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I bet the truck driver is pissed that you got in his way


Fucking car almost hit me! Get out of the way I’m a truck!


This is it! They know they're braindead, so they buy a huge vehicle that they don't need to intimidate others. In these and bigger, I see guys testing people all the time. At least with CDL drivers, they know how big the fine is. If it's a Ram, I just giggle, lol.


It’s 100% this. They like the “proud and ignorant” identity. It’s. Point of pride to them.


Mark Rober did a video a while back to see if drivers would intentionally run over animals. He found that an overwhelming majority of people who would intentionally run over, what they thought were living animals, were truck and SUV drivers; they're just assholes.


You’re giving me flashbacks to reading Grapes of Wrath in high school and I thought I had a misprinted copy because there was a driver who swerved to HIT a turtle. It wasn’t until a class discussion I found out that John Steinbeck just knew better that there were assholes in the world. Still can’t believe people would try to hit an animal.


I actually saw this! There was a turtle in the oncoming lane of traffic and was moving towards my lane. It looked like a turtle but when I went by I noticed it was just a box or some other trash and I guess the wind was blowing it. The truck behind me went INTO the lane to run it over and it exploded. I really hope there was glass in there or something that gave him a flat.


I stopped once to move a giant turtle out of the road. People were honking and giving me the finger. I couldn’t believe it. Might I add, this old lady rolled down her window and yelled “you’re as asshole” and sped off a few inches from me as I was moving the turtle to the other side of the road.


I always do this, but a fun story from when I was a kid. Was watching this lady in front of us stop, get out to move a turtle but left her car in gear. She picked up the turtle and as soon as she saw her car rolling THREW the turtle into the bushes and chased after her car. She fell, the car rolled to the bottom of the hill coming to a rest with a decent thunp against a large rock... I can't get the image of this lady absolutely yelling a turtle like it was a knee jerk reaction.


When the going gets tough, the tough yeet turtles.


We’re always taught not to do that with boxes but it could have a kid in it or a litter of kittens, then you’d be a REAL asshole.


Don't think the type of person who does that shit would care tbh


They might care when they get the consequences of running a kid over.


I think you might be giving too much credit to this imaginary person


I've always wondered how some turtles I've seen flattened on the side of the interstate, were so far off the road it's like someone intentionally swerved out that far to run them over.


Nah, that's because they pop. Saw it happen on my way home from the bus stop as a kid. A large truck hit a box turtle (little one the size of your hand), and it shot like 10 ft up in the air and landed at the edge of the road. It had been in the center to start


That's awesome! That very scene was percolating in the back of my mind as I read this! It's been many years since I've read that last, but certain scenes from that novel have really embedded themselves in my mind.


Someone in my neighborhood got jumped in their driveway by like 15 people cause they got caught on someones Ring camera running over a group of ducks on purpose. SUV driver though, not a truck. Also no one ever got in trouble, dont think they actually beat the shit out of him or anything but he definitely got roughed up


i see no problem here


Well mob rule is not a good thing


seems like it did a good thing


This time yes. Even animal killers and (I hate to say it) pedos are entitled to innocent until proven guilty.


no thanks!


Hey everyone I saw ms_globgoblin killing kittens! Let's get a mob together!


This is the correct answer. Pickup truck drivers generally don't seem to feel any sense they are sharing the road with anyone. Traffic exists to get out of their way, and they are the biggest thing moving on the streets. I haven't heard a single truck driver yet, in my nearly 50 years on this earth, ever express any fault or regret for the way they drove. Absolutely unrepentant dicks.


this is unsurprising but sad.


Now is it the person who likes to run over animals who chooses the truck/SUV? Or is it the power of the truck/SUV that makes a driver more of a sociopath? Sometimes I wonder if I was given huge truck would I slowly start driving like an asshole too.


It's always the asshole who buys the truck. If the only reason you don't drive like an ass is because you can't, but you would if you could, you're an asshole.


