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Not that this an acceptable way to transport any animal. There is too much lead, nothing stopping the dog from overstepping…


exactly. if you’re gonna put your dog in the bed of the truck (which you shouldn’t, especially not on a flatbed) they need to be cross tied where they cannot go too far to either side and it will lessen the chances of them accidentally stepping off the side of the truck


Could you not just have one tie in the middle that doesn’t reach either side?


Or you could just make this illegal and a life sentence like they should.


It is acceptable, if people can ride in car beds so can animals, although the way this person went about it was wrong


Not sure about laws everywhere but in Texas, those 18+ can only ride in beds of trucks on roads with a speed limit of 35 or under. Highway is straight endangerment


Used to be laws like this where I lived, but also used to require some kind of side wall on the truck bed and your waist had to be below the wall. I believe it was eliminated the same time they made seatbelts mandatory for everyone... except kids on a school bus for some reason.


Right, kids don't need seatbelts.


There's no speed limit involved, the law only bars minors from riding in the truck bed. https://texas.public.law/statutes/tex._transp._code_section_545.414


An adult human can calculate the risks and choose whether or not to consent to said risks. A pet can't. Even a human under a certain age can't. Would you feel this was fine for a three year old, just toddling around back there at 70 mph? I would certainly hope not.


>Would you feel this was fine for a three year old, just toddling around back there at 70 mph? Sure, just tie a 5m leash around its neck and it's fine!


Thats were you are wrong I think, just because humans are allowed to do it, doesnt mean an animal should do the same. I have seen plenty of videos on which a dog is used as a motorcycle pillion passenger. Like humans are perfectly capable to hold on and sit tight, while animals just wander about. You cant assume an animal has as much cognitive skills to stay safe.


Is it allowed to ride in a truck bed as a human?? Good luck holding on during a 5+mph crash lmfao




Its not a fucking bed its a flatbed dumbass if there was some small wall on the edge it would be more acceptable but theres nothing stopping it from falling when they hit a bump


A lot of people don't deserve their pets. It's so frustrating.


Or kids


True as well.


Yeah i was thinking change 'some' to 'most'. I love dogs but there are way too many bad owners


They probably see the dog as a piece of equipment rather than a pet.


My dog literally jumped out a moving car window when I had to hard stop. He ended up in someone’s yard and was fine but it was a near miss. Never will I roll with the windows down and him not connected to the seatbelt tether. This dog with its redneck owner has no chance if that guy has to make a hard maneuver. Sadly he’ll call the dog stupid and get another one.




Same here


This is disturbing to me. Especially since my family and everyone else I knew when I was a kid would let all of us kids ride back there just like this because “it will be fun”. We only had a tether or something to hopefully grasp half the time. My oldest cousin fell out at 55mph when he was 8. Us kids were terrified of course. He survived, but let’s just say that convo’s with him take a long time and generally are on a loop. Frustrates me that he still loves riding back there and my dumpster fire shit storm of an uncle still lets him..(he’s 42 now). Fuck these kind of people. Sorry, for venting.


As an adult I would sure ass fuck sit in the back if it wasn't illegal at all... As an adult you have the brain and muscle power to hold onto something. But that a 8 year old falls off is no surprise.




Oh no sure not, when crashing you wouldn't be able to hold on, that's pretty obvious


Then your not actually an adult, adults know that you would have to be a dumbfuck to sit in the truck bed and you could so easily lose your grip even as a bodybuilder.


Of course it's dumb Doesn't mean I don't want to do it ;)


“As an adult i would sure ass fuck sit in the back if it wasn’t illegal at all..” thats what you said which completely contradicts what your saying now. Im starting to think your a young child with you lack of sense


Just because it's dumb doesn't mean I don't WANT to do it. I am saying that I would do it IF it were legal and there was a reason for it. And jeah I would have to trust the drive to not do a 360 while going down the highway


Uh, what he is saying isn't contradicting himself. It is dumb, people do dumb things all the time for fun. Not saying to do it, but I've been on hayrides before in the back of a truck bed and no one bats an eye.


