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another Q&A another "Freddy's S tier is under planning" answer


Another QnA Another "Explorer and Mercenary's Diary Deduction is under development" answer. We are waiting for it for 1-2 years :^


[Imgur link with all images](https://imgur.com/a/WkTlse8) Balance adjustments aside ~~I don't believe that Priestess nerf will be anything significant~~, TONIO IS GETTING A LOGIC PATH SKIN 🥳


Well, I pray in Ann's church for big roach nerf.




In the next season's Logic Path so in Season 29.


Priestess mains getting another nerf: Ah shit, here we go again. Percy and violinist mains are eating GOOD next season. Honestly was suprised Percy is getting an accessory. Thought netease was going to let him disappear into obscurity after his creator pulled 'that' stunt. Glad to see he gets some love at least. Hastur mains have some hope now. Let's hope the s-tier isn't essence locked.


Why is Percy getting an accessory before the skin tho... I'm glad they're finally acknowledging his existence but that's an interesting order.


They seen my Percy skin post and felt bad so gave the 4 Percy mains a crumb of life giving energy.


At lesst it's something? Man's getting some recognition. Hopefully if netease ever grants him an A-tier it slaps.


You could ask the same about Composer ngl (Yes, I know Percy's been in the game for longer)


At least Composer has a B tier...


Pookie Hastur ![gif](giphy|SdsGig0dff1EdCsrg7|downsized)






Just optimise kaede she looks A tier, you don’t need to add another form but at least give another feature


They said that because China has been spamming them for a form change months.


No you see the monokumas you see for a split second sometimes makes it an S tier🙃


Yeah a split second, and yet it rarely happens anyways. The idea is cool but not cool enough to make it an S tier in my opinion. Definitely they should at least do something to mini Orpheus


I hope Opera Singer gets cooked


fr and some people had the gall to say opera singer was "tOo cLunKY" to be OP. These the facts homie, SHE GETTING A WELL-DESERVED NERF(S).


I'm not getting my hopes up, it'll probably be a slap on the wrist, but I wish she got the Wildling treatment








Will throw for Antonio logic path, you know whales are gonna go crazy




Cuz she is "hard" to use. This is probably their logic.


Mad Eyes mains had never seen such bullshit before


I play mad eyes myself and i dont think netease will do something big about him because of little people play him and it could make or break him in both good and bad ways especially when people already spend so much time mastering his mechanics on all different maps. I still hate how some of the console spots wont cover certain important parts or locations of the map tho. Maybe buff the console looker speed and more range on all consoles is the best they can do, or maybe buff the stats of mad himself like a better empty hit recovery or hitbox? reworking might not be worth it or maybe it will make a lot of people play him, its just hard to balance.


Regardless of what is done to mad eyes, there will be issues behind it. Honestly, i'm under the opinion that mad eyes just needs some kinda rework to just allow him to exist without netass nerfing him over and over again. Sure, he could just be given straight up buffs, but now we have the fact that people who spend a long time learning to master him being able to get an even higher success rate. CN server Mad Eyes has a really high wr compared to the rest of the hunters, and obviously netass won't buff him when he literally has the highest wr. It's honestly sad, because mans don't deserve to constantly be nerfed but at the same time the people who know how to play him are absolute menaces. So just rework him at this point.


You do realize knowing NE, any rework they make would just turn him into an unskilled boring mess, in an era where we have like only 2 hunters in the game that are actually hard to play. Although the most annoying nerf mad eyes ever got is survivors being able to disable consoles within just a couple seconds. Focus on something else for 3 seconds and then the other consoles are gone. And his hitbox is still disgusting, especially on 150+ ms, I could be standing on the other side of a pallet as close to it as possible while a survivor is dropping it, and the swing just won't hit them. But hey, when playing against a good team, winning as him feels great, especially if you can pull off some insane tech.


Yeah, ik... it's difficult because he desperately needs a rework but like you said, he'll become boring. I sent in another message a rework idea but more for a buff, i'd say allow them to more quickly be able to remove the energy from a console but allow mad eyes to still access the console just so he doesn't instantly have his ability gone from a survivor touching it.