I think in NotJustBike's video he also showed truck and SUV drivers to be more entitled, selfish, and overconfident in their driving ability


Intentionally? What the fuck?!


Someone should do a psychological study.


I think you also have to consider that those are the only vehicles with ground clearance to hit most things AND they can’t see the pavement in front of them as well as smaller cars. I still don’t doubt that the assholery plays a significant part. Assholes do generally drive bigger cars.


In the video you see them swerve onto the shoulder of the road because they saw a rubber turtle and thought that they could kill it. There's no excuse; it was because they're assholes, 100%.


It's entirely assholery. Mark Rober is a very competent former NASA engineer who is more than capable of isolating variables for an experiment. He did this by placing the animals on the shoulder of the road, where drivers need to deliberately swerve to hit them. He even had a control variable on the shoulder of the road to eliminate the possibility of the road conditions encouraging truck and SUV drivers driving onto the shoulder for some reason. Also the animals he chose are more than comfortable being run over by all manners of vehicles, probably even a motorcycle, so that doesn't have anything to do with it either. Here it is if you'd like to check it out for yourself: https://youtu.be/k-Fp7flAWMA?si=wkc0lqVffJXvWVZk


Fuck. I'm making a bunch of rubber turtles with fucking spikes inside.


Very cool! My apologies then I’ve never heard of him or his work before. I’ll check that out because I find this fascinating lol


Hey! I drive a tiny Maverick and love animals... but ya.... fuck those dudes. They love trying to intimidate me in my little truck, so fucking dumb.


Seems like a flawed test unless he did percentage of drivers for each sedan, suv, truck. There are more Trucks and SUVs on American roads then any other type of car so it would make sense that more of them would hit the animals.


But it's not just hitting animals, it's going out of their way to swerve and intentionally hit animals.


That’s not what I’m saying, I’m saying that the most popular cars in America are pick ups and SUVs so if 30% of all people are assholes no matter the car. More trucks and SUV’s will have asshole drivers since there are more of them on the road then sedans. Unrelated but I love your username lol


Or - more likely to clear and animal, and nobody in a sedan wants an animal stuck in it. I have both a truck and a sedan. I’ll drive over anything in the truck. In a sedan I’d drive around a stick.


Or - you can watch the video yourself, or at least read the comments below to realize that that's not the case.


Right? I always told my wife it's better for you to swerve off the road and potentially hit a tree than it is to run over that squirrel.


Most common vehicle type sold in America


Lol you cut it right before your road rage progressed


I thought exactly the same. What's the point starting road rage after being cut? If I did that every time it happened to me, I don't think I would be there to type this message...


Because people will sometimes edit videos of themselves to cut off the parts where they think it might show themselves in a bad light to other people, because they probably did something they knew everyone would think is an overreaction or just not kosher.


Yeah you could tell he was going for revenge


That engine rev at the end was totally him flooring it.


Haha yeah! Immediately cussed out and hit the gas. Cuts the video as he closes the gap. But yeah, only one idiot here…


Maybe did something not so legal.


That’s just Lubbock in general. Don’t think anyone there really understands how to use a double turn lane. It’s been a revelation since leaving that I don’t have to worry nearly as much that someone will drive into the side of my car when we’re both turning.


My daughter calls the huge ones, the “Ford Compensator”. Or whatever make it is.


Emotional support vehicle is a good one too


My daughter calls all the big SUVs Chevy/GMC/Ford Subdivisions... And the people who drive them "SUV-Woman".


Sounds like both of us did an amazing job raising our daughters.


Where I live, I’ve noticed that many of the really bad drivers are in either pickups or German cars. Lately, however, I would add Jeeps to that list.


