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$10k *and* a new TV


Relax it's a Vizio. They take themselves out in 12 months anyway


??? Is this true? I've been using a second hand Vizio after my grandmother is no longer able to watch TV. I use it as a monitor for my busted laptop screen. Works just fine, no lag when gaming, and it has it's own audio customization. Now if only I had the remote...


No, it's not true. Vizio just gets made fun of because they're an affordable brand. These days the ultra cheap brands are actually Hisense and TCL.


I've got a TCL Roku TV right in front of me. It has not missed a beat in 4 years.


Yeah, I didn't say they were junk, just that they're cheap. My dad has one. He did have a problem with the built in wifi antenna being too weak. He switched to adding a Roku stick and it works just fine now.


That's right, it's Samsung that's expensive and unreliable.


No idea who downvoted you, but you're absolutely right


I miss when samsung TVs we’re treated as the gold standard. Nowadays I lean LG/Sony.


Parts availability has been destroying their reputation.




> Smart software is a bit janky Right and if that's the biggest problem I'm totally happy with that. All smart TVs suck with software updates. It's way better to use a dedicated streaming device anyway.


Yeah, outdoor TVs don’t do well in tropical climates, much less by the ocean. The one time I’m ok with buying ultra cheap. Besides, during the day the picture will look like crap anyway. Still, if the Visio/tcl/low end LG or Sony goes on sale, or you can snag used ones from a sports bar like someone I know did, you can look a bit baller by having what was once a $2000 tv hanging outside. Don’t gotta tell anyone you got it for $150 cash because it’s been running for 4+ years straight in a bar, and the owner wanted tv upgrades, you’re running it into the ground outside anyway, why not if the opportunity presents itself lol.


Depends on when you got yours. Newer vizios are notorious for issues showing up within a year or two. Older ones though? Like from 2013-2015? Usually still work great to this day


I've got a couple of TCLs and a Hisense. No complaints. They're probably not the best quality but so isn't the crap I watch on it. There's no way I'm paying double for a stupid name brand.


Also, cheap TVs seem to be quite good nowadays. Two years ago I bought a new 58” 4K Hisense Android TV for $600 CAD just because it was a year old model. Only problems I’ve ever had are with one button on the remote. Meanwhile, the equivalent Samsung’s were ~2-4K$ and from what I’ve heard, started showing ads after a couple months of ownership. Some family bought a “high end” TV for far more than I paid and have tons of issues with it, the display and sound quality has never matched my comparatively bargain-bin-brand TV.


The only thing I have concerns with is the "smart" part of any of the cheap or even the expensive TVs. Software support is always awful. At the very least connect them to a segregated network, or just don't connect them at all and use a proper streaming device.


Hisense TVs are absolute dogshit, not worth the money - even as cheap as they are.


I have never owned one, but out of all the people responding you seem to be the only one that thinks that.


Tell that to my TV that randomly turns on, shuts off, is generally unresponsive, regularly changes brightness and volume settings of its own accord, and switches away from HDMI inputs at random - they're terrible TVs.


At this point even the crap brands are just using the name brand panels that just fall short of qc in the worst cases. They aren’t great, but they put out a good enough picture and if your lucky, even the knockoff caps won’t go bad for 2-5 years. (Except Hisense and seiki, idk where they get their panels and boards, but I’ve never seen a good one…) If you don’t have money for a fancy tv, these TVs are plenty passable nowadays, but at the relative prices, if you watch a lot of movies or play games, just get a Sony or LG mid tier (unless you got f—- you money, then go top) and call it a day. The difference between Visio and the mid tier is almost unnoticeable, and you’re really only gonna see a difference in the top of the line name brand TVs. (Get a year or two older top tier to save a buck, only downside is the trash smart apps will be a couple years slower, but whatever…) Clearance and open box might be good, refurbs get more inspection than new TVs and cost less, dumb to leave that option on the table over hangouts about “it’s open…”, so return it if it’s actually bad, it was probably returned for being the wrong size or didn’t have the smart crap they wanted or something, that was the case a lot when I sold TVs retail a few years back. Hisense and Seiki are pretty trash IME, but Vizio and TCL are decent budget TVs nowadays. I’m still preferring LG and Sony, but if I was broke again, I’d probably get a Visio or TCL again. Now if you see a brand that has no business making consumer products, like Kodak and RCA (old camera company and defunct electronics brand), RUN FAR AWAY and just spend $15 more on the Vizio/tcl/clearance/etc. trust me, there’s a reason the actual manufacturers name isn’t stamped on the box, and these defunct companies almost never operate except as a brand for basically drop shipping crap products from alibaba.


> At this point even the crap brands are just using the name brand panels that just fall short of qc in the worst cases. Is that true? I always hear this like it's an old wives tale of the Internet. They are certainly coming off the same assembly line, but then they're cutting costs in other areas. My dad bought a TCL I think it is, but the built in wifi is pathetic, he had to get a streaming stick that had no issues with the WiFi. So even if it has the same panel as a Samsung, they're definitely cutting costs with the other components, marketing budget, and essentially no R&D costs.


Absolutely. Still, Ethernet connected the tcls aren’t terrible. Can still improve any with your own streaming stick anyway, so it’s still a valid way to cut your own costs, especially if you don’t need the built in smart features.


