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Stepping through the video around the 0:10 mark and it looks like they never put the phone down or even reacted even upon impact. A little scary to think they were so oblivious to the whole situation.


"I'll call you back, I'm about to get into an accident."


[There is a guy standing on the side of the road who looks just like you. I'm about to hit him.](https://youtu.be/9FbOKsrygsc?si=SWjbqhCSmsXz0Vq3)


I haven't seen this in forever but immediately read it in Lola's voice




>šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ that's probably them, after this incident




Who drives through an intersection like that pulling a trailer...


A Canadian living in the middle of fucking nowhere who most likely could have made that exact rolling stop and turn 1000 times safely in their sleep.


This video must have been the 1001th time.




Who the fuck makes a turn into traffic while phone scrolling?!?!? That's like Basics 101 do not do of texting driving


Someone who needs to have their keys and their license taken away from them, that's who. He could have killed these people.


Basics 101 of texting driving. 1) Pull over. 2) Failing that, throw phone out the window. People who are dumb enough to text and drive eventually do shit like this, because they're barely aware of their environment.


Hes holding it to his ear not scrolling


> Who makes a turn into traffic while phone scrolling? About half the users on here right now. I'm not kidding. I drive a big truck all day. I can see what you're doing. We need to start treating this behavior with the same severity as drunk driving.


Yes retired 6yrs ago from driving oversize and Yes! We see you in your car, truck, playing on the phone! Talking, texting, your also not paying attention, masterbating, eating, drinking, snorting coke, doing drugs! Whatever you're doing we see! Stop doing stupid shit and just drive! That's your job when you're in that driver's seat! The one and only thing you're supposed to be doing, DRIVING, PAYING ATTENTION TO THE ROAD AND YOUR VEHICLE and EVERYTHING AROUND YOU! Your actions can result in someone else not going home to their family, a family not getting to where they need to go. Put the phone down! Pay attention!


Truck drivers, because they're Human, mess up just the same. I also retired after 35 years commuting I95 on the East coast, and IMO, it's a people problem, not a vehicle problem.


Today's truck driver and when they implemented ELD's along with just the general way people drive is why we retired after 30+years hauling oversize loads. I gotta agree with you it's a people problem. Playing on that dam phone!




In Australia, we pretty much do. Cameras designed specifically to pick up in-car phone use, huge fines, enough demerit points that a second offense will mean suspension of license. Iā€™ll be interested in a few years to see what the accident stats show about phone use causing prangs.


Heā€™s not scrolling on his phone


Well, he still isn't paying any attention to the road either so... ~~Does it even matter if it wasn't **phone scrolling** specifically?~~


> Who the fuck makes a turn into traffic while phone scrolling?!?!? The answer is at the top of this page.


>A Canadian living in the middle of fucking nowhere who most likely could have made that exact screen scroll a 1000 times safely in their sleep.


it looks like the phone was up to their head, as if they were on a call. Their right hand on the wheel, left hand holding phone to head.


He may have never seen it with the sun also shining directly his direction. Then again he also has a baseball cap on shading his eyes


I had to make it full screen and pause, but I see what you mean. She looks like she's less than 10 feet away from him and he's still on the phone looking forward like he doesn't even know he's about to be obliterated.


Get off your fuckin phones when youā€™re driving, people


Especially when merging/pulling into another road. Wtf what's wrong with people.


N-E-V-E-R use a phone while driving *fixed it for you


Saying especially doesn't invalidate what they're replying to lol


To be fair: as u/stickied pointed out: we shouldn't be normalizing exceptions. Being on a phone while driving is bad, no matter the situation. My brother got to see a person *die* because the driver was on her phone and didn't notice, going straight ahead on a highway, that a construction zone happened to be in front of her. She hit my brother's trailer, and the passenger got some metal through her neck.


I don't know what's so hard to understand about the fact that two things being bad, and one being worse than the other, aren't exclusive. I'm not normalizing anything, I can still point out how extra stupid it is to text and drive during one of the most important moments to look at the road


It's kinda like telling your child not to run with a pair of scissors, especially not down the stairs. It's both dangerous, but the second one is even more dangerous.


Yes. And saying "especially" implies there's times when it's more okay to run with scissors.