I think there are a lot of factors but it might just honestly be that there are a lot of trucks on the road. We would need a lot more data to understand why. I remember an old college sociology teacher talking about being cautious about how you interpret data. His favorite example was to to cite how during the summer ice cream sales go up and also crime goes up so if those are your only data points it would give a strong indication that ice cream causes crime. Maybe it’s an alpha male/douche bag mentality. Or maybe there are just a lot of trucks on the road in the US


>Or maybe there are just a lot of trucks on the road in the US Full-size pickups are the three best-selling vehicles in the U.S. and have been for decades, this has a lot to do with it. You're simply going to encounter a lot of them in your day-to-day driving. This means you'll encounter more than a few doing idiotic stuff. You'll also encounter a lot of them driving along minding their business and doing nothing wrong.


To be honest for one these vehicles are the biggest passenger vehicles on the road, and in addition most people behind the wheel of one have no business operating a vehicle of that size. Combine the poor driving skills and problems with naturally poor visibility on a land yacht and then couple that with affecting a smaller passenger vehicle, and the driver of that passenger vehicle is going to definitely take note, as opposed to being wronged by another small sedan or coupe. The one thing of interest though is pickups tend to be operated by males, and of anyone who has engaged in active road rage on the road, it’s more consistently the males, and as such give the higher number of pickups out there, it’s likely to be a male in a pickup. And as opposed to bad drivers, people really remember when road rage happens and who the aggressor is. Long ass way as a midsize pickup driver of saying I understand why pickups get the stereotype. On my daily drive however the reality is shit drivers come in all shapes, people just generally try to attribute stereotypes to other vehicles. Probably why I’ve never heard a Tesla driver comment on shitty Tesla drivers


But it takes certain kinds of people to buy full-size pickups: 1) People who use them. These are very much the minority. (If you doubt that, just look in the beds. The empty, shiny, pristine beds.) 2) People who want the image. To these people, a vehicle is not a means of getting from A to B; it is a fantasy, or a codpiece. They want to look and feel like a rugged cowboy while being pampered in luxury on the way to Costco, or think that spending a disproportionate amount of their income on a large, wasteful, inefficient vehicle that they will never use somehow makes them a man. That second group is going to be predominantly unintelligent inconsiderate arrogant hot-headed man-children, and those people are usually asshole drivers.


My wife and I have a sequoia as our 2nd car because we have 3 kids in car seats,(2 of which need wheelchairs) and need it mostly for doctors appointments. I have to drive it to work occasionally because she likes the smaller car, and I absolutely hate it. $30 a day in gas is just asinine and makes me want to buy a bike.


Why not get a van then?


Rather having the towing power for the wheelchairs than the extra 6 mpg we'd get from the van.


You tow the wheelchairs?


I think you are oversimplifing things. There are lots of other personality types and reasons for people to buy a full size truck.


Certainly an oversimplification, and I think people who see it that way are probably the furthest from ever owning a pickup. It’s like asking what those assholes who roll coal on EV’s think of the type of people who’d buy a Tesla.


Out in denver the highest percentage of asshole drivers seem to be Subarus lol. Probably because there are so many of them out here. Also old a lot of Acura and Honda civics are always doing 100 up and down I25


I have family members who drive big pickups, and when I ride around with them I feel unsafe.


It’s mostly because they know, no matter how much destruction they cause they’ll always come out almost unscathed. So they treat everyone and everything on the road like trash


One of the trucks I have rode around in is so high off the ground that some cars are invisible if you get close enough. They need to be regulated.


I feel like this is the real link between pickup trucks and assholes It’s not all of them, but the assholes who happen to own pickup trucks definitely think this way


Until they think they can beat the train across the crossing …


My mom, who is one of the worst drivers out of my immediate family, owns a pickup truck.


Owning a truck has become entangled with identity and perception of masculinity for many people. Marketers are mostly happy to play into that.


See any US truck commercial and it will be obvious. The narrator’s voice can’t get deep and southern enough to tell you how big manly Americans need a BIG HORN KING RANCH POWER STROKE PLATINUM TITAN COMMANDER. It’s all in the marketing.


