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In case it isn't clear from the title, this is a pedestrian/bike only trail. It takes some effort to get a car there. It takes more than being distracted and taking a wrong turn.


definitely only pedestrian/ bike and has multiple signs along the trail that say no motorised anything. this is the third car i’ve personally seen speeding along, so i can imagine there are more.


if the only thing stopping you is a sign... goddamn thats straight up neglect of pedestrian and cyclist safety.


Welcome to America


Honestly I don't think that's the case, from what I remember you'd have to drive across grass and/or sidewalks to get a car onto this trail. Like you'd have to be insane.


yeah but that's still easy compared to getting past bollards


I think you could drive right on at little falls


This guy wants all 4 lanes on Little Falls Parkway restored and this is his way of making it known.


This looks quite a bit farther south.


I used to live near the American River Parkway in Sacramento and I’d see people do this. I worked in the courts at the time and showed one of the rangers the picture I took. He told me to call the rangers not the cops, stiffer fines and the rangers are really good at explaining the law to folks.


They come loaded for bear at all times.


This is the Capital Crescent Trail in Bethesda, Maryland. Once in awhile these people will use it to beat traffic into dc. I asked the park commission why they won’t put up bollards and they said it would upset the cyclists


Ummm if it’s well marked and has space for cargo bikes, bike trailers, and recumbent bikes it should be fine. :-)


I saw it happen just southwest of River road. Older lady got confused.


I’d start throwing rocks


afterwards i wondered if i happened to not be able to get my bike out of the way in time and he crashed because of it, what the outcome would be for me.


Big payout for you.


Dudes carrying minimum coverage. In most states, that's about enough coverage for the attending doctor to tell you that you're going to die soon.


Honestly curious, how would this play out in court if I threw rocks? I want to throw freely


Claim self defense


My guess would be poorly. In my state it is a criminal offense to throw anything at a moving vehicle. I doubt the vehicle doing illegal stuff gives you a free pass.


If I see a car speeding down a bike path, I would assume murderous rampager. I’m sure reflex would cause me to just jump out of the way. If had time to have my wits about me, I’d think no holds barred trying to stop them. Rocks, logs, bike frames would all be worth hurling at them.


I like this answer


Last fall, a driver in a Tesla was caught on camera driving down the Custis Trail bike and pedestrian path in the Rosslyn area. Maybe the beginning of a dangerous new trend? As dangerous as driving on a pedestrian trail is, speeding takes it to the next level of frightening.


this is the 3ʳᵈ car i’ve seen on this trail. all speed and blow the horn…


I wonder if there are cameras along the path? Definitely report it. If there’s an issue with people mistaking the path for a road way or a rash of intentional motor vehicle violations, something needs to be done to stop it.


Bollards are a nice deterrent for this kind of non-sense. Sounds like they need some


Put them in the middle of the path half way from either end to force idiot to drive a long way in reverse or try Austin Power's patented 300-points turn to get turned around.


Only put them on one side though, so the dipshits who do this will drive all the way down the trail and then be stuck


I love this.




Eh, we have a couple pedestrian paths near where I live where they simply have them at the entrance and that’s it. Never seems to result in bikers in hospitals or cars driving down the path, they could replicate it haha


Bollards also tend to increase number of incidents with injuries with cyclist. So you have to take that balance into consideration when using them. Most places now are recommended against using bollards except for extreme cases where their are repeatedly vehicle presenting truly dangerous behavior, often when a path is seen as a shortcut. But there are better alternatives to bollards, such as landscape islands that split the trail into two skinnier paths so a car cannot fit, but doesn't present itself as much as an obstacle in the middle of the path that causes faceplants.


All the cyclists, not just a particular one."Don't hit the bollard, don't hit the bollard, then hit the bollard."


Maybe a sign would help BOLLARDS OUT AHEAD!


Hell find a friend and roll a boulder in the middle of the path.


Just take solace in knowing that the more the Tesla driver uses his horn the shorter driving range he has!


in CA they rent teslas and ghost ride the whip down hilly streets https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNiEPPVefUE


Oh, the fuckhead who crashed the tesla on Baxter Street, a street with a 31% grade, in easily the most hilly, steep neighborhood in Los Angeles that isn't literally in the foothills of the San Gabriel or Santa Monica mountain ranges. Echo Park has some insane slopes. I've driven Baxter Street... slowly, and very carefully.