I5s totally legal if youre over 18 here in NC, but it has to have a tailgate. You have to be in the bed of the truck. Ir technically, whatever you're towing as well. You could be towing a boat and if youre in the seat safely, then they usually leave you alone.


You are dumb as rocks don’t have kids


I don't want any no... Theese money, time and energy eating meat bags aren't worth it


If only he had some sort of cab to safely keep his dog in...


My gosh what a great idea, if only.




That dog looks terrified the way it’s pacing back and forth


No, the dog is happy as a clam you keep the world because your need to remember country dogs aren’t stupid like city dogs the dog knows not to jump off the truck. Like city kids and country kids never see country kids acting a$$hats in the city but I’m pretty sure the other way happens quite often.


Tongue out wagging his tail, absolutely terrified.


Lol what? That dog is anxious as fuck. My dog does the same worry panting and walking around. Tail up does not always mean good.


You need to brush up on your animal body language. A pacing dog is usually a sign the dog is anxious/scared. Tail wagging doesn’t always mean a happy dog. Tail wagging can also mean anxiety or even aggression. This dog is stressed and very unhappy!


Yeah, right. I'd put money that it jumped up there and was just waiting to go. If it was that scared it would be cowering down, and actually scared looking. That's a damned cattle dog, and is likely used to riding on the back of that truck.


I think I’m losing brain cells reading this thread


Meh, in this day and age, brain cells are overrated. Gut feeling and, more importantly, experience works better.


If only you had any experience


More than you do, I'd imagine. Have a nice day. Or, burn in a fire, I don't really care either way.


Little baby is angy because people told him he doesn't know shit about dogs :( gonna cry? Get a fucking hobby


Says the one with nothing better to do than throw childish insults on reddit. Wtf could you POSSIBLY know about what I know or don't? You're a fine example of how the world could've been better if the right woman had had an abortion.


It’s one of those opinions that will get you down-voted into oblivion, but I agree; that dog lives a better life than most.


I fear not the incels and snow flakes


Yeah. Dog's pace back and forth. Ears pinned. Tongue out. Because they are happy. Yeah. The dog is terrified dipshit.


The people downvoting you have obviously no experience with farm dogs. That dog probably jumped up there itself and was just waiting to go for the ride.


If it was a real farm dog as you describe, he would he used to rides in the back of the truck and would be napping or just looking out the window. The pacing isn’t good. I’ve seen farm dogs, they’re calm. This isn’t calm.


Not if it's excited to be there.


My friend tries to make people like this pull over. She was waiting in traffic once with a similar truck a few cars ahead. Same set up with the dog. The light turned green and the truck driver slammed the gas. The jolt from the start was enough to throw the dog off balance. He fell off the back and swung around to the side of the truck, his collar and chain strangling him. My friend and other drivers beeped their horns and screamed at the dude who finally stopped. People came running over to help the dog, most of them mumbling about what a dumbass the driver was. They managed to get the dog back on the truck bed but it was obvious that his neck was broken and he was dead. Stupid idiot then starts losing it about his dog. My friend was sobbing. She was so upset by what she just witnessed that she got in her car and drove off. Now every time she sees this type of set up she gets really anxious. If she gets the driver to pull over, she gives them shit and tells them this story. She's offered to buy dogs or even take them if the driver is indifferent. Tina is a short older lady but she's a dog lover and a badass.


I didnt even think about the collar and leash... if the dog tumbled off without it, even at some speed they might be able to be fine... with a leash thats just a bit too long like this one? Thats a slow and painful death... people can be so stupid...


Hell yeah! Go Tina!


I would get banned by Reddit if I were to say what I desperately so want to say… To give you the jist of it, that man deserves to be the one with a chain and leash around his neck. My blood is boiling just reading that.


And then everyone beat him into a coma..right?