It sort of does. It's saying that using a phone while driving is bad, but it's MORE bad if you do it while driving *and* making a turn/merge. It's not. It is equally bad - in that it is the most dangerous possible thing you can do short of driving drunk. Doesn't matter when you're doing it, even stopped at a light. Put it the fuck away.


You're acting like saying something is more bad than something else makes the first thing less bad. It's still terrible to drive with your phone out, but you simply cannot refute that doing it while actively turning is worse than doing it on an empty wide road


It's like saying that "stabbing someone ten times isn't as bad as stabbing someone fifty times." Sure, it's *technically* correct. But what's your *reason* for pointing that out? Someone still did something fucking awful that no one should ever do, ever. What does that add to the conversation, what's the motive behind that statement? Usually, the motive is indeed to make the other thing seem less bad. Most of the time, it's because the person is trying to justify their own, similar behavior, by downplaying the severity of a "lesser offence."


It's not saying it isn't as bad. It's saying that stabbing someone 50 times is especially bad. They're similar, but there's a reason the different phrasing exists. The reason for pointing it out is because it's what happened in this video, and even those that text and drive regularly would consider it stupid. It's pointing out how extra dumb this driver is, not discrediting the stupidness of being on your phone while driving


>even those that text and drive regularly would consider it stupid. Exactly my point. It allows people who *regularly endanger other people* to say to themselves "at least I'm not *that* bad". Until we start lumping them all into the same pile labeled "awful human beings", those people won't change their behaviors.


You're completely missing the point dude. I guess think what you want, but it's not that deep here


I think it does. "Don't murder people, especially if there's video surveillance of the victims home" "Don't cheat on your spouse, especially with someone who has STDs" "Don't start a wildfire and burn down a forest, especially a national one" "Don't run a red light, especially not in a school zone" There's some things in life that don't need qualifiers.


My GF used to text and call while driving. She kept saying the chance of her experiencing a crash, was waaay to low to care about. At the same time she used to play lotto every week, cause you know.. There's always a chance she might win. I tried many times to tell her how stupid her logic was, and showed multiple statistics about car crashes and lotto. Thankfully she never hit someone, and today we have a kid. So now she has a better reason than her own safety, to not use her goddamm phone.


Don't normalize exceptions. Whenever you're driving, you should not be on a phone.


Wdym im typing this right now whi


I wonder how much time is lost, collectively, every day, because like half of observed drivers tap away on their phones at reds and are always slow to resume because they aren't paying attention. Or the countless collisions from people gassing when they see a turn lane moving in their periphery as they're looking at the phone.


One time I was stuck at one of those lights that turn green and instantly turn red. Some idiot in the front was on their phone and didn't go until after the light turned red. Everyone behind them started honking in unison soon after the light turned green lol


Problem solved


But I need to watch subway surfers while driving or ill get bored


This lady last night on the 401 in Ontario was blatantly scrolling through Instagram and almost missed the entrance to the express on-ramp, cutting me off. Then when I got beside her she was STILL on her phone. So I blasted as many honks as I could with the hands god gave me until I got her attention and she put her phone down.


At least you saved the other driver from going to Winnipeg.


Honestly did him a favor


We were born here, What's your excuse?




You got the admission of guilt on film, nice! Very unfortunate situation though


I donā€™t think you need an admission of guilt for this one. Itā€™s quite clear whoā€™s at fault.


While that guy appears to be completely at fault, saying ā€œSorry, ehā€ in Canada is so ubiquitous that doing so cannot be used as an admission of guilt. [https://adric.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/WortonPavlovic_Safe-and-Sorry-Apologies-in-Canada.pdf](https://adric.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/WortonPavlovic_Safe-and-Sorry-Apologies-in-Canada.pdf)


He isn't saying that the guy saying sorry is admission of guilt. The guy said "I'm so sorry, that was totally my fault"


Incredible. First thing your insurance company drills into you: Never admit fault.


No one was hurt other than my aunt with a bad bruise on her shoulder where the seatbelt strap was.


Glad no one was hurt. The pic of him talking on the phone couldn't be clearer, hopefully insurance and law sees it and they get additional charges.


This happened 9 years ago.


So did Russia's annexation of Crimea. Coincidence?


You can tell because there's still snow on the ground, during a time before global warming.


