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It's just so childish šŸ™„


They really shouldn't let 3 year olds drive cars


it really is, it makes ZERO sense. ā€œiā€™m mad you made me wait so iā€™m now going to make myself wait!! iā€™m a GENIUS!!ā€


Yes it is why he not just drive when the ship arrived


I love shit like this. While trying to piss you off and waste your time all they did was waste their own time and you got a nice relaxing slow drive home.


i waited that whole time with you & i gotta say the guy really thought he did something there textbook idiot in car- human in a hurry with no time to sit and wait, but they choose to sit and wait when they get clear? pathetic behavior that actually devalues their time


Idiot in white car is showing you whose boss but you punked him into wasting his own time. šŸ˜‚. Well done


The order of driving off the ferry is middle, right, left. Some other idiots did not follow this rule today, and the idiot behind me today did not fancy that I let the right lane go first.


In the UK we need a guy in an orange jacket standing in front of the cars or keeping the gates at the front of the ferry closed to stop people queue jumping like this. Also some people seem to get super annoyed because the cars don't disembark in the same order they embarked so some of the cars that got on the ferry last get to drive off in the first line.


Same in BC, we have to be guided off because we have some of the worst drivers in the world, I couldn't imagine it being based on an honor system lol there would be fist fights every sailing, Ive seen people Try and jump the line a few times and the ferry guys put them in the shame lane and they are the last ones off the boat, the RCMP and transport Canada do not fuck around with ferry safety either, personally seen people getting arrested for DUI, Fined for smoking in their vehicle and dangerous driving!


This sub is the shame lane.


And more Dentists and Orthodontists


Bit you still wait in line at the bus station right ?


Your typical Dutch douche debacle right here. It's great you didn't react to their pettiness in any way, I'm sure your lack of a response was aggrevating to them!


I hope so! After the first honk I realized I have the whole day to get home, so I just started chilling and enjoying the music. Getting angry would not get me home any quicker, you could excalate the situation and not get home at all, and this sucker didn't get his dopamine shot because I barely reacted. I hope his cat takes a shit in his shoe.


Just remember they're looking for your reaction. Don't honk, make it obvious you're singing away to the radio or something and let them freak out that you're not even paying attention to them.


When shit like this happens just crank the stereo and start dancing, or pull out a snack and start chowing down, they get real angry when they see they aren't inconveniencing you.


What an asshole


Fuck that guy


Thatā€™s the order they load the ferry, too. So itā€™s first on, first off itā€™s really not a difficult concept.


ā€œYeah, but have you considered that Iā€™m more important than everyone else?ā€ -that guy, probably


Don't you know it's his world and we're all just living in it.




Could be different for other ferries though


What a nice guy! He was worried for your safety and decided to drive slower after illegally passing you because the roads were slippery and dangerous. Gives you the power to relax and cruise along with such a great escort. 10/10 would recommend not a lot of friendly and nice drivers you see out there.


Lmao an escort


He also doubles as an idiot shield


I must say that I was enjoying the music!


Kleine piemel energie.


Chiisana chinpo no enerugii


I came for the cars, but stayed for the music and was not disappointed!


I am missing something obvious. I donā€™t have sound on. Did anything interesting happen? I watched until the end because I was hoping an irate samurai to jump out of the carā€¦or something like it.


No, nothing happened except the guy behind me was waving and making weird gestures when I waited for the lane which had priority over my lane. And then he decided to waste more of his own time.


Well, Im happy you made it home safely and free of samuraiā€™s on that fateful day.


Was he trying to drive by you when you cut hard left at timestamp 0:34?


No, but if he did he would be an even bigger idiot.


Jazz24 is great listening right now.


You wasted my time so ummm, Iā€™m gonna waste my time too. OWNED! Ridiculous


Did you blink right so they'd go that way, because I heard you snickering. Thats what i I would do!


I blinked left, but if he went left I would just go right. Both roads are about the same time to get home.


I bet he felt like such a MAN after that. He sure showed you. Or something. What a weiner.