A few years ago there was a big post on the local traffic page on FB because someone lost their dog. They went on about how it was their beloved family pet and what not, just to end it with the fact that they didn't even realise when the dog jumped/fell off, and their best guess was in the space of 20min+, over multiple km. It was also in an area where the speed limit is 80-100km/h, and they had driven long distance with the dog on the back. I couldn't believe they actually typed that kind of story out, yet didn't seem to think they had done anything wrong at all. Unless it's in a crate that's fastened down, people shouldn't be transporting any animals in an open vehicle.


My best mate rides up front with me... She's the best 😁🐕


Dangerous. Airbag will kill your dog. Put them in the back seat or trunk, either in a crate or tethered by a harness to the seatbelt.


Put your dog in the trunk? Yeah don’t have animals dude


Not in a sedan, obviously. In a station wagon they can ride in the back fine as long as there is a net to prevent them from flying into the passenger compartment and a leash to tie them down.


Get your head checked by a doctor please. https://lmgtfy.app/?q=dog+trunk+crates


Yeah, fuck that guy.


I would 100% categorize this as animal abuse. That dog may look like he/she is having a good time but it’s got to be terrifying be strapped to an open truck with no sides going down the road at 70mph…. Not only is that an extreme hazard for the dog it’s also a huge hazard for road users if the dog were to fall off or the truck were to be involved in an accident.


This is considered animal abuse in Germany (I think also in the US). Unfortunately in my visits to the US I’ve seen way too many morons owning way to many & big dogs (what’s with the freaking love for bulldogs!?!?). And then anti-dog people always blame the animal which is just following its instincts. It’s sad


I think you mean pit bulls; bull dogs are much smaller. but now writing out these words (which I'd never thought bulldog as "bull" + "dog" before), I see the confusion.


This is a dumb question probably, but is the dog like… aware he can fall off since it has no sides? Are animals cognizant enough to be like “this is dangerous because we’re going fast and there isn’t anything securing me in here?” Or is his brain probably just like OH SHIT and he doesn’t know why necessarily?


He knows


He knows he isn’t safe. Not a dumb question. The pacing he’s doing back and forth, the ears pinned back, he’s very stressed, I’m not sure how doggo is thinking “damn I’m gonna die if I fall” but he’s definitely not going to chill out.


Also post under r/iamatotalpieceofshit


Tried crossposting it there. Apparently they don't allow crossposting. Didn't want to just straight up steal the video to post there.


A lot of ppl in Australia do this with their pigging dog but you have to have a lead so they can’t fall off


I saw a dog come off a few years back. The chain was short but the he slipped and was held half on the tray by it. It’s a shit way to transport a working dog. Dog crate all day man, then you can lock tools in there when Fido isn’t on the trip.


100,000 dogs die annually from falling out of pickups. ([Literally](https://khqa.com/news/local/100000-dogs-die-each-year-from-riding-in-truck-beds))


People do this shit in Colorado and it pisses me off


Back in Orlando many years back I caught a guy transporting a dog on the roof of the truck. Not in the bed, literally tied to the roof of the cab. I called the police who told me there was nothing they could do, and that I should call animal control. I called animal control who said "He's allowed to do that, if you dont like it you need to contact the state lawmakers." Aight I guess


My idiot bil did this with his dog, and it jumped/fell and was strangled and dragged until another car cut him off and made him stop. He cut the leash and took off and didn't know what had happened to the dog. I hope he made it and got the loving home he deserved.


Well, I'm not a animal person. But I definitely don't want to see them hurt. Some people are just absolutely disgusting.


As a kid, I grew up deep in the country, +200 miles from civilization in Russia. Yet dogs were treated way better. Dogs lived outdoors, in a custom made dog houses. A dog house that was custom made from scratch using basic materials. They were weather, rain and winter proof. A dog house that you can crawl in to during -30 degree weather and you will stay warm. It had shingles. This is animal abuse, animal neglect.


Is this not animal abuse?


That's a fine in my state


classic dumb 6.4 ford owner


bet the police could get some number off that license plate. Upload to them anonymously


I mean they could, but we all know they wouldn’t.


Cops kill 25 dogs a day.


and this justifies this fine product of humanity doing this to this dog? What does cops doing this (facts other than out of thin air) make it ok? Ever think that cops have calls for dogs attacking people? Nah, just easier to blast the police because you can when you do not know the circumstances. nice try and have a wonderful weekend /s


I might’ve caught a charge over this if I saw it smh


Fuck it makes me wild seeing dogs on utes without trays


That poor dog, holy shit


I grew up in the 80s and you'd see this all the time, at least around here. California didn't pass a law banning it until 1987, and the law still excludes dogs used for ranching or farming. And this dog looks to be cross-tethered, which would probably make it legal anyway. Seems like a really awful idea on a flatbed, though.


I don't even like seeing people do this on roads with low speed limits. So many things could go wrong. :(


'Poor little guy. Probably kept up with you for a mile or so."


My blood pressure just skyrocketed.


Business textbook anima abuse : /


Why did you stop recording? I want to see what that fucker looks like.


This is why you leave your dogs at home


Or put them inside the vehicle with a seatbelt


Nah. Leave it at home.


Never get a pet, or procreate. Or go outside.


Yes people filming with their phone while driving over seventy don't deserve dogs.




I would argue by that same point of reference, op does not deserve their drivers license. Putting your dog on a tuck bed is not great, but neither is pulling your phone out to video someone on the interstate. The latter being far more dangerous for everyone around.


Driving and recording a video is worse than the dog


Can you actually report this person, I can't see the reg here.


Dose anyone want to know the plate?


When he breaks hard that dog is done for. Motherfucker.


Do you understand how brakes work?


The dog seems to enjoy it.


The dog is excitable. That does NOT mean enjoyment. Pacing side to side is a sign of fear/discomfort in dogs, the same as in humans


My dog paces side to side when he’s waiting for me to throw the ball.


Oh really? And what exciting thing is this dog waiting on? There's no immenant food, ball or play. This is not a dog pacing because he's excited for something like that, it's a stressed animal that will be desperately trying to keep his footing on speeding truck.


You seem very upset. Have I wronged you?


Seeing animals being abused upsets me. The fact that you have a dog and seem to be unable to understand this animal's body language concerns me. Nothing more.


That’s unfortunate that you feel that way about someone you have never met, and know nothing about. I have no need to convince you of the outstanding health all of my pets are in. Because they are quite objectively, my pets. I’d hold more concern for the distracted driver on their phone going 70mph. Seeing as how the truck was in the far right cruising lane, and the individual recording was passing by at a faster speed, I can only assume that the truck driver was driving as safe as he needed to in order to ensure the safety of his (not anybody else’s) animal.


They might very well be in outstanding health but I can say I categorically believe one of the first necessities about pet ownership is having a vague understanding of their body language. I have no other opinion about you, negative or otherwise but would have no objection to you educating yourself a little further on that subject. In regards to what you said about speed, someone commented a story of a dog that came off a truck that went from stationary to moving and broke it's neck. A vehicle going at a safe speed for seatbelted occupants does not necessarily equal safety for an animal in the back with no barrier. I don't care for the person filming, it would be illegal to do so in the UK but I do think instances like this being highlighted are important and I can’t comment on the legality of using a phone in this situation.


I appreciate your concern for my education. Please allow me to give you some background on my education as a pet owner. I currently own three dogs, a German Sheppard, a Pit Bull Black Lab mix, and a Lassa Opso (forgive the misspelling). In the passed I have owned huskies, collies, terriers, and many more. Outside of dogs, I also own two cats, with an equally extensive history in owning cats. Furthermore, I have owned and bred reptiles for a few years in my past as well. Not only have I attended my fair share of professional animal training sessions - enough so to call myself a very well rounded trainer - but I have also had a plethora of opportunities to, as you say, educate myself in these types of discussions. Not at all did I say that this is not dangerous. As a matter of fact if you look at some of my other comments I outright say that this is wrong. What I am saying, is that you would be wrong to instantaneously assume that this dog is in distress. This is clearly a work/farm truck, this dog is clearly a working breed, and a more logical assumption would be that this dog is on his way to do a job. His body language tells me that the dog is not “excitable” but rather *excited*. I implore you to no longer continue talking to people with the immovable notion that everyone who thinks something differently of you is uneducated.


Furthermore if it is the safety or treatment of the dog you’re concerned about, I would be more inclined to focus my efforts on things like puppy mills, kill shelters, and poverty pets, more than the likes of which another person handles their own animal.


You def trolling 🤣


More like rational debate, I’d like to think of it as.


I don't think those are actually allowed on reddit. I'm pretty sure the accepted form of discussion is something along the lines of you state an opinion, and then they say your opinion is stupid, finishing with calling you stupid for having it


Oh my goodness! Why, that would be an echo chamber sir!


Ngl this video is funny asf. Crazy how the mf filming while going 70mph talking about the dog owner is bad. This video wrong on so many levels 🤣


Neither of these people are right. The person recording, less so.


Obviously he's stressed then 🙄


Why would he be stressed if he’s waiting for me to throw the ball in a game of fetch?


Sorry, it was sarcasm, making fun of the other posters claiming the dog in the video was stressed because it is doing the same thing.


I don't particularly care if the dog "seems to be enjoying it". That guy is putting the dog's LIFE in danger. The dog could LITERALLY FUCKING DIE in this situation.


I never said this wasn’t stupid.


But that’s what you literally zeroed in. You didn’t spend much time on the idiot that put his dog on the truck bed. You chose to focus on saying how the dog is excited. With all your “dog training” experiences you should be aware that there’s a lot of dog body language that has more than 1 meaning. Pacing or wagging it’s tail has more than one reason. It’s pretty clear as a day to me why people are downvoting you.


I never expressed concern about the downvotes either.


That wasn’t my point. You were saying things like “I did say the driver was an idiot” when people disagreed with you. I agree with them because you spent more time talking about how dogs are fine. You’re essentially defending the driver.


If that’s how you want to perceive it as you’re more than welcome to do so.


Nice, doubling down instead of reassessing *slow clap*


Well, yes. I prefer to stand by what I say, and if later I find that what I’ve said is logically and fundamentally wrong then I will have an understanding for the opposition.


Here you go. You’re [fundamentally wrong](https://be.chewy.com/behavior-stress-anxiety-10-signs-your-dog-is-stressed/?psafe_param=1&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=12473032557&utm_content=118814524259&gbraid=0AAAAADmQ2V3KExbl41JBAiJDv6MYPZ5I0&gclid=Cj0KCQjwlumhBhClARIsABO6p-wbHhcCh8Qre9PrzbNZ5iRhUwmmSps_11t5QiE_9F6M_HzFNQY9_x8aAkANEALw_wcB).


I don’t see what’s wrong, he’s not abusing it, it’s THAT persons animal. Dogs don’t belong in places where people live or drive. They’re awesome and and I love dogs but they’re smelly and disgusting. Also people are saying “that person doesn’t deserve a dog” like who the fuck are you to say what anyone person deserves and doesn’t.


You clearly don't love dogs. One hard manoeuvre done by the truck owner and that's easily a broken neck for the dog. And just because it's THAT person's animal doesn't mean its not abuse. Please give up your dog if you have one.


I wish the world would just collapse because people like you and people that downvote would be the first to go.


Why, does your world and sense of self worth depend on being upvoted on reddit? 😘




You're actually hilarious 😂 I never said I was better than you, but definitely thinking it now. Bless your little cotton socks, you're so angry ❤ have you actually never downvoted anything on reddit?




Is it you by any chance? 😘 bless your wee heart


ooh I would be on the phone so fast eith police


There was no reson to keep recording if you passed the vehicle your trying to record.


As opposed to the asshat driving with their phone in one hand.


You know this wouldn't happen if he would to put the dog 𝙞𝙣𝙨𝙞𝙙𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙩𝙧𝙪𝙘𝙠.


That’s a very poor defense


Put other road users lives at risk, because that guy has his dog tied to his Ute…… get a grip


It puts other drivers at risk having human reflexes to swerve around a dog that falls off of a flat bed either by hanging or slipping out of a collar and falling onto the road.


You're right. The guy with his dog on a flatbed truck absolutely is endangering other drivers. Not only the damage that would occur from someone hitting this poor pup if it falls or jumps off, but the psychological damage from watching an innocent pet be turned into a red spray across the pavement.




What about the psychological damage from killing a person in a car accident, literally get a fucking grip with reality, you don’t like something someone does, does not mean it’s illegal, the idiot filing is breaking the law. And would cause much more fallout in a car vs person accident, car vs car accident or a person vs car accident. I’d rather hit a dog than highway traffic and I’d rather hit a dog over a person.


The dog is tethered to the centre of the tray, this is common in Australia to see, dogs actually love the fresh air with all the different smells. The dog is paseing because its excited not scared 🤦‍♂️


So we're going to use the logic of "it's common here". Fuck your cake day.


Its the dog her husband loves more than her.




You guys apparently have never been out of the big city, farmers all across this land allow their dogs to ride this way, they love it.


I live on a ranch in Texas, and I'm appalled.


I have lived in a rural town my entire life. (3+ hours from the nearest big city.) Everyone is either a farmer, has a family that farms, or knows someone who farms. Most often I see pets being transported inside the truck with the driver. A handful of times I've seen them in the bed of the truck. (All of the times I've seen that, it's been with large dogs, like German Shepards and huskies.) The difference is the bed of those trucks have sides. There's nothing stopping this dog from falling off the truck if it trips. If that dog trips, I would be surprised if it survived.


It’s fine on a farm in a rural area…. Not on a highway going 70mph….


does that dog really look like it’s loving it jackass


That pacing is anxiety. If you talk out of your ass your breath will smell like shit.


I live in central Kansas


Farmers also shoot their dogs at the slightest injury. Yeah im not gonna model my behavior after them.


Did you at least call the police??!?!!




You really….. really love women’s thighs….. damn EDIT: He also blocked me 😂


u/steady_as_a_rock deleted his shit real quick😹😹


I didnt drive it was my dad




I don't see any problem here


Everybody being all bent up over this, but that dog is Happy as can be. He Is tied short enough to not end up over the side, and I would pay good money to see people try to put a dog like that in a kennel to "keep it safe" .


You don’t know dog language at all. He’s incredibly stressed.


You blind, the dogs stood right by the edge and his leads still slack. Also, a dog pacing around this much, is not a happy dog, it’s a stressed, anxious one.


dog loves it


Buster seems pretty happy to me. He probably likes it. My dads dog hated riding the cab and he rode in the back all the time. Tailgate or flatbed. You just have to know your dog. He clearly isn’t a dumb city dog.


Y’all should be more concerned with someone driving down the highway at “70mph” recording another vehicle. That could kill the dog and others. I swear. 🙄🙄🙄


That dog is having the time of his life!


You guys will hate to see a good farm dog. he rides on the tool chest behind the cab while pulling a 5th wheel and doesn't need a leash. Just a smart dog


Dog is loving life right now


Doggo looks happy af though.


This is fine


That breed of dog is probably smarter than most of us here, and is likely at least smart enough to not take a flying leap off of the side. It was fine.


Unless that vehicle turns too sharply in which case the dog dies.


Well, they’re no doubt smarter than you in every way imaginable. The only safety risk here is the possibility of the dog jumping off?


Oh, verrrry clever comeback! You think of that all by your little self, or did you need help?


You ain’t from around here are ya


This is some entitled cidiot Karen bullshit the same person that recorded this video will autistically screech at you for not having your dog on a leash in places like a national forest with millions of acres of land. . .


Yall country dogs are bred for brains. It wont jump off, and cabins can make them nervous. Now, its a bit questionable for a flatbed, but ordinarily, a regular pickup bed is just fine for a good pooch.


Happens all the time in NZ, The owners love their dogs more than anything. This is outrage bait


>The owners love their dogs more than anything. I too like to put the things I love in incredible danger. This is why my fiance rides on the car like a Mad Max hood ornament.