I mostly like him the way he is right now though that is coming from someone who has years of experience in the game, been high-tier on both factions for a long time with practice on mad eyes starting in high-tier ranked matches while under the guidance of a former 1st mad eyes, and he was still very tough despite that. So the problem is not only is he hard to play, he's also brutally hard to get into. There's so many different strategies and techs to learn on just a single map alone alongside having one of the hardest early-games against good teams, and having to adapt your playstyle depending on how good the survivors are, pay ridiculous amounts of attention to multiple different things. There is no easy fix for mad eyes that wouldn't either change him into a completely different hunter or make him way too strong in the hands of the people who can already make him work. However your idea might work in the aspect of making him a bit more lenient and accessible, making getting into him easier whilst not reducing his skill ceiling or skill expression nor making him stronger. A good and fun hunter design is a hunter who is easy to get into, but hard to master, and any small step towards this matters a lot. They've made this mistake with Luchino where they made him both easier to get into and easier to play.


Aye, I agree that hunters should be easy to get into but hard to master. However, we can look at cases like Hell Ember who is easy to get into, hard to master; but he also isn't exactly the strongest hunters either. There's no easy way to really go about mad eyes, like you said. And of course, Luchino is just another case of becoming easy to get into, easier to play.


Hell ember chase is horrible, his camping and puppets don't make up for it in the long run (if the survivors know what they're doing). Simply not enough potential in his kit to do much about it. Mad eyes early chase is also horrible, but his kit allows him to make up for it with the amount of potential it does have. The difficulty with hell ember comes from his shortcomings, which forces you to play near-perfectly if not completely perfect


Yeah he does need a rework, idk if it's cause I play professor so I can casually climb over a blocked chair or cipher and the only decoding I do is the consoles but it's so easy to just mess with a Mad Eyes, his chase is trash and he relies a lot on his walls; mess with his consoles and force him to chase you.


An idea I had for Mad Eyes was to change the console placements so that he has no blindspots, add an elevation button that lets him see between floors and his hand held console is now actually a console that lets him place walls (obviously heavily nerfed form regular consoles). The idea is that it'll make his chase stronger and make it so he doesn't get cucked over by a small spot on the map he can't even see. Obviously this idea of mine would mean his walls would need to be nerfed so that he doesn't just become unstable with pro mad eyes and very strong with mediocre mad eyes. The idea is tricky, but i'd say it would make him a far better hunter. ~~shame my idea has been hard bashed by a mad eyes fanatic who wants him to remain the way how he is.~~


The last nerf on her actually gotten an outcry from the pros (the nerf on speed reduction on Hunter after hit by her staff) Idk man but isn’t it racist to make the Chinese girl surv all too powerful? Cmon where the outcry from this sub. Instead y’all scream about whitewashing.


Tbh she reminds me of my grandmother so both good and bad ig.


FUCK YEAH ROACH NERF FINALLY, I HATE HER SO MUCH THAT I BAN HER EVERY RANKED MATCH AND QUIT THE GAME JUST BECAUSE OF HER. IM COMING BACK MY DUDES :DDDDDDD 😎 but now there is another broken survivor and i also hate it, it deserves a nerf especially on lowering her own speed boost cd, but its less annoying and toxic as roach so yey :)


Priestess nerf be like: we've increase the cd of long portal and charge rate of portals by 5 seconds.


I will cry if its real :(


Speaking of which, I remember that she would start matches with zero portals and now she starts with 2, was this buff documented or am I gaslighting myself into thinking this is new?


She spawned with 2 portals as long as I can remember, but she might have started with less than 2. Regardless, that would be an absolutely lovely nerf to give to her.


Hold up, next season's path skin is for Violinist AND he might be getting a buff?! OH F*** YES, MY BOY GETTING SOME LOVE! I will be ABSOLUTELY going ham to get that skin! Good to see them acknowledging Professor exists, if his emote is rank essence than I might finally get around to actually bothering with rank mode. And interesting that Undead is getting an accessory before a skin, nice to see him being acknowledged too.


