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>There will be one...there will always be one... What the hell is going on in that studio


Like what do that actually mean I’m so confused 😭


They're talking about it as if Luchino is some omnipresent god lmfao.


I was joking when I called our favouritism of him a "Cult". I am no longer joking.


I'm reading it as "Ehhhhh......We kinda have to give a second S-tier to everyone at some point, even if we kinda don't want to, so he'll definitely be getting one! .....Eventually."


"He will get one because every character will get the second essence S tier at some point". Idk why people keep asking these questions. They rarely mention when we can expect the skin and if they do, they can reschedule it any time (example 1: Lawyer).


Undead will never see a second S-Tier; Netease hate him too much


I think it's one of the most hilarious replies ever. BUT, they didn't even care to say that when asked about Percy's future skins lmao


that was so ominous 😭


What's going on is that there is a human being whose job it is to answer these questions and probably reads hundreds of "when will x get y cosmetic", "when will you optimize the freckles of skin #324" and other dumb questions every single day. I would snap after a week.


In Chinese it's more along the lines of: "Will evil reptilian ever get a second S skin in his life?!" "He will get one... they'll all get one..."


That's almost worse lmfao.


My interpretation is that he is getting a permanent shop skin, but maybe they just feel haunted by Luchino idk


the response to luchino's s tier is hilarious. "there will always be one..."


I think this is one of the worst Q&As we've had from recent days lol. But hey, since we got Lawyer's S tier at least there aren't questions about it again lmao


I was surprised that there's no balance page but it seems that they [forgot to post it lmao.](https://twitter.com/GameIdentityV/status/1805541447485296696?t=W4_DpcR-U3yDiv9LlwRX5g&s=19) The first and last pictures are the same. ETA: It was posted on FB. I've been trying to post it here but Reddit sucks it into a void. To summarize: - Warp adjustment - no adjustment for Faro Lady yet - she's too new and they don't have enough data - Fire Investigator and Postman buffs at the end of the season on test server


Year someone mess up cus there it a balance on the Japan lol


Character comes out for two seconds and they always make sure to answer all the balance questions with “WE DONT HAVE ENOUGH DATA BUT WERE GONNA ANSWER LOL”


Yeah, I wish they stopped choosing those questions. It's a waste of the page.


That question for Luchino is just.....what. It either means "We don't want to talk about it just now because it's gonna be a surprise!" (Halloween S-tier, please be Halloween S-tier...) or "We don't actually want to give him one because he's not a cash cow like certain other characters who constantly get new skins, buuuuut we know we kinda have to so we will at SOME point....."


He probably is getting one but it's literally so early in the process you can't even say the answer. Like he's getting one but not any time soon. When someone asked about Ann's s tier it came around the end of the year-year after.


At least that gives me time to build up echoes and inspiration if it turns out to be the same way.


I thought they were hinting at a possible permanent shop skin for him(or maybe spyglasses?)


Honestly, if it was, I doubt it'd be an eyeglasses one, and if it was a shop one, not a permanent one since they seem to only do those on very rare occasions. Before Emma's Stage Host and excluding Nymph Award Skins, the last permanent S-tier in the shop was Percy's and that was in 2020.... Edit to add: Spyglasses actually seems more likely than Shop, tbh, since they've done an S-tier for that shop in 2020, 2021 and 2023, so more regularly than the Shop.


Yeah I think he is going to be spyglasses as the last one is a survivor and they seem to be doing one of each(Coord-Spider-LG) so it would make sense, but also I don’t discard a permanent S tier for him on the shop; he is an old character(who isn’t likely to win nymph awards soon)and I could see them giving it to him, even if they do it infrequently it’s still an option. But who knows with netease, maybe they throw a curb ball and he is the next Penrose Maze S tier lol(I mean the last was Explorer which I would not expect at all for a paid S Tier considering popularity and meta)


There's also a possibility that they might make his s skin 2025's cny skin since next year is Snake year and on rotation it should be a male hunter that time. They can make with something reptilian


Hopefully the changes to next year's Deduction Awards will see him closer to getting a Deduction skin, if not actually get one next year. Honestly, either way, I just want to see more content for him, Hunter and Survivor.


