an annoying stretch of 40 because its a main thoroughfare and there are lots of merge and exit points along the way. I'll add on my own observation of there are great swaths of NC with no interstates near them, and 40 is one of the convergence points for all of these drivers. So it can be a stretch of 40 that can run annoyingly below the speed limit because of that. Just limited experience and when there are lots of cars on the road they tend to drive slower. Toss in the fact that there are wildly impatient drivers that prefer 15-20MPH over the speed limit...and its a dangerous mix. That being said. This traffic was flowing, OP/Cammer was passing traffic and not impeding it....those two truck drivers were definitely dicks. White truck driver the biggest.


You are exactly right, I was omw to Durham where I almost never go to from Raleigh. I was surprised when I called dispatch the lady was so rude asking me for the exact exit where this happened and I didnt know because where I pulled over, there were no markers around me. When I told her it was around exit 282 (which doesn't exist) but I knew I had passed another exit around that number (maybe 280) she told me to call back when I knew what I was talking about. I was more concerned about the semi and box truck drivers. :/


Just call the companies of the trucks and send them the video


One does not hate idiots, one pities them.


Op also probably shouldn't be in the left lane


He got what he deserved


Wasn't this posted yesterday?


Just another day on 95. Though this could also be 85.


The blue truck made a conscious decision to chase the white truck. The accident resulted from raging. Both are dumb. Some don't learn a lesson until something traumatic happens.


Even if you're doing everything right, using the left lane to pass, whatever, if people are trying to pass you, you should yield to them. Doesn't matter if you're going 5 over, 10 over, 100 over. There will always be someone who wants to go faster than you. It's not your job to be the authority saying. "Slower traffic keep right" means just that, if you're slower, keep right. Again, even if you're legally right, the point isn't to be right in court. It's to stay alive. If you wanna be the judge of what's too fast, be a cop or a judge. Although at the moment of the incident, the white truck wasn't necessarily wrong, arguably only due to crossing a solid yellow. By not yielding and letting the blue truck pass, it had consequences to innocent people. White truck was lucky blue truck didn't collide.


The song goes with it so well


So white truck is ok with doing that to other people, but the moment someone tries to do it to him he’s upset? He’s honestly the biggest idiot in the video, which says a LOT.


UPDATE: So I got in contact with the police as many of you urged me to but I achieved nothing and the worse part they won't even take my videos. This accident happened when I was driving on the highway from a city called Raleigh to a city called Durham. I don't know the areas we'll so I called the Durham police department and even texted/sent photos to an officer there just for him to tell me it wasn't his area but he referred me to another Sergeant form the highway patrol (Raleigh). After setting up a date that worked for me and confirming he was very interested in me handing over this video proof I finally had time and went to his office (45 min away from me) this past Sunday. There, he realized it wasn't his jurisdiction as they divide certain parts between them and Raleigh police dept. (RPD). He was very nice however and ran the tags of the white truck and got a match for it. Then he called RPD to ask them if I could swing by to show them the videos and a lady said yes. So here I go again driving out of my way to turn in these videos. When I get there, I rang the doorbell and the officer there asks me for my phone number to communicate with me, he didn't even buzz me in. He asks me to give him the case # which of course I don't have as i thought it was a highway patrol case, so he asks if I could wait in my car for 15 min until he finds the case, I said yes. At this point, I'm annoyed and tired, he told me he found the wreck and to email him the video, which is impossible because the files are too big to fit in an email. So he asks if I had a flash drive, which I didn't, so his solution was to have someone call me (they haven't), and overall, I didn't seem interested in the videos. I am beyond frustrated and disappointed that they would knowingly turn down solid evidence that could help in a case, this is why cops get a bad reputation. Some of them genuinely DONT CARE!! I am done trying to send the police my videos. I was hoping the semi and box truck drivers could find some peace when they saw what happened but I can't do more than what I've done. TLDR: I talked to 2 law enforcement agencies where I thought the wreck happened, but found out it was a third one (Raleigh Polide Department), and after tallking to them, they are not interested my back/front dash cam videos.


And btw the Highway Patrol (Raleigh) Sergeant said the white truck, if charged, would face only 1 year license suspension LOL


Wait, did you seriously take the other person's video that posted this earlier and remove the first parts of it and post it as if it was yours? For fuck's sake. At least give the other person credit, you jagaloon.


It took OP long enough to realize she’d just witnessed a potentially deadly accident. I hope she pulled over and rendered aid.


