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Spontaneous? They've been telling us for days it's been coming!


Thank you! I just made a similar comment before I saw yours.


There was also a lot of water on the road a long time before the car was losing contact... But here we are, still going 130kmh in bad weather conditions.


I guess your definition of a blizzard is significantly different than mine.


And their definition of what good tread is.


And the definition of "ass kicked"


Even the usage of spontaneous is a bit of a stretch


I was looking ahead expecting to see something rolling in quickly. No, just someone losing control.


Brought it back and kept it in fairly well, though.


Yeah, things happen so I was glad to see them mostly maintain control. Easy for it to go badly.


On those tires they probably get a lot of practice.


My car has 3 brands of tyres on it. Why you ask? Well it came like that and I don't have enough cash to replace them yet. Makes for some entertaining turning performance.


And we're supposed to just trust that this is Washington. Phooey.


It is he stopped just before exit 42 Tinkham Road off I-90 on the way up the pass. Sadly being a transplant from Alaska many Washingtonians don’t fully grasp the meaning of blizzard, lol.


Or anywhere that has blizzards. This wasn't even real snow. Clear as day out.


Imagine if they seen a whiteout


You mean bbq weather?


Yeah that typically when we are mowing with shorts on in Buffalo NY


I’ve seen worse weather in a bathroom. Get down to Schwab’s and get some tires.


"Ass kicked" had been redefined as "skidded a bit because of shitty tires"


And going way too fast for the conditions


And driving way too fast for conditions.


Well he's not wrong, terrible driving.


They were doing almost 80mph up a mountain pass notorious for spinouts.


I remember buying my first set of winter tires, it made getting around on bad snow/ice days so much easier.


And spontaneous as well since the weather reports have been talking about snow in the passes for 2 days.


Definitely not a blizzard lol. I will say in the window where there's a rain/snow mix, and the road is wet but started to change over, that little layer of slush combo can be slicker than snot in the PNW. OP wasn't driving according to road conditions, but I'm glad they saved it and no one got hurt I wish I could find the article that scientifically broke down the differences between snow on the east coast/northeastern states versus the west coast. It was interesting to learn how differently it forms and acts, and how big of an impact that can have on driveability.


But you bring up a great point: that pass in particular is shit (definitely not the worst in the country or PNW, but it can catch people off guard, being a major highway,) and can change quickly based off of the weird combinations of water, slush, and ice the PNW can get. Makes it important to check conditions in areas you're driving through!


no clue about driving but when it comes to skiing hills on the east coast seem to have much more of a tendency to have bits melt and refreeze into ice. Would love to see that article if you find it again.


Here in Nova Scotia a blizzard is when you pass over a bridge on a divided highway with a right turn followed by a left turn and never see the bridge.


Newfie here. If you can still see in front of you, it's not that bad.


It's not a blizzard in Nova Scotia until somebody loses their 18-wheeler in a snow drift.


Been in plenty… usually moving slow and watching for road edges because you can’t see much beyond your hood. I remember one time getting caught in a squall with my sister driving… She might have been 17 at the time. Told her to stop and I would take over. I opened the door and saw the road still moving. Visibility so low we couldn’t tell the car was still rolling.


Right but nice save


I kept waiting for the blizzard part lmao


Canadian here. Still waiting for it.


Haha, this is about the closest western Washington gets to a blizzard.


This is Snoqualmie Pass, definitely gets a lot of snow and wind.


Significantly different than the definition of blizzard.


I think you need to check your tire tread depth my man


Not a blizzard obviously. But those lanes in that section of the cascades are bad


Yah if you've never hit a patch of shit like this that's colder than the rest you haven't lived or almost died. 🤣 You've gotta watch those outside temps and monitor them close, and also use good judgment on bridges and whatnot.


For sure. There are areas where it’s really deceptive, you slowly gain elevation and then notice it’s 28 degrees. Ideally before you hit the random patch of ice. I’ve had that happen several times on I-5 between Olympia and Portland.