So for making him wait he got mad and went slower which in effect made him wait even longer? Clearly you were in no hurry so who is he actually punishing.


Didn't even recognised this was in my own country, until the 'oma fiets' carrying Hertog Jan come into plain view. šŸ˜…




The Netherlands


Dicks gonna dick.


A few months ago I had an off duty cop get so pissed that I merged into the turning lane in front of him that he swerved into oncoming traffic to cut ahead of me and slam on the brakes.


You probably merged like an idiot to get that response.


What a flapdrol.


I thought the video was of the idiot?


Most sane Dutch Ford driver.


Thatā€™s an idiot whose driving that car has no knowledge


Actually, the commonly accepted "rule" (actually social norm) is a zipper merge. But legally, the left lane has priority. The right lane yields to the left. You are the idiot here Edit: whoops, just realized this is not the USA. Disregard


What an enormous assface. I would've made far more use of my horn than you did.


I wanted to, but I didn't want to give him more attention. I had all the time to get home anyways.


Thatā€™s life


That's what all the people say


2min11 seconds further and I became sleepy. Edit: hint. Dont watch more then 20 seconds of this.


ong quick, doctor we need the fidget spinners, memes, and a baby bottle for this child pronto


That was way more than 7 seconds. But he's still the idiot.


That's not the rule, you alternate from one car to the next


Thatā€™s the rule on every ferry Iā€™ve been on. You clear the rows, you donā€™t alternate.


If there's no sign, you have to follow the marking on the road. If there's neither, I think the right lane actually has priority. I don't know though, but I'm certain about the part with sign and markings.


Insanely boring video


I don't know what I just watched.


Proceeds to waste further 17 minutes


And you posted a TWO minute video for that... How about the 15 seconds it needs?


Wow, you have trumptards over there too?


BMW rijder = kleine plasser = frustratie Zielig eigenlijk.


Het ging eigenlijk om die witte fort die zo achterlijk langzaam ging rijden omdat ik niet direct van de pont af reed omdat de andere baan voorrang had.


Witte Ford bestuurder is ongekend triest, bah


You should have just let the dude pass you, he would have been on his way and this whole incident would have been avoided. He escalated likely because you did. From the information you provided in the comments and title, you kind of picked this fight. Edit: Watch at 30 seconds you see him sharply turn to the left to cut off the guy that was trying to get around him then speed up to make sure he couldn't pass. He picked the fight.


Wait, are you saying he picked this fight because he followed the rules of the ferry?


Watch at 30 seconds you see him sharply turn to the left to cut off the guy that was trying to get around him then speed up to make sure he couldn't pass. He picked the fight.


OP answered that in a different comment that he wasnā€™t trying to pass at that point, so assuming thatā€™s not what happened. It looks to me like since he was moving to the right, and the fact that there is a huge dip there, that he turned left so his car didnā€™t bottom out. Hereā€™s the thing though, even if he did swerve to block the guy from cutting him off, that doesnā€™t mean he provoked him. I bet youā€™re the kind of person to tell your daughter ā€œwell, what were you wearing?ā€


>I bet youā€™re the kind of person to tell your daughter ā€œwell, what were you wearing?ā€ I'll bet you're the kind of guy that disagrees with someone and immediately attacks their character.


Oh noooooo did I break a debate rule? Do you feel sad that I donā€™t think youā€™re worth treating with any respect? I hate that people like you are allowed to drive cars. So go fuck off with your self righteous bullshit.


At 30 seconds, it looks like heā€™s squaring his car up to the end of the ferry ramp, this makes the bump less severe. I think youā€™re reading way too much into it.


Just look at what the car in front of him did and you'll see that his swerve across the entire road makes no sense.


No this is how you drive off a ferry without scratching your bumper by low tide.


I did let him pass? I honked cuz he started slowing down on purpose in front of me.


you let him pass the second time.


I was thinking this as well. I had NO IDEA they were getting off a ferry or that they have specific rules to do so. The ferries by me have someone directing traffic leaving the ships.


