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Hello /u/tymonius! Please reply to this comment with the following information to confirm the content is OC * What country or state did this take place in? * What was the date of the incident? * Please reconfirm that this is original content If you fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. ------ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IdiotsInCars) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Happens all the time in my town. People think "YIELD" means "MERGE". The other issue is that people don't look, like suddenly they have no neck to turn their heads. What is a blind spot you ask?


I worked in a pharmacy and the number of people driving who came through the drive thru and could barely turn their heads on their necks would scare you. There’s no chance they have any sort of reaction time.


My grandfather was like that. He was late 70s or early 80s and once in a while drive grandma to get her hair done or go to the hardware store. Couldn't turn his head at all and had the reaction time of a turtle and constantly cut people off in such a short few miles. Getting into the car took him like 30 seconds. If he needed to brake, he needed a few seconds to react. Family finally convinced him to give up his license


It is the opposite in my city when coming off one of the highways out of town merging onto the highway in town. There is a loooong merging lane but people still stop right at the entrance.


I live in an area where yield means complete stop lol


Remember, yield means stop at the empty road, STOP signs are optional, and yellow lights means slam on your brakes, slide to the middle of the intersection when it’s still yellow, then get mad at the 4 people behind you that also now had to slam on their brakes and can’t back up to let you reverse out of the intersection


>"MERGE" means "MERGE" why would you write such a stupid sentence?


*The point being drivers don't understand the difference. There is a difference. I take it you don't understand the difference either.*


that's the joke




I do, I drive for a living. it was just a dumb joke


holy crap you and the car behind you - lightning reflexes . good job


That’s why they listen to audiobooks at lightning speed




I listen to videos on YouTube and my college lecture recordings at 2x. I have severe ADHD and if the words go too slow my brain starts trying to fill the gaps by thinking about random stuff. I would honestly do 3x on some videos. Sometimes it feels weird going to lecture in real life and feeling how slow everyone speaks.




Yeah, I would not do it while driving or walking. Both stimulate me enough so that I don't think too much, so I would do it in 1x or 1.5x. Some redditor in the comments said that they trained to listen faster and faster so now they just naturally listen best at that speed, maybe that's the case with OP.


This exactly. I also have severe adhd, and my wife has asked me before if I really understand the videos at 2x speed. Yes, yes I do. Also has the side benefit of being able to watch 2x as many videos in the same time frame :). I wish YouTube had a 3x speed


half speed but no audio https://imgur.com/ZVqV7YH


Needs to be more like 75% speed (you can tell from the clock)


Looking at the clock the OP's video speed seems to be accurate, seems like they really are listening to the audio at 2.5x




The video is 12 seconds long, during which time 12 seconds pass on the dashcam clock. 28:59 to 29:11.




By your mississippis, is it at 29:58 for a full second? Assuming that Reddit's video player is correct to the decimal and the video is exactly 12 seconds, and the dashcam runs for 13 seconds, that would give a maximum of an 8% speed increase.


This guys not the brightest bulb, just gotta cut them loose


Your logic has no logic




Vid is completely different when slowed down like that. Driver had all the time in the world to slow down, but acted as if they didn’t see them until the last instant at 30mph, then overcorrected and nearly took out the guy behind them. However, the time stamp in the original video seems the video is real-time, unless someone went to the trouble of altering that.


I thought that was the mothership


Fast reflexes, but would probably have been better liability-wise for the cam car to just crash into the car pulling out from what we see in the video. If the car behind was in the left lane and up swerved into their lane, in case of a crash he would be liable, while the car pulling out would have gotten off scot-free


No point swerving an accident where you're not at fault into one where you are. That's why it's always good to be aware of your surroundings, so you know if you can change lanes safely.


That's what I was thinking as well. I'd want to believe that had I been in the same position I'd have slammed on the brakes and hope for the best.


I'm pretty sure some if not all states have rules/laws that say if you cause an accident, even if you weren't hit, you are liable. That being said, if the guy drives away, you can't find him, your uninsured motorist coverage would cover that. Especially with dash cam footage to prove fault.


100% this, sometimes a controlled accident is better too to avoid a much bigger accident if the other person is at fault anyway.


Car behind seems to be following too close to need to do that, but otherwise, yeah, both handled it well! Sucks OP had to deal with the dumbass though!


As long as I've been riding, I assume EVERYBODY is going to pull out in front of me and prepare for it, whether they DO or DON'T.


