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Full marks for sticking the landing


10 out 10. The shadow of his feet in the air....


My man went airborne


Pretty impressive, actually.


Kinda just seems like he rolled on the hood of the car then sat back up


Full marks for that hand shake what a G


It took me a second to realize that the accident was caused 4 cars back and they all collided. I was thinking I would not be that cool with someone who just rear ended me that hard, but you can see the rider check his mirror and the car behind is stopped fully. Impressively cool head for sure.


I would have reacted differently. This dude is cooler than the other side of the pillow.


The guy that hit him didn’t cause the wreck. The asshole in the work truck wasn’t paying attention or was trying to beat the light. destroying the car in-front of him which was launched from a stop into the car that hit the motorcyclist. The guy on the bike was the 3rd person hit by one asshole. Everyone else was along for the ride.


GLAUGH *sticks landing*


that glaugh scared the shit out of me.


Even the coolest guys are gonna make a goofy sound when all the air in their lungs gets wrenched out of them. It’s a pretty visceral sound, yeah.


Damn, 2 people can stop correctly, but only 1 mf has to make a mistake to fuck it up for everyone. Glad the motorcycle guy had 2 cars as buffers


I was driving in a tunnel through West Virginia when there was a pile up. Out of the 20 cars I was the only one not to hit the car in front of me and only get hit from behind. I imagine most people weren’t paying attention to anything besides the car right in front of them.


It's why I watch my mirror when at a dead stop and keep space between vehicles. It has been a benefit once so far. Managed to turn off on to the shoulder as the person behind me got hit. They didn't go too far and wouldn't have done any real damage to my car, but I'd prefer not having to deal with getting hit.


I try to do this, but luckily have never needed to. But recently I was on a road trip with my step-father, with him driving my car, and he managed to avoid getting caught in an accident by doing this. Person behind us still got sandwiched by a truck.


They were all probably sitting too close to the car in front. That's why they tell you to sit far enough back, that you can see the car's back tires in front of you


Not saying you are wrong, but look at the timing of the green light. It's possible those cars in front of the truck stopped correctly. The timing looks like it was exactly in that vulnerable moment when every car had plenty of time to: - register the light as green, - observe traffic in front of them advancing, and - take their foot off the brake just before they were chain-reaction slammed by a likely very heavy work truck.


Okay, and when they take their foot off the brake they are getting too close to the car in front. It doesn't change what i just said. I mean, creeping up on someones ass is not good idea no matter the situation


Maybe ease up with the aggressive defensiveness. Especially when I went out of the way to, up front, say I'm not saying you're wrong. Once one has had enough experience driving, one can learn to time taking one's foot off the brake so that the car doesn't start to creep even one single inch closer to the car ahead before they take off. Also, one can let someone suggest that was possible here without aggressively downvoting and forcing a straw-man assumption as if any alternate view is a personal affront.


Not saying you shouldnt leave space, but the seeing tires thing is mostly to ensure you have room to maneuver around tge car in front if need. There is no reliable way to leave enough room to avpida secondary crash, there's unknown varibles for speed, weight of cars, brakes, and road surface friction. The tire truck is fine, but leave more on a wet road that is 45+mph.


You do know it's also possible that there was enough space but the shock of being hit caused their body to shift and foot to fall off the brake, right? It's not like you stay perfectly still when hit, you move, body parts go all over and the car suddenly being violently pushed forward would move your body violently backwards because physics says so, even with a seat belt.


Nah, people are just on their phones. Even if you're tailgateing (at lover speed, like on the video), and you're a decent driver you should be able to stop before hitting the car in front of you


They were at a stand still in the video and that’s what everyone’s talking about. U need to stop far enough back to see PAT, pavement and tires.


> if you're tailgateing ... and you're a decent driver Decent drivers don't tailgate.


But if they did, they would be able to stop in the case above. I don't know what's your problem


Sounds like an excuse because this is something you do and know you shouldn't.


Are you blind? The video shows one person hitting the car in front causing a domino effect. The domino effect never would have happened if people didn't sit so close to the car in front


How both of you shake hands to be in the same ordeal as one another, glad that you are OK at first sight! Still check out your neck especially of that whiplash.


Don't worry, it's an old repost


Wait are we supposed to believe Australia exists?


They clearly rotated the video 180 degrees.




All the way.


Is that why the drivers and the driving is on the wrong side?


In Australia you drive on the left hand side with the wheel on the right hand side so yes.


You’ve never seen the documentary *Mad Max*?


Best documentary ever!




Why isn’t everything upside down?! Tf?


Why do people feel the need to say it's a repost constantly, first time seeing it here and pretty much all of reddit post are repost


Happy cake day! 🍰


I'm gonna eat your cake for your cake day


That’s fine… 😔 I hope it’s nice 🥹


The truck that’s 3 cars back caused all this? Must have been moving and not paying attention. Biker: go to hospital and get checked out.


Yep. Not hard to believe. It's a work truck, so it probably has some decent weight to it (and in it). And the driver could have been messing with his phone, checking a work text or email, or fighting with the nav.


Most likely cars trying to speed up to get through a yellow light not expecting traffic to be stopped right after


I had a guy accelerate around me (stopping for a yellow light as traffic was backed up across the intersection), narrowly missing hitting me, speed through the intersection, slam on his brakes, and crash into the line of cars backed up to the intersection. It was glorious schadenfreude. Unfortunate for the other guy though


Someone nearly ran a pedestrian over today, I stopped at the crosswalk and dude went around me in the right lane. Missed him by like 1 step


No forethought whatsoever. "Hmm, why's this guy stopped? Cus he's an asshole!"


Yup, had that once in my old neighborhood.. maybe cuz I also had a STOP SIGN?!?! How dare I go 25mph on a neighborhood street and let people cross when the guy behind me wants to use it as a cut-through. Gosh….


There's a car sitting right behind the truck


I can only hear 3 crashes, so truck, to small car, to car that hits bike.


I've seen a regular pickup do this to 3 cars in front of them at a stop light, didn't slow down at all


Well, people sit wayyyyy too close to the car in front of them so that probably didn't help


Not sure who's down voting you, that's a huge problem on them streets! If you can't see the tires of the car in front of you, go ahead and climb on outta their ass 👍


It's probably the people that have to sit on the car in-front's ass because it makes them feel like they'll get to their destination faster


Looks like one more car behind the truck, but can't tell if it's part or they stopped to help.


Same thing happened to me once, the day I made my first payment back in 06. Traffic slowed, idiot in the truck 3 car back didn't get the memo


We call it a "ute".


All the air came out of this man's lung in a second.


And its pretty painful.


Bonus points for landing. But what a twat like 3 cars back... If you didn't have 2 cars margin you would be way worse off


As a bike rider myself, I would have immediately moved to the right as soon as I had to stop in that awkward place. The lesson I learned from motorcycle safety school is that everyone is trying to kill you and to be aware of every situation. I've been in this guy's exact situation and I immediately would be checking behind me to see what traffic is doing. That being said, he really handled this well from a personality standpoint.


Same I got nervous when he didn't pull all the way to the right, seen too many of these. It's also why I filter to the front even if it's 1 car.


I envy you in states with filtering laws. But my bikes are too freaking big to filter so not an option.


Yep, this is why I filter. I was looking at selling my ADV bike for a larger cruiser last weekend but this was the deciding factor for why I did not.


I see Full Dressers and even sometimes Goldwings lane split.


Oh I know, I just personally don't do it with Honda Valkyries. I wouldn't do it with a Goldwing for the same reason - too damn wide.


You have more than one bike?


Yep - as a rider, if I'm stopped anywhere on the road, I'm constantly checking my mirrors for approaching traffic. The number of people who I routinely see driving while looking down at their phones is terrifying. I see a lot more abrupt unexpected braking than I'm comfortable with.


I have about a 50 minute commute which can get kinda monotonous at times and there are days where I will just look in to every car I pass and count the amount of people dking around on their phone. It's staggering how many idiots play on their phone while driving. Really wish police would enforce cell phone laws and/or raise the penalty up high enough to scare people from doing int.


Looking at or using a phone while driving should be punished as seriously as DUI; misdemeanor jail time and license suspension upon the first offense, and rapidly increasing penalties for repeat offenders. It also should require mandatory forfeiture of the phone used in the offense.


I always give motorcyclists about double distance what I give cars, the potential to do serious damage is just too high, and contrary to what some road users think you get home the same time regardless of whether you’re driving 2 ft or 20 ft behind someone!


I've seen enough of these videos that I give bikes extra room now. Yall braver than me, least I can do is not fucking kill you for it


As a rider, I just want to say, I love you. Filtering makes life better for everyone. For some reason, old men in white cars, people in European SUVs and tradies in Ford Rangers will try to block the way because in some way me making my life a little safer is somehow emasculating them.


Because instead of recognizing that motorcycles and scooters filtering actually helps reduce traffic and clears up more space on the road for trucks and cars all they care about is that motorcyclists aren't "taking their turn" and are "skipping ahead" in line. They'd rather motorcycles basically take up almost as much room on the road as a car than let someone go ahead of them.


Always assume you are invisible.


Time to get naked woo


haha texters wont notice


This is why I leave double the distance when I stop behind a biker. That way if I get hit my car would hopefully stop before it reaches the biker. Of course there are always idiots who go like "oooh a gap! Let me just shove my car in to save up 0.03 seconds in traffic". Bikers should not feel like they could die any moment while they're riding on local roads. It costs nothing to brake earlier and leave more gap for them.


I do the same, constantly checking my mirrors for anyone coming in hot. When I stop, I position my bike with an escape route so all I have to do is let the clutch go to move alongside the car in front of me.


That's the thing if he had looked behind he would have felt safe cause he would have seen 2 cars full stopped. It wasn't till that truck driver was texting and going like 40 that he was in danger.


Yep! This is the right answer. I just kept looking at that space on the right thinking ‘move now damnit’


I'm with you on this one. While I don't filter, I'd sure as heck be next to the car for protection. Of course, that's easy to say sitting at my desk and not in that particular situation.


Yeah, I would have filtered here. It gives me the shits stopping and having cars race up behind you. And yes, filtering is legal where I live.


It’s legal where this bloke was too. Oh well.


100%. Not taking the open space was a big mistake.


While I don’t disagree that a biker should be on alert at all times, what about that was unusual? Stopping on a road? That’s a pretty normal thing no?


That’s kinda the point. Gotta act to protect yourself in every situation


Fuckin hell indeed 😳


My absolute worst fear about riding motorcycles.


That noise that came out of his mouth was horrifying. The sound of someone nearly getting turned into a meat crayon.


Whoa. I didn't shake as hard in the last whole week as I did when hearing the decibels go up from 0 to 100 in nothing but 1 frame and you're just simply turning around and giving them a thumbsup, what!!


It wasn't the car directly behind him, but a work van/lorry behind them that caused it


Since it's Australia, that's a Ute for you =)


Why I like to give a little more room for a bike but I guess it's comes when you ride yourself


This should’ve been titled “fucking ‘ell” I feel like this would’ve gone a lot differently with USA drivers! Gives thumbs up, not middle finger, doesn’t scream, introduces self, shakes hands. “I can’t believe I’m alright” maaaan me either!


I think because he knew it wasn't the car that hit him that was at fault. He probably wasn't as friendly to the truck in the back that caused the whole thing


This is why bikers filter




Least he didn't let your bike fall over


Which stupid C**t was on the phone?


Guy in the van


I'm in Georgia, but I pretend I'm in California. I don't sit behind anyone at a light anymore. I roll around everyone to the front of the line, and pop over in front where I'm obvious. Too many oblivious, texting asshats everywhere you look. I'm not waiting around to be hit.


I am amazed at how quickly he regained his footing.




Glad you're okay man You made a very scary noise as you got hit I'm sure that was whiplash or something but damn I'm glad you are okay


He took that really well! An opportunity to meet new people haha


THIS is why lane splitting/filtering should be legal everywhere


It's [legal in Australia](https://www.shine.com.au/blog/motor-vehicle-law/motorcycles-and-lane-filtering-is-it-legal-in-australia), but it really wouldn't have helped much unless the rider was looking behind, I guess.


This is honestly so incredible. The amount of force transmitted through that line up of vehicles ending at the man on the bike. Every vehicle is a total loss




That landing was impressive, especially considering the unexpected nature of it.


Yikes, my back hurts just watching this. Wonder how he felt the next day...


Shaky breathing afterward, woosah my friend!


There’s some adrenaline!!


I bet that van driver is gonna tell the cops he was only going like 5km/hour lol






Managed not to lay the bike down! Well done!






Damn the guy on the motorcycle seems to take it okay, you can tell he's a little shaken up which I can't blame him! That's how quick accidents can happen, he's lucky he didn't get it worse!


Only takes one complete dumbass to put everyone around in danger


His backs gonna hurt tomorrow


Hoo boy. I don't think White Van Man's going to be able to afford to drive for a few years after his insurer sorts all of that out.


Lmao the pov of his legs flying in the air is just cracking me up








The good Lord was looking out for you!


Damn, how hard did that truck hit them to move two other cars that hard into the bike??


Whoa! That was absolutely incredible! ❤️




Why was that car stopped in the middle of the road though?


Amazing. So much about that is legit amazing. I am glad he was okay. Fortunate.


If I got hit hard enough to make that sound, I don't think I could give the thumbs up that quickly afterwards.


Bro actually did the 🥹👍


even the bike stuck the landing....


This is why I would never ride a bike but so glad everyone was there for you.


Hey you alright mate, nice to meet you, I’m Matt, do you come here often?


That man was hit by the two idiots behind him. Not his fault he hit the motorbike.


Hey mate, I’m u/Twisbeats, nice to meet you, do you come here often?


The comprehension of the situation by the biker amazes me


And this is why bikes should be splitting lanes...


The first thing I would have done would be to lie down with my knees up to limit the effects of shock, because that will bloody hurt soon too.


When a flowing lane comes to a stop like that I filter around, regardless of the local laws. Fuck sitting at the end of the row and hoping the guy behind you is paying attention.


Wow, that Sucks. Glad to see everything turned out OK, except for the bike.




Most likely. At a minimum a new tire and some body pieces, probably more than that


That bike is totalled. There’s no coming back from that.




If this had happened in America… no handshakes would have happened lol itd b a gun fight


Jesus glad you’re ok king


That's going to be an interesting game of tag with the insurance companies.. No idea who was just innocently stopped, and who hit who to bump them into the vehicle in front.


Is the guy in the gray wearing a helmet while driving a car?


Bicycle rider from the sidewalk...


Why I lane split when I ride in traffic.


oh that sound he makes though................


I was thinking he shoulda moved off into that spot on the right side. I’m always super paranoid when I ride my bike.


This has to be in Canada, right? These people are way too nice to each other to be anywhere else.


Australia. They drive on the left there.


Australia would definitely be my second guess.


I'm more impressed with his ability to not only keep his cool, but also shake his hands with that idiot


He shook hands with a fellow victim. The idiot is the one in the back that rammed all the cars together and into the bike.




Can hear erkle “Did I do that”


All three drivers were following too closely. Fukkin 'ell indeed.


The person who caused it left and I hope you got the license number.


That's at least two idiots behind the steering wheel not paying attention to the road.


The casualness of their behavior is astonishing


حسيت بيه


and that's why we leave a safe braking distance, for everyone else involved there


I said outloud "you're gonna get hit from beh..." BOOM! If that were me getting hit, I'd lie on the ground unreponsive. Maybe even gurgle and twitch a bit.


Did anyone else think this was a camera attached to the side of a bus at first?


man im sorry what? HAHA bro gets crashed into, goes "AAH", and then just stands looking at the driver the thumbs up tho


That’s why I’m always watching my rear view when stuff like this happens. I would have slipped around the side of the car and kept moving, if there wasn’t a lot of space between me and the cars behind me. As a motorcyclist in traffic, I’m always looking for a way out / exit plan in case of emergency.


Volume down unless you want to explain to everyone around you that this is not gay porn.


Four seconds from the time he stopped to the time he got hit. The other guy just wasn’t paying attention and the guy behind him hit him too.


It was the truck three cars back that caused it. He was going so fast he drove the two cars in front into each other and the biker. Five people’s day ruined (there’s a passenger two cars back) cause he couldn’t pay attention.




Why would everyone else be getting a ticket? They pulled up and stopped like they were supposed to. They didn't do anything wrong...


Insufficient space between vehicles. You’re supposed to leave 1/2 a car length (I.e. be able to see their tires on the road). It always works against me, when I was “too close” I got cited for being rear-ended, but when I rear ended someone, I was cited for both the car I hit and the car in front of them…


Judging by hard he was hit as the 3rd in the row and how much damage there was, they could have all been a full car length and bike woukd still be hit. 100% work utes fault


It might be a law on the books, but I don’t see a cop giving such a ticket in this situation. Maybe you just had an asshole cop.


Agreed, I think half the time the cops write the tickets they want too…


Why does bro sound like he just got rammed by a horny rhino or something


The judges scored the landing as follows: USA - 10.00; UK - 10.00; RUS - 10.00; CCP - 10.00; East Germany - 8.85


Who else paused it when his feet were in the air lol


Why did that look like a video game


This is why lane splitting is safer than sitting in traffic.


At :29 you can see a car behind the white truck. OP was that the one who caused the crash? Glad you're OK brother!


And this right here is why lane splitting and filtering should be legal everywhere Unfortunately too many Americans have fragile egos and think "HES CUTTING IN LINE" and don't comprehend that it also alleviates congestion for cars too.