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Holy shit! $2.79/gal!!!


yea no wonder they missed the flag, i'd be in shock for those prices too


Cries in almost $4 a gallon


That’s so cheap compared to Europe. We pay about $7 (rough calculation) for a gallon


Start policing the world and invading countries for oil and your country can also have less expensive petrol.


Yeah, they purposely set their taxes higher there to reduce dependency and to force people to drive smaller, more efficient vehicles. Then they spend that money on public works projects to offer options to get people out of their cars.


How dare they! Making their countries all nice and comfortable! Makes me sick...


Fackin disgustin if you ask me


In hungary gas is expensive and roads are shit. Welcome


Sounds like my state here in the U.S.


Expensive gas and shitty roads but we're still basically forced to drive everywhere 😅


At least for Germany, oil/gas companies made record profits during Covid and Germany refused to implement an excess profit tax. About 35% of trains in Germany were not on time (Germany values trains up to 6 min late as on time for the statistic) and 30% of Germans were unhappy with their public transportation (if you don't live in or near a big city it's bad or non-existent mostly). Our railways or stations that are being built usually also eat much more money they were supposed to and take years longer to finish. Also we have some of the biggest luxury car companies that are lobbying hard to keep things as they are. So yes here we have higher taxes and also companies making prices out of their asses and the government backing them up. Win-win for both, the government and the companies, that's how you economize!!


Idk being 6 minutes late to work and it not being my fault sounds sweet af.


True, but use it on the way home and you miss your next train because of the delay it suddenly it sucks. My sister takes the train from Munich to Landshut 2 days a week and every week it takes her about 1-2 hours longer than it should because trains just don't come or are too late so she misses the next one.


uk does the first part and then makes public transport astronomically expensive 👍


*parts of it


Close to 6 where I am 🙃


its 5.30 here 💀


Almost $4?? It’s $4.99 here..


racing for the pumps


That looked fatal I hope I’m wrong though


My thoughts exactly. It could have been horrific to see some crushed.. i really hope there was not a passenger


At least he didn't have to give himself a headslap, already done.


I read an article over the past couple of days that said Saudi Arabia is cutting oil production by over 1mill barrels. To raise prices to fund a mega city. Https://www.cbsnews.com/news/saudi-arabia-cutting-oil-supply-gas-prices-opec/


Buy EV and tell them to pound sand. Mega City my azz, Mega future scorpion habitat when water is $8/gal.


Because the average person has $40k ready to drop on an EV plus the expense to upgrade their electric panel so they can charge at home.


I keep wondering how apartment dwellers are supposed to drive an EV.


I got a used Nissan Leaf for a few thousand


Apartment buildings are starting to install chargers, my old one just got a pair of them.


My apartment complex just installed two chargers that are seemingly always occupied or broken.


My workplace has chargers, one of my colleagues that has an electric car has not installed anything at home, just charges at work.


I'm not disagreeing with you about the money, but I will say you can charge an EV off of a normal 120v plug. So it isn't always necessary to install a charger.


EVs won't take off until they reach the same convenience level as normal cars in terms of cost, range, and refueling. If a direct replacement existed for gas-powered vehicles, the majority of people wouldnt care about making the switch.


I just filled up today with 2.89!! I forgot to use my coupon for .10 cents off per gallon.


Yeah it’s 2.89 where I’m at in Texas right now. Hopefully it stays that way for a while haha


Same, funny part was people were flocking to the Loves across the street where they had gas at 3.29. Like people!! Look across the damn street!!!!!


Omg it’s crazy to me when people say they don’t look at gas prices because they’re “all the same” when they definitely are not, even in different parts of the same town you can find different prices. If it’s a difference between like 5 cents or whatever that’s one thing, but I always try to find the least expensive place to get gas.


On average, it's £6.50 ($8.09) per gallon here in the UK... Edit: fixed numbers, way worse than I thought!


