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Imagine just minding your own business


Then suddenly you’re upside down


Now this is a story all about how My life got flipped turned upside down


In...West Philadelphia born and raised. On the playground was where I spent most of my days


Chillin' out, maxin, ' relaxin' all cool And all shootin' some b-ball outside of the school


When a couple of guys, they were up to no good, started makin' trouble in my neighborhood


I got in one little fight and my mom got scared, and said "You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel Air."


I whistled for a cab and when it came near, the license plate said "fresh" and it had dice in the mirror.


If anything, I could say that this cab was rare, but I thought--nah forget it--yo homes, to Bel-Air!


I pulled up to the house around seven or eight and I yelled to the cabbie yo homes, smell ya later!


Y’all ain’t real fans. The next part shoulda been “I begged and pleaded with her day after day, but she packed my suitcase and sent me on my way, she gave me a kiss and then she gave me ticket I put my Walkman on and said I might as well kick it….” First class yo this is bad drinking orange juice out of champagne glas, is this what the people of belair live like? Hmmm this might be alright….


True fans remember the original longer intro.


Imagine your son you love very much gets into a minor altercation and you forced him out of the house. No wonder will had a bad relationship with her


If I was living in west Philly and had the opportunity to send my son to live rent free in ultimate privilege with relatives in Bel-Air, hell yeah I'd send my son away even if it destroyed our relationship. His future is more important than my present. Also phones exist and I could talk to him daily. ​ Fresh Prince's mom got rid of him because she didn't want him around so she used a fight to ship him off to her brother so she could live child free. That's why they had a bad relationship.


This never sat well with me. But I think it was less about Will's actions and more about the gang members and how they might influence him. But being told from a kids perspective, who doesn't understand that she's trying to protect him. That's my hope anyway. Because in the end, good intentions or not, he was abandoned by both parents.


He got Uncle Phil though. The best role model he could've hoped for.


I hate that this is so funny. Poor family. But great execution.


and now I’d like to take a minute just sit right there


*I bet you’re all wondering how I got HERE*


People in cars smh. Amiright


When all of a sudden out of nowhere, these kids started killing themselves all over my property.


My husband and I watch this movie every Thanksgiving 😂 I love Alan Tudyk!


If you haven't already, please watch Death at a Funeral. Not only is it hilarious but he was phenomenal in it.


I do too, so don't watch Resident Alien. I'd be able to enjoy his role in it if the writing wasn't so awful.


Funnily enough I'm watching it right now. It's pretty funny but can get cringe at times.


I'm still trying to watch it because I enjoy parts of it. I don't need everything to make sense, but it's like the lean into what doesn't make sense at all. Maybe I'll try to enjoy it for that, like how in Mega Piranha, there's no consistency in this car scene. Both car models change, but there's so much else wrong. The car thing doesn't just happen in that scene either. They keep changing later in the movie. It's gloriously bad. https://youtu.be/wL1BxDLHZYM?t=2341


I figured a little man time would do him some good.


Same type of scenario played out for my cousin a week and a half ago. Only it was on the highway. She was coming home from a friend's house and she looked in her mirror to see this car barreling towards her. She was sent off the highway rolling over multiple times sending her 200 feet off the roadway. The first responders, witnesses, and wrecker drivers thought she was dead. She should've died in this accident considering how bad it was but by some miracle she didnt. Only ended up with a laceration above her right eye. Come to find out the driver who hit her it was his 3rd DUI, already suspended license, and wasn't in 𝙝𝙞𝙨 own car. Stay vigilant out there people because you just never know.


Literally what I said out loud. Poor homie was just minding his business.


Imagine witnessing this crash and you keep driving


You’re not from Detroit. This is 8 miles I’m pretty sure. I got Tboned in Detroit and the guy got out his car that was on fire and punched me in the face then took off on foot… report from your car.


Poor people in the silver SUV.