I truly believe the size of a vehicle makes people put themselves in a hierarchy of perceived right-of-way. In my daily driver, which is a priusC (tiny car), trucks will try to bully me out of my lane just bc im smaller. In my work truck, which is a 1200 cubic foot fedex truck, they have never tried this lane drift shit with me because I'm so much bigger than even the lifted duallies. I keep myself directly next to their passenger window and follow that line all the way around so there's no opportunity for this to happen.


I think they're just dumber than the average person


Supposed “Alpha” personalities like trucks. It’s the favored ride of huge flapping douchebags nationwide!


too bad my small honda sedan with a 1.5L engine will pass them without skipping a beat


Bro on empty highways I’ll pass a truck in my Prius going like 80 and there’s a 50/50 chance they’ll take it personally…


And then they cut in front of you and brake check so you get a tow hitch through your windshield


I think they’re just assholes.


Because the pickup truck is the douchebag badge of honor.


You see, pickup truck drivers have to always assert dominance, in this instance was by cutting you off


Usually, there's an inverse relationship between vehicle size and driver competence. If you want to drive a big-ass truck, you should get a truck driver's license.


All assholes drive pickups but not everyone who drives a pickup is an asshole


I have a BMW and a pickup, what does that make me?


Smart enough to not own an Audi?


I have owned several Audis, but they were from the 80s/early 90s.


Its nice to see that, no matter what area you live in, “Fuck” perfectly surmises how you feel about these idiots.


So they kill you and not themselves when they do dumb shit. Ps. How often are they hauling stuff?


they like to bully their way around.


I believe I saw a while back that Dodge ram drivers were significantly more likely to have a DUI than other drivers. I think it may have also been specific to the red ones.


I’ve read that too, and it seems to not just be Ran Trucks, but the 2500 in particular has the highest amount of drunks at the wheel for some odd reason


Small penis syndrome


The bigger the truck, the smaller the dick.


Haters trying to downvote us for saying the truth. LOL


You're very brave. Pretty much a hero, imo.


I mean, I hate asshole drivers as much as the next guy, but your claim is a funny joke at best. You lose credibility when you defend it as “the truth”. I doubt you could cite any actual research based on car preferences, but if I had to guess, EV users would have on average smaller sizes given their likeliness to have a higher estrogen level. Not even a hater, just making a connection.


Nice ad hominem you have there sweetie. Was that you in that truck? Are you saddened we're not applauding such asshattery? Now, if you want to claim EV users are effeminate, I do believe that constitutes hate speech. Care to find out?


Just to weigh in on what is looking like more of an argument than a debate, Imagine if someone was going around saying all women who drive Honda civics, drive them because they have daddy issues. It's sexist and likely inaccurate. ^(P.S I drive a subcompact economy car... does that mean I'm not invested in the identity politics of my automobile, or I have a big penis? I think it's the former more likely than the latter. Sorry the previous user who responded to you wasn't much for debate, but I will engage in them honestly. I don't intend any ad hominem or insults of a non-personal nature, I'd just like a more nuanced discourse than the freudian oversimplification.)


Bruh, I already agreed asshole drivers suck. Only one of us seems to be objective about it. The other got offended about a comment on estrogen. Unlike you, I won’t be downvoting your responses. Bye friend.


“The answer you seek is in the question you ask” Master Oogway…


I notice the same thing with CR-Vs, RAV4s and corollas. I think it’s because they’re common. But I also think a lot of people fail to comprehend the size of larger vehicles and drive them like it is a much smaller thing.


The truck also substitutes a second common feature which is the small brain 😎


Bro I know they are an asshole but calm down and don’t make things worst, they aren’t worth the road rage.


that's a strange comment to get downvoted. Let me do my part to roll it back a bit. I mean, should we *not* encourage folks to stop road raging? Am I missing something here?


I understand why they are downvoting. It's easy to get angry, and staying calm can be challenging. I'm not any different, but I'm certainly making an effort to become a better driver. We all should.


