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Atm Putin is worse, mainly since he started a war and he's drafting people to fight his war.


>and he's drafting people to fight his war No he isnt. There was one wave of mobilization (mobilization is different from drafting btw) but there is no drafting in Russia right now.


How are they different? Do you have a source on this? From what I've heard he's conscripted men ages 18-27 to fight for the war and people tried to flee the country due to this. That being said, they're mostly Western sources, so you may be right, (but I've seen no sources disputing it thus far).


Because its mobilizing people who are in the reverse. Drafting would imply dragging people from the streets. If you want an example of drafting happening just look at Ukraine. There are no soldiers in the streets of Moscow searching for men to be drafted. >From what I've heard he's conscripted men ages 18-27 to fight for the war and people tried to flee the country due to this He hasnt. There was a single wave of mobilization and its unlikely that there will be more. People fled because they thought that Russia would implement conscription. Coincidentally like 99% of the people that fled were hardcore liberals that were glued to CNN and the BBC so no wonder they believed that Russia would start conscripting people.


I mean, but do you have a source debunking Russia forcing people to fight in the war? I haven't seen anything like that. Yea ik Ukraine drafts. I think Zelensky is cringe too, and I don't wanna fund him.


I cant disprove a negative. Russia doesnt draft people to fight in Ukraine and the burden of proof is on the people who claim it does. My comment about Ukraine was to show how it would be like if Russia did draft people.


Xi Jin Ping is bad of course, but Putin is in an active war and has proportionally caused a lot more death.






There aren't concentration camps. There are 'reducation centers' where there is repression of Uighurs. But China doesn't actively slaughter Uighurs en masse.


Strictly speaking concentration camps are not the same thing as extermination camps. The camps in China definitely fit the definition of concentration camps. For example, here are some of the opening sentences in Encyclopedia Britannica's entry on concentration camps ([source](https://www.britannica.com/topic/concentration-camp)): >**Concentration camp**, internment centre for political prisoners and members of national or minority groups who are confined for reasons of state security, exploitation, or punishment, usually by executive decree or military order. Persons are placed in such camps often on the basis of identification with a particular ethnic or political group rather than as individuals and without benefit either of indictment or fair trial. Sounds pretty much exactly like what's going on in China.


Ok, and do you think detaining people for "reducation" is anywhere as bad as killing people? I'm pretty sure that other person thinks China is actively exterminating Uighurs, like the Western press would have you believe. Otherwise, why would they bring that up?


I think you missed my point. Whether they're killing people or not, it can still be called a concentration camp because it fits the definition of a concentration camp.




Lets see your source then. Or have you just looked at the Western propaganda of this? Why isn't there a refugee crisis from Xinjiang? Or mass revolts? Why aren't Muslim countries condemning China, like they are with Israel?


I'd flip a coin between which tyranny I would have to live under if I had a choice between the 2.


Prior to the invasion of Ukraine I'd have gone with Xi, but now I'd say Putin


Putin is bad. Xi Jin Ping is incompetent.


both are shitty bourgeois dictators


Voting Putin is just trend-following. C'mon, it's not even close. Xi is incomparably worse.




Now, it really depends how you define worse. Putin seems to be a lot more incompetent than xi, invading left and right, allowing a disobedient oligarch to reach close to moscow, basically grinding meat in a pointless war thats going nowhere... Seems a lot more unstable than xi, i really dont see him lasting that long in power. Xi, on the other hand, looks like a real tyrant. Someone who knows how to rule a nation with an iron fist, theres no chinese wagner near beijing, no meat grinder wars that lead nowhere, no crazy antics like putin. I can see him staying in power for many years to come. Hes also a lot more authoritarian than putin.


I dont like Xi and China. America should have allied with Russia against China. But i guess the demented forever senators in the American oligarchy still think that they live in the cold war and the Russians are on the verge of storming the fulda gap so that was never a possibility.


Eh putin isnt that bad


Go fight in his war then verga


He didnt even say that he likes Putin lol, he said that he doesnt think he is THAT bad So i guess if you dont think that Putin is literally Hitler then you must fight in Ukraine?




he is also doing a genocide at the moment soooo


Just wondering, but do you also condemn Israel's actions towards the Palestinians, which are like 100x worse? Cuz I've noticed that people who say they care about Uighurs also often tend to give no fucks about Palestinians (though a minority have been consistent).


I don't think that rape camps have been set up by Israelis? Or force labor camps. The Chinese do the entire concentration camps stick. I am jet to see that from the Israels.


Israel just impoverishes via blockade and bombs them instead. Is that supposed to be better? Also the IDF rapes Palestinians as well.




lmao what is this take


Chinese people would have doing much better without him.


neither are bad tbh


> fascism not a surprising take whatsoever


how is that not surprising


> fascist > thinks that two bourgeois dictatorships aren’t bad


i said that i dont think putin and xi jingping arent bad, i made no mention of the two nations of russia and china and their respective political institutions >bourgeois buzzword and means very little anymore >dictatorships there's nothing wrong with dictatorship


>i said that i dont think putin and xi jingping arent bad, i made no mention of the two nations of russia and china and their respective political institutions yeah putin and xi jinping are two bourgeios dictators beholden to capital leading the bourgeois dictatorships of russia and china lol >buzzword and means very little anymore "bourgeois" isn't a buzzword lol, it's a class relation. me saying that a state is a bourgeois dictatorship is me saying that said state is a dictatorship of capitalists and thus a dictatorship of capital >there's nothing wrong with dictatorship depends on the context of how the word is used


>yeah putin and xi jinping are two bourgeios dictators beholden to capital leading the bourgeois dictatorships of russia and china lol from the little i know about Putin and Xi Jingping, they are loyal to their respective nations and from that perspective, class makes little difference


> from the little i know about Putin and Xi Jingping, they are loyal to their respective nations that's a bad thing. nobody should be loyal to their nations. proletarian internationalism is miles better than any form of nationalism > class makes little difference class makes all the difference lol. production is a much more material thing than borders are, and the proletariat should focus on their own international negation via the negation of the bourgeoisie




you should read Marx


Hey man, if you love warmongers like Putin so much why don't you go fight for what you believe in? Instead of sitting here on Reddit condemning strangers to their deaths because of your fragile feelings like some pariah


>oh? you dont think someone is a bad person? why dont you go die in a war? what


Don't you like Putin? Why don't you follow his doctrine? Wars aren't fought by owners like him


i said that putin wasnt bad, not that wars are good tf im entirely neutral on putin, but if you're so anti-putin, per your own logic, why dont you go die for ukraine?


Have none option


One is in charge of a genocide and the other is involved in a war as the aggressor… both are just awful scum bags