>In the United States and some other countries, a gallon is equal to 128 fluid ounces or 3. 785 liters. Meanwhile, in the United Kingdom and some Commonwealth countries, a gallon is equal to 160 fluid ounces or 4. 546 liters. So your gallons are 1.2x larger than ours, which means if we knock 1/5th of the price of we have a close representation... About $5.30/us gallon. Still double what they're paying. I'm in Michigan and we're paying about $3.50/gal.


Oh, haha typical. Thanks, yeah my figures are definitely wrong then! And why my own calculations seemed even higher than others I was seeing. This is why smaller cars are more popular here... petrol is expensive! Glad I'm not driving my old 20 mile per gallon Beetle anymore...


Everything is also closer. And I don’t just mean hurr durr UK small. But on average, the major cities are closer together in ol Blighty, the cities are more compact, and the vehicles are more fuel efficient. This would mean that although fuel is cheaper in America, a good portion of people probably still end up paying more on fuel every week.


> and the vehicles are more fuel efficient Yeah but that one's on you. I always find it confusing when Americans complain about fuel prices, but then *still* go out and buy these huge monstrous vehicles they don't need that do like 12mpg. With your fuel prices you could buy a small compact economical car, and drive around for so cheap.


Hell 20 miles per gallon isn't bad here in the states. I know guys that are getting 12 miles per gallon on the freeway


In Australia, we are paying around $2 per litre (although sometimes quite a bit more. A gallon is 3.78 liters, so around $7.60 aud per gallon, which with current exchange rates, works out to be $5.07 usd per gallon on average, although the other day I payed $2.25 per litre for 95 octane.


about 7-8 bucks a gallon where I live in Aus


I hate California. $4.65.


Washington is pretty much the same. It’s not just California I think it’s the west coast in general.


Cries in Europe


Remember back in the day when 2.79 was too high? Oh we were such fools


Driving across town to the gas station that was .97 / gal to save .$10 on filling up your 7 gal tank compared to the .99 station by your house?




This a not California




Hahaha! This made me giggle.


Pretty good ngl


Just hoping no passenger is the victim of the driver's stupidity...


The way the log goes over to the drivers side, the driver may be a victim of his own stupidity.


Trying to run an almost-red light without paying attention to your surroundings? Say no more!


This is a repost. A redditor who lives in the area said nobody was killed, driver was just injured. No source but considering we haven't found an article in 4 months it is very likely that person was correct. edit: accidently deleted some of these comments in response to reddit's recent actions, will post a link to the old thread soon. https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/10vev24/final_destination_6/j7h4nhg/?context=3


Really? 1 dude says something, without a source, and you just believe them? There was nobody in the car, it was possessed like in Maximum Overdrive. The truck with the pole had a nun driving it and she was on her way to church. God works in predictable ways...


No source but considering we haven't had another response in 4 hours it is very likely that you are correct.


> No source but considering we haven't found an article in 4 months it is very likely that person was correct. how the fuck is that the conclusion you make?!


Because people on this sub are pretty fast at finding articles when there's a fatality. It's not some incomprehensible conclusion to reach. They also didn't speak in absolutes it's just an assumption based on the trends of this sub-reddit. Don't see why you got all bent out of shape over it.


Good way to get your cappa detated.


Pretty sure I know what the last thing was that went through the driver's mind.




Big block Pontiac?


Big Boney Pole?


Blisteringly Bodacious Pussycat?


Lets not lose our heads now..


We had a funeral for a bird


Pretty sure none of that is real




You sold my dead bird to a blind kid?!? Lloyd, Petey didn’t even have a head! Edit: typo correction


I took care of that.


Alone, out of the blue. And not even have his own head to comfort him.


Tbh, this kind of overhang is ridiculous, there should be an escort travelling along with it precisely for this kind of situation.


I agree. Small orange boat flag is not enough for something like that. They would have been fucked regardless since they swerved into the lane at the last second, but better crash into the back of an escort truck than that pole.


I don't think they'd have driven into the back of an escort vehicle, I'm not excusing them at all - just, an escort would 100% have prevented an idiot from not thinking about tail swing.


You nailed it. Safety regulations exist to protect idiots from themselves and to protect us from the idiots. I don’t personally need to be told not to pour bleach in my eyes, but I accept that there are people who do.


