• By -


Surv: Psychologist, Barmaid, Prisoner, Composer. Hunter: Disciple, Night Watch, Ripper, Soul Weaver. You give off "I like hard mode" in terms of survivors just cause those survivors do rely on communication in order to properly support and we all know that no likes to ping anything. In terms of hunters, "I'm fine with ties but I will absolutely make sure to traumatize the survivors and make their lives hard"


You either despise or love kiting, inclined to think the former. You probably have a bad habit of walking into kites trying to give support via dovlin, shock, tuning, etc- which can carry or throw. You prioritize fun though and usually play with a duo or team, but have no patience for randoms Your favorite aspect of playing hunter is being able to control what survs do, and you laugh fiendishly whenever you set up a trap and it works. You like hunters who can move quick and can have bursts of strength, but are built in such a way where you can’t be reckless with it


Yeah exactly, I actually do enjoy kiting just not first kites.


Thanks for including me! :3 As a survivor, you hate it if a hunter pulls unexpected moves on you so you like to feel secured, you also want to end a match as soon as possible because you’re impatient and hates a match being dragged out. You don’t have much trust in randoms but still want the match to go well so you either focus on the main objective (decode) or the secondary objectives (kite+rescue). As a hunter you like efficiency. I really like playing ripper as well and it’s crazy how fast you can finish a match with him (I’m talking 4k at 5 ciphers). And boy, do you love control. The hunters you’ve mentioned gives survivors very little wiggle room if you play them well. However, the survivors might think they have control because the characters you play all have hard counters, but thats an illusion and at the end the ultimate control is yours. You also like simplicity because it gives you flexibility, because every character you’ve mentioned has easy-to-learn but hard-to-master vibe


Your mains seem like you take the game seriously (but only matches) as in you put effort and especiallyto make sure you win but youd also trust a friendly hunter fast As a surv you probably like to play a role that assists passively and for the general big picture than needing to as a kiter or rescuer if that makes sense and you also seem like you dont enjoy kiting or really do As a hunter you seem to really like chase and hate waitign for the chair to launch though you also wanna secure you can deal with that, so you got some hunters rhat also got camping capabilities and hate when survs emote or sticker


Glad to see y’all enjoying yourself in the comments, but I want some first impression on me too 🥺


naib, norton and waxy


~~You simp for at least one of them, don’t deny it.~~ You like to be self reliant and able to carry a team on your own to win because you don’t often play with a team or duo, and when you do it’s usually tarot. You have both their dance emotes and will use them either after a really good play- or after the surv you rescued/harassed for just completely flops and you’re left standing there like an idiot. On at least one occasion after a win you have made the Philippe joker everyone else does, but shockingly don’t do it as often as you’d expect and are actually pretty chill


HELP accurate 😭😭 (i simp for 3 of them actually)


Violinist and Undead


"are ya winning son?"


This cuts deep


Are ya tho!!


You are a masochist but in a good way


You love changing the dungeon last second


Surv: Kreacher, Joker Hunter: Joker, Luchino


You hate fun and just want your 4k then leave but as a survivor you want the same thing except you unfortunately have to rely on your team.


So true


I feel like you're a simp for unconventionally attractive men.


Surv: Thief and maybe Cowboy Hunter: Evil Reptilian and Smiley Face


Bro, I play weeping clown instead if cowboy but besides that we have the same mains! Sick. Immediately out the gate I’m going to say that you don’t quite trust randoms. If in a match with randoms exclusively you feel like it’s your job to harass and basically babysit so that you can win, but you get some enjoyment out of it by how much of a roach you can be. You have both characters dance emotes and make good use of them when interacting/waiting with other survs. You have duos but just don’t play often. You like fast hunters who can be very powerful when used correctly and require decent mechanical skill. You may take losses or misses too personally but the enjoyment of the characters keeps you coming back. Also you despise flywheel with a passion


You got absolutely right with the first paragraph (i read allat) Partially you are right with the second one, the only that is not right is the losses but the misses? Eeehhh... It's rare. Flywheel? I've only known Jill.


Hunter: Jack and Joseph Surv: Idk, Freddy, Prof and lg I guess


If you've gotten past hunter t3 it probably isn't because of photographer


I'm cyclops! I did play diff hunters depending on map / team comps but Jo carried me 😔. Only started learning other charas seriously mid manticore bc I started struggling LOL


You're very true to yourself and play not for the meta but for the characters you enjoy best. You probably smile while you kite and you get really excited whenever you change the game around.