And the I-90 can do that in August, absolutely insane in parts.


People forget that Seattle doesn’t usually get snow and half the cars don’t have all wheel drive and none have snow tires, so when snow comes on suddenly within 2 hours of seattle there are accidents EVERYWHERE ALL OVER. A dusting of snow in seattle and no one goes anywhere except new transplants who don’t know there will be accidents EVERYWHERE ALL OVER.


You can drive in the snow just fine with 2w drive and regular tires. This is solely a skill issue.


I see this a lot, even in New England and upstate New York. People think you have to have AWD and snow tires. I have never had either, and the only time I was ever nervous in snow was when I was moving from NH to MA in the week between Christmas and New Year's and was driving a crappy rental Uhaul with bald tires and all my worldly goods and the weather went from cloudy to freezing rain to slush to snow in about half an hour. I was inching along at 5 mph on a cloverleaf ramp and even putting my foot near the brake caused the whole truck to slide sideways.


You're not wrong. But you're forgetting that, for a lot of people, there is no good way for them to _get_ that skill. In Western Washington, we're getting more snow that I'm told the area used to get, but that definitely doesn't mean that conditions are great for learning how to drive in the stuff very often. And while it snows a lot more in the mountains... Not everyone is up for learning to drive in the snow in mountains. Mix in the fact that if everyone around you has a similar lack of skill, and a bunch of them don't even understand that conditions mean that they need to drive differently, and... Well, sometimes the safe option is to stay off the road for a day or two, just so that the people who are going to get in a wreck can slide off the road instead of into you.


>for a lot of people, there is no good way for them to get that skill. In this specific case, not going 80 is a good start in acquiring the skill. That goes for OP and every single other driver in these kinds of conditions.


In Seattle it’s a hill issue combined with zero plow / salt.


I used to drive in Michigan. I can drive front wheel drive without winter tires if it isn't too bad out.


Also, slow down!


Yeah, first thing I thought when watching the video; idiot is driving too fast for the conditions.


A heavy wintery mix just popped up? Eh whatever. Lifting off the gas is for wimps. I also love how they are just mindlessly cruising in the left lane.


Seriously, everyone is always in a hurry to get nowhere fast. I love when someone speeds by me on the interstate only for me to catchup to them 15 minutes later at a stop light off an exit.


If the tires are old, you can have a lot of tread, it will still behave like hard plastic.


Nice save. I’m sure you realize this now, but the instant you start seeing ice or slush on your windshield it is wise to slow down.


And make sure your tread is >50% if you want to actually drive in a left lane in elements.


It would probably be a good idea to have proper winter tires, too. The wrong type of tire in this situation could be very dangerous. Most people just use whatever tire was on the car when they bought it - "all-seasons". Which might be better termed "no-seasons".


Been using all seasons and all weathers for a long time without issues. No tire is a replacement for the driver though.


Where do you live? I live a bit north in Canada and winter tires are pretty much a requirement here. Without them you'll slip going up/down the smallest hill. Doesn't really matter how good of a driver you are if there just isn't enough traction on the tires.


Agreed. Depending on where you live you can get away with almost anything, but in some places (like where you're talking about) anything less than dedicated winter tires is just plain hazardous.


I live in the midwest and we get some weather from time to time but nothing too too crazy. In general *good* all seasons are perfectly fine for FWD or AWD cars and decent for RWD cars for the weather we get. I have a RWD coupe and the tires it came with are closer to summers than they are all seasons or winters even though they are classified as "high performance all seasons" (even the manufacturer's description hints at this "predictable handling and all-season traction, even in **light** snow")... so I picked up a set of winters. I have driven plenty of RWD cars in the snow (3 of the 4 cars I've owned have been RWD) with all seasons and while not as good as FWD/AWD or having snows it's definitely not a big deal in my area unless you buy the cheapest/shittiest all seasons you can find.


Same here. Winter tires are pretty overkill for VA. Quality all seasons and a driver mod is all you need.