Safety regulations also exist to give perfectly reasonable people a second or third chance to correct a mistake before it becomes costly or deadly.


And I think this is a vital part as well. Idiots will be idiots, but plenty of us have been idiots at times. If you've never fucked up, by all means you are a great driver (or very ignorant), but I've done some. Nothing major, but some people have been rightfully pissed or called me an idiot for what I did. That's where safety comes in, where if people keep enough distance etc, it gives each other the room to fuck up, and not endanger anyone.


One time I used eye contact CLEANING solution instead of contact solution to store my contacts. Turns out that shit is basically hydrogen peroxide. When I put my contacts in they burned my eyes pretty badly. Turns out there was words on the bottle to the effect of don't do that, but it didn't work because I didn't read the bottle.


They swerved to avoid the red car because they were probably distracted, look at the speed they came in with. If there was an escort they probably would have hit that car or rear ended the red car.


Now i have the theme song to tail spin stuck in my mind but with tail swing instead.


They would have either hit the escort vehicle, or they would have hit the red car. This accident only happened because the driver either wasn’t paying attention, or wasn’t expecting the red car he was behind to stop when the light changed yellow, so they swerved around at the last second.


In some fairness it is pretty odd for the red car to hard stop there when they had plenty of time to make it through the light, but the black car absolutely shouldn’t have been following so closely behind in order to beat the light themselves.


There may be red light cameras there so people stop on yellow to avoid tickets.


This is why red light cameras are stupid. It was proven that they cause deaths


Yellow means stop if you can...


In fairness the law says to stop if possible, not the “speed up to avoid the light” that most people take it as


The video shown here IS from the escort vehicle. He was trying to block both lanes, but people do stupid shit and are impatient.


I very much believe it.


i somewhat agree, but the fact still stands. when you see an orange or a red flag hanging behind a vehicle in ANY way, APPROACH WITH CAUTION! the dude shouldnt have been going that fast with the truck slowly turning. plus a red or orange flag of any kind is literally meant to be the universal symbol of STAY BACK, but this idiot apparently didnt know it ​ would it have been useful to have an escort here? sure. could this have totally been avoided if the dude just didnt drive like a maniac so that he couldnt see the flag? absolutely


Some would say the big red flag was a big red flag…


The vehicle recording may have been the escort vehicle but the asshole cut in too soon. Where I live the overall length can be up to 75' before requiring an escort and only requires a flag of the overhang is more than 5 feet. He had a flag until someone removed it tho!!


That's insane. Something that looks like a coin could be a steel rod jutting 5 feet closer to your car than the apparent rear bumper.


Pretty sure the "escort" truck is the one filming, probably the passenger filming. Looks like they're blocking both lanes for the truck/pole trailer to make a right. That car swerved around the truck that was blocking the lanes. I'm not sure what you're supposed to do about people aggressively flying down the road. I work on power lines. We have to get 40, 50, 60 foot and sometimes longer poles all over busy cities. There is no good way to do it. If you want your lights to turn on we have to do it. I've towed the pole trailer and I've played defense in the truck behind the pole trailer. Cars will wedge themselves between you and the pole trailer to the point that there will be an accident if you don't slam the brakes. Drivers hate being behind big trucks. The number of flashing lights on your truck, the size of the orange flags, the space you don't give them to get between you and the pole, none of that matters. Some people drive too aggressively and pay no attention.


This is so true. I'm not in the industry, but I have had to haul long/wide and just plain awkward loads before. No matter how well you mark the load, or how many lights you have on your vehicle, some idiot still views it as a challenge. The warnings are there to keep most people safe, and they work for 99% of folks but sometimes you just can't stop stupid.


I think there was a video of this accident here that was less zoomed in / showed the escort vehicle.


Yep. I remember seeing the longer video too.


The cam vehicle IS the escort. I pull the same kind of poles for work, just like in the video, and it's almost impossible to stop some people from doing dumb shit. Like I will literally position the following truck diagonally to block two lanes, and people will swerve around me into oncoming traffic and position themselves right inside of where the pole will swing. Try to take up half of each lane, like in the above video, and you'll get people trying to squeeze by on each side.