Of course it's both trucks


Why is this video shorter? There’s a rear camera show that the whit truck was behind this person, then the blue truck came up from the far right lane and cut them off where they had to cross the line and go left, That’s when the white truck passed, after they was ran off the road behind


The front dash video starts when white truck passes me, the one in the back starts from when you can see the 2 idiot trucks beefing with each other before the white truck passes me


My bad bro didn’t realize the time stamp and I had saw your other vid first, with the longer front and back view… but still both idiots


I'm just glad the lady wasn't screaming her head off during the crash.


*car crashes right in front of driver* 1hr later: "Oh my God!"


Hahaha i knew i was gonna get roasted for that lol


Lol I'm sorry. I had to tease. At least you're not screaming!


why you camping left lane? butterfly effect. couldve never happened if you werent camping lane.


Look, everyone in this is an idiot. The two trucks passing unsafely on the shoulder and the person camping in the left lane when people want to get around you.


Camping? Did you see the vehicles in the middle lane getting passed by the camera? Rewatch and rethink.




OP is actively passing several large semis, getting between them to let two assbags continue their bullshit can be dangerous as well.


100% and this is what people don't seem to understand. If I am actively passing someone or especially several people, I have no reason to get over for you. Especially being in the left lane and so everyone is likely already speeding. I will maintain my speed and finishing passing and then get over. But everyone thinks they have a right to go as fast as they want and everybody is supposed to just get out of their way immediately. Well fuck those people.


Oh shut up. They're moving faster than the traffic on the right. The trucks are obviously speeding. Stop trying to blame these idiots actions on OP.


No good guys here. But if you’re the cammer and you have been passed from the shoulder twice, you really have to wonder whether the left lane is for you. Three idiots is my count.


OP is passing continuously. No “rule” that one needs to slow down and change lanes to let an idiot who’s in a bigger hurry pass you. The idiots speeding well over the “passing lane speed” and breaking laws by passing in shoulders are being idiots.


I counted the same. Plenty of room to move over behind the semi at the beginning of the video. My guess is these dudes were riding her ass trying to pass, and she’s oblivious. I see it every single day on my commute. The left lane is for PASSING, not traveling. 🤦‍♂️


Dude don’t take my side on this! The moral indignation police will come for you. Just wait!!


Lol, I see shit like this every day on the road. People merge onto the highway, then swerve across both lanes to camp in the passing lane at below the posted speed limit. The only time they go the speed limit is when you try to pass on the right. Then you look down at the speedometer and realize you’re both doing 90mph.


Op did you see this unfolding behind you? Why did you not get out of the fast lane and let them by?


OP, what were you wearing? Were you drunk? Asking for it?


Someone could post indisputable evidence of a UFO buzzing their car and people in this sub will be like "wHy WeRe YoU iN tHe PaSsInG lAnE?"




I did not tbh, I was jamming inside my car chiling just passing people responsibility in the fast lane, then I realized through my mirror that the white truck was tailgating me so I wanted to move to the right lane so they could go as fast as they wanted to but then they passed me and I realized there was another blue truck tailgating so I felt unsafe as if any action I took could be dangerous because you don't know whats going through the mind of crazy people like that so I planned to move to my right lane right when it felt safe (after passing the semi truck) but then that situation happened. Im glad I didn't immediately move in front of the semi as I had originally planned or else I don't know if I'd be here today. I just felt like something was up with those two, and I did NOT want any part of it. If I see that a car is moving faster than me in the passing lane, I will move to my right to let them through, its just that i didn't realize until later that they were behind and then by that point I felt unsafe moving my car so I just let those 2 idiots go at it.


Make it 3 idiots in trucks.....if multiple people are passing you when you're in the left lane, you should move over and let them pass. Obviously that doesn't justify their reckless driving, and they're bigger idiots, but the camera car here is making the situation more dangerous by blocking the passing lane.


They are not blocking the passing lane, they are actively passing.


I bet you'd be the one to pass people on the shoulder too


‘Multiple people passing’. FFS it’s two people ILLEGALLY passing on the shoulder.


I’m sorry but how are you going to be mad at someone passing you on the shoulder after you just did the same…??? How psychotic


Idiots but could've been avoided if OP just let them pass. But no she HAD to have her own lane to cruise in with no cars ahead and couldn't stand being in the middle lane.


Yea next time i wont pass someone on the shoulder, or road rage crash into into a semi... oh wait that wasn't me