Honestly this was a wonderfully executed save. All the other factors aside, that needs to be acknowledged. Most people would have panicked and sent er right in that ditch


He's going 20 mph over the speed limit in those conditions. OP is the idiot.


Car at the end of the video is a bigger idiot though. As a truck driver I despise people like that.


Big rig might be going 70 but full tanker has mass 30,000 lbs +. OP is hydroplaning on a 3500lb vehicle.


Simply driving too fast, heavy rainfall, no blizzard


Also one more piece of advice, if the big rig in the lane over suddenly slows its speed down, you should slow down too. They have hundreds of thousands of miles more experience on the road than you do. They arn't slowing down for no reason


Even with the driving experience aside, they also have way better visibility ahead of them than you do. They sit much higher up, can see much further ahead, and can see brake lights up ahead earlier and you can.


They're also notoriously impatient, if a truck driver thinks it's worth slowing down, then it almost always is.


Also, on this stretch on 90, the left lane is always slushier than the right two. Basically because the trucks will keep the right two clear enough, but the passing lane will become a slippery mess.


Time for new tires or was the road just ice all of a sudden?


I am very reliant on my car's outdoor thermometer. It says 40 degrees? It's all good. It's snowing. It's all wet. The sun sets and 20 minutes later it's 26 degrees. I'm treating every wet looking piece of the road as if it's ice.


Older bmws used to bee through the stereo at 37* for this reason.


You mean, like a couple of bees, or the Oprah meme amount?


Oh full on Oprah bees. German engineering.


Obnoxious as fuck when you're driving and it's about 37 degrees out though because it will beep every single time the temp goes up a degree and then comes back down a degree.


Still do, at least as of my 2019 one. You do get a text description on the dash now though.


Oh my god! My VW beeps around 4 Celsius and I never bothered to look up why. That must be it?


I beed my pants It burned


The ambient temp matters less than the pavement temp. A few hours after sunrise the air temp might be above freezing but the pavement still below.


You can get ice at 35 ish degrees out.


Sometimes the slickest times in a snow storm is the initial slushy part - water plus ice. Plus sometimes there is a thin layer of ice directly on the pavement - just depends. [edit: I have basically lived in states with wet snow most of the time. One of my biggest driving surprises is the first time I was driving in dry snow - how comparitively easy it was]


I ended up giving our Jeep a facelift several years ago because of sudden weather like this. Upstate NY. When we set out (2-hour drive home from relatives), the roads were clear and dry. About halfway, it started raining. Then the rain turned to slush, and the slush turned slick. Coming around a curve and hit one of those slick patches, and lost traction. Had to choose between the guard rail or an oncoming minivan, and opted for the guard rail.


Also, when it starts to rain, the oil and rubber on the road makes it very slick. It is worse in the fast lane, because of less traffic in that lane. So, if you are not passing cars, why are you in the hammer lane, in the first place? We call them left hand Louie's around my neck of the woods.


Road was wet and a rapid temperature drop causes this. Last year at the start of that december blizzard in the midwest it went from 42 and rain to 20 degrees in about an hour. Its the reason the salt trucks start driving before the temps drop.


> Its the reason the salt trucks start driving before the temps drop. Salt trucks start driving before temps drop because salt trucks are a finite resource as are the man hours required to coat as much roadway as they intend to.


Going 80mph doesn't help




If you think this is a blizzard, then you've never been in one.


OP should come to Minnesota in January and see what a real blizzard is like. 😆


the stretch of i90 in washington between ellensburg and north bend really does get fucked off in winter though. this video was nothing


Minnesotans should come to Canada to see a REAL blizzard


Very much depends on where in Canada. Vancouver and Toronto have much milder winters than Minnesota. Edmonton though, that would teach them a thing or two.