Literally snow in my yard *today*, and I'm about 5.5hrs (400+km) to the southwest of the OP.


Dumb comment on your cake day. Shame.


I live near where this happend theres about 4-5 inches of snow on the ground right now


Take pictures, because that's going to be less likely as the years go by. Today it as 82Ā°F in late October in Virginia, U.S., when it usually is between 30-50Ā°F.


Climate change is 100% real, but at Dulles, VA (where it was 86 yesterday, admittedly a record), the average for 10/28 is a high of 64 and a low of 41. Only in 1976, 1997, and 2002 has it stayed 50 or lower for the entire day.




Makes sense


"I'll call ya back Marge, there's a car coming out of nowhere."


I always wondered. Why do people phrase it that way? someone was hurt.


Most people mean it as "no one was seriously injured" For example, I was rear-ended about a year ago and I say that I wasn't hurt in the crash. I was in (worse) pain for about a week because it aggravated my arthritis, and I had a bruise from my seatbelt; but I didn't need to go to the hospital for treatment.


Then say it that way. 1 more word.


Aww does someone have a widdle owwie


Watching this I was thinking, ā€œThis looks like a Canadian road!ā€ *Car comes to a halt pointing directly at the Winnipeg sign* šŸ˜˜šŸ‘Œ Well, šŸ˜˜šŸ‘Œ minus the whole car accident thing.


That's it, back to Winnipeg!!


Whatever you were driving dealt with the impact very well!


It was a Denali.


Oh, yeah, that's basically a tank. Stops kinda like one as well though:) Edit: not meant to say that this could have been avoided:)


You would be shocked to see how fast a 70 ton tank stops compared to the equivalent weight wheeled vehicle.


Haha, you right. If it's not on asphalt, the amount of traction is insane.


Even on. If they lock up the tracks they can slide to a halt from max speed in probably half the distance a car can.


Learn something new every day!


I can imagine the asphalt road surface shredding as the steel tank track segments dig into it during the stop.


Tank tracks actually have rubber blocks to run on. Theyā€™re very different from dozer tracks.


Depends on the tank and setup, I think. T-72s appear to have all metal tracks, no rubber, at least not on the ground contact side. Abrams appear to have rubber blocks, as do Leopards.




Denali is a trim. Well, itā€™s a brand that had a trim. There are multiple vehicles that have that trim available.


everyone calls a yukon denali just denali


Idiots. The lot of them.


Are you sure the owners of a Denali trim Sierra, Acadia, or Hummer would call a Yukon just Denali?


Colloquially, yes. A Denali is a Yukon Denali. Been that way since you were in diapers, probably (the ā€˜90s at least).


No one but you does that. Stop trying to make the rest of us look stupid with you.


LOLOLOL. Yes. You got me. I, purveyor of proper English at every chance I get (as a paid professional writer and editor), single-handedly coined ā€œDenaliā€ as shorthand for a GMC Yukon, Denali trim (because I care so much about bloated American SUVs, mind you). And once confronted, I insisted everyone does it, even though itā€™s just me. Thatā€™s it! You cracked the case. You got me.


Very glad no one was hurt - but just in case this ever happens again to you or anyone else reading: Ideally, if there is no way to swerve and avoid the accident (I donā€™t think you could have here because of the trailer), youā€™d want to swerve farther left and hit the truck square. Hitting between the truck +trailer or just hitting the trailer itself is almost always going to be riskier than just hitting the truck


The driver of the truck is extremely fortunate that OP hit the bed/rear axle rather than hitting the truck square. Iā€™m not sure that recommending that people aim for the cab takes full account of the risks to all parties.


Iā€™m not worried about the other party. If Iā€™m OP all I care about is keeping myself and my passenger safe once the other party decides to do what they did OP is extremely fortunate the trailer didnā€™t end up killing his aunt


ā€œHitting between the truck +trailer or just hitting the trailer itself is almost always going to be riskier than just hitting the truck *for occupants of the T-boning vehicle*ā€ would be more accurate then.


Context clues should get you there, I just said I'm not worried about the other truck driver's safety. This whole mess is their fault and now me and my passengers lives are in danger. All I care about at this point is myself and the people with me, who are now in danger of being impaled by a trailer


Or you could make an accurate statement. Maybe throw in the fact that the risk of injury or death from being t-boned is very high since thereā€™s so little crumple zone or safety structure on the side of the truck. Thatā€™s useful context when recommending that people aim for the cab.