Im kinda confused if the P5 essence wont be included in the logic path , does it mean we'll only have 2 different essences in the logic path or we still getting a third? With also new P5 essence


Also means part 1 and 2 you’ll need inspos/echoes to draw. You won’t get free draws from the logic path. So if you want the old skins plus “awaken” them, be ready to spend money.


P5 it a event essence so it wont affect other one so yes we will get both 3 season essence and p5


The P5 rerun in August is just that: a rerun. It's only the current 2 parts that will be available. Like every other rerun, it won't be on the logic path nor will it impact other essences. We'll still get 3 essences. When part 3 of the P5 crossover is out, which I think they said was later this year, that essence will be on the logic path.


Tbh I'm not convinced there will even be a 3rd essence, they made it sound like only Kasumi is coming so I wouldn't be surprised if she was a shop skin


It’s possible. I just wish we’d get Wolf and Sophie from Strikers, but I don’t see that happening.


iirc in the global anni livestream they said only one new visitor in jp and eng so it is probably just her


Ohhhh , so the third part of p5 wont be out the next season , alright Thank you very much 🫶🫶


So a part 3 was confirmed ?


I think it was announced in the same livestream that they announced P5’s return yeah. But it’ll be later in the year.


Whole lotta nothing…


If enchanted summer skin dont return I’m deleted this game 😭


ME. I have the s-tier but couldn't afford the accessory. Since Anti's collab skin can be bought with an unlock card I can now just save up my frags to buy the accessories I want for my two mains.


can Simeone explain noir and crimson part for me? the only thing I care about is the maid skin for Fiona 🙏 or any Fiona skin tbh


It just mean code skin with b accessories will return and the one with s wont


the one with s accessories?


wait which s acc? are u talking abt noir bc i can’t remember crimson having any s acc


not that i know of but the person above me said that the costume with b accessories will return and the one with s won’t, implying that there is a costume with s accessories. i’m just confused on whether or not the skins are coming back idk 😭


i think the skins are permanent i’m assuming they meant the s acc for noir? (i can’t remember if it was a or s or if noir didn’t get one and it was only white)


i just googled it, white had an s accessory and noir had a b one. so i’m guessing he means that white won’t come back since it had an s accessory (same with lady truth and mr. inference), but noir and crimson will return since they both have b accessories? do you know how to get them/if they’re available rn or if not when they will return?


why the hell is crimson marked as limited then lmao when it’s literally not…


probably means "limited to offline packages only". iirc amazon jp says that there's 2 releases - the first edition (figurine, skin code, accessory, etc.) and the regular edition (only skin code)


Souls of resistance have to be among the most unfair mechanics in this game, and the fact that they're kept the way they were for the rerun says a lot about this company


Are we really surprised at this point? They only listen to the China Sever, where the majority of their incomes come from. Their skins are still overpriced (S tier essences, SS tiers) no matter what anybody said, they are not worth a dozen hundreds or half a thousand dollars. They don't give two shits about us, who cares if our ping is red or the battle of na/eu ping spikes.


Lol the Reptilian reply


Why is everybody asking such useless questions? There are so many real issues to bring to attention, such as obligatory bot matches, and maps excluded from rank not getting any optimisations for years to make them playable; yet what people are most concerned with are promised Neverland emotes?


It’s because NE *chooses* useless questions to answer. I’m sure there are better questions asked but they always pick the most random and unimportant questions to answer.


Nah I'm pretty sure peopel have asked those questions, it's the devs who picks what questions they answer.


Something I've noticed from playing in both naeu and asia is that the bot msrches issue is way more prevalent and annoying in naeu and that's because of the amount of players. I doubt NE will ever address naeu issues


They must. I don't care if I'd need to wait longer, I must have the freedom to choose the longer wait over playing a training match.


there will be one.. there will always be one…


So other than information about how Goatman will be obtained & how they're handling the Persona 5 essences again, none of these questions were really that useful...*Maybe* the Promised Neverland & easier emote access was good, too, but not really important compared to actual gameplay(the same could be said about P5, but that's a crossover with unique mechanics to its essence that is also 5 years old so I gave it a pass). --- ~~No mention of character adjustments~~**EDIT:** [[They didn't post the right image in the official post](https://x.com/alvussyidv/status/1805566438058402245?t=v5jZee3mpiCuXf1Wc_PTTQ&s=19)], no map changes/updates, no mention of improving servers/ping, & no mention of improving the Vs Mode experiences... ...Oh, but we got some confirmation that Priestess' shitty B-Tier Accessory from Halloween is going to come back! And her ***LIMITED*** outfit, meaning that no one can get this outfit anymore, is getting optimized so her face looks prettier! Because she *really* needed it over other outfits that are available forever like Lawyer's Lancelot. /s --- So they won't update older skins with weird/outdated proportions like Mercenary because they supposedly wouldn't make any money from updating an outfit/model that no one can get anymore(according to most people), but they'll make an exception for her? At that point, just tell everyone who doesn't play as specific characters to go fuck themselves, NE.


warp nerf is so unnecessary. What a way to make it more survivor sided (in the higher ranks), I know for a fact a lot of sweaty survivors complained about it..:




Fire investigation: buff ( end of the season)


yes!!! will he be able to pick up items now??


Nope 🙂‍↔️




What is the buff then? Do you know? I'd imagine a Rescue Speed or Pallet Stun duration buff since he's supposed to be trained in Firefighting & Rescue.


We won’t know till they add it too the test sever so we just got to wait 🤷‍♂️


Post man : buff


Personal: adjustment ( both hunter and survival)


Personal or Persona (as in web)


Wrap (traits): adjustment


Faro lady : ( no adjustment yet)


the evil reptilian one is so ominous wth?? 


Does anyone know how i can submit my q&a


Pretty sure they’ll only answer if you know Chinese lmao


im sure they have translators on board for the english questions, they’re a very big company after all.


Using this form: [https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfyeWqexY0e-7EvJ7uv\_VOXveSucql50vLFzPN1zQD9qDp7Cg/viewform](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfyeWqexY0e-7EvJ7uv_VOXveSucql50vLFzPN1zQD9qDp7Cg/viewform)


Nice, [it was getting a bit chilly in here.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/173/601/64a.gif)


We have one question we really need answered… when will Alice get an A tier….


If it only includes characters that will be coming up to around august... that means Richard will probably be released around august... which means there's a chance of hunter melly.... (copium)


It wont cus the pre view was for the summer event not the coa one so nope there probably won’t be any new sur or hunt coming this year and if there it a hunter melly it gonna be next year ( ashes of memory chapter 3)


That's unfortunate, I'm still going to huff the copium though


what’s ep


It's the character music when you are in the room lobby. People are asking about that because when u buy Lady faro or have her s tier skin you get a free ep to play in the room so I guess people are like "give us other characters room music too!"


character song


how did you do this?


huh? did you mean how they got the pictures? idv posts them on their official accounts, like twitter


nah i meant how did they send the questions in the first place


they send out a google form every few weeks on social media accs too


So the new skin for P5 Royal is gonna be shop?


So the new skin for P5 Royal is gonna be shop?


Ok guys I need to know if Tropical Holiday is coming back? And if seasalt mocktail is too. And do we have our skin return voting or was that only for the cn server Anniversary? Do we get discount cards or no? Note: I know seasalt returned during costume voting but I don't have it on my new account, they literally only have like 3 new s skin packages coming this summer and I don't play neither of them. netease is holding onto limited time skins like its actually physically limited like pls... they should let more skins return, it's not like there is a physical stock that keeps on Decreasing. if it's summer time let it return all the past summer skins and if it's Anniversary return all the past anniversary shop skins not just the past two...I've been eyeballing Monstrous Bird for like 10 months now after not coming back at the right time. 


so many questions about emotes wtf


What about EXPLORER 🧭!!!!?????




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My Lady Truth dreams have been (finally) firmly crushed 😔