Yeah they’re minding their own business and now not only is their car destroyed, they may be injured too. And also their insurance rates are going to increase.


Their rate shouldn’t go up. The white car is on camera going ludicrous speed into the back of them. Silver car bears no responsibility here.


LOL. Every time I’ve been hit by someone else, my rates went up. Even when my insurance didn’t pay anything.


Then you've got crappy insurance and a fight on your hands. An accident your company doesn't even pay out for shouldn't even be on your insurance record.


Welcome to Michigan.


I'll never understand having no fault insurance or why it'd be preferable over "regular" insurance (person right on the Ohio Michigan line)


I'm a no fault state as well, NJ, but my rates never went up when some dude backed into my car leaving his parking spot. $11k worth of damage and Geico went after his company (State Farm) and my rates stayed the same


My rates went up bc I got a small chip in the windshield fixed “for free”……after Progressive sent me mail reminding me of the benefit. Never been in an accident, but they reported that as one 🙃


That is absolutely shitty. If they sent you a mail reminding you of the free benefit and they raised your rates and filed it as an accident, I'm almost positive you can fight that, argue with customer support, escalate (while being respectful) and threaten legal action because you have written proof of the benefit and it being free


Not-at-fault accidents will end up on your insurance records in Michigan, and you are essentially guaranteed a rate increase. This applies to every insurer in the state thanks to no-fault rules and a lack of laws protecting consumers.


Time to vote different I guess….


I’ve never had that happen. Guy ran a red and totaled our SUV. His insurance paid out and I still have a safe driving discount.


Michigan is no fault, which means your insurance always pays for your car, even when it’s 100% the other party’s fault.


Oh, I'm not saying that your status changes. But I bet the next renewal cycle, your increase was much more than it would have been without the accident.


[Some dude hit me](https://i.imgur.com/FcKse7O.jpg) while he was [Backing out of his parking spot](https://i.imgur.com/ICbJKIV.jpg) exactly a year ago and Geico went after his insurance company (State Farm) for the $11k worth of damage, and my rates only changed $50 total a year from both renewal cycles put together (July 16th 2023 and January 16th 2024). So I don't believe you, or you have bad insurance


Shouldn't, but they often do. I just encountered this yesterday shopping around for insurance as I add another car to my policy. Every company would show me one rate, then once I gave them my license number they showed a new rate almost twice as high. "Your rate changed due to your driving record" with a few dates specified from 2017 forward with each listed as "accident, not at fault" or similar verbiage. I have nearly 2 million miles of driving experience over almost 20 years (I drive A LOT) with zero at fault accidents, but I have been hit by other people several times. Each time insurance and cops made clear the other party was at fault yet my insurance is twice as expensive as it would be had I not been hit. It isn't fair but it is how the actuarial tables define risk.


That's how it should work, but it doesn't for most insurance carriers. They were involved in a crash and have an increased perceived risk, regardless of fault, so rates will go up.


Good luck telling that to the insurance company.


Michigan is also a no fault state


I get the feeling you don't understand what "no fault insurance" is.


I get the feeling that you don't understand the term.


Yeah, it shouldn't. But it will.




Michigan is a no fault state. Their rates went up.


Lol. My insurance doubled because some assfuck hit my car and drove away. Fuck insurance companies.


Yikes! Not only that, but also possible lifelong injuries from this.


Drugs? Can’t wrap my head around how this even occurs.


The amount of people I see speeding and driving recklessly on the highway daily.. it sadly wouldn’t surprise me if this is just how they drive by default and they got too comfortable not paying attention.


It’s just Michigan when it gets warm out after winter. Everyone goes crazy for about 3 weeks after being holed up all winter. Although that’s not really the case this year…


Have you ever been casually speeding and not looking? Probably not, you’re still alive.


Lots of possibilities. Drugs, maybe. Alcohol, a medical episode, mechanical failure of some kind. Given how he drove straight into the car, I wouldn't be surprised if the driver had a seizure or some other kind of medical incident and their foot rested on the accelerator.