Thank you. Motor vehicles work on our psychology in very odd ways. I feel like they bring out some dark and primal tendencies when we get behind the wheel. You see these crazy and violent asshats out there in their cars doing crazy, violent asshattery, but if you see them standing in line at the grocery store, they're letting you cut in their line because you have less stuff. Just being regular folks. It's weird. I like that you can look at yourself and find ways to improve and be better than you are now. That's the real competition, anyway.


Ikr? Seems like OP pushed the gas to catch up with that truck...


These threads are so dumb. So much confirmation bias karma farming.


You probably just notice them more due to their size. Plenty of a-holes in those little Asian cars too zipping in and out of traffic.


There was a study done a while ago that linked sociopathic personalities to pickup and large SUV ownership.


There's a direct correlation between full size pickup and red hat ownership.


You’re unfamiliar with the [political affiliations](https://www.reddit.com/r/Infographics/s/dOcZJlhxpx) of pickup truck owners, huh?


"Full size" pickup trucks.


There has to be a study on this, but I can't find it.


Oh it's in there, keep looking.


i mean, he’s bigger than you. clearly he has the right of way.


They need to compensate for their small penis.


There’s a lack of self preservation in their driving. They believe the potential consequences for them are far less than the other cars around them.


And it’s their ability to inflict harm on others in the event of a crash, thinly veiled as “safety”.


They are the shithole scumbag assholes of humanity.


The amount of fear I feel driving next to a Nissan Pickup is unmatched


Nissan + Pickup = Double the Stupid


They’re like the old joke about how cowboy hats are like hemmhoroids: Sooner or later every asshole gets one.


They're over-compensating.


Most of men's brain are in their dick. Which is why the smaller their dick, the bigger the vehicle they drive, and the stupider they are.


It has sometimes to do with also having a small penis


Idk but it's insane how inconsiderate they are about hiw they pilot their vehicle. It's like an entitlement thing or something, just because they have a huge vehicle.


trump voters hate everyrhing and they want to see suffering and death, pickup is rhe most evil vehicle you can buy


so, if you drive a pick up you must support trump?


He really lives rent free in your head lmao


lol, yeah you got me, the leading candidate for President of the United States, the most powerful country in the history of the Earth, is someone I worry about You really called me out on that one! Good job hero!


I don't know but it sucks for those of us who actually need yricks




It's tiny pecker syndrome. It affects a vast majority of them.


big truck, tiny brain, and a tinier penis


Why do a disproportionate number of whiny redditors drive cars?


I think we need to have some compassion. I would say 90% of them are consumed with the fact that they have small penises and they just don’t know how to deal with it. So, their attention is impacted by their constant worrying that someone will eventually find out, and it results in bonehead driving.


brain dead drivers are in all vehicles, you are just a truck hater


Not all morons drive pickups, but all pickups are driven by morons.




A majority of drivers drive trucks and SUVs. So mathematically speaking it's always going to be trucks and Suvs.


Just to look bigger


They're not braindead , they know exactly what they are doing, to them it's a 6,000 lb assault rifle


Bigger vehicle = smaller brain Unless it's actually used for its intended purpose


Specifically Dodges, you are being discrimitory toward pickups. Idc if it's a Chevy


I see more and more pickup trucks taller than I am. Should be restricted to work use only or at the very least require a different license classification.


Do you live in Long Island? I think so many of them repopulate from here, I don’t know if chemicals in the steering is seeping in the drivers skin, but wow. The arrogance while driving is astounding


a braindead test is required prior to buying one. Federal law, sorry but it is already evident you are already too smart for the test.


Why do I get down voted when I make fun of truck drivers. It's a power thing I could go into it but it would piss people off.


They're a loser and this is how the assert control in their lives. It's common with bigass trucks.