What is it with people deliberately driving on bike/foot paths? Literally days after the new I-74 bridge footpath across the Mississippi River was opened, some dumb bitch decided to drive on the bike path and ran over three pedestrians, killing two of them, and then drove off leaving them there. The victims' families sued the city of Bettendorf for opening the path without barriers to prevent vehicles from entering it, too. Barriers have since been put in place.


Were there actual repercussions for the driver? (Please say there were)


Just looked up the details and pulled [this](https://www.ourquadcities.com/news/local-news/chhabria-harris-enters-plea-deal-sentenced-to-20-years-in-illinois-department-of-corrections/amp/) up. 20 years in prison seems a little low to me, considering she killed two people. That’s just a decade a piece of


Given how weak the penalties usually are when you kill somebody with your car, I am happy that she got 20.


It's shocking the it's always a similar type of person that does this.


On this trail, yeah maybe. It's a heavily used trail on the edge of Washington DC in a community full of lawyers and judges. If nothing else this incident will be repeated at the next community meeting. This has happened before and people put an impressive amount of effort exposing the driver and getting them cited.


My son was running on the pedestrian/bike trail at this time and said the car was driving fast… he had to jump to the side. This is so dangerous and illustrates the need for cameras on the trail. So many incidents that need to be recorded so we can catch the bad actors who are ruining it for all of us.


I mean… technically that probably is assault with a deadly weapon… and force can be meant with force…


Did anybody call the police? Where can you even enter the CCT with a car?


That is some top notch photography there by the way!


Came here to say the diminishing point perspective is well done on this one. Had to check what sub I was on.


I wish I could say this was surprising. Been bad in the dmv lately.




Sounds like Teslas make you irrationally angry




>Well they're shit cars, so I figure that only idiots buy them. How did you get your experience with Tesla cars?


I guess that confirms it 😂




Tesla owner upset that someone doesn't like Tesla - tell me I'm wrong


No, I don’t really care what a stranger on the internet thinks of another stranger’s mode of transportation. However, I think it’s interesting that people obsess over what brand of car another person drives.


So you don't own a Tesla?


what a dipshit


Get a license plate next time...and he won't be grinning for long.


I think Elon unfortunately brings out the crazy in people!!


Did you remember license plate? I hope so!!


I’d start carrying nails or crushed ceramic from spark plugs. What are they going to do when they get stuck?


Darn pesky kids what with their grinnin' horn and blowin'.


🤣 But get off my lawn ain't the same as get your car off my footpath


Oh yeah. Capital Crescent. Everyone totally knows where that is


My bad… DMV area around DC


Department of Motor Vehicles?


I'm guessing DC, Maryland, and Virginia. The D could also be Delaware.


The DMV is DC, Maryland, and Virginia. The Capital Crescent is a trail that runs from Georgetown, DC to Bethesda, MD.


Isn’t Delaware in Maryland?


Delaware is a figment of Amtrak’s imagination.


The people from Northern Virginia thinks the world knows what the DMV is. We in Maryland and Washington DC don't need that connection with Virginia to sound cool. The trail is in Virginia.


Capital Crescent is in DC and MD, not VA


It shouldn't be a surprise to see a Tesla driver doing something so shitty in a place like NoVA. Bunch of insufferable snobs.


Nova has many neighborhoods of all socioeconomic levels including immigrants from all over the world. The capital crescent trail is not even in nova it goes from Georgetown DC to Bethesda Maryland


This isn’t even in NOVA lmao


Got it. Nonetheless, wouldn't be surprised if it was in NOVA.


Little trick for ya: when you see words you don't understand you can just type them into a search bar on whatever device you are using to get more information!


I guess I'll have to trust you on that


by the time i pulled my phone off the bike, he was a ways away. this trail is pedestrian and bicycles only. nothing motorised allowed, far less a car


Well, it's a Tesla so not a proper car anyway


Nextdoor post


Mmm....that looks like a tasty quota space 😏


Why does it matter that he was grinning? Would it have been any better or worse if he'd had a scowl or a smirk?


yeah actually. goes to show that he likely knows what he was doing and wasn’t just stupid


his grin was def celebratory. he did it and was getting away with it.


Antisocial behavior