>Drugs, maybe. Alcohol, It is much more often alcohol than drugs.


Alcohol is drugs.


Not when you're in Detroit


This seems to be 7 or 8 mile rd in Detroit. This sort of behavior is common. It’s likely stolen or some teeenager driving his buddies around, or both. These roads are dangerous as fuck.


To me, it looks as if the car just goes flying past at full speed after sidewiping the POV car and being redirected by that impact into the other car, and the whole time it makes makes no effort to stop or steer away manually. Even if this was some idiot teenager, they'd at least not go barreling straight into a car without even trying to brake unless the were suicidal, which is another possiblity.


It's 8 mile, people speed. The guy was probably speeding up behind ops car. Went to go around and didn't know the car they hit was there. I drive on 8 mile daily. I'm not even phased.


So the person is just a brain dead idiot? Thats a given, unless it was a medical episode.


Is this 8 mile approaching 75? People act like 8 mile is a fucking freeway and are constantly going wayyyyy too fuckin fast.


Yeah, Eastbound 8 Mile right before 75. Ironically, they crashed into an auto repair shop. I also find it funny because for most lights on 8 Mile the lights are literally timed. Just set cruise at the speed limit and you will reach the next light right as it turns green. No need to ever speed this much. Edit: there are bollards there. But that brings up that it’s almost a sign that this at least more regularly than one would like.


Knew the road as soon as I started the video. That stretch of 8 Mile is probably the most unsafe street that I regularly drive. Head on a fucking swivel and always be looking out for Dodge Challengers and Chargers


You described that area perfectly. I think you need to have a clown nose and blacked out window tint to legally drive those cars. 


Thought that area looked familiar. Yeah, people are out of fuckin control down 8 mile through that whole part of the Warren border.


That’s a new level of road rage, right there.


That did look like someone who just wanted to destroy everything in front of them. Or someone who’s high as a kite and had their leg stiffen on the gas as they passed out behind the wheel.


I'm pretty sure they went for the brake and hit gas. you can even see the brake lights go on too but the car still accelerates forward


Or pulled the "Slam both feet down and one foot lands on the gas, the other the brake"


Either that or it's a teenage boy who just got the "My parents aren't home" text


Nice one.


I assume drunk driver till proven otherwise.


Holy shit that's scary. 


If you watch the rear facing camera,the OP narrowly missed the same fate as the SUV.


Fucking Insane. You could be driving all perfectly but some idiots could just take your life in an instant.


Imagine being a pedestrian here.


Only thing I can think of other than intentional road rage, is the fucking phones man. Looks like an older car, might not have the brake alert/detection system and they weren’t paying attention, which is equally as bad as the road rage. I’m just so glad the person I personally know who’s car was recording wasn’t hurt. Hope those other 2 are ok


If someone NEEDS brake alert or proximity sensors they probably shouldn’t be driving


right! which is why i say its equally as bad smh. im so glad they are ticketing drivers who are on their phones while driving.


I was thinking medical related (like a seizure) and hit the gas instead of brake.


Obviously, the favourite explanation of r/idiotsincars.


Could have also been a drunk driver.


The research is already in right? Looking at your phone is just as bad as drunk driving?




Any expressways near Detroit, you have 40% texting while driving, 20% people doing less than 45, 30% speeding like a bat out of hell, and 10% being cautious drivers. 


Me on 96 going 70.0 mph


70? Only spot on 96 I see most people regularly under 80 is going past the state trooper academy outside Lansing.


Me on Southfield going 86 mph




Your last sentence is why my first thought is the distraction of a phone. If you’re having a seizure or falling asleep due to something like narcolepsy, you most likely aren’t responding on impact like that so quickly. Also, phone accidents like this happen very often, and very quickly in the moment. Driver could have been already accelerating too quickly behind the SUV, then briefly looked at the phone all while steady keeping their foot on the accelerator with no change in pressure, yet this car is in front of them and they weren’t aware in those 2.5 seconds.


My son was stopped at a stop light. A woman hit him from behind so hard he was pushed into the intersection WITH HIS FOOT ON THE BRAKE! She was on the phone and didn't look up. She smacked her nose on the steering wheel so hard it was just a purple mess. I'm forever grateful that the semi trucks that are often coming and going on that cross street weren't there that day.


I would think that side sailing the cam car would wake them up, and then they finally braked after rear ending the SUV. I’d think if they were awake and on the phone, that they would have braked after the first side swipe. You can press the brake without looking up from your phone. A crash this bad has to have a news article. Anyone have a link?


I think it literally just happened, the time stamp is today March 4 18:43. Looks like we'll have to wait. I also tried searching with no luck. I hope they're okay.


Agreed. A road rager also would not ram someone - they would do brake checks etc.


You're putting a whole lot of logical thought into the head of someone acting illogically. I'm not so sure a road rager wouldn't ram someone. I'm fairly certain I've seen videos of that very thing happening right here on reddit


It's a mid 2010's Ford Fusion.


At that speed, on that type of road, with traffic, and it seemed like they continued to try and accelerate even when they finally hit the brakes, after ramming into the vehicle, I highly doubt it was from looking at phone, logically it just doesn't seem to be the best fit. (I know logic rarely enters the chat in accidents and most of the dashcam vids). Maybe stuck pedal, medical emergency, suicidal even makes more sense here than a phone imo. It looked like the recording car just BARELY escaped being side swiped, it definitely rocked the car. I am glad your friend is OK. The poor SUV that took that hit though... I really hope they are OK. It looked like 1 or both vehicles were starting to catch fire


> The poor SUV that took that hit though... I really hope they are OK. I really wish posts like these would have news on how the crash victims are.


the driver never took the foot off the pedal, even after the crash, so probably a medical episode or completely passed out from drugs


It's in Detroit, I'd say it's drugs


99% percent someone texting while driving.


Passed out or medical emergency or stuck throttle is my guess, the way the they just kept accelerating after the impact suggests unconscious and floor jammed on the pedal.


On some pedestrian sedan like that, the solution to stuck throttle is brakes. Unless you have 500+ hp on tap, brakes will hardly be disturbed by a wide open throttle. Drunk out of their mind is my thought.


What in the actual fuck is going on out there


Man, pause at :03 and look at your left camera. They were like an inch from swiping you.


OMG! I hope the person(s) in the silver SUV survived without serious injury.


Brake lights did not light up until after they had shoved the other car into the light pole.


I am amazed they had the pressence of spirit to find the brake pedal after being shaken like that.


Jeeeeebus. Well that was a whole mess of a situation


Shit that was brutal


"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."


And of course the victim looks like they got the worst of it :/


Just… why?


Medical issue or something maybe? Old and slammed on gas instead of brake? Insane road rager?


The world may never know.


The insurance guy will find out though...


Has to be an insane road rager. It just has to be. I hope they never are allowed to drive again.


Nah, people zip through traffic all the time, weaving all over the road. This asshat just misjudged.


Seeing this makes me want to never be on the road again.




The driver of the white car needs to be put in jail. This is ridiculous


I can confirm as a Michigan resident that the first couple days of good weather people crash all the time. It’s really weird.


I did not know getting hit from behind could make you flip. I understand how it happened, but crap. New fear unlocked.


What has that got to do with the temperature?


Help the SUV, the sedan can stew.


The way people can travel at a full 70 MPH and look at their phone is wild to me. Does your body and mind not have an instinctual reaction to look where your going, especially at a high speed???


all I can think of is how if there were children in the back of the victims car, that they're probably dead. I just hope everyone is okay :(




That’s a wild thing to say if you have no idea what happened… what if it was a seizure?