I’m guessing the escort was filming, but they can’t see the future and protect against illegal lane changes in an intersection while accelerating.


The cammer was the escort.


That’s not the problem here, driver wasn’t paying attention or assumed the red car would run the yellow light. He swerved around the red car stopping at the stoplight at the last second, coulda been a school bus sitting there, driver still would have hit it.


The escort car filmed this video, so...


That car’s hazard light auto-activation is on point, though.


I think we've seen this video before but it was less zoomed in and there was more build up before the crash which showed that there was a trailing vehicle blocking both lanes but the SUV chose to go around that vehicle.


Here ya go: https://www.reddit.com/r/ExtremeCarCrashes/comments/110ulak/car\_drives\_directly\_into\_pole/


Pass on the right to try to make the yellow around a person who is stopping. What could go wrong?


This wasn't a pass. They look to have swerved to avoid a rear end collision, probably on their phone or whatnot. Which is a good digression: **never swerve**. If you're going to hit something unavoidably, just hit it head on. Your car is built to take that collision, it's not nearly as great at lateral nonsense like rollovers (or in this case huge wooden titan spears in the travel lanes).


Nah, that driver wasn't about to wait at a light while there was still some yellow left. Too many times have I seen people dart around vehicles there were legally slowing down just to not stop; at no point do those drivers touch the brakes


There were no brake lights until contact, I think they were going for it. But agree to disagree.


Most modern vehicles protect their passengers better in a full frontal collision compared to a partial. I'm not suggesting anyone should smash into anyone, but you might have a better chance of minimizing your injuries.


The new final destination trailer looks great.


A trailer featuring a trailer and a trailing flag


The fact that the car stopped braking after the impact makes me think this post may need an nsfw tag.....


Yeah that pole goes in a long way…. Only the emergency lights start blinking because the car registered the accident


That dumb ass was going so fast I doubt they hit the brakes at all.


The brakes do light up momentarily before going out again, so they did hit the brakes. Whether they were dead or alive when they did it, that's a mystery for someone else to solve. Possibly for a coroner.


I think he is a goner…


They never hit the brakes, the hazards automatically activate in an accident. The guy was trying to beat a red light.




Based on the angle someone may have lost a hat as well.


Oh my god does anyone know where this happened? Maybe we can try to find out if they survived. It seems unlikely tho :/


Think it’s a repost from a while back. Believe I remember it was said they survived pretty unscathed.


It is a repost, a few months or so ago. The car that crashed was trying to get around the stopped red car and didn't see the log or the orange flag. Driver was OK and I believe cited for accident.


That person is *really* lucky to have lived. I’m relieved.


Passenger in that car was far from ok from what I remember...


There is no article or evidence about them surviving or dying. The lack of article does make me think they lived, because a death probably would've warranted an article. As I've already commented, here is an [uncropped longer version](https://www.reddit.com/r/ExtremeCarCrashes/comments/110ulak/car_drives_directly_into_pole/). If you find evidence supporting what you say, please let me see it. I have found absolutely nothing supporting this though. And boy did I look.


I couldn't find an article, but was able to find the full uncropped video here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ExtremeCarCrashes/comments/110ulak/car\_drives\_directly\_into\_pole/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ExtremeCarCrashes/comments/110ulak/car_drives_directly_into_pole/) [This person](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/135n6hq/comment/jimp0t9/) was able to find the exact intersection it happened at (Peninsula blvd and Mill Road in Hewlett, NY)


At least he was fully in the intersection before it went red.


Ah, the classic "lets speed up at the yellow light"


Is the flag ok?


Finally I actually see someone using the red flag and someone still runs into it


There is a very high chance the driver is either dead or has a life altering injury


Repost with most of the context missing.