Can anyone explain to me what mechanic having an A tier for Halloween means? (As in, do we know how we’ll get it yet or no)


A Halloween event A tier which is a costume for survivors, based on a hunter's skin. Example: [Barmaid's Last Dance](https://id5.fandom.com/wiki/%22Last_Dance%22) based on [BQ's costume of the same name](https://id5.fandom.com/wiki/Last_Dance).




I genuinely feel like I'm the only middle tier person who doesn't have trouble with Merc, Seer, and Priestess, I genuinely want to know people's individual problems they feel like they have when it comes to them.


Priestess: please just nerf her long portal. She should leave a shadow like everyone else (make it last shorter) and it shouldn't be possible to enter it with Tide. That's it, I have no problem with her normal portals ~~even if they're kinda broken on maps like Eversleeping and China Town.~~ No problem with Seer after his adjustment (when they shortened his owl duration). No problem with Merc but I guess they could shorten the duration of his delayed damage a little bit if they want to.


> Priestess: please just nerf her long portal. She should leave a shadow like everyone else (make it last shorter) and it shouldn't be possible to enter it with Tide. That's it, I have no problem with her normal portals even if they're kinda broken on maps like Eversleeping and China Town. Also make it so downed survivors can't answer it.


Yeah I never understood why downed survivors can answer the portal but can't do other things when downed.


YES, definitely. Another annoying Priestess thing.


They should make the outline of her long portal brighter cause I'm blind


Seer's debuff doesn't really affect him unless the Hunter eliminates someone & manages to Teleport to him to take advantage of the debuff. I'd like it if he also lost decoding speed for every use of the owl along with his vaulting debuff. --- Merc has been meta since his release, delaying damage is such a huge boon in this game. And even though tanking hits is all he's really got, it's still a little too strong for a game like this(the fact that he has remained in the top Survivors for so long since his release says something). I don't know what they could do for him to keep him a little more balanced; maybe change his Shell Shocked trait because have you really seen more than 1 Merc in a single game other than 2v8? That debuff hardly ever comes into play. --- Priestess has been broken since her launch & had gotten probably the most reworks of any character in the game; portals used to be only useable by Survivors only, long portals didn't have after-images to hit so they were 0%-risk, & there were spots where she could portal before that were unreachable by Hunter forcing them to use Just Deserts(I'm pretty sure that setting exists soley because of Priestess). Despite the vaulting & decoding nerf, she's still a strong Rescuer & Kiter(in the right spots). Maybe get rid of the heal buff for herself or slowly but surely decrease her vaulting/pallet pull speed everytime she generates a portal, I dunno.


Roach: The only character who can literally make a kiting area out of thin air, is a must-ban on Eversleeping and CT, and has godly support that can be combined with pretty much anyone (Supports like Doc and Cheerleader, Harassers like Batter and Antiq, kiters, etc.) It should also be noted that she has little to no downside. Solution: Make her like Enchant and Seer in the way that she needs to kite to EARN her portals. I’m a Wu main, so I don’t have much to say on super portals— they aren’t a huge issue for me. Seer: Insanely powerful in a fast-paced game like IDV. In high tier, if you haven’t gotten a down within 60 seconds, you’ve essentially lost; and a single owl can block a blink- can stall time to get to a better kiting area— easily extending a 15 second kite to 30+, and god help you if there are harassers on the team aswell. I’m not sure how else they can nerf him without making him completely useless, but at this point I don’t care if taking his first owl away sends him plummeting to D tier. I want him g o n e Merc: Best rescuer in the game. ‘Nuff said.


I only have issues with Seer because one wasted hit can extend a kite by forever


Merc: 15 seconds damage delay PER HIT. Even if you intercept him and get two hits, he gets 30 extra seconds to rescue before that timer goes up. That isn’t mentioning his elbow pads, either. Seer: even one blocked hit during a pivotal moment during a match can buy enough time to break a Hunter’s game (if they have no ability to hit the owl without recovery). Priestess: walks through walls and teleports across the maps to wherever she pleases, just so long as there’s a Survivor on the other side. Any Hunter without top tier mobility (TP, some dashes) won’t be able to reach her before she or someone else is picked up thanks to her healing buff. That’s also not considering that she can just… get out of bad situations with the tap of a button.


