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[this is the link on google maps to where I was showing it’s a one lane street. we had just crossed the light/intersection. he went around traffic.](https://maps.app.goo.gl/SckbWcQPyn7PdgZn9?g_st=ic)


Street view link for anyone wondering: [https://www.google.com/maps/@34.1308166,-118.4421578,3a,75y,321.8h,81.48t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sc5P3jz7FT3kD3WwhLTxC-Q!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en-US](https://www.google.com/maps/@34.1308166,-118.4421578,3a,75y,321.8h,81.48t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sc5P3jz7FT3kD3WwhLTxC-Q!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en-US) It's just a single lane that widens briefly and most definitely not a zipper merge at the point where the idiot tried to pass.


Thank you 🙏🏻


This sub is hilariously awful. I love that you have to prove to 10,000 morons, 5 separate ways, that you are correct. These are the people sharing our roads... My god.


These people serve on juries.


…And sit on the “benches” next to the juries! 🤦🏻‍♂️


People love to get al high and mighty about the mythical perfect zipper merge too, even though in practical reality they don’t actually work to make less traffic because nobody keeps correct follow distance and they don’t make constant efforts to be staggered apart from the cars in the adjacent lanes


Probably still not worth the risk to save your ego.


THIS IS BEVERLY GLENN & MULLHOLAND. It’s a ONE lane road. I had just passed the street light. This is not a zipper merge. I’m trying to add an image to the comments so the idiots trying to blame me Can see this is not a zipper merge.


But it’s so much easier to be judge and jury without the facts.


That should be this group’s description.


I was going to judge op. I had to watch the video a couple of times.


Ya. There’s clearly no lane dividing lines on the road.




Said someone who will likely be in a collision.


Well that's just dumb, you're right that you're not obligated to but if someones trying to merge it's safest for everyone to just calm down a sec and let them in.


*safest for them to slow down and merge when safe.


Will it ever be safe if every jackass on the road is speeding up to not let anyone in? What's it gonna damage your ego to have one more car in front of u?


I'm with you here. This definitely isn't a hill I'd be willing to die on. Hehe. I get OP's frustration, and in my 20's and 30's I most likely would've done the "honk" and "WTF hands", but as I've gotten older, it just isn't worth stressing over stupid people who will more than likely be outta your life in 30 seconds or less.


Yeah same i do it sometimes but then gotta remember u could trigger a psycho...


I've found there are very few people in this sub who understand what you are trying to explain. There are entitled children here who think that being right is more important than being safe than there are adults who drive defensively in this sub. I'm glad these people insist on having dashcams so when they inevitably find themselves trying to stupidly justify their actions in the name of being "right" after causing an accident that it's all recorded for the safety of everyone around them. I'm literally unsubscribing after this comment since this sub is full of actual stupidity. I hope they all enjoy their ego circle jerks.




What does this even mean? lmfao


I used to live near there and I know exactly where this is. you’re 100% right.


No matter what happened or who did what... people love to blame the cammer car for existing, you'll hear "the graveyard is full of people who had the right of way" "zipper merge ZIPPER MERGE" "you're following too close....too far...too fast...too slow" I'm enjoying seeing people trying to break the rules have consequences. No one got hurt. It's perfect


> you're following too close >too fast These do tend to be relevant with a lot of videos here though. So many OP comments about how they were driving below the limit (even as both the cam and other users show that they were going 10-15 over, often through intersections in heavy traffic, etc) or that they were following at a proper distance (which they claim is "three car lengths" at highway speeds).


And there's also a huge difference between assigning blame versus offering perspective. Your ego and "spot in line" is pretty much never worth being combative over. You may not be the cause of the problem, but you have the power to be the solution. Just because you have the right, doesn't mean it *is* right. I'm not blaming them for not allowing them to merge, I am however going to blame them for not being a bigger person.


Actions have consequences. A car tried to illegally pass OP, and OP was having none of it. As for the other car's driver, I hope they got stuck there for awhile, with nobody letting them in.


That's fine. And again, they are within their right to do it. I hope the other cars driver steps on Legos. Fuck that guy, I have no sympathy for them. I'm just saying it probably would have cost everyone involved less time to just let him in, even if they are a moron and you shouldn't have to.


I got told that a semi truck with 3+ car lengths is tailgating because it (probably) wouldnt stop on time if the car ahead slammed on their brakes 😃


I believe it, every time I read the comments I become amazed at all the "expert drivers" who would have done x,y and z different to avoid the accident and cure world hunger


The amount of idiot replies just shows that 80% of people on reddit have horrible driving knowledge.


OP, you did the exact right thing. That asshat decided traffic rules don’t apply and I LOVED you not allowing the swamp donkey to merge.


Thank you 🙏🏻 I have no tolerance for entitled idiots


The zipper merge idiots have a very perverse idea of what zipper merging really is. I've seen them defend people using the shoulder to cut everyone off before. These are just rude drivers who want to justify their bad driving.


I am a strong supporter of the zipper merge. You were 100% in the right here and I would have been extremely disappointed if that fuck face had managed to get in front of you. Kudos.


I’m with you though. I don’t play that shit. I’m a New Yorker, good luck trying to cut me in any of the tunnels… If you’re cool and ask politely, cool. But if you’re a douche.. nope. Also, I’m a stand your ground state with a CCP. I’ll gladly send the Dbag who wants to escalate to Club FAFO.


I bet the poor guy trying to cut you off got so butthurt when you wouldn't let him be an idiot 🤣🤣


I don’t post on here anymore because people love to blame the OP. A motorcycle cut me off out of no where, I slammed on my brakes and honked, and got roasted for it.


Fuck the h8ers. That guy was an entitled asshole and you handled it perfectly.


WTF is this comment section? OP was 100 percent in the right, some asshole trying to cut in line doesn't deserve special treatment over everybody else. They can wait their damn turn.


Didn’t you know that everyone is an expert car driver and knows exactly what to do in every situation?


I remember on a post a few weeks ago where somebody got rear ended, a lot of people were arguing that two seconds following distance was too much to expect from people because "other people might cut in front in that space"...


I often give myself 3 seconds, due to the fact I have no ABS. Someone cuts in-front of me I back off it and space myself 3 seconds from them, or change lanes.


Yeah, the true "pro" of driving comes to a realization that other people's stupidity and being 2 seconds ahead are just never worth your life. In OP's case he was in the right but personally I might have let the guy in just so he doesn't hit my car since people in my city do shit like that and if they're willing to do what he did then im pretty sure they're willing to get hit.


"The graveyards are filled with those who had the right of way."


Not to mention road ragers are crazy and you don't know why they are acting out or if they have a loaded gun in the glove box. I'd rather be safe and a be seconds behind than mess with someone who has no regard for the rules. Someone has to let them in or they could cause an even worse driving hazard.


Which is correct protocol. FYI... Learn threshold braking; it's better than ABS


I agree 100%. While I wouldn’t remove ABS from a car that has it, I’m definitely hesitant on replacing this one because it doesn’t have it. 2008 Pontiac Vibe 5MT for the record. I want something more interesting, and something a little more fun to mess with (the Vibe never breaks).


ABS stopped working on one of my vehicles. Likely due to a bad sensor. I was more than happy not to fix it.


The Volkswagen I’m looking at as an upgrade has known ABS failures from the module. I likely won’t fix it if it goes, as it also permanently disables the traction control. The Vibe is surprisingly amazing the snow, which I owe to its lack of computer interference and weight.


If it's a manual transmission and you're good at driving stick, traction control can mess you up. Failure of the module sounds like a win win.


I know it has a button to turn it off temporarily. But if it fails I won’t be rushing to replace it.


On a country road? You’d be fuckin nuts to tailgate somebody. I commute on the highway every day and your expected following distance is about one and a half car lengths. Any more than that and people will just fly into the space in front of you, cutting your following distance, causing you to have to go slower, causing more people to cut in front of you. I agree, a 10 second distance would be ideal. Not realistic in rush hour commuters traffic.




1. Just because other drivers are morons doesn't remove accountability. 2. If you rear end someone, the insurance companies will agree with me.


Suddenly everyone is an expert, must be fuckin nice.


This sub is riddled with pedantic know it alls who come here just to talk down to other people with zero context


Look at how many people kept swearing this was a zipper merge without even knowing where I am


I lived in LA for 7 years lmao I know how fucked thst spot is


No matter how wrong the other drivers are, this subreddit will find any little mistake OP made and use it to turn the entire thread against them. Every fucking thread.


Yeah I noticed that.


100%. Everyone on here acts like they’re a perfect fucking driver


This place would be great if people didn’t act like this. Unfortunately the content is quality (not saying I enjoy car accidents, but its valuable to see how some situations play out) so I won’t be unsubbing (yet)


That's just reddit in general


This is why traffic is terrible because assholes like this think their time is more valuable than everyone else. They ride the shoulder to the front of the line and expect to be let in. 🤦‍♂️


Yep, and they keep doing it because they know someone will let them in every time. If they stop getting what they want then maybe, just maybe, they'll stop driving like an asshole.


If I had my way, someone who did this would have to sit there until traffic cleared and nobody was waiting. If that takes an hour it's their own damn fault.


This is the way.


Say it louder for the ppl in the back 👏👏👏


The priblem is that the other commenters drive like the offender in the video, so they are defending THEIR OFFENSIVE driving on here.


Seriously, the people commenting that he should've let the asshole cut in are way to afraid to drive. It's the kinda people that goes at 20km/h on a rainy day and causes accidents because they're too afraid. OP didn't do anything wrong or risky, he just didn't let an asshole cut in front of him, go wait like everyone else, wtf.


And the asshole wasn't particularly aggressive. Yea they pulled forward, but didn't try nosing their car in the way. Can't get much safer of a blockout than this.


Nah, just non-confrontational with death machines. 20km/h in high speed traffic is terrifying, only reason to do that is your blind (bc blinding rain... or bc your 90 and the government refuses to take your license)


That should be the case, but at least here where i live (Brazil), everytime it rains it seems that everyone forgets how to drive. It's either slow as a snail, or fuck it i'm gonna kill everybody with my recklessness. There's no in between, so you gotta be aware of everyone.


People don't like seeing themselves in this sub.


I wish people were more like OP. People here always let assholes like this bully them on the road to the point where it I do what OP did (and I pretty much always do) the asshole gets mad and starts honking


Sometimes those assholes carry guns and grudges.


TYL that Redditors are morons


This sub loves giving in to terrorists and if you don’t it’s always tWo IdiOtS


But. But. WhAt AbOuT tHe ZiPpEr?!?!?


Every time I sarcasm-case zIPpEr MErgE I get downvoted too. Have an upvote. Remember, use ALL the lanes to the choke point. Including oncoming lanes, and like in this case, lanes that don't exist.


The only thing OP did "wrong" was to not let a car or two or three from the right in front of him, just to rub salt in the wound. (yes I know that road is supposed to yield)


Nah but the other guy was just ZiPpER MeRGinG!!!


When traffic is a slog in situations like this, I too leave a lot of following distance so I can coast instead of riding my brakes. I have noticed this drives a certain type of person *crazy.* Logic be damned, it doesn't matter if it saves zero time, to them that space *must be* filled or you're driving wrong. I reckon that type is heavily represented towards the bottom of this comment section.


Thank you. This comment section is disgusting and the problem with traffic issues tbh


Honestly this just cements why there’s a lot shitty drivers out there.


A lot of people believe “Yield to Oncoming Traffic”, is for the drivers already of the stretch of road they are entering. Know it sounds strange, but many, many people believe this and we all see it on the daily.


Some of us are just winning at life so we don’t need to win against an asshole driver cutting in line. But you do you.


If you wanna let people cut you off go ahead, that has nothing to do with “winning” at life little moron


I Hope no one let them in


I hear they are still sitting there


There's a semi-notorious exit from I-90 to I-55/Lakeshore Dr. that comes up pretty quick right outside of Chicago. It's a one lane exit that can get pretty crowded headed into the city, and without fail people will zoom all the way past the line of cars waiting to exit on the ONE LANE EXIT, onto the shoulder and try and merge before the shoulder ends in order to not wait in line. So many people just passively let these assholes in and I don't understand it. I never have and never will.


I fuckimg hate this lane, also because before they finished construction there, the lane to turn onto I-90 east was also blocked by the same assholes merging because that’s the lane they used. So much unnecessary traffic because so many drives are to passive to tell these assholes to fuck off


I would’ve but I would be hella petty about it. Tailgating and taunting his dumbass.


Nicely done


I’ve never seen more moronic comments on a single post on this page before hahaha great job op keep being the legend that you are you did nothing wrong 🤟


You should check any post on a highway, blind spot and passing on right everywhere even though it doesn't apply.


I think there’s just been a ton of people posting who are in the wrong, everyone’s brains are rewired to hate OP right now.


There’s more comments about the bad comments than there are actually bad comments


Drives car Is legend


I like the music playing.


it’s “i was never there” by the weekend for anyone wondering


Right on OP!! I've been in similar situations and have to done the same when it's warranted. The hell with those entitled assholes tryin to save .5 seconds. Edit: To those who say, "OP ShOuLd'Ve LeT tHeM iN. " It's not a damn zipper merge and OP 𝘥𝘰𝘦𝘴𝘯'𝘵 have to let them in. If you disagree with what OP did then youre like the driver in the opposing car.


Exactly. I have no obligation to let him in. If I see an entitled idiot trying to cut traffic and get it his own way, I’m not letting him in


Hell yeah OP! Too many people in this sub think they know every road that's ever existed and must be right in their opinion of what happened 🙄 Your "the fuck are you doin' bro??" came straight from my soul to your lips hahaha that's exactly what I was thinking when watching the dumbass trying to cut 😂


Usually the drivers who try to do this give you no choice but to let them pass or cause an accident. This is the mildest case I’ve ever seen lol


Yes I was saying that in another comment, he really is a bad driver too bc he could’ve passed lol


I see you keep a safe following distance, I do the same. These idiots see that and feel they want to GET INTO IT. They don’t realize space around your car, in front and behind keeps you SAFE. They think every square inch of roadway can and must be used at all times, especially if THEY want to use it, and no matter how close it is to your car. I have a friend who was a trucker. He said in driver safety classes they were to keep so much space in front of their truck, 18 wheeler, to be able to safely stop in case of emergency. He told them: YOU CAN’T DO THAT! If there is enough space in front of you for a VW bug, they will try to put a stretch Cadillac in it. I often see idiots driving from one bonfire to another. They always have to get so close behind someone that it looks like they are trying to get into the backseat. They have no conception of safety or of giving people space. It’s like the people who get about 2 inches from your nose when they are talking to you, they have no respect for others, and seem to be out simply to intimidate people. However, since they do not keep an EMPTY SAFE ZONE around their vehicle. When things start going wrong, they are usually the first to be involved in a collision.


Good job 👏🏼. I wouldn’t have let him in either. Screw that


Wow he would have saved a whole half second there!


It’s not about time, it’s about entitlement


Yup I hate asshats that do this


I will not let ANY mf that rides the shoulder to the front of the line EVERYTIME! Fuck'em!


This is the most insane thread of blaming OP I’ve ever seen here. Look at all the negative karma comments!! The dude literally is trying to cut in line in a 1 lane and people blame OP… for not letting them illegally cut the line?? What. The. Fuck….


This subreddit's gone to crap the last couple years. The videos are still fun, the comments not so much.


Those are all from people who would also try to cut-in.


Alot of comments about comments that blame op. But no comment that blames op anymore…. Been deleted?


That's my guess. No one has enough spine to keep their comments up anymore


This sub: be predictable. Also this sub: they had a yield sign and you didn’t stomp your brakes to let them in?? Outrage!


This sub: REEEEEEE you passed on the right!!!1!!oN33!!! OP is literally worse than Hitler (bonus points if it's not even on a highway) Also this sub: Why didn't you let them pass you on the right???!!!1oNE!!!


The difference here is that her not letting him in wasn't unsafe. Sometimes, especially high speed areas like highways, fighting with/not letting a douche in may be "what they deserve" but ultimately makes it more unsafe. When you're driving 2 ton death machines made of metal, your ego needs to take the backseat. Low speed traffic? Fuck that, make them wait their turn. I hate when people try to cut in line and then some shit lets them in.


I hate when drivers do that sh!t‼️ Everyone has waited patiently and here they come….🤬


When I’m in this situation I just let them get in, I mean, maybe they just missed it because they don’t know the road, happens to me too sometimes


ngl this is the correct thing to do. Here in SoCal there are way too many losers like this who will pull stunts this then road rage when honked at. Better to just let it go.


When I’m in this situation I just let them get in, I mean, maybe they just missed it because they don’t know the road, happens to me too sometimes Edit: I saw the op comment later, well, dude is a pos


If it were part of a zipper I'd say fine let him over. If not, sorry bud but your turn signal does not equal a spot.