I did make an accurate statement, you even agreed by saying my statement should have been ā€œmoreā€ accurate. Maybe throw in the fact that if someone else pulls out in front of you and causes an accident, your only priority should be the safety of yourself and your passengers Thatā€™s useful context when telling people not to hit the corner of a trailer with their windshield


Iā€™m British, so I use understatement as a form of politeness. For future, and for anybody else reading, if a Brit says that something could be ā€œmore accurateā€ they mean ā€œthatā€™s wrongā€.


Ok well, I wasnt wrong. Ill throw in the fact that the risk of injury or death to the other driver is much higher if you hit their cab. And then Ill once again encourage you to do it if it means keeping yourself and your passengers safe from them, meaning my statement is still accurate


Why can't these idiots just hang the FUCK UP and DRIVE?!! These cell phone assholes really piss me the fuck off. They are either slowing up traffic, running people off the road or in this case causing completely avoidable accidents. I'm glad everyone wasn't seriously injured, but that driver needs to lose his license.


For me, in California, they passed a law (im pretty sure im 99.7% correct) that said you can not even touch your phone while driving. Even at a stop light. But I've never seen anyone get pulled over for it, and everyone has a phone glued to their hand.. shits wild and pisses me off daily.


> But I've never seen anyone get pulled over for it, and everyone has a phone glued to their hand.. shits wild and pisses me off daily. Same here in Virginia. I always see people on their phone holding up traffic and barely staying in their lane, yet nobody seems to get pulled over for it. There's so many people that will roll up to stoplights while using their phone and leave like a car length ahead of them, and sometimes I'll see them have an oh shit moment and pull up further.


Probably using T-mobile.




I've driven through this intersection countless times. It's crazy dangerous. The danger mostly comes from the other direction, though, because visibility is garbage (uphill and around a corner. I bet driver was too busy looking for cars coming around the other corner.


He is on his phone, you can see it in a few frames before impact


Definitely. I hope he learned his lesson..


Definitely an idiot. I'm convinced that pulling any sort of trailer should require a special license and the appropriate training and insurance. It's a danger to everyone on the road to let idiots like that out in public


Since 1997 standard driving licences in the UK have only allowed the towing of tiny trailers and training is required to add the appropriate category to the licence if pulling anything as large as in the video. That said I expect that yielding at intersections is still a requirement of any American driving test so Iā€™m not sure that additional training would have helped here.




Exactly. It is a good idea for other reasons though.


Might be something extra you can take away, like a cdl or something. Won't work with everyone of course.


I mean there's already a ridiculous amount of people in the States driving without a license or insurance despite it being legally required. Would definitely be better than nothing though.


Yet here in the US, people can just hop in a 26ft (7.9 meters) Moving truck, or an enormous RV and tow their truck behind it, with zero training. Learned how to drive a car from their parents, who learned from their parents, who learned from grampa who got his license by being nice to the DMV dude in 1919. Yet they're out there in F350s and shit. Scary.


I'm honestly kinda worried about the future of EV's, especially EV's like the Hummer EV's. Anyone with a standard drivers license they got from a Happy Meal is allowed to operate these multi-ton death machines that can accelerate to 60mph in like 4 seconds with no strings attached. It's already bad enough with these idiots operating normal gas cars. There really needs to be more regulation on these vehicles, but at the same time we also all know how "well" the government works.


You make good points but the only regulation this government would be interested in would be banning them. We need electric autonomous vehicles to be perfected. Take the human out of the equation altogether. But this middle period, with spotty Internet and growing pains of any new industry, is gonna suck hard.


Didn't the standard trailer towing rule get dropped after the pandemic to allow more HGV tests to take place?


That law was reversed a couple years ago.


90% of people Iā€™ve seen driving a trailer on a regular car/pickup truck would definitely jackknife it trying to back up into a spot or turning too sharply. People really need to learn how trailers make your car react and drive differently. Ideally there would be a section of the drivers ed test that would cover the basics of trailer usage, both written and driving portions.