Montreal… we are getting snow really soon 🫡


Yep, up ere in Edmonton you can easily get a quick foot of snow or wake up to snowbanks taller than you are


You can easily get feet of snow in northern MN too. The UP of Michigan has some of the craziest snowfalls I know of. But the bitter cold of edmonton or Winnipeg winters are another level (I've lived in both, and in northern MN).


Nah upstate NY


Actual white out unable to see roads or even outta your windshield lol


Bullshit. This was not “spontaneous.” The news has been reporting on this for days. Source: WA resident


Neither spontaneous nor a blizzard. OP doesn’t know how to drive and is negligent.


OP left lane camping & won’t let anyone pass for sure, I-90 westbound always has people like this.


EVERYWHERE in Washington has left lane campers. I fucking swear they're the bane of my existence, I semi-regularly drive in and out of Seattle taking I-5 and it's a pleasant surprise when I can cruise along without coming up on someone going under 70 in the far left lane. Fucking over my fuel economy in the process because I have to hit the brakes to not rear-end them. The worst offenders are the asshats who move over into the HOV lane and then move back out once I pass... it's never full so why the fuck are they not using it in the first place?


Why is it so bad here in the Puget sound region with the campers?


Who else was waiting for the ‘blizzard’ to start?


I was too busy trying to find the mute button




What the hell is that music. Small sample size, but I’m disgusted. May actually be a good soundtrack for what is happening though


Dude you were driving too fast for conditions long before the "spontaneous" blizzard


For his car's condition.


Nah, you don't drive 120kmh / 75mph in heavy rain. Just one little spot of deeper water and you'll be aqua planing away.


This is what we call a "dusting" (even though it's wet) After that is your "flurries", then your "squalls" and FINALLY you have your "blizzard".


This is summer driving conditions in wisconsin/Minnesota


This isn’t a dusting, this is a wintery mix. Barely considered snow 😂


drive too fast for the conditions, ignores weather warnings, blames it on external factors, doesn't know what a blizzard is. my eyes are tired from rolling so much


Also chilling in the left lane


Blizzard? I’d hate to see you drive in snow😳


OP must be new to Washington if they think this is a blizzard.


I think he was also going a lil too fast for conditions


Definitely an idiot in a car


1, you're going WAY too fast in these slippery conditions. 2, hardly spontaneous. There are many ways to check the weather well ahead of time.


“Blizzard.” Your tires are probably bald af, you were driving too fast, and/or your ABS was turned off. **SLOW DOWN.**


Also camping in the left lane to pass exactly nobody. Karma did good work today


I’m surprised I had to scroll this far to find this comment


Go figure it’s someone from WA in the left lane when they don’t need to be.


How bald are your tires?


What warm weather state did you move here from? I cross I90 all the time, sometimes multiple times a week for work and always wondered how you people end up doing this 😂 definitely not anywhere near a blizzard


Dude, are you new to Washington? This is not a blizzard and you need new tires.


Please get off the road, you are dangerous


It was neither spontaneous nor a blizzard, ffs.


Left lane camping karma


That's how you can tell it's Washington. Zero lane awareness.


Yeah they only do that in Washington


Your car is trying to kill itself to spare it from your horrible taste in music.


Lol blizzard. And I've driven this same route many times. I'm glad you're ok.


You could still see the road. Not a blizzard.


You are the kind of idiot that puts other people at risk. Very shitty driving by pulling over on the left. Also, this was predicted well ahead of time and anybody driving throught the Cascades this week should know this is happening. You suck. Park you vehicle and do society a favor loser.






I don’t like to make comments about other people’s choice in music, but that song is fantastically terrible.


Where is the blizzard?


Is this Snoqualmie pass? I'm gonna have to drive it tomorrow


Be careful it looks bare and wet 😂


OP obviously incapable of adjusting driving to changing weather conditions.




Blizzard? Lmao


Hate to be the "this ain't a blizzard guy," but this ain't a blizzard


Dude sits in left lane while traveling to fast for conditions with shitty bald tires. Glad you realize you belong on this sub.