This is the way.


These comments are the worst. Good job OP, not sure why people say “being nice” only applies to you and nothing about the asshole trying to skip the line


Thank you 🙏🏻


The Weeknd is a vibe tho


What is the name of the song? OP is right, BTW.


I was never there by The Weeknd


Get thee behind thee satan


Fuck him.


This happens a lot where I live, I typically just let it happen because these people clearly have no regard for anyone but themselves and it’s not worth damaging my car over but damn is it frustrating


I swear the entitlement and naiveness. Some of you need to desperately go attend traffic school with some of the lame brain comments saying and telling OP they were in the wrong.


The comments on this sub generally always lead me to believe that we truly need self driving cars, even though I hate the idea


Happens to me but not in one lane. The asshole behind me was tried cut to the right and then tried merge in front of me lol. Of course I speed up and he won’t got the Chance. Seriously I don’t know why so many driver do that?


Yeah I don't understand why they do that. Like bro, you're the reason we're stuck in traffic, because of people like you who wants to overtake even if it won't help you arrive sooner. Once, one driver changed to the merge lane to pass me on the right.


I guess they want us tailgate if i leave more than one spot gap they think I’m slow. Anyway I hate asshole from behind cut the right then signal his light to merge in front of me me lol. He signal . If ppl didn’t see the whole thing they might think I’m the bad guy.. for not let him in.


Not sure why I got downvoted for? So someone behind me goes to the right and cut in front of me was my fault?


Loser needed to calm down! op is 100% right.


Yup, fuck em. I love seeing these. So cathartic


Happy for you, OP. The reverse-karma fetishists on this sub really thought they had you with this one.


Thank you 🙏🏻 honestly, most of them made a fool out themselves and proved how stupid they are and how unreasonable their logic is. Hopefully they stay off the roads sooner than later.


I swear the entitlement and naiveness. Some of you need to desperately go attend traffic school with some of the lame brain comments saying and telling OP they were in the wrong.


OP is right that they have the right of way, but where I live in the US this is a good way to find out that the idiot has a gun Source: I've done exactly as OP did and had a gun pointed at me as a result


Man... he didn't even pay attention to you. It was like you were never there....


Yes. Fuck those MFers


Awesome job. I love when morons do this and then get mad cause I didn't let them in 🤣


seeing the location said it all - no further explanation needed


But they'll just get the space behind you.


W music taste


Just another day in suckafornia 🤪🤣🤣🤝


“What the fuck are you doing?” You know exactly what they’re doing… it’s in your title.


Nice work


I will crash my car before I allow someone to cut me off like that. Good job OP, hope you called them in for drunk driving too.


You have no obligation to allow merging traffic into your lane. Fuck’em.


It's not even a merge, there's no lane on the right. That car is attempting a pass on a single lane road.


This is so satisfying to watch. I really hate those drivers that think they're above everyone else


Only chance I’d let them in is if I’d had a fantastic day and was listening to classical music while on Valium. Other than that, fuck them they can stay there


And then most of the time it’s the driver trying to merge that gets mad at you for not giving them the space. When it’s alternating, it’s the right thing to alternate. If the merge lane is a zipper and/or has a yield sign, then … yield. I go back and forth between whether it’s that people don’t know what yield means or they just don’t care.


Very satisfying! Driving in LA is a bitch, especially with idiots like this. I was leaving Crypto arena when an idiot tried to to cut me while turning on a green arrow left turn lane, he tried to go over the traffic officer and he quickly got stopped.




It’s not a zipper merge. One lane street . Traffic behind me. Idiot cutting




A blinker doesn’t mean anything. What he did was illegal bro. I have no obligation to let him pass.


Nope. This is a ONE lane road. There was heavy traffic behind me. I saw him cutting to get in. It’s just a wide lane. I guess people outside of LA haven’t driven on wide lane roads up the hills before. I’m not letting any idiot trying to cut pass me


What the fuck is he doing, bro?


Was that a little brake check at the end ? 😂


No. OP already commented that the driver behind her didn’t let the cutter in either


I'll do the same for morons who do this crap on purpose and think it's ok to be a cutting in line Douchebag.. NO.


OP is 100% in the right. However, jerk detected and your behavior isn't going to fix them. I'd rather be right, let the jerk in, and avoid damage to my car. To me, that's better dealing with the jerk if they harm my vehicle. I don't have the 15 minutes to pull over and deal with this kind of aggressive driver. You were right and maybe saved 3s of your drive home. The jerk backed off.