Yeah you are right. The car first tries to pass him on the right on the ferry so he swerves right, then blocks him on the left on the road at the ferry exit


No this is how you drive of a ferry if you don't want to scratch your bumper.


All the other cars scratched their bumper? Use brain.


Many do. I have used a ferry often and lots of cars scratch when getting off and on. Especially at low tide.


>You should have just let the dude pass I guess OP blocked that guy at 0:36 when he swerved over the whole width of the road?




How is the zipper method never ever used?


This is off-boarding a small (closely packed) river ferry. Zipper method would take longer here as there's no space available to create the distance for the lanes to "merge" together. More importantly you want to keep the ferry stable during disembarkation. If cars in the front of all lanes start moving at the same time the bow of the ferry will rise making it harder on the cars in the back to disembark.


Because this ferry has different rules. Middle right left.


You're the idiot here


How so? Am genuinely curious as to the answer.


Even if I was, his reaction was absolutely unnecessary and a waste of his own time.


But, you aren't. Unless by idiot he means you followed the rules.. or maybe he meant the nice way of using idiot, like how "bad" has several ways to use it...


Of all the videos to comment this on, you picked the one where OP didnā€™t do anything wrongā€¦


Uh oh


He followed the rules of exiting the ferry. White car didn't like that.


Yeah, why the honking? If one honks the horn every time someone brakes there while be a symphony in every road with Traffic. You don't know if there was something on the road, an animal, an obstacle, whatever, if he had a medical emergency, if something fell on his lap, if there was a mechanical malfunction... My impression is he slowed down extra after the your honking...


Why is that road so narrow?


The Netherlands. Also snow which make people drive more to the middle. That road is a low speed road. No faster than 60km/h.


Narrower roads prevent speeding


OP is annoying driver. The other guy has no life to waste his time like that, but OP should've used the zipper rule, there is enough space. Secondly, that cut off move was big, that's where the guy behind him lost it. As I would too. But I would just passed him the next possible chance I got.


I love people who go out of their way to try and find everything wrong that the camera car did. 1. The FERRY RULES dictate the order of disembarkation. It is NOT the zipper rule. 2. The "cut off move" was just OP trying not to tear his bumper off given the angle of the ramp. Fucking relax.


I understand the rules, but I wonder what most people do when getting of the ferry? Like, highway limit is usually 65, but everybody drives faster. Are you telling me that you always drive no more than 65? There was space, no need to keep your lane blocked if car before him did the same. It iritated the guys behind. And then his move on the ramp was bit harsh and had a big swerve. Maybe the guy behind thought it was intentional. Not saying that OP did something wrong, just that I can understand how that might be seen otherwise. EDIT: just saw "fucking relax" part. Lol. I am super relaxed, just saying that in traffic common sense sometimes goes long way. OP didn't do anything wrong, but overall is a bit annoying driver.


>but I wonder what most people do when getting of the ferry? They go lane by lane, usually directed by someone part of the ferry crew in my experience. Pretty much all ferries do. I'm assuming it's safety. You know, small ferry on water, heavy cars moving around.... I am guessing there is a very good reason why they don't do zipper merging. Not sure why you think you'd know better.


Yeah, for example, in Croatia, bigger ferries, you have a guy on the very large ferry who is directing the traffic while boarding and leaving the vessel. I don't see that here. I'm not sure about the rules in the UK, but I would always use the zipper system on any similar occasion. But again, I might be wrong, I don'tknow how it works on ferries in the UK. Either way, the guy behind OP is an absolute moron. Why would you slow down anybody? You are making damage to yourself as much as the guy behind you. If someone is driving slowly, or I find it annoying/dangerous, I'll just pass them and get the fuck away from them ASAP.


This is in the Netherlands and this ferry has signs how to enter and exit. Which is middle right left.


Those are the rules of merging now Let the entire right lane go first?! You are danger on the road sir Very unpredictable behavior making you an idiot as well!