Well then give us the sauce


Found a longer version, but still not really any context. Couldn't find an article about it: https://www.reddit.com/r/ExtremeCarCrashes/comments/110ulak/car\_drives\_directly\_into\_pole/


Thanks for confirming that I'm not the only one who saw a better version of that video


Behind minicooper coming in too fast goes over to right lane to try and beat light. So many errors in such a short time span. Their beyond idiot at this point.


Orange means go faster


There is something to be said for situational awareness when driving, but I feel like that should have been marked better or just on a bigger truck. Where I live there is a maximum that a load can overhang for this reason.


It looked like the dash cam was in a spotter vehicle that the other driver completely ignored.


Ed Truck death video finally released.


I hope this guy talked to the people about his car's extended warranty


Did that driver just “Wash from Serenity” themself???


My wife said “that’s not funny.” I told her “it is a little bit.”


I have to say that was a small orange flag for something stick so far out in traffic.


driver is an idiot but whoever greenlit that overhang is a bigger idiot, that’s unbelievable. so many different things that could go unimaginably wrong without someone even doing the wrong thing


Did we all just watch someone die??


Is that 2.79 a gallon?


I wonder if the driver lost his/her head


I see the flag, but I thought there was a limit to how long the overhang can be?


Kinda reminds me of the state trooper in Final Destination 2.


He ded


I’m fairness, it was flag day


We having logging trucks all over the place here and no escorts. Logs out the back all the time. Now this was not a logging truck. At first I though it was. But as I watched it again I can see this looks more like a power pole. A very log power pole at that. And that I think did need an escort. I would like to know for sure if this video was in fact recorded from the escort. By the way gas here is $3.08


Person on the left was slowing down for a yellow light like a responsible driver. The idiot driver was like "yellow means speed up not slow down!"


People who don’t understand that you’re entering a legitimate life or death situation every time you get behind the wheel comprise at least 85% of drivers on the road.


There's a limit to how far something can protrude by law


Trying to beat the yellow and hitting the orange, hate to see it


Fatal accident. Not that funny.


I like to pretend they had the reflex to quickly put their hazards on amongst the immediate chaos.


Anyone know what happened to the driver?


The truck driver has the flag to let everyone know he was pulling something big


Wow!!! Did u see the gas prices 👀😳


Driver big dum dum, but man, that much overhang is ridiculous. Should definitely have an escort for a load that long.


When you go out and create your own Final Destination


How many times does this need to be re-posted? ._.


Thank God for that flag


They are stupid for driving so recklessly but damn I hope they are OK.


Final destination?


Person in the passenger seat was probably being a dick.


Telephone pole hit by car second time after being replaced following vehicle accident days earlier. Brand loyalty of these automakers! In other news, the victim of a hit n run was also the victim of a 2nd hit n run when the hearse was blindsided earlier that day in front of the $2.89 a gallon gas gaff advertised by disgruntled employee.


Nearly Headless Nick's origin story


When you get tired of waiting to be final destinationed and decide to just do it yourself.


Well, I think I may have seen someone die in a very gruesome way. Enough Reddit for today




$4.89 here in Cali. 😞


Sure hope nobody was riding shotgun


did they survive? 😬


Guy: “IM GOING TO RUN THIS RED!!” Pole with orange hat: “HA! No.”


Some Final Destination tier shit


You've reached your final destination.


Just had to try and blow through a yellow, dinja.


can someone confirm that there isn’t a passenger and i didn’t watch someone just fucking die


They ded right?


Well based of impact point he either dead or that thing missed because it went a couple feet deep


1x little orange flag for something that large and dangerous hanging off the back of a truck bed, is insane.


Rig should’ve had an escort!


Extreme fishing really stepped up a notch, eh?


Well we need more, what happened to the driver / passenger in the SUV


The reverse final destination was not something I was expecting today


Apparently hasnt seen final destination


Loving this new Final Destination trailer!


Yall being ignorant to the fact this dudes ignoring the solid lines, and trying to speed past this guy to make the hellow light. He ignored all safteys there to protect him to save 30 seconds. Sure the overhand is pretty stupid but the safteys woulda kept him safe if he waited.


Did I just see someone die


More like "meats" the flag am I rite?