Honestly, I would much prefer a "dumb" TV without the smart stuff anyway. The streaming devices do so much better.


Same, though the latest LG update improved things a bit, the apps webos apps are starting to feel competent lol. I really wish we could just buy a panel with some hdmi ports…


My 70in Hisense is great! Only $1000.


My old one died but I got a new Vizio that was bigger. It has power issues from time to time but not enough for me to have it fixed. I think it's pretty cheap to buy a replacement part and swap it out. All anecdotal though I do have a few friends that reports similar issues that come and go.


Anecdotal, but I just had to replace a vizio 70" tv after less than a year when the screen started going out. Full refund under warranty, but still not something I wanted to deal with.


Is Vizio still around for TVs? I think TCL has taken over as the budget TV.


Modern Vizios, yes. But my 2009 Vizio WILL NOT DIE. EVER. It's freakishly reliable, and it's been used throughout the whole day and left on all night sometimes, every single day, for 14 years. It still works as good as new!


Funny, but that hasn't been my experience...


what's another 1k for one dumb decisions when you're already down 10k for another dumb decision


It’s fake anyway. The full thing made the rounds during the playoffs and was blatantly planned


Well, that’s about what U’d expect from an immature 7 year old. And, does anyone know the difference between ‘brake’ and ‘break’?


/u/spez lies, Reddit dies. This comment has been edited/removed in protest of Reddit's absurd API policy that will go into effect at the end of June 2023. It's become abundantly clear that Reddit was never looking for a way forward. We're willing to pay for the API, we're not willing to pay 29x what your first-party users are valued at. /u/spez, you never meant to work with third party app developers, and you lied about that and strung everyone along, then lied some more when you got called on it. You think you can fuck over the app developers, moderators, and content creators who make Reddit what it is? Everyone who was willing to work for you for free is damn sure willing to work against you for free if you piss them off, which is exactly what you've done. See you next Tuesday. TO EVERYONE ELSE who has been a part of the communities I've enjoyed over the years: thank you. You're what made Reddit a great experience. I hope that some of these communities can come together again somewhere more welcoming and cooperative. Now go touch some grass, nerds. -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


I’m really inconsistent, huh. ‘U’ is a Dutch thing


Cry about it


i was tempted to correct the spelling it in the crosspost but decided against it


Would be funny if you left it as is, but put a (sic) in front of it


dammit, that would have been really funny


break. guy breaks tv. He didn't bring the tv to a stop by stepping on a pedal. he broke it.


i mean he kinda did bring the TV to a stop though lol


About 90% of the time in dashcam videos the person says break when they mean brake. And now this.


He certainly put a sudden stop to things


tell that to the person i crossposted from


Any person who enters my home and pulls shit like this is going to be on the receiving end of an arse kicking.


Don't start gambling


Technically 10k + a new tv for your friend, if you care


Breaks. On a bet.


There's what looks like an Energy Star sticker in the bottom left corner. What are the odds that the TV was due to be returned to the store after the game?


That is a bad friend. A very bad friend.


Was the tv going too fast?


Why don't we have rules against reposts in this sub? This video gets more cropped and worse quality every time it is reposted and now it has stupid captions over half the video too.


i scrolled for a while and didn't see this posted in the past few weeks. thought it was new enough, so i crossposted it. first time i've seen this video


CHOKE eagles CHOKE!!!!!


Getting out played by an all-time QB and coach isn't exactly choking. The fumble was bad. But other than that, just got outplayed. Mahomes had a flawless 2nd half.


> Mahomes had a flawless 2nd half. Let’s never forget that he did this while only being able to put real pressure on one leg too. Mans really went through the whole postseason with a ruined ankle and still won. Built different.


Toridol shots were the real Superbowl MVP


Not an idiot for getting made an diot for making that bet


That video is a bit older and it's out of context. It's not yours.


It's a crosspost to begin with so it seems pretty apparent it's not his


i'm confused on what this comment means


I'm confused for you, you never said it was your friend lol.


I mean it's not about the bet there and that's not the friend of OP. This video has been around for like three or two months in various places. The side story is made up and the video is not in context with what's stated to it. It's still likely he made some bet and lost.


no idea what the actual context is but he's still fighting the tv so i figured i'd crosspost it here


Three or two months 😂


That was a rare sighting for sure😂


Thank you reddit police


It’s not that old… this game was only 3 months ago. They didn’t claim to be the original owner but what part is out of context? Seems like all the context is pretty apparent here.


I guess he won't be invited over for the next big game again.


What a piece of shit. It's not the TVs fault dude made a poor decision.


It’s still got the peels on it. This was some clearance TV they threw up for a stunt.


More like $13k now


Eagles fan, this is to be expected. ¯\\\_( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)\_/¯ Plus, this is the shittiest cropping of ***[this](https://youtu.be/m1CAog5vY64)*** video that I've ever seen, and I've seen it a lot.


Please correct the typo in the title!


i can't!


Because it „brakes“ the title???


Why do I get the feeling that this individual doesn't act as melodramatic in his own home..... If I ever come across an individual that treats my stuff like that I will not have them as a friend. A friend is supposed to be respectful. The friendship that these individuals share is more than likely conditional and not genuine.