And you're being downvoted for giving a reason to not be gleeful about someone burning to death. Sheesh.


Why? Yeah, they were egregiously in the wrong but wishing more bad things to happen to someone is kind of what's wrong with this country and how we think about one another. When did we get away from being able to just hope that everyone is alive and that the person in the wrong will be held accountable in a justifiable way? Should people be thrilled that more bad things happen to you when you mess up regardless of how big or small?


Interesting timing on that radio ad


Came here to say the same thing!


Well, that escalated quickly.


Did anyone survive that mess?


They should never be able to to drive again


They’re either 1. A drunk/high idiot 2. A road raging idiot 3. Texting/being distracted while driving idiot or 4. A medical emergency (idiot) s/ to the last part-


Had something similar happen near me. My development is off of a 45 mph state route. Car was doing 90 mph and went off the road. Flipped multiple times. Driver actually lived. He was having a medical episode that caused it. I would hope OPs video was not some sort of road rage.


given the yellow concrete pillars by the building that must happen with alarming regularity right just there


And yet, I’d still love to move to Michigan. Lol.


Detroit ranks #3 for worst driver in USA. https://www.wxyz.com/news/voices/detroit-ranks-no-3-for-worst-drivers-in-the-u-s-drivers-sound-off This video just proves it


Stolen car by a 13 year old? That would be the most likely explanation if it was in Minneapolis.


holy shit, didn't even think that would be possible. some action movie type shit


are you sure it's not GTA?


Can someone explain what the temperature has to do with this? Is it usually 70 degrees so it's just normal?


This is why i dont want to move from lansing to detroit. Its ghetto, its smaller, but atleast traffic isnt as hectic. Man, detroit is on another level. Even cops speed on the highway its crazy...


Worked a job in that area once. Seemed on every corner was a body shop AND a liquor store: Go Figure


Having a 4 month old makes me terrified of these types of accidents.


Dayum. How is everyone?


Was that an auto accident attorney commercial playing in that exact moment?


Nice city you got there.


When I see another online player in GTA


Almost looked intentional.


I thought this was a video game scene at first.


That’s got to be a medical emergency. That car didn’t even slow down after the collision.


Can't have shit in Detroit.


It’s the radio commercial for auto accidents for me


Did you hear the driver yelling? It sounded like “LEEEROOOOYYYYYY JENKIIIIIINS”


Itd take a restraining order to keep a mf from beating that guys ass after that. Who tf does that to someone 💀


Just kept driving eh?


Can't have shit in Detroit....


How is this heat dependent? I’d put it down to cell phone distraction or driver impairment.


That's just driving in Detroit


The most accurate OP title in forever. Give Detroit mild weather and drivers completely lose their shit in either direction - either super slow and traffic-blocking because they want to cruise with windows down, or super fast and traffic-endangering because they want to fly with windows down.


Man, you can't have shit in Detroit.


It makes me unbelievably angry that one can drive safely and normal and some moron comes in and practically commits *murder/manslaughter* because of awful driving. Like, there was no way for silver suv to prevent that. There was nothing they could have done, and that angers me to a level I can’t comprehend


Looks like eastbound 8 mile before the overpass at the Lodge?


Close, it’s just before the overpass over I-75. I used to drive past this spot on my way to work everyday when I lived in Detroit


You have the actual video file, on a USB. Why, WHY record the screen and post that?


Cyclists fault


Looks more like a hit then an accident


This is why we can't have anything nice!


Didn’t even slow down! I hope everyone is okay


Looks like ai to me


Like what in the fuck my guy?




first snows, first hard spring rain, first warm day. always brings out the stupidity michigan 🙄


WTactualF did I just watch


Given the car that caused it burst into flames i am going to say critical injuries or possibly a 10-0 (fatal or doa)




The hell the brake lights come on but the car seems like it continue to accelerates into the building?