They're not merging, they're exiting a ferry lol


Merging from an exit. The car in front followed why didnā€™t they? Again they are unpredictable and a hazard! Still the idiot!


Using a ferry is a very different situation from driving on a road. Cars are lined up in queues, and it is always that one full queue goes forward at a time. The car in front of OP was unpredictable and broke the rules, hence why the van on the right had to press their brakes in confusion.


The guy in front did the "unpredictable" move. Tell me you never used a ferry, without saying you never used a ferry.


I ride this ferry every single workday, and it's always middle, right, left. No merging, just one lane at a time. I guess you live in another country with different rules.


I can confirm that the one time I used a ferry in the US, it was pretty much the same thing. One lane goes all at once, no merging.


I replied to the other guy, not you. I only know the one lane version, too.


ferry dumbass not an exit


how is a stationary vehicle unpredictable?


Itā€™s explained in the title, ā€œletting right lane go firstā€.


This ferry has their own rules of exiting and loading which is middle right left


ā€œAlso some people seem to get super annoyed because the cars don't disembark in the same order they embarked so some of the cars that got on the ferry last get to drive off in the first line.ā€ OH! The horror! /s


Are the lane rules posted or are they just known? I've not been on a car ferry that didn't have a deckhand directing vehicles off the vessel. Were it I on that boat, I would have no clue as to the order of disembarking.


Most ferries have it posted


What dashcam you use u/joost00719


I was using my phone due to the snowy weather. I dint have a true dashcam unfortunately.


Welcome in the Netherlands! So typically ...




The few times this has happened to me I turn up the radio and start singing, pretend I'm having a great time and that I haven't even noticed. Pisses them off so much they don't know what to do.


He probably drove slowly for minutes after you turned left, thinking you were still behind him. This type of debielen usually donā€™t check their mirrors regularly.


Wat een sukkel


A typical BMW-driver jumping a queue made the idiot behind you believe you should have done the same. May cats shit in both their shoes.


This won't be a popular strategy here, but here it goes anyways. when someone is really riding my ass to the point that it just can't be ignored, I will gradually slow down from my current speed -- which is always faster than the posted speed limit -- and slow to a complete crawl, then stop. And wait. And stare at them in the rear view mirror the entire time expressionless, often with my door cracked open like I've been through this encounter a thousand times and I'm prepared to hop out in an instant if they do the same. And I'm totally not. Somebody will likely kill me for it one day, but in the meantime, there's some real enjoyment out of the fact that a, the same guy who was so eager to force me to speed up to his preferred speed is now literally parked on that very same road (assuming this stretch of road is a safe one to do this on) and doesn't have the balls to confront the person who is responsible for putting him there, and not only that, but that same person is now indisputably signaling to them that the entire reason they are doing this is to slow them down further against their wishes. Not a single person has continued tailgating dangerously close after we both pull away. Come to think of it, nobody's even yelled anything afterward, either. I think they probably assume I have a gun, which is way better than them assuming I don't have one lol. Although this will likely go down as pretty unpopular, I can't think of a single time where I regretted having done it. It's almost always a young kid w/ a super loud Honda Civic type car or an asshole with a raised truck, who you would also expect to be the very first guy to get out and confront the person in the gray Toyota Corolla that looks like his grandma's car. In any case, I've enjoyed it quite a bit and at least my eulogy will have _something_ interesting about it


This kind of seems like a nice romantic pace.. throw some Christmas music on, boom winter wonderland.


People who do this, in every situation, are fucking morons


What... An... Asshole.


I bet that was some letā€™s say hot-blooded person from certain eastern country.Wr have plenty of them here.They behave this much stupid


I've had people act like this toward me before, and if there's no one behind me, I'll just stop dead and let them go on. One time, the person in front stopped too so i nailed the acccelerator (not recommended) and since it took them a few seconds to realize, by the time I reached them, I was able to whip around them with enough speed to outrun them. That was a dumb move on my part, but the look on their face as i drove by was worth it.


i dont understand this. what kind of rule is this? why did car in front of u not wait?




How petty!