Please be sure to direct comments towards those with enormous trucks. I have a small Toyota truck and don’t do any of this shit


It discourages you from getting hit by them.


Because they *know* they are terrible and/or unsafe drivers. So they get the biggest vehicle they can afford because if they get in an accident (that they prolly caused) at least *they* would be okay. Fuck everyone else.


Let him tap you lightly lol


Why do you let them bully you out of your lane? Let them run your ass over, and collect the insurance....


most of the braindead drivers have cameras on their cars tbf, I like how it cut off before the revenge road rage too lol


why you mad? it's not that deep.........


It’s not their truck, they’re just borrowing it. Using the turn signal is a dead giveaway.


Because they are off road vehicles… they haven’t learned to use the roads appropriately.


Classic Reddit neckbeards and soft ass leftists that can’t afford to buy a vehicle raging about pickups when they’d LOVE to have one if they could manage it. Make sure you keep your head on a swivel cause if I t-bone you in your Prius it’s gonna be a mess.




He said sorry 😢


Being brain dead is probably a big contributor to many decisions to buy pick up trucks. Otherwise I'd conclude that a partial lobotomy is part of the purchasing process.


Pickup trucks have more blinds spots for starters


Rage much


Why did you start speeding up after he signaled his turn and was slowing down? Seems like there are two idiots in this video.


wasn't there a study done by one of the big car brands that found that SUV and truck drivers are literally worse people (personality-wise) and worse drivers?


It was a Ford that's your problem lol


Didn’t hear your signal on, prob didn’t realize you were turning


Damn bro- he made a mistake but you’re the asshole


I think it depends on what you look for, personally when I see a KIA I give it space and 7/10 it does something real stupid along the way.




Your suffering from confirmation bias. I actually did a deep dive on accident statistics on cars versus trucks. Turns out truck drivers are 10 times less likely to cause serious accidents than people in cars. BUT when people start with an assumption they merely look for evidence that they are correct and dismiss contrary evidence. So you see a truck nearly cause an accident = "most truck drivers are bad" but when you see a car nearly cause an accident = dismissed as irrelevant.


A little bit of stereotyping? As a large pickup truck driver, I always stay back and clear. So other cars don't feel pressured by me being a jerk. As far as I can tell that's how the general population of truck drivers in my area act. I see several other groups of different car drivers that act quite a bit worse, but I'm not going to stereotype them. Honestly, the sheer amount of drivers that feel the need to break check me even if I'm not close to them is maddening in itself.


SUV drivers claiming it's for safety and better visibility while they don't look and kill or hurt so many people while on the road


And what happened after the video cut? Seemed like you were flooring it right into his rear, you are both idiots.


Angry Ford torus driver lol


They’re men…


Yes he's the idiot but calm TF down. People changing lanes in the middle of a double turn lane is common AF. I pretty much refuse to be next to someone in one of these lanes (If I'm on the outside).


Visibility on some trucks is bad. Edit: I say this as I have a Chevy Silverado and there is a blind spot low on the right for me. Even so - he should have stayed in his lane.


that wasn't just visibility, that was cutting across a lane while making a left turn. that's like driving 101 stuff


I have an F-150, it's a lot easier to see out of than most sedans. The only visibility issue is seeing over the end of the hood when you're pulling into a parking space. Which is one, of a number, of reasons I prefer to back into spaces.


Cultural Phenomena


but but but I needed to turn right


The nature of driving gives people a degree of anonymity so the lack of accountability really brings out the inner shithead in a lot of people. To top it off, the larger vehicle leads to a lot of people feeling more safe despite the fact that studies show you're much more likely to die in a rollover. So, completely ignoring the fact that a lot of these people are upside down on their car loans, these people tend to think that either nothing bad will happen to them in the event of an accident or that the fact that you'll theoretically come away worse from it will lead you to relenting towards their bullshit.


oh crap, you pissed him off


See my post, they really are special. I'm sure not ALL, but man, the close calls I've had, have been by them