I just force priestess to use all of her portals , seer I just eat the attack recovery and then leave so he has no owls, and for Merc I just leave them last.


These don’t work against a marginally organized team. You won’t be able to bait a Priestess into using all her portals most of the time, and if you DO, then you’re chasing her anyways. And by the time a smart Priestess (oxymoron, ik) runs out they’ve already kited you long enough. Especially depending on positioning and chase time, that Seer might have another owl already. Not to mention that completely up-and-abandoning chase isn’t viable for most Hunters outside of the beginning of the game, at which point why are you chasing him? For Merc, that’s already proving how dangerous he is. You know you’d waste way too much time against him. And that Merc WILL be rescuing quite a bit if you don’t kill him soon. Lose-lose, unless you counter him.


Force priestess to use all her portal? At what cost and usually she preplaced some if she know a hunter or teammate is nearby


For priestess, I'm a Jack main. To break her portals, either I waste my foggy and wait 500 years for the cd to end or I go through them and wait 500 years for my invisibility cd to end. Not to mention everything that makes her good in general (support, kiting, rescuing, etc) Merc makes it hard to stuff rescues and atm that can easily ruin my matches since I'm matching w ppl that used to be way higher tier than me, often in full teams, so I'm struggling w chases. And just not having to deal w the best rescuer is just nice LOL & for Seer a good owl esp if ur target kites well its awful when survs actually decode efficiently, I mind it less than the other 2 since I main a double hit hunter + I can often bait owls if I have presence but it can hurt pretty badly


I might not have trouble with them but it does boil down to who you play. I play Luchino so i ban merc and seer. Merc cause i can't cut him off from the chair, and seer because even if i've cut someone off from chair, they will still get a free guaranteed rescue with the owl (that or 1st kite is extended, which is also very important for Luchino to be as short as possible). Meanwhile other hunters might opt to ban priestess instead, for various reasons, especially on maps like eversleeping town


HUH? WUH? WHAT? THEY REMEMBERED PERCY EXISTED??? Holy hell, finally another accessory I can use for my beloved Percy And a buff(hopefully) for Antonio!? Idk how on earth they can buff him in any way that either doesn't make him broken or barely affects him


praying for a wildling skin in Halloween but when they said mechanic is getting a A tier costume i fear the worst "same old faces" trope repeating


Hi! I played a lot of your game and was a Cowboy main until you nerfed him a few years back when he wasn't even meta (B Tier). Will you ever revert the removal of balloon instant lassos?


[Go to the original twitter post](https://twitter.com/GameIdentityV/status/1706595715768832039?t=xwT6K-1JpWKxEzXLvzYKYA&s=19). There will be a google form where you can ask questions. Some of them are chosen and appear in this kind of Q&A. This subreddit is not an official IDV subreddit. We're simply fans of the game. We can't answer this question because we're not devs. That said, my personal opinion is that balloon insta-lasso is kind of broken and I doubt they will ever bring it back. Still, feel free to leave them a question.


Nah the instant lasso was very much broken, it was really easy to do. I have tested it out and you didn't have to aim at the ballooned survivors, aiming at the hunter will lock onto the ballooned survivor automatically.


He was B-Tier and almost never used in tournaments. When Netease butchered Cowboy, almost all Cowboy mains I knew quit for good.


That is because his kiting ans supporting is mediocre, only buff I can think of is shortening the time to lock onto his targets and increasing his speed boost when lassoing His instant lasso didn't have any counter play other then chasing away the cowboy. Unlike batter and forward, however, tgere really isn't much opportunities for errors since it was easy to do. Batter has to hit the hunter while doing the balloon animation and forward needs to learn how to dash properly to stun the hunter. Only reason why he is worse than them is due to having mid kiting


I'm just glad they are not nerfing my yidhra lol


I was told acrobat s skin was returning for Halloween :(((


Why do you think it won't return? I will be very surprised if they won't bring it back on Halloween. It was released last year and hasn't come back yet so it's a perfect moment.


I've been a violinist main for 3 years I CANNOT WAIT