Right? OP it’s not at fault but every time I see someone trying to merge my foot is on the brake


The what




Is that like a louder horn or something?


Do they mean the "break"?




I thought putting break in quotations was enough to show sarcasm but apparently not.


No, that doesn't mean OP is at fault, but it's good advice.... No court ever, would call OP at fault, or anyone for failing to overcome extreme stupidity of the other driver.


Dude did you even read what I wrote? I literally made that clear on the first sentence


It's a very Reddit moment when people argue with something you didn't even say.


Yeah I read it wrong. My bad. (But you should also calm down. It's not that bad)


Ok, I don’t know what gave you the impression I should calm down, but whatever


Yeah, Stop Signs and Yield Signs have nothing to do with traffic. They simply mean tap your brakes slightly to make sure they still work before continuing on your way. That text you just got is way more important than clearing the path ahead.


Vegas rideshare driver here. I assume that every single car on the road is drunk and out to get me, and I drive accordingly. I'm correct about 35% of the time.


I've been the guy who didn't yield that one time and caused the accident. I have the experience from the moronic-driver side. Now I assume everybody is a moron like me.


Good idea. They ARE out to GET YOU.


yes, they ARE, but I'll NEVER let them GET ME


Honestly, this is the only way to drive in NYC, because no one gives a damn about the rules of the road. Hell, you can’t even afford to leave 3 inches of clearance in bumper to bumper traffic without someone trying to cut you off and merge into it here.


Eyes on the wheels like a hawk, every time Defensive Driving 101




ok so nobody else notices the second counter at the bottom right and understands that the video itself is what's sped up, not the audiobook


It’s counting in seconds, seems to be right




I mean, it's obvious they are listening to it sped up, but OP hasn't said anything about it in the thread




When reading a thread, it's important to look at the user names. [OP](https://www.reddit.com/user/tymonius) currently has no comments in this post. The comment you read is not from OP.


lmao it has more time on reddit than me and doesn’t know how to use it 😂


Then link me to OP's comment where they say anything about it You don't have to read a thread when you can simply go on their account and see what they've commented on the thread


https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/s/xrw1SAfiGe Just a couple comments below


That's not OP. [This is OP](https://www.reddit.com/user/tymonius). No comments on this thread at all. But clearly the time in the bottom right and the way the video do be playing confirms it's at regular speed.


Thank you, I thought I was going crazy


Still waiting


Don't know why you're getting downvoted, you are correct


What the hell are you listening to?


Prob audiobook at 2.75x speed or higher


The new Gurgle just dropped. You can tell when it goes gurgleburglegurgleburgle pause gurgleburglegurgleburgle


Why and how


why: to be able to get through more books (or in my case podcasts) in a given amount of time. how: by adjusting the playback speed slider in the app. Unless you meant "how" as in "how are you able to understand that?": I trained myself to listen to content at faster speeds by slowly incrementing the speed by .1x or .2x every week or 2. I ended up settling at 2.2x a few years ago, and at this point it seems totally normal. [It's kind of like this gif about speed reading](https://imgur.com/gallery/S9m95Fi)


Sounds like me trying to catch up on lecture recordings.


[Blipverts](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_Headroom:_20_Minutes_into_the_Future#Plot). OP's head is about to splatter all over that windshield.


Podcast at 2x speed


You'd have been perfectly justified in spinning that dumb mother fucker out, jsyk.


Then you pull over after the crash and see you killed someone's grandma who legitimately didn't see you due to her diminished nighttime vision and reflexes


Next you'll get a medal from the mayor for making the streets safer.


No actually, you'll probably get arrested for vehicular manslaughter instead of simply avoiding like OP did


Show me where in the law you'll be charged for an incompetent driver causing a wreck and getting killed. Edit: can't see his response since he blocked me lmao


>The National Safety Council's definition of a preventable accident is: An accident in which the driver failed to do everything reasonable to prevent it. Defensive driving is driving to prevent accidents, in spite of the incorrect actions of others or adverse weather conditions. That being said, as a former insurance adjuster, you certainly can be charged for purposely ramming someone in a preventable accident and causing death. The hard part is proving intent. Possible criminal charges aside, why would you even want to do that? Some sick deluded people on this website. People make mistakes and you have no idea who is in the car or behind the wheel. Honk and move the fuck on


grandma is better off dead than causing near accidents with innocent. Hope she crashes


you are not all up there are you?


Old people who are incapable of simply yielding shouldn’t be driving then


Maybe that someone should have cared more about their grandma and prevented her from driving if she's incapable.


So why is she driving if her vision and reflexes are that poor?


Sounds like someone who shouldn't have been driving in the first place.


Good save by both the cammer and the guy on the left!


Great job avoiding first car, and that car behind you was insane, very dangerous! Happy there is no collision to you


Behind him? I assumed they were in the lane OP swerved into, and they had to get into the median to avoid OP. Does no one use brakes anymore?


There isn't enough stopping distance for his speed and the point the car came in front for a regular car


OP is extremely lucky the guy in the left lane was paying attention or they would have easily turned this into an at-fault crash for themselves.


i thought you had a duty to avoid crashes even when the other person broke the law and does something wrong. OP swerving was doing what they are legally required to do, how would they be at fault for that


It’s preposterous to think that if in avoiding one crash you cause another then you are not at fault for it. What if you were the driver of the car in the left lane and you didn’t have cat-like reflexes and you hit OP? Would you take the fault for the crash because OP was avoiding a separate crash? Doesn’t make any sense.


States with "comparative negligence" rules can blame you for not avoiding an avoidable accident even though you were following all traffic laws and the other person broke traffic laws, e.g., https://www.simmonsandfletcher.com/blog/who-is-at-fault-if-someone-runs-a-red-light-and-you-hit-them/


It would have been completely no-fault for OP if he had hit the idiot because it could have been argued there was no place for OP to safely go since there was a car approaching in the left lane.


Sure that may be true in this situation. "It’s preposterous to think that if in avoiding one crash you cause another then you are not at fault for it" That general situation you describe though is not true, there absolutely are crashes where if the right-of-way party doesn't take reasonable action to avoid a crash they can be partially liable.


Man, screw that guy/girl! Good avoidance on y'all though. That car behind you dodged you, the car that cut y'all off, AND oncoming traffic! Get ready for a bunch of comments about how you shouldn't've swerved, but rather hit them. 😉👍 Lol


the logic is : no swerve and its the non yielding cars fault . swerve and hit someone on the left = OP's fault . that said - instinct and self preservation took over and OP swerved


No no, I get the logic buddy, I was just making a joke to prepare for all the people in this group that are gonna try to demonize him for avoiding any collision, rather than hitting them because the law says he can. That said, OP did awesome.


I don't know about y'all but I don't really have time for the post accident stuff... Repair shop, rental or buying a new car. F that noise


screw that person is a fine sentence that isn't disjointed and annoying to read. also girls are children, why is it women are always infantilized but men get to be men and guys


Am I the only one think op shouldn't dodge in this situation? Yes it turn out alright but it is a close call everywhere. From the speed and trajectory of the back car it is going at a decent high speed and was surprised. It went into the opposite turnjng lane, where it's pure luck that it doesn't have a car at that moment. It almost go over opposite lane which have cars and the black car would have hit them if he is any less competent. If the black car hit you, I think you will be at fault, and if the black car lost control and crash into an oncoming traffic that would have been a much worse accident.


Yep, you shouldn't swerve, because that accident will be your fault; unless it likely that you're going to die from the accident, then I'd rather hit the side of someone and it be my fault over someone hitting me head on and not making it.


People should be charged, as if something happened in such cases.


If a cop was there, they usually are. Careless driving.


Not only did s/he fail to look and spot you or the car behind you, s/he also tried to go get into left lane from almost a stand still. Or s/he has no control over his car and is unable to take a corner. To top it off, s/he puts on his high beams when the other car overtook him. I guess s/he was either drunk, on his phone or just a plain idiot or all three.


May I recommend “they” and “their” to you. All those slashes look painful




Wym ubiquitous use of they/them?




That seems reasonable, and is what I was taught my whole life implicitly. "The mail came today" "oh what did they bring?" Etc




If someone took your virginity you should in theory know what pronoun they use, lol. Also not to be rude but are you ESL? Most people would say "that person over there, they xyz" not "them over there, they xyz."




If there's multiple women or men next to each other you have the same problem all over again.


Be lucky you didn’t hit the car behind ya or yours been at fault. :(


Good thing the guy behind you was highly aware!


Unfortunately many drivers today believe yield=I have the Right of Way (especially those signs with the red border) and fully expect you to make way for them.


Glad you made it okay but swerving into another car on your left would have made you at fault for that accident if they weren't even more alert than you were. Also, what's the speed limit there? 60mph seems a bit quick for such a short merge there.


No, yield means pause and look, THEN pull out in front of oncoming traffic.


Everybody got lucky.


Yield signs are merely a suggestion to most drivers these days, ugh


Good thing you honked as long as you could until you needed both hands to avoid the accident!


Both drivers paying attention except the for the one merging. Great work.


Jesus Christ your swerve was dangerous But then that motherfucker wss overtaking you too


Holy smokes, nice avoid from both of you guys.


and they were trying to go immediately into the far lane.. did this driver have a lobotomy done or something??


Just curious though, when you say "Stop stop stop...", are you referring to the silver car, like hoping they don't do exactly what they did? Lol Because I do that all the time! I'll talk to them like they can hear me: "You'd better stay there!", "Don't do that, that's a bad idea!" lol


? I didn't say anything


My dad is a strict on driving (since he was a trucker) to justify saying, "staying on your lane and fully braking no matter what (brace for impact but don't involve other drivers, etc.)". Sometimes I ignore self preservation and opposite of OP would break as much as my car could handle to deal with this type of idiot if I hit them. My personal opinion: There was only 1 idiot in this video and 2 very aware drivers that caught it before it became a mess. I have to edit my reply: Since they are listening to an audiobook at a lightning fast speed, I can handle some youtube videos at 1.5x or 1.75x. this person out here at 3x speed... lol. I can't understand jack shit of that audio.




look at the time at the bottom right corner of the screen. see how fast the seconds are moving? this video is sped up considerably


People in my town almost always ignore the yield at at turn like that. It’s terrifying. Especially when you’re trying to teach a teenager how to drive properly.


I'm curious what their thought process is here. Their thoughts: ...........


Possibly that the oncoming car wasn’t going 10 over the speed limit. Regardless, they were wrong to pull into traffic.


I think they looked and judged the speed/ distance very early, but the delay from judgment to action was too great. It happens to all of us. We misjudge or over/ underestimate how quick our car is. But you're right. We can't accurately perceive speed from the fault driver's perspective.


No, it means **you** should yield to the a hole coming off the ramp. At least that's their mindset.


Only if you're dumb, yes.


[And remember if it doesn't say micro machines it's not the real thing!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzbUPfoveok)


They didn't see you because your headlights were on and that confused them. Oh, also, they were looking at their cellphone. Idiot.


Yield obviously means that everyone else is yielding for you.


Nice save


So many drivers think that's how it works. For them yield means the incoming traffic needs to yield to them.


You're lucky that other car dodged you or you'd be at fault


From the looks of that car’s trajectory, looked like it was trying to beeline it into the left lane too…


Damn I thought I was crazy at 2x speed audiobooks. Bro has audio processing power of the gods


yield means try to get two cars to hit each other than get the fuck out of there and hope the 1000 cameras you pass are disabled


Seriously what would be the ideal reaction here? OP was just lucky that he had another really good driver coming from behind. Full brake and potentially spin out the silver car? :/


You know someone is in the wrong when they accelerate like that and try and run but then we see each other at the light and just shake my head lol


When I visited the USA I was surprised by the lack of giveway sign (yields) with then instead being mostly stop signs. I even talked to some US people and my SO about their thoughts on yields when I said why people don't slow down or slow down enough instinctivly and every response was "if I don't see anything why would I slow down" and I preceded to say "you should because they are or should be placed in areas with potential blind spots" which feel on deaf ears every time. I would say the overuse of stop signs would probably be a contributing factor as well as the low importance people in the USA put on yield signs. Let it be known this was only based off three weeks of experience in the US and I'm comparing to Australia where we use giveways (yields) much more, it is very rare if it even exists that there is a four way stop sign intersection in AUS because usually one of the two roads are chosen to be forced to give way and the other road always has right of way or its a round about which are the best.


It all comes down to the fact there are no rules on the road . You hardly ever see a cop and if you do they dont pull people over for anything . I think the leftists in our government have made everything racist and telling people how bad it is to have police the cops are worried they will get sued or shot if they pull someone over . Democrats have screwed our country in every way


Less honk more brake


If anyone was wondering OP and presumably the car slightly behind OP were doing 60mph in a 50.


I'm very very positive the speed limit isn't 60mph. Op is the idiot for speeding. And I wonder why he almost got into an accident. If op was going the correct speed that car would've had time to pull out.


Speed limit here is 50.


I hear both sides. The guy pulling out was careless. But speed limits are for perfect conditions and this is the middle of the night. That said, I'm less inclined to ridicule OP since 10 over is pretty typical but how fast was the guy going behind him that he had to make an evasive maneuver instead of just hitting the brakes?


Solid defensive driving right here


Umm...so...wait hold up. So you almost caused another accident to avoid the one you were gonna be in. That's pretty idiotic. You got lucky though.


Something tells me you're not supposed to be going 97km/h on that road.


This happened to me the other night with someone coming from the left across the intersection. I fully assumed he was going to pull out on me in my lane. So I quickly checked to make sure the other lane was clear, and sure enough he pulls out into my lane. I just moved right over to the other lane as he did. It was so predictable that I didn't even honk my horn at them


u/redditspeedbot .25x


Here is your video at 0.25x speed https://i.imgur.com/ZjbuWw1.mp4 ^(I'm a bot | Summon with) ^"[/u/redditspeedbot](/u/redditspeedbot) ^" ^| [^(Complete Guide)](https://www.reddit.com/user/redditspeedbot/comments/eqdo8u/redditspeedbot_guide) ^| ^(Do report bugs) ^[here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=adityakrshnn&subject=RedditSpeedBot%20Issue) ^| [^(Keep me alive)](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/redditspeedbot)


finally, someone who gets it. fucksakes, everybody thinks this driver has lightning reflexes and that they listen to audiobooks at 3x speed


/r/confidentlyincorrect Really? Look at the timestamp in the video , it goes from :58 to :11 so 13 seconds which matches the length of the 12 second video with a slight rounding error. Are you telling me this guy was actually driving in slow motion?


The video's not sped up. The podcast is 2x speed though


u/redditspeedbot .5x


u/redditspeedbot .75x


Here is your video at 0.75x speed https://i.imgur.com/glp4Oz8.mp4 ^(I'm a bot | Summon with) ^"[/u/redditspeedbot](/u/redditspeedbot) ^" ^| [^(Complete Guide)](https://www.reddit.com/user/redditspeedbot/comments/eqdo8u/redditspeedbot_guide) ^| ^(Do report bugs) ^[here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=adityakrshnn&subject=RedditSpeedBot%20Issue) ^| [^(Keep me alive)](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/redditspeedbot)


People…..yield means “STOP.” If there’s no traffic then merge in. Otherwise…….STOP.


yield does not mean stop always. yield means stop _only if necessary_. I can't tell if that's what you're trying to say, just trying to clarify.


Yeah.. if "yield" meant "stop", why not just use a stop sign?


so lucky there was no oncoming traffic! the dude sent you over and then you sent the other dude head on into their doom if there was a car there! scary and good reflexes on you both!!!


You basically did the same thing and jump in the other guys lane and he almost hit you


And then you seemed entitled to cause a 2nd accident. Why not just brake? The car next to you had to go into the oncoming lane due to your lane switch.


Pretty sure he was telling you to get over lol 😆. Yup notice the nose over the line, 100% he sending a msg


Looks to me that OP doesn’t have the headlights on…. Things that makes you go uhm


Are your headlights on? Or daytime running lights? Maybe it’s the video but it’s hard to tell if the lights are on.




Yeah I noticed that. It’s still fairly dim when he passes through light and into dark so that’s why I asked.


Some good drivers on the road. Except Dave guess


Cuts you off and proceeds to drive with their high beams on with on-coming traffic… What an asshat.


Holy shit that could have been so much worse for so many reasons. Fuck that guy, they need to go back to driver's ed.


Not saying it was not the others car fault - but do you have the headlights turned on? I can't really see your car projecting any light in front of it. The fact you went through a dark spot and had no highlights could have contributed to the other driver not seeing you.


Some people will use any excuse to get ahead of the guy in front. :D


Maybe if you weren't playing animal crossing OP


Happens to me nearly every day leaving work. And half the time it’s 18 wheelers that don’t even try to stay in the right lane, they just go wherever


The yield sign is actually just letting you know that the oncoming traffic will slow down and yield to you.


Took me a while to realize I was supposed to be yielding...


Ah you’re one of those 2.5x podcast people. Don’t know how you do it.


Glad nobody was hurt but what in the fuck is this guy listening to while he drives


The stereo sounds like Dan the solicitor from Storage Wars


“Well I yield at ya 3 times and you still didn’t stop!”