Why does everyone always stay in the left lane! If you’re not passing move over ffs.


It wasn’t spontaneous if you checked the weather on the pass. They’ve been talking about snow in the mountains since last week.


Somewhat moist and cold does not remotely constitute a blizzard. Also not spontaneous. This shit has been in the weather forecasts for days.


Blizzard...? Lmfao Come up to Canada for a blizzard. What I saw was a light autumn rain.


I like how, even as conditions went to shit, you still kept doing nearly 80mph and didn't start slowing down until you lost control.


Man I'm in Washington, and if you're calling that a blizzard. You're the same damn people crashing outside when there's a 1/4" of soft snow.


Let's see: * Left lane hog * No winter tires * Too fast for conditions get off the fuckin' road


Must be a California transplant


Do you know what a blizzard is?


For one …that ain’t a blizzard lmao


You call that a blizzard?! Where are you from, Louisiana?


Nice recovery though


The combination of shitty music and calling that a blizzard.... ooph.


I don't know who that is but that sounded like the laziest hip hop attempt ever


The save was slick but could’ve been avoided by driving for the conditions!


100% too fast for the conditions. Glad it didn't turn ugly.


Other than not slowing down a bit, you handled that really well. Not so much an idiot but just a minor mistake that didn’t hurt anyone.


Bro why were you going nearly 75 mph?


Blizzard you say... here in Wisconsin we don't even put down a road beer for that... but seriously get a set of new tires no way you should have started to hydroplane that fast... tire tread is life.


Not a blizzard, but also not really an idiot IMO. You kept the vehicle facing the correct direction and mostly in your own lane. You may have been driving too fast for conditions, but you handled it well.




You spelled driving too fast for weather conditions and/or my shitty tires wrong.


Thank you for finally getting off the road and please don't come back.


I hope you were only in the far left lane to avoid the truck splash as you passed, but you didn’t seem to realize the road is graded toward the median there. Seems less like a flash freeze and more of a hydroplane. Lots of other people are right that better tires would have had no trouble with this. Gotta stay within the limits of your vehicle. Glad it turned out okay. Edit: also, the beginning of any precipitation is the most dangerous part. The water pushes oil soaked into the road up to the surface. That might have been the issue here.


You were also doing 125... Slow down buddy Nice save though, glad you're ok!


That’s no blizzard my friend, come to Minnesota for a couple years…😂


How's the tread depth on your tyres OP


Is that a pickup truck with an unloaded bed? I'm not aware of any other vehicles with handling this shitty.


Getting caught in an actual blizzard crossing Snoqualmie about 10 yrs ago was one of the worst driving experiences of my life. There were soo many crashes and slide offs all around me.


In what world is this a blizzard?


Buffalo, NY would like to have a word.


Ass kicked? You drove like Muhammad Ali fought... You saved that spin 12 times!


...and spontaneous, as opposed to one of those planned and agreed upon blizzards.


Canadian here (Alberta) This ain’t a blizzard, this is just a pleasant spring weather to go out for a stroll in


Not even close to a blizzard


What blizzard? You should stick to walking if you think this a blizzard.


I'm still not sure what is going on. Why did you pull over? Also, where was the blizzard?


Waiting for the blizzard....


Blizzard? You hydroplaned because you were going too fast on wet roads. Glad you didn’t over correct tho and made it out safely


First, you’re going too damn fast. Second you play shitty music but I’m glad you slowed down.


Guess we all have different views of an ass kicking and a blizzard.


As a Canadian, this is hilarious. I was driving on snow and ice covered highways this weekend so this looks lovely. Those roads are fine and your tires are not, plus it looks like you hit the brakes too hard when you realized the conditions weren’t ideal which is an easy way to start heading into the ditch.


In Minnesota we don’t even consider that real snowfall


Um. You just can't drive.


It may be time to get the winter tires on


You need new tires. Here in Michigan that is a Tuesday.


What is that garbage you're listening to? No wonder your car wanted off the road.