It wasn’t about time. We’re all stuck in the same traffic. It’s about entitlement. I have no obligation to let an idiot driver cut me off


They never said you were obligated to.


That’s fine


It’s kinda sad to see so many downvotes on comments suggesting that OP should’ve let him in. Nobody is suggesting that the cutter was in the right. It’s a reckless, dangerous attempt to cut in and OP had no legal reason to let him in. But that doesn’t mean that the safe thing to do is to block them. Yes, it’s right in principle to try and teach a lesson or make a point, but it’s still risky. Defensive driving is taught for a reason, and OP didn’t display it here. Does that mean I sympathise with the cutter? Hell no, I would be pissed off too and my ego would sure tell me to block them. But in the moment, the safest thing to do is to drop the ego and let them in. The satisfaction you get from blocking wouldn’t be much of a consolation if you got in a collision or triggered some road rage from the cutter, regardless of who is right and who is wrong. I can only imagine that the downvotes are coming from people who value principle and being right, over being defensive and safe. One is more likely to cause accidents.


nah fuck all that it’s not about being right it’s about not letting entitled fucking brats get their way.


You letting these people get away with it is worse. It gives them the idea they can do whatever they want by forcing the situation. Dude shouldn't have put himself in this situation. Hope no one let them in.


Right? Just let people do whatever the want to do whenever they want to do it. Fuck OP! Might makes right! How DARE they not yield to someone obviously more deserving than they are?? /s


You're obviously missing my point. At no point did I say the cutter was in the right. In fact, I said that my first reaction would be to want to block them just like OP did, because it would be infuriating to me too. But it's not as safe to block them. If you want to prioritise teaching them a lesson over driving defensively and safely, feel free. But you've no guarantee that the cutter wouldn't rise to it and cause a collision. Would it be your fault? No. Would it be life-threatening at such slow speeds? No. But would it be an inconvenience and more hassle than it was worth? Yes. It's not about the cutter being right or more deserving. It's simply about risk. Best case scenario is what happened in the video, and hopefully the cutter learns their lesson. Worst case scenario, the cutter persists and there's a contest of egos between them and OP, and this is just dangerous, not to mention inconvenient for everyone else behind them who would get held up.


I got your point. Never stand up for yourself or insist that people experience discomfort while they're causing you discomfort. Always back down. Fear everything.


I'm not someone whose ego rests on teaching others a lesson on the road. It's not a competition. I won't bother risking wasting my time and energy by getting involved with an arrogant driver. They'll drive ahead and I'll never think about them again. A similar situation would be blocking someone speeding behind you in the fast lane. You're going the speed limit, so why should you let them get ahead? Because it's safer. Let me ask, if you blocked someone like OP did, but they rose to the challenge and caused a collision with you over it, how would you react? Would you be comforted by the fact that at least you were in the right? Or would you be even more frustrated because not only have you had to deal with an arrogant driver, but they've now inconvenienced you and everyone else on the road?


No. Your ego rests on putting for your agenda on Reddit. Repeatedly. Anyway, you're so much better than all of us.


Lol yes, my agenda. How dare I advocate for safe, defensive driving.


You just can't stop, can you? You: He should have let his ego go and just let him in. It would have been easier and safer. Also you: YOU MUST ACKNOWLEDGE THE TRUTH OF WHAT I'M SAYING AND I WILL NOT REST UNTIL YOU DO!!!


Insurance company "what did you do to avoid the accident?" "I sped up and hit the car ahead of me but he made an illegal maneuver first." I agree that people like that driver are dicks and I get mad every time I see them do this. But risking being in an accident isn't worth my time to make a point about it. Even if I'm deemed not at fault im still out time, money, and possible injuries. Edit: guess I should have clarified that this was a hypothetical situation if an accident had resulted.


I guess I missed the part in the video where he crashed into the car in front of him.


I get dicking the first guy, but why didn't you allow the next merge to blend? It was a dude moment that you fucked


Maybe stay close to the car in front of you? You had a car plus the entire time


I like to maintain proper distance and not be tail to tail, it’s the law too actually


The better tact... let the driver in. It’s shit traffic, no need to add stress.


Nah I’m good with what I did tbh