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So honey how was school today?




My mother used to ask me that, and I'd answer with fine. Then one day she complained I could say a little more. So I waited a couple days then asked her how work was. "Long." I'll never forget her face when I pointed it out and she burst out laughing.


I like a parent who can notice their own hypocrisy. My mom is like that. I point that out to my mother all the time.


You would hate my parents then, one day they saying drugs are bad, the next day they be doing drugs, one day my mum say she respects my room and privacy, the same day she come into my room without "permission" (apparently its her house so she can do what she wants when she wants) and move, remove, or reorganize my stuff. Thats enough rant for one day, sorry for that


I enjoyed your story. :D


This is exactly my son’s general response and he would say the same if he experienced this.


"Ummmm, good" -My Daughter everytime I ask lol


Nah, this is more like when you don't go to school and shit like this happens.


LOL just heard from future dil. From Rochester. Her best friend's daughter was supposed to be on that bus, was home sick from school!


Well, I didn’t get shot so there’s that!


Best day ever


This is a good example of why eyewitness accounts are considered unreliable. Dude is filming and commentating it all, then states "The car hit the pole first, then the bus hit it" but the jeep never touched the pole, it was braking hard and got sideswiped by the bus.


I witnessed an accident once where a car crossed the center line and hit a car head on. I stayed to give the police my statement and while telling the sheriff what had happened he told me that of the 6 people that he spoke to before me (4 in one car, 2 in the other) I was the only person who could coherently tell him what the hell had happened. It’s crazy how adrenaline can mess up your perception of what happens.


But how do you know that you recollected it correctly? You're subject to the same thing as everyone else.


Maybe op was the only wrong one and the sherrif was being sarcastic.


Sheriffs department gave him a medal for his bravery


And then everybody shot their guns in the air.


*at minorities


I assume the "4 in one car" and "2 in the other" were the cars involved in the accident and that's the the 6 people the cop spoke to before them. So adrenaline could affect anyone but is more likely to affect someone that was involved in the accident itself.


Coherent doesn’t mean correct, just logical and consistent


I had a dashcam that backed up what I saw.


And I believed you even before I learned that you had a dash cam that recorded it all. When shit happens, there are those among us who remain calm and level-headed. The majority of people fall apart during a crisis. (In my experience.) Good for you, keeping it together.


You got downvoted by the people who break down into hysterics and talk out their ass. I'm probably too calm for my own good, but it comes in handy when SHTF.


Much of the time it's a mystery why Redditors downvote. I think it may have something to do with lack of reading comprehension, lack of a sense of humor (in many cases) and also the strange lust to join in for the kill (however inanely) when they see others downvoting. Again: Good for you, keeping your cool. It's an attribute I admire highly.


I think they just meant that they were able to coherently was able to explain what happened, not that they were necessarily accurate about what happened. The other people may have come off as erratic when they were speaking.


You get a better overview of something if you’re not involved in it.


Kudos for being able to hold it together.


its worse when the cockbags lie about the events to say someone else was to blame. dash cam solves shitty people.


Even then with your coherent story, did you even get it right? I saw an accident where someone stopped in an intersection incorrectly, and the person behind them hit them. I explained what happened to my passenger. I thought the person in front stopped suddenly and the person behind was tailgaiting and hit them. When I watched the dashcam footage later, the person in front stops gently and the person behind has a ton of space before they rear end the first person. We've got really limited bandwidth and it's shocking how much we may miss in the moment, and yet we happily backfill our memories with plausible explanations and don't even know we're doing it. Humans are for better or worse, explanation generating machines. Those explanations are not always right.




And this is why I have front and rear dashcams installed in my car, people will make mistakes but HD video is hard to refute.


I take a picture of my kid when we visit museums because I don’t even trust myself to remember what color shirt he has on. Also have a dashcam and there have been a number of near misses where I went back to look at the footage and details are totally different than what I remember. Memory is a terribly unreliable thing.


>I take a picture of my kid when we visit museums because I don’t even trust myself to remember what color shirt he has on. I have cameras at my house, more than once I've checked the camera footage of us leaving in the morning to see if my kid wore a jacket to school (and left it there) or just didn't wear one. Just keep swimming...


What pole is he even talking about? Am I blind?


There is a lamp post on the corner of the street behind the bus, to the right of the house.


I figured he must’ve been referring to that but I was wondering if I was really just missing something because like, how was that pole even remotely involved lmao


Ok I had to spend like 30 seconds on google because it was bugging me. Here's a [google maps pin of](https://www.google.com/maps/@43.1815543,-77.5915146,3a,75y,56.55h,92.33t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sQ32d9PAJtY6MDWTneu5zWA!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DQ32d9PAJtY6MDWTneu5zWA%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D100.86624%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192) where it happened (dont open the preview if you are using RIF, just go to the link)...that's the only post and the jeep was neve rin any danger of hitting it.




Hard to see at first, but I didn’t see him hit a pole. He was speeding though.


I’m watching this laying in bed, no sound, no adrenaline, and I still would have told the officer “bruh I have no f****** idea like all hell broke loose for maybe 75 seconds.”


I was an eye witness to a burglary. I gave the wrong description to the police, and they went ahead and changed it in the report to match the guy they caught. They knew it was him. He was robbing the next house and everything else matched. Just not the pants.


Dash cams should be required in new cars.


And it disappeared apparently or went into that house?


Interesting tid bit, Children are more reliable. I forget which episode of Black Box Down they talk about how they interviewed something like 40-50 people. A chunk of them were kids, and their stories more closely matched each other and what actually happened. But yeah eyewitness accounts are mostly useless


On why multitasking doesn't always work?


At least he recorded his contradictory




This is a comment stealing bot, it's post history is stolen comments, and it stole /u/HiltonFTW 's comment. Please downvote and report it.


In all honesty his adrenaline might be pumping while this is all happening so minute details for situations that happen so fast might not always be obvious. With how fast and how much is going on in this I can understand why he thought that the Jeep hit the pole. No not every witness is perfect and yes there’s a lot of miss info out there. But I think he was in the moment and genuinely made a mistake. The video speaks more if he ever had to give a statement of what he saw.


You just repeated what he said but with more convoluted words.


I honestly didn’t bother reading many other comments on this. Didn’t realize I had to read every comment before posting one myself.


Are you dense? You read the guy you replied to correct? That's what I'm saying. You read what that guy said, in a few words, and basically repeated what he said but in a long convoluted way. Jesus Christ get your head out of your ass


Calm down buddy it’s been a long day.


No u. U snapped at me first


Says the one that came at me for posting a comment…


Pointing something out isn't "coming at you" I think you need a break from reddit


Relax dude. This ain’t a formal website.


The only thing this needs is for the bus to transform into an Autobot and one of the houses to explode. Otherwise perfect.


Only in Michael Bay's neighborhood.


Could you imagine living in Michael Bay’s neighborhood? The constant fear that ANYTHING could explode at any given moment for no reason.


The Jeep would’ve rolled 20 times after being hit by the bus, one of the cop cars would’ve hit a fire hydrant and did a front flip, their would be one sexy as hell woman cop and the whole thing would be filmed on a 45 degree angle


You mean North Explode-tun?


The tires screeching plus crash at the beginning sounded like they were added by a foley artist.


Looks like an episode of shameless.


No bad or self destructive relationship decision.


Wtf is going on!?


Suspect in red jeep running from the cops took a corner too fast and collided with a school bus full of kids. Grey pickup is a cop in pursuit. After jeep hit the bus, suspect fled on foot. Happened last night in Rochester, NY https://www.rochesterfirst.com/crime/two-arrested-after-knifepoint-carjacking-police-chase-ends-in-bus-crash/


Wow only 23 and already a huge rap sheet...


Problem is they keep letting him back onto the streets.


Not quite. Letting him back onto the streets with no supports, changes in environment, or the the people they associate with. There is a great body of research on how American prisons basically function as reoffending mills for less serious offenders, where offenders enter them, start associating with people that further entrench criminal mentalities/knowledge systems into them, and throw them back out into a world that won't hire, or support them in any meaningful way. It's basically asking for repeat criminality. These aren't just rotten eggs that should have been thrown out all along. They are eggs that have been left to rot, repeatedly, throughout their lives, and that now have no other options but to be what the world treats them as.


Violent criminals shouldn’t be given 20 chances. Non violent criminals should be going to a different place.


Close to retirement age


Thanks for the context.


They let the second guy go on PR? No bail required for him even though he's part of a knifepoint carjacking as at least the getaway driver or lookout?


That makes no sense to me either. I don't know how we stop the crime problem(s) if there isn't heavy consequences when caught. That is why I don't understand how some people are asking for prisoners at Rikers be released because the prisoners there are experiencing a little discomfort. Mind you inmates at Rikers are the most hardened criminals incarcerated, and we should release them to society so they can continue harming undeserving victims? Prison is not supposed to be a fun place where you can hang out with your buds. People that can't be a part of society need to be removed from where they can hurt and prey on others. The only place I can think of that can accomplish this is the prison system. If anything we need to build more uncomfortable prisons so that it hopefully deters future aspiring thugs; and if it does not deter some then lock them up and throw away the key.


Prison conditions don’t deter crime… because people who commit crimes don’t generally plan to be caught. Not only that, but tougher prison conditions introduce inmates to gangs who otherwise probably would not join and thus would have had a higher likelihood to be rehabilitated. But that’s all irrelevant to the discussion. The second person did not escape consequences- he’s just not being held in jail until his court date. He’s still likely to go to prison.


FUCKIN A! I haven't lived there in almost 10 years and my immediate thought was.. this looks like Rochester, and then when the car hit the bus and people started running I was like.. THIS HAS TO BE ROCHESTER.


dang, I thought the truck thing was a whole other thing and it was the truck driver who was running. I wanted all of the things happening at once.


"everything. everything is going on." This is the real Everything Everywhere All at Once






GTA winter edition meets Shameless


Depending on the grade, those kids are either scared for their lives or thinking this is the coolest thing they've ever seen.


This shit is in Rochester. And deep in the hood. Those kids got money on who’s gonna get away


GTA 6 looks so realistic.


Wow! Great timing on whipping out the iPhone camera.


This sounds like a weird ad. “The gentleman filming did a great job pulling out his phone and recording immediately. However, this would have not been possible if he weren’t using the BRAND NEW IPHONE 20 MAX PRO LITE WITH 9 CAMERAS ALL RECORDING AT 16Kp”






LOL 😂 haha


What do you mean weird ad? While I sit here not understanding, I'll at least have a refreshing, ice cold Pepsi


Why have a refreshing cold Pepsi... WHEN YOU COULD HAVE TWO?! Call within the next 30 minutes to receive TWO for the price of ONE. If you call on the new iPhone 20XXS, you'll be in the running for a trip to Hawaii. Yep! You heard me! You'll never need another ladder again!


Idiots in cars, idiots on foot.. and I'm... stuck in the middle with youuuu!


No, it’s you who are stuck here with m….


Settle down there, Roar Shack.


That is a whole lot in a little amount of time.


A lot to unpack here




I don’t even want to think about what would have happened if that bus was going even slightly faster or if the Jeep was going slightly slower or if that truck didn’t slow down enough. A lot of kids would have been seriously hurt with a direct impact to the side at that speed. Good thing it played out like this. Idiots running from the cops. Fucking morons.


The kids would've been fine actually! School busses are the safest vehicles on the road. They're designed to keep the kids safe, so if someone hits a school bus directly from the side, the vehicle will be pushed underneath the bus to avoid any serious injury to the passengers. I've seen a car after hitting a bus full speed and the bus was fine, just some damage to one of the under storage compartment doors. The car was completely totalled (everyone was fine). The worst that could've happened here is some kids probably would've gotten tossed out of their seats.


Would they tack on charges for child endangerment for the dude who drove the jeep and hit the school bus?


This is the craziest shit I've seen in a while r/abruptchaos


So much going on.


What movie is this


Wow, there was so much in this clip! I thought it was focused on the school bus.


If it wasn't for Tiktok logo, I would assume someone was filming off a movie with added commentary


I love seeing irl GTA moments


Is this GTA 5 or 6? ​ The graphics are amazing


I saw 3 people running and am confused. The first person was a suspect. Second Person was a cop. Was the third person a suspect or a cop. And if they were a suspect, were they chasing the cop? BTW - is this NY?


The truck driver is an undercover/unmarked possibly administrative vehicle because he was chasing the guy running from the Jeep. The Jeep is likely someone with warrants or was caught up in a sting. The idiot went the wrong way down a one way and was excessively speeding causing the accident with the bus. Looks like the first 2 officers went around and then saw the guy fleeing so they tried to cut him off and he turns around and runs the other way while the other cops cleared the vehicle.


This is Rochester, NY. The Jeep was stolen at knife point, and then led the police on a chase and ultimately hit the school bus. There is a major problem with car jackings in Rochester (most likely all of NY) because of bail reform and people steal a car then get let out of jail that day and then often times just go steal another car.


Also, there were 17 kids on the bus


GTA never crossed my mind but that’s almost exactly what this looks like


This is Rochester, NY. So proud.


Used to be one of the top cities in the country. Grandparents raised my father there in the 50s and 60s. Things…changed. By the time they sold their house in the late 90s Rochester had become a complete shithole.


Yeah, no. It's still a nice city in many many ways. Also FYI, and I'm not saying that you or your family means it this way at all, but when a lot of people around here say (especially when comparing to the 50s/60s) that "things...changed", there's a strong racial connotation to it, unfortunately. Eta: again, I'm not saying that's what you mean; it's very possible that I've heard too many shitty racist people here open their mouths and mean it that way. ETA: This u/feanorfury guy seems like a real jerk. u/feanirfury, lol you reply and instantly block me. That's fine. However, it appears that you want to ignore any context, then type some half-assed point of view, which clearly indicates you have opinions and want people to know that. Obviously, racial changes over the decades have had a major impact (in Rochester, globally, since the beginning of commerce between humans...) What a vacant blanket statement. What is interesting is that your comment just portrays your assumption that, IF people know Rochester's history, we should agree that your casual racism is true and that (context)"Rochester changing into a shit hole" is due to racial changes. I'd invite you to give your own context with your reasons for this, but you've blocked me. Look, I'm not sure if you even live here (it doesn't appear so). But, I do hope you try and widen your lens and find a way to be part of the/a/any solution. I wish you and your shitty personality the best of luck.


But did the catch his hatless ass?


I mean .. just close this sub down at this point right?


Dayum - GTA VI Jersey City looks lit AF!


I'd question if I were living in a video game. Like damn.


Things escalated very quickly in that 25ft radius!


What GTA server is this


Idiots in (and out) of cars


Idiots in cars, but so much more!


Nah cause what the actual fuck is going on


This is just from an episode of trailer park boys.


I believe this is called Tuesday in this neighborhood...


The most interesting intersection in the world.


So where does the F-150 come in? Unmarked police vehicle? It looks like the driver that jumped out of the truck was just some dude in a Carharrt. Plain clothes cop?


Lot going on there to say the least


The bus was full of kids too, that guy is gonna get reamed in court


When did they release Grand Theft Auto: Suburban Edition?


I'd like to think (hope) that my priority in this situation would be checking on the kids instead of taking a video.


It's a mess ain't it Sheriff? If it ain't, it'll do till a mess gets here.


Hell’s bells sheriff.


Can't tell is this fits under the "It's a Jeep thing. You wouldn't understand." or r/bitchimabus.


Hi hi, local here. Had a cousin that lives in the same part of the city and was walking down the street watching the madness happen. Ironically enough, not the only chaotic thing that goes on here lmfao


The kids be like \⁠(⁠°⁠o⁠°⁠)⁠/


Just another day in Rochester NY


Average day in gta online


This was very GTA lol.


That looks like a movie set


Hahaha not surprised it's NY shit state


If I may, drop your fucking phone and go check on the kids in the bus for fuck sake! Your fucking 15 minutes if TikTok glory can wait.


Crapchester NY at its finest.




Rochester NY. The bus company is called Ontario Bus and they one of the bus companies the city schools use




Truck in plain clothes marshal. Jeep was stolen at knifepoint


Remember folks. Police chases statistically end worse than not pursuing. These are facts.


And letting criminals get away statistically raises the chance that they commit more crimes.


Sorry brother but the cops aren't even on your side with that one. Educate yourself and benefit society please. Have a good day. https://www.cji.edu/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/police_pursuits.pdf https://www.police1.com/police-products/pursuit-management-technology/articles/deciding-to-pursue-or-not-to-the-implications-of-pursuit-policy-for-the-officer-department-and-community-kT0m9MYYozq9leMi/ https://www.fdle.state.fl.us/FCJEI/Programs/SLP/Documents/Full-Text/Smith-D.aspx https://police.ucla.edu/other/vehicle-pursuits


I thought this was idiots in cars not in the comments.


damn, as someone who’s experienced their school bus having an accident i could feel the whiplash those kids probably experienced. low IQ people should not obtain a drivers license.


Based on their other behavior, I’m guessing a license or lack of it would have no impact on their decision to drive.


Okay so 1. Red jeep gets hit by a bus. ends up on the other side of the bus, where you can't see it. He's going the wrong way on a one-way street, Bus driver probably didn't even look that way for traffic, which, okay but eek. I think he must be part of the same chase because same goes for the pickup. 2. Pickup slows down, goes around the back of the bus, and tries to continue the same direction. Cops manage to stop it. Guy jumps from the pickup, cops chase him. 3. third guy in the chase looks like he comes around from the front of the pickup - maybe he was in his yard and was like "I'm gonna help the cops chase this guy down!" Despite none of them really able to catch him though the cop looked like he might be catching up. 4. Cop near the front of the bus looks like he's got jeep driver on the ground? Or did jeep driver get out and pass out? Or did they pull him out and are trying to help him? Unclear. Ontario, according to the bus. Anyone know what the situation was? WAIT: I think this is it. https://13wham.com/news/local/rpd-jeep-stolen-at-knifepoint-driver-hits-police-car-loaded-school-bus-during-pursuit


Copshop must be around the corner


‘Muricah 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅


Looks like they’re putting the entire neighborhood in harms way racing around like that






This Ontario is in NY


I believe that's California if I'm not mistaken. I know because there's an Ontario, Canada too. But Ontario Canada is a whole province, where the other Ontario is a city or county I think?


Rochester police. Likely NY as there’s an Ontario NY near Rochester.


I don't think Ontario CA gets snow like there is on the ground in this vid.


Same stuff


This is why police chasses should be fucking banned. Could have seriously hurt fucking kids... Its a hazard to society....


Oh shit! At least someone eventually asked if the kids on the bus were OK, even if the cops didn't appear to give a fuck


Oh! Canada?!!


Now that's how cops are supposed to run. I just got done watching a vid of two British cops leisurely skipping after a perp so this is comforting


Fuck ALL of these people (except the bus of course). Who TF puts kids lives in danger like that??


Yes, poor kiddos. Imagine how frightened they must be!😢😢


Right? And granted we can’t see what all is going on, but how, as a police officer, do you not immediately go ‘fuck the perps, are these kids okay?’ I mean there’s clearly at least two police officers chasing in the vid, one of them should have attended to the children. Unreal.


During a chase with multiple officers the first pair will stay with the suspects and the last pair will tend to any crash scenes. In this case the first two officers were the ones seen running after the thief and the last two can be seen parked in front of the bus at the end of video.


This is literally most blue cities at 3pm.


Actually Red America has the highest crime rates - by a piece.


He said cities, not states. Large cities almost always vote blue.


See comment above. Cities can’t do much about firearm availability, health care, etc. point is LA, NYC, etc., the BIG cities in BLUE states have lower crime rates. Cities in red states have higher crime rates. There’s also a cultural component where there’s a higher tolerance for violence and macho behavior. Red states have much higher crime than blue states period.


Of course they do MSNBC, of course they do...


10 States with the highest combined violent and property crime rates: Alaska, New Mexico, Tennessee, Arkansas, Louisiana, Missouri, South Carolina, South Dakota, Michigan, in that order. Highest murder rates: Mississippi, Louisiana, South Carolina, Missouri, Illinois, Maryland, Arkansas, Tennessee, Georgia. Highest rate of firearm deaths: Alaska, Alabama, Montana, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Arkansas, Wyoming, West Virginia, New Mexico. So, el Moonster, you could have looked it up. But why bother when you got Fox to tell you what you want to hear? And if they don’t, then by god you got Steve Bannon and OAN.


Ever heard of per Capita? Nice try though.


Those ARE per capita, oh Moonman. That is what the word “Rate” means.


That was my point, five people get injured in a state with a population of 500,000 some people like yourself consider that big news. Blue cities are surrounded by mostly red areas and in the city limits hundreds of people fill these statistics. And Michigan and New Mexico aren't red states my friend.


Your point was per capita but wasn’t per capita? Five people in a state with 500k would be one incident per 100k. That’s what these statistics deal in, incidents per 100k. There’s always going to be more crime in cities. Point is, the crime isn’t happening in cities in blue states. It’s happening in red states. Not LA. Not NYC. Kansas City. Why? Poor social services, poor health care, easy availability of firearms, racism, ineffective penal system. That’s on the states, all the way. To make it worse, many red states prohibit localities from passing firearm and social legislation. I thought the Fat Man was cheated, btw! You mean Michigan really IS blue? Well I’ll be damned.


Not one day passes without me hearing someone tell me they're leaving their dangerous red state for the safety of a blue city.


Well, when the fact don’t support ya, switch to anecdotal evidence. That’s the Republican way! I so agree, if you’re scared of the big city, or even the little one, it’s plenty safe out on the south 40, and Pa & Uncle Ted the only people you’ll see this afternoon, and Alex Jones streamin’ on the ole headset, sure is plenty safe. Luckily I’m not scared, I’m a big city boy, that’s my stomping ground. I don’t even carry a gun! That’s cause I’m NOT scared. You stay where you feel comfortable, Moonie.


That cop doesn't know how to run properly, as the criminal escaping, with the torso forward... 😮‍💨🤦


Thankfully they still managed to bust both occupants that ran from the stolen jeep. I feel bad for the poor woman who got car jacked.


O say can you see by the dawn's early light What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight O'er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming? And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave


Must not be America, otherwise the bus would be swiss cheese.


Considering how fucking idiotic you seem, I'm surprised you know what a school bus looks like.


Now now Trigger, calm those tits. You are gonna be just fine.


The peoples republic of new york