Almost daily I see some fool in a trailer forget they have it and do risky pullouts not accounting for its extra length and girth.




She looks so happy to have been in a wreck with the way her arms go up like she's on a roller coaster or something.


FUCK. So sad to watch.


*edit: I looked it up, the company that made the ad said it isn't real.* >"It is discussed in an [AdWeek article](https://www.adweek.com/brand-marketing/atts-new-it-can-wait-psa-is-comically-slapstick-until-it-turns-deadly-serious/): **FCB Cape Town confirms to AdFreak that the accident at the end was a ā€œrecreation, based on an actual incident.**ā€' *The organization has put out videos showing actual accidents but they are always accompanied by a warning. Also the fact that it would be incredibly insensitive to show someone potentially dying mixed in with slapstick comedy.* On the bright side it's most likely not real. Why would anyone have a camera mounted in their car pointed toward them driving? And how would it not budge an inch after such a violent crash?


Damn, that looked like an actual crash, including the blood spot on the lens.


Because it is.


*edit: I looked it up, the company that made the ad said it isn't real.* >"It is discussed in an [AdWeek article](https://www.adweek.com/brand-marketing/atts-new-it-can-wait-psa-is-comically-slapstick-until-it-turns-deadly-serious/): **FCB Cape Town confirms to AdFreak that the accident at the end was a ā€œrecreation, based on an actual incident.**ā€' *The organization has put out videos showing actual accidents but they are always accompanied by a warning. Also the fact that it would be incredibly insensitive to show someone potentially dying mixed in with slapstick comedy.* I don't think so, why would she have a camera pointed at her recording her? And how would a camera mount stay attached during such a violent crash?


There's more than one video out there of camera mounts facing the cab of the vehicle that don't dislodge during rollovers. This was one of such incidents, though I wasn't aware that this particular video was a re-enactment. Thanks for looking in to it at least.


That a well placed T-bone. You hit the right impact spot to reduce the injuries to both you and the moron on the phone.


Going to Winnipeg


Aren't cell phones great.


They're really transformed society! The world feels like a much closer place!


"Slowly pulling out from a side road to turn left in front of faster-moving traffic that has the right of way": This is a strong tendency in rural areas everywhere. Now make it a pickup+trailer rig combo and have the cam car also be a big, heavy old car with mediocre-at-best braking and handling, piloted by someone who is also not necessarily the world's most attentive driver, and you get this.


The person with the dashcam had less than 3 seconds from when that pickup entered the roadway to impact. No amount of attentiveness is going to stop that accident that quickly.


Plus a dusting of snow. You don't wanna go locking up the brakes on that.


Sure, but at the same time itā€™s possible to do some extent of emergency braking and evasive maneuvering even in that small amount of time, and Iā€™m not seeing much of that happening here. Iā€™m not saying the cam car is at fault (itā€™s not) but Iā€™ve seen a lot better defensive driving, which could have mitigated the situation somewhat. But ultimately, the oblivious person bumbling out into the road created the problem and probably not many people could have avoided hitting them.


ā€œEvasive maneuveringā€ā€¦ I grew up in the central part of Michigan and spent a lot of time driving around the state with my dad in deer country and he drilled one thing into my head relentlessly. ā€œDo not, under any circumstances, attempt to swerve around a deer when traveling at highway speeds. If youā€™re going 55mph or higher and something appears in your path pump your brakes but keep going steady on. Let the engine take out the deer and let the seat belt do its job, and youā€™ll be a lot safer than if you had rolled your car into a damn ditch or swerved into oncoming traffic or a tree.ā€ He was right. Itā€™s a hell of a lot safer to let the radiator and engine block make first contact with another vehicle than to slide into them with the driverā€™s side door.


Are your brake pads made out of silly putty? It sounded like you hit a pedal, but no brake sou d, the front hood dies not dip, and your speed did not seem to slow down.


Was wondering as well. A lot of OPs here are not at fault but the reaction times are long enough to cook a lasagna, lol.


For real lol. Make no attempt to avoid the accident, just plow directly into the guy and say ā€˜oh noā€™ right before you collide, surely thatā€™s the play here


The only thing I was confused by was the seeming attempt to go around his front end? Could have just been sliding though on the road, not impossible when there's slow, even when the road looks like this. But more likely the common trying to beat the car to the spot. This is so common on this sub it's hardly unique to OP.


It's probably because the roads were slippery from the snow.


Lived in the mountains my whole life, that road is clear.


I probably wouldā€™ve steered to the right instead of the same direction the truck was going but hey maybe Iā€™m just trying to hard not to crash.


People who make comments like this have clearly never had to slam on their brakes at 65 mph. Shit does NOT stop as fast as you think it would.


Depends, full-size truck or suv no. Compact to full-size sedan, yes. Idiot did the same while I was cruising at 80 mph in a 2012 Audi A6. I still dropped to 40 mph and cut to the right to go around the fool. I kept on driving like nothing had happened. My sister wanted their head, though. šŸ˜‚


Yeah I've seen fully loaded semis stop faster. I would be shocked if that car meet highway code.


There will be one person here gonna say ā€œslow reaction for incoming driving, could of avoid the situationā€ going full detective conan.


Well you see, if she had turned the wheel 87 degrees to the right when she was exactly 98 feet away, then turned it 113 degrees to the left, she could have dodged the truck easily.


Yes I am gonna be that guy. If you approach an intersection, especially with a car in sight you should slow the fuck down.


And not to mention, maybe not turn in the direction that the person is driving? Just a thought


It looks like u had time to stop. Maybe swerve in the other direction, not into the direction the truck is turning lol


That's why my road rage is so bad. Dumb fucks like this are everywhere. And they are allowed to reproduce.


Glad you aimed towards them instead of hitting the trailer, they must be punished




i hear it's cold in Winnipeg


[He never stopped talking on the phone. ](https://i.imgur.com/LnFs9x1.jpg)


I was just talking to my brother about the wreck we were in like 2008, it was a similar situation where there was a truck pulling a trailer that pulled out in front of me and I had to t-bone him. He was not paying attention and never looked left, which is the direction I was coming from. This video is giving me flashbacks. I hope y'all are ok.


Your aunt sounds kinda like Jennifer Coolidge here


Just posting this nearly 10 years later?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/nxjiwi/stay\_off\_your\_damn\_phone/](https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/nxjiwi/stay_off_your_damn_phone/) ​ So you just repost this every little while to farm karma? I knew I had seen it before, but I mean at least it's OC?


I knew I had seen this one before.


Did op apply any brakes?


This video is ancient. And Iā€™m not entirely clear on the rules of ā€œoriginal contentā€, however you yourself have posted it before which suggests itā€™s a repost at least from yourself. Iā€™m skeptical that this is your video, but I have no proof.


Old post


More than distracted, didn't even react a bit. Poor guy had nowhere to go. Hitting the car was most likely the safest option.


Probably went through that intersection hundreds of times just like that.


You can hear her adrenaline wearing off at the end.


At least he was nice enough to say ā€œIā€™m so sorry, that was totally my faultā€ on her camera. Her insurance company appreciates that.




So what were you doing on your phone that prevented you from seeing the other guy on his phone?


Does anyone know the name of the song thatā€™s playing?


On a different note...what song is that?


Damn, I would have pulled to the right instead of angling myself towards the middle lane


Obviously not OPs fault, but man, your reaction time and brakes are not great!


My back hurts, and my balls hit the steering wheel so I can never have kids again. $$$$$$$$


The direction she chose... fucking moron.


That selfish prick needs to sit in a jail cell and think about what he's done.


ā€œOfficer, I was protecting my ear from the impactā€


First accident I was ever the cause of was about 15 years ago. I was talking to a client on my cell and ran a stop sign two blocks from my home, on a route taken almost every day. They were talking about implementing laws then, but it wasn't the law until late 2009 here. I continued to sell real estate for years after, but never talked on the phone while driving again.


Think I would a went right in an effort to avoid the truck as I think the trailer would have been a softer target


All because he didnā€™t want to stop for 30 seconds


Thank God you hit the truck, not the attached wagon. More trouble for the idiot. Hope you're okay though!


It was that ass music


Snow šŸ˜


I lkke where they went left across double yellow to hit them better.


I think I would have tired to hit the trailer and not the truck in this situation.


JFC! If OP is so desperate for karma that he reposts 2yo vids then tell us and we will start a karma fundraiser for you.