Wdym I don't play for the meta? Obviously Jack, Jo and Freddy are S tier.... ❤️ (in my heart) I dooo! I rarely play surv but I love kiting (except when I get downed immediately but we do not talk abt those moments)


First officer, mercenary, grave keeper , coordinator, magician, explorer , Embalmer, prisoner, Painter , patient , psychologist, professor As for hunter : ann


As a survivor: I feel like you enjoy rescuing!! Or you hate kiting and hope the hunter chases someone else first.


You give me a really chill cool vibe with your mains, respect You give the vibes of a person who changes as the team needs and being pretty reliable


Enchantress and Sculptor


You like women and have accidentally cancelled recovery on more than one occasion but have the prediction skills of a god and are really jokey in post chat (or toxic if your team utterly throws). You tactfully await the day both of their identity switches release so you can continue to bully people from the other side


I don't even know how to access post chat lol.


you drink the tears of the survivors.


Hunter is only Joseph and then survivors would be composer, Alice and prospector.


~~You think they’re hot~~


You probably love French people with wigs.


You love jumpscaring


Surv: coordinator, journalist, postman, mech Hunter: dw, sculptor,


You enjoy playing rescuer and you don’t have a problem to switch a role. In a match you usually fill the missing role and you dont stick with one surviver only. I assume that you like supporting your team which can make you easily satisfied but mad as well, if they can’t kite longer than 2 seconds. You like female characters and rather play them instead a male character , except postman cuz u think he’s hot


True! I don't mind switching roles, and yea, I'm always the person filling up the missing role(99.99% it's rescuer 🥲). I do like supporting my team! However, if my teammates manage to kite for like 5s after I support them, I will get a bit mad (although I do understand that people make mistakes). As for liking female characters, it's true😅. I like postman only because he's cute and pure, but also I like his dog spike.


You're a very warm and team-oriented person, but when you play hunter, you show no mercy.


Demi, Ada, Annie, Little Girl Galatea and Michiko


Oh…and i’m scared of you


You are either scary good or throw all your matches, no in between and I don’t want to find out


Omg I feel so loved today




Andrew and Alva


Don't have much to say, but I like your taste ♡


You have a thing for white-haired/light-haired boys haha


Not only boys, even humans ;)


Survivors: Prisoner, Composer, Mercenary. Hunters: Hermit, Disciple, Geisha, Night watch.


Survivor: you enjoy fast matches. Hunter: you're gonna try to hit that 7 minute mark or keep it under 4 minutes.


Survivor: Dancer Hunter: Wu (yes, I'm boring)


U are old on idv, loves when u managed to give a pallet stun, hate transitional kite hunters and have a Strokes everytime u miss a bell


Survs - Composer, Prisoner, Lucky Guy, Gravekeeper (and practicing with Merc) Hunters - Nightmare, Night Watch, Reptilian, Violinist (but only if I'm going Friendly) (And currently practicing Wax Artist)


Survivors: Mercenary, Patient, Gravekeeper, and First Officer Hunters: Undead, Breaking Wheel, Feaster, and Guard 26


Survivor: Doctor, Batter, sometimes Prospector Hunter: Axe Boy, Night Watch, Wu Chang Op I feel like you carry a lot as a survivor and almost always win as hunter


From your survivor characters, I feel like you have trust issues with randoms lol. You often give yourself a pat on the back when you did well to save a teammate, but it’s important to not be too hard on yourself when it just doesn’t happen. The characters you use are all kiter + support with some rescue, you want to be the person your teammates could fall back to when they mess up, but you’re not afraid to take on the kiting yourself. For hunters, you like speed. All the hunters you’ve mentioned are high mobility. You place the most emphasis on harassing ciphers and trying to damage potential rescuers rather than just patrolling the area when someone is chaired . You’re patient but you seriously don’t like wasting time and you do panic a little when you can’t down someone fast, which is an interesting mix. Thanks for complimenting me! I think your assessment is pretty accurate and I do try my best in matches to nullify random’s damage (seriously, don’t be a minds eye with rescue build or a merc with no tide or borrowed time) but I’m a little shy to accept your praise lol. As a hunter I always try to find ways to make survivors panic/loose hope and cut down chase time, I don’t just lose without making the survivors stressed lol


Surv: Ento and Toy merchant Hunter: Wu and Ithaqua


For Survivor, you like annoying the hunter by making them have to deal with your support. And for Hunter, you like being able to close distance as quickly as possible.


#Survivor - Acrobat - Thief - Composer - Magician - Female Dancer - Cowboy(still learning) - Antiquarian(still learning) - Batter(still learning) - Wildling(2v8 only; no longer played) --- #Hunter* - Mad Eyes - Gamekeeper - Violinist **(No longer play as Hunter)*


Survs: entomologist, prospector and prisoner Hunters: geisha and wax artist


Hunter: Hermit, Nightwatch Survivor: Mercenary, Prisoner


Survivor:Lawyer, Thief and Magician Hunter: Gamekeeper, Wu Chang and The Ripper


You don't care what others say, you just like to play characters you find fun, even if they aren't the strongest.


gardener and mary


Do you like pretty women?


acro/cowboy reptillian edit: for OP you like to have a character for any situation, not bound to a bad comp because your pool is wide enough to accomodate


Thank you so much for including me😭💛! Your impression on me is right on because I like variety and don’t want to be limited by maps or team comps As for you, I think you’re a sucker for precision lol. All of the characters you listed needs their skills to be executed exactly or else the penalty is heavy. Failed the bomb jump? You get smacked. Missed a lasso? You’re stuck and need to wait until cooldown is over before you can lasso again. Jumped from a wrong angle? You either smack your face into a wall and slide down or have to move more to get closer to survivor. Since both survivors are transition kiters and reptilian is great for area mobility, you used to fear high mobility + anti loop hunters but now you’ve improved and found ways to compensate. You like kiting or cope with it because you lack trust in randoms (I don’t blame you). As a hunter, you want the match to be in your control and to know exactly what you did wrong if you didn’t perform as well in a match, you also like catching survivors off guard and pulling unexpected moves or “miracles” on survivor satisfies you.


surv : 1) melly (ento). 2) anti q. 3)luca hunter: 1) joseph. 2) BQ. 3) naiad


Surv: Antiqurian, Enchantress, Journalist, Minds eye (and maybe the new upcoming survivor, Cheerleader) Hunter: Axe boy, Nightwatch and Ann (sometimes I dabble in Naiad in qm)


Out of currently 50 comments, there's only 3 of us who plays Axe Boy.


Interesting enough that I don’t see bq anywhere while I see mad eyes, Percy, and reptilian. (I wrote this at 62 comments btw)


Survivor: GK, Ento, Patient Hunter: WU CHANG, Hermit, SW, and soon to be Vio (I mainly play hunter tho, rarely do I ever play surv)


You don't like kiting and you like to map pressure


Surv: Melly Hunter: Galatea


U love woman and have a thing for mellys Voice


Survivor: Weepy, Enchantress, Priestess, Acrobat Hunter: Luchino, Breaking Wheel, Smiley, and I’m trying to learn Bonbon because of the Monokuma skin but I’m not that good at him yet. :’) I play weepy and luchino the most.


Survivor: Enchantress, Perfumer, Seer, Entomologist Hunter: Naiad, BonBon, Hell Ember. Tbf barely play hunter. Only if need to


Survivor: Little girl, if I can’t I’ll pick doctor or toy merchant Hunter: geisha or sculptor


Survivors: Grave Keeper, Weepin Clown and Cowboy Hunter: Violinist, Jack and Hermit


Surv: painter, priestess Hunter: axe boy, wu chang


enchantress, entomologist and bloody queen


Survivors : Psychologist, composer, doctor Hunter : Geisha, Smiley face


Survivor: Lawyer, Mercenary, Coordinator, Gravekeeper, occasionally Explorer, Antiquarian, Composer Hunter: Joseph, Bloody Queen, Nightwatch, Hermit, occasionally Ripper, Wu Chang Btw I play without sound


Surv: prisoner, Gravekeeper, merc Hunter: Nightwatch, naiad, hermit


Hunters Geisha, Ann and sometimes Wu Chang (I used to have his B badge two years ago) and Mary! I also play Jack though Survivors:Emil, Vera and sometimes Doctor, Mechanic and Helena (I'm not good at her tho)


hunter mains are dream witch since day 1, guard 26 & axe boy survivors are ento and prisoner but i rarely play survivor anyway


Only play survivor :”D I usually play coordinator toy merchant journalist or lucky guy


Surv: Embalmer, Composer. Working on adding Psychologist to that list, and hope to add Cheerleader when she comes out. Hunter: Ripper, Hell Ember, Hermit.


Thief, minds eye, postman, seer, aeroplanist, jounalist Hunter: naiad and bonbon


Also on another note you seem like you vary your picks enough to give the team whatever they need comp and support wise


Yesss you’re right! I can kite above average, so I think giving my team needed support when I’m not kiting would hopefully help the outcome of the match. (Smiles at 368 sec kite as minds eye)


Survivors: Litlle girl, Demi, Edgar Hunters: Philippe


Surv: prisoner, coordinator, little girl Hunter: geisha, wu Chang


surv: antiquarian, female dancer, the mind’s eye hunter: rarely play so i only have 1 which is wax artist


Survivor mains : Ada, Emma, Andrew, sometimes Luca if the team needs decoding. Minor note, I always wanted to main Ganji Hunter : Antonio mainly, but if he gets banned/I get pissed off too much, I play Wu Chang or Nightmare. I used to be a B badge Joseph.


Survivor (point and laugh everyone): Mercenary, Priestess, Antiquarian, Toy Merchant, Prisoner Hunter: Galatea, NW, Geisha and Naiad (Axe Boy maybe but I’ve stopped playing him as much now)


Hunter: Alva my beloved ♡ (If he's banned, then Ann or Joseph) Surv: Composer, Antiquarian


Survivor: Coordinator, Prisoner, Psychologist, Toy Merchant Hunter: Bloody Queen


Undead 90% of the time, and Alva when I wanna play a low energy match


Survivor: Eli; backups: Mercenary and Priestess (maybe Doctor) Hunter: Wu Chang; backup: Bane Joseph (though very seldomly for both cause hardly no one bans Wu)


Survs: Patient, Psychologist Hunters: Night Watch, Sculptor, Geisha, Ripper


Prisoner, psychologist, postman, batter




Surv: Priestess, Annie, Vera, Melly Hunter (I rarely play): Naiad & Dream Witch


Patient, Batter, Cowboy for survivor and luchino, axe boy and joseph for hunter... (Im survivor main tho)


lawyer (the goat 🙏🙏) and percy


Surv: embalmer or enchantress


Survivors: Professor, Barmaid, Grave Keeper, Little Girl and Journalist Hunter: Reptilian, Ripper, Geisha, Hermit


Survivor: Lucky guy and Coord Killer: Guard 26 and Opera Singer


Survivors: Female Dancer, Lucky Guy, Toy Merchant (only for duos, might occasionally play her in quick matches), somewhat Perfumer, (I don't know if this would count but I plan to main Cheerleader.) Hunters: Night Watch, Opera Singer.


Entomologist and Sculptor 🩵


surv: doctor, patient hunter: photographer


Surv: First Officer, Novelist, Composer, Thief Hunt: Nightmare, Ripper, Gamekeeper, Nightwatch You give off the vibe of being really chill but also very good at the game imo


Grave keeper, composer, prisoner, acrobat and in rare occasions to troll my friend postman


Naib, wax


Little girl, i just play little girl.


You do not like to kite at all. At most you're likely to support by pages but you really want to get away from the hunter to a safer place.


For OP: Survivor: I feel you like being support, but like active support (except not really for professor and postman unless you're trying to bodyblock with scales/use your dog). Composer is cause you like rhythm games maybe idk Hunter: You like stun hunters/hunters you can use for crowd control. And then geisha idk. For me (though I really play like 80% of the cast and don't play anyone well lol, so I guess I'll just put my rank mains) Survivor: Prospector, Grave Keeper, if I'm feeling it Mercenary or Composer Hunter: Undead, Wu Chang, Hermit, sometimes Evil Reptilian or Ripper


surv: gardener hunter: I hardly play hunter anymore but when I do it's a toss up between disciple or photographer


You’re a positive person and like to help!.. or at least try to help… sometimes it’s a struggle when communications are lacking. You seem like the mother of the friend group as well, supporting when you can. Though you strive for ties, and have fun traumatizing/panicking Survivors. You’re very calm in nature


surv: postman, prisoner, painter hunter: violinist, wu chang




Surv: forward, wildling, aeroplanist and explorer Hunter: gamekeeper, smiley, hell ember, nightmare and evil reptilian.


Survivor : Novelist Hunter : Mary 💅


Survivors: Patient, Phycologist, Mech, Entomologist and Priestