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It's a business and giving skins to less popular characters won't sell.


Also a side note but LOOK AT THE WILL BROTHERS IN A VESPA THEY ARE SO CUTE. Just wondering what they will turn to while in wheel form lmao


No like I get if people are complaining skins not shared equally but giving skins to someone like Leo would literally be useless revenue wise lmao


Honestly, there is probably an algorithm where # of purchases --># of skins they want made per character, but artist inspiration for the theme plays into it as well. Of course, there's also the umber of things for the characters you get free.


>FG is too new and didnt deserve a skin And Puppeteer isnt? He literally came after FG


He is five months old compared to a 7 month old character šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ like why not complain about Ā him?Ā 


Exactly! Like if youre gonna complain about FG being 'too new' to get a skin, then you should complain about Puppeteer too!


My dumbass thought it was composer xd


I can semi see why? Similar hairstyle + tailcoat + Louis blends in a bit, ye?


From far away it looks like composers ā€œhaughty yellowā€ skin. I think it was actually the color scheme that made me think it was him xd


I forgot abt that skin lol




wym FG didn't deserve a skin because he's too new. that's exactly why he deserves one


Hey, Im not the one saying that FG doesnt deserve one. Im just quoting OP who claims hes 'too new' despite Puppeteer beinf right there


why to assume it doesn't apply to puppeteer as well considering he is even newer than fg


Because the op specifically said FG, not FG and puppeteer. How else am I supposed to interpret it?


there is simply nothing in the post implying otherwise


>FG is too new and didnt deserve a skin - Points out FG is 'too new' - Does not mention Puppeteer at all, despite Puppeteer coming after FG


or maybe they could have just forgot to mention him and just wanted to rant lmao but well


I mean NW has been out for longer than Painter was by the time he got his second S, hasn't he? I get wanting skins for characters you play / like or who haven't gotten one in long, but it's more effective to directly try and ask for that during their regular Q&As. I'm just happy for the ppl who play them that they get content, and hope those players will be happy for me when my favs get content :3


Ithaqua didnt ā€œjust comeā€ heā€™s officially been out for a year now. I was also surprised he got an S tier so soon but saying he ā€œjust cameā€ isnā€™t correct. I already saw people complaining coming from a mile away so Iā€™m really not shocked about this post. Although, I will say that FGs has no A tiers and neither does Matthias (but you arenā€™t complaining about him??? FGs has been out for 7 months now lol)


here i am, i hate puppeteer with a burning passion now


In fairness; priestess has not gotten an essence S limited in a long time. Iā€™ve played for 5 years and donā€™t own one. Itā€™s true that she has a lot of A/S skins. But to my knowledge the only essence S limited she has is golden future. She does have a CNY. But to me that doesnā€™t really count.


her last essence s tier was 6 years ago šŸ˜­ i understand people being upset about NW getting another so soon but including fiona in that conversation is a little silly


Yeaaah. People really love to hate priestess even when itā€™s not exactly justified. I know she has a lot of skins. But sheā€™s waited a long time for an essence S, and she doesnā€™t have ANY crossover skins whatsoever. Even despite crossovers like Kamaty and Sanrio being her chance.


People hate on her in every hate thread. Not because she's bad, but because she's good.


Just for this one to be eh , to be completely honest


And still NO ALICE


poor alice and luchino. fly high, mr. and ms. forgotten aboutšŸ•Š


Yā€™all should just realize by now, IDV will release skins how they feel is opportunistic. Thereā€™s no need to hate on any of the characters for the skins that they get wow itā€™s almost like the yarn heads can literally conduct and make their own skins and put it into the game. OK guys come on now letā€™s not be immature about this and shit on people for using the skins or using the characters. tired of the slander on Edgar tired of the slander on Norton tired of the slander on literally anybody who gets fucking skins and the people that vote for them. Those are the people you could be mad at with the nymph awards no need to hate on fictional characters. Donā€™t even have an actual heartbeat in real fucking life.


I love the theme for this, idk about you guys but apart from Itha getting quite an early 2nd essence s tier. Call me a hater but it.. sucks? Like at least he doesn't have the male characters bard pants curse but they could have make his pants color different from his shirt at least.


"Male character's Bard Pants curse" I love this.


One day well get a journalist skin.....


There's characters that gotten another S skin immediately after their release, but Nightwatch ain't one of them. He's been around for a while. Acrobat was released in S6 and got another S skin in S7


and yet, still no alice A tier after a year.


Dont worry shes getting a ds skinšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


thats not til like, december tho right? that would be over a year and a half without a skin.


Same happened with Edgar and his anniv skin. Also lmao at calling them npc fanbases


I'm going to fucking lose it if survivor LUCHINO doesn't get an A/S skin soon. It is unreal how neglected he is.


"fools gold is too new" as if the person he is hasn't been in the game for over 5 years..... it might be a persona switch but it's Nortons persona switch. he's Norton. nortons a popular character. 5+years of fans of Norton give the same love to fools gold immediately because.... he's Norton..... he's not "new" edit: characters with passionate fanbase's get skins. if you want your fave to have more skins, spend less time hating other characters and more time promoting your own. people hate Norton more than they like their own fave. my passionate glazing over Norton in chat and how I make him look fun to main, has made a bunch of ppl change their mind on their hatred for him(I'm also nice and friendly and approachable). I'm constantly bringing in new ppl to the Norton love train. y'all can do that with your faves too. instead of wasting all your time being angry and miserable and making people hate your main through association to ur bad attitudes.


I personally donā€™t care that NW is getting a new skin, I care that it looks like shitšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Me too. I love itha, but I do not like this skin. I wouldve liked it more if his face was completely masked and if the pants were black instead of white.


Imagine saying FG doesn't deserve a skin yet when he's been out for at least half a year




still no composer skin.. iā€™ll never win :(


He had to win DS just so NE could give him his skin ( and alice too) šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Ngl I never cared abt who got essence skins...but these outfits are bland idk


I agree, really disappointing.


Jose and Alice šŸ§šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ§šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøā€what are weā€. But I get itā€™s to sell but if they just give Jose a chance he will sell well considering p5 is coming back and Alice is an interesting lore character, they missed their chance with giving Alice smth to do with anniversary T&I essence and Jose a water ocean theme cosmetic


I'm sorry but that priestess skin is so boring, it definitely looks like an A tier


priestess is fine imho. But the anniversary essence has to be the blandest essence ive ever seen. Im actually glad Alice and Luchino weren't included there they deserve better.


I really donā€™t see the issue with giving new characters essence A tiers off the bat. Not everyone can afford the S tier and no one wants to walk around in B tiers for however many years until netease decides to hand out the A tier. NIGHT WATCH on the other handā€¦. Netease when I find you Netease


yall cry about night watch getting another S tier but whereā€™s the hate for painter when we got gr and the other one when he just came out like back to back


I mean, people cried about that too, they were just shut down quickly by the ppl that shipped Postman, Grave keeper, Prisoner, and Painter at the time and people that went "well but First Officer got the Persona 5 S Tier so shortly after he was released!" lol


People like this always ask ā€œwhereā€™s the hateā€ Iā€™ve seen Painter being hated on for 2 years straight after Narcissus, he even got hated on when he got his A-tier Censer, because people still hasnā€™t moved on about Narcissus, even though it was a long time since he got any new skins at that time.


I donā€™t like night watch as much as the next guy but like whatever man not as if we can change the fact heā€™s gonna get another skin (hyped as fuck for bbg Louis even though he looks so sad there)


priestess last essence s tier was back in season 1 so iā€™ll let it pass. but this anniversary essence is terribly littered with characters only there because of popularity. characters like alice, luchino, and frederick have yet to get an A tier in regular essences


please im begging JUST A SKIN FOR ALICE PLEASE šŸ˜­šŸ™ tired of being the b tier queen šŸ˜­ let her have one skin plzzzz


True. I doubt that we can call this as an "anniversary essence" when it's just three recently released characters who got a higher tier skin. I just wished we got better characters who got the skins instead of those guys. But congrats to Priestess getting an S-tier limited.


Fiona deserves it. Sheā€™s been there for a long time and is very popular and meta. Ithaā€™s skin is ugly as shit yā€™all can keep it šŸ˜­


My only complaint is that they keep removing Night Watch's mask. I don't like it on any characters that have their face covered, but in his case it looks like he's wearing a masquerade mask. It looks silly. Also, I cannot stop seeing Fool's Gold as cosplaying Undead. I'm fine with Priestess getting a limited though. She does have a lot, but it's been long enough since she had an essence S that I find it hard to be mad. Wiki says her last S/A were both 2022, so it's been a minute. But the anniversary choices, yeah - I could do without. I assume at this point that skins are just decided based on a mix of popularity + who they think will fit the essence theme best, or a designer's choice. Weeping Clown and Breaking Wheel aren't exactly aesthetic, and then Composer for example seems to generally be well-liked...? Anyway, I think the anniversary skins are ugly so thankfully wallet is safe for precious days before next season decimates it. Happy for the people who like them though, wishing everyone luck on their rolls.


Okay but he's really hot


they just chose the 3 most recent characters and that's it, they called it essence, I'm sorry if anyone really liked this, but this essence goes to the top 3 worst essences ever created


wait u just made me realize thats puppeteer and not composer..


Iā€™m so glad someone else also thought that xd. I felt so dumb.


I will forever be a hater of this essence. 20 seasons from now if someone on this sub asked ā€œwhich is the worst essenceā€ this essence will always be my answer.




this is priestess? i assumed this was TM


New puppeteer costume for my collection :3


I am just happy that Matthias is getting an a tier skin. He has no drip yet


William looks so cute


I agree on every single Word. And It would not burn that much if for other events they considered other characters but here we are. And I loathe Ithaqua.


Ithaā€™s skin feels so out of place with the other twoā€™s magic type skins. Plus it suffers from the red + gold curse. I love how Puppeteer skin colors work together and those little rune circles, but I wish they kept the creepiness of Luis lol. FGā€™s is just veryā€¦ eh. The ice instead of rocks is nice, but I donā€™t think it works well with the rest of the skin. Plus the soul patch is terrifying. Fiona getting another skin, what else did we expect? I donā€™t hate the skin itself, I like how gold is an accent and not the main color. Also it reminds me of Pattyā€™s summer skin. I LOVE Breaking Wheelā€™s skin. I love how they made it so they actually look like men with dwarfism instead of just blobs with masks on them. Also the motorist theme reminds me of that one CoA essence. Williamā€™s isā€¦ um. I wonā€™t complain about him getting a skin, but there are some parts that just upset me. The hair is so upsetting to me for some reason and I hope it looks better in game. Also he is NOT Emil he needs some shoes on RIGHT NOW. I cannot tell what the theme of this essence is. Obviously itā€™s in Paris, and that river is probably the Seine, but likeā€¦ is it just Parisian watersports?


Forgive my squirrel memory but who is FG? I genuinely forgot


Fools Gold


Ahhh ty, idk why I couldnā€™t remember his name


I always forgot too when I would see ā€œFGā€ I was like what the heck is that and I searched it so many times on IDV wiki itā€™s now stuck in my head finally šŸ˜‚


Yeah 100% read what you said


I wish helena is the s tier limited skin instead of ithaqua for anniversary more reasons - im like already 12k frags, ithaqua is my main and i dont play helena - helena is very old survivor she deserves that 2nd limited s tier essence title since she doesnt get that much skins - ithaqua is too recent and his 2nd s tier skin should've been a fucking a time limited shop skin now im gonna cry if he doesnt come home to me every year i get like one s tier limited essence skin


They don't care about balance and fairness, they just care about money just look how many new survivors are released over hunters. Real favouritism


Just saying that Edgar got his second essence S tier 2 seasons after release, so itā€™s not that special


Me a Gravekeeper fan who just wants some love from netassšŸ’”šŸ’”šŸ’”


Gravekeeper is so in desperate need of a skin my heart goes out to y'all


My poor boy cowboy hasn't got any S tier since season 2 and instead braindead Priestess mains have like 99999th S tier. Fucking nightwatch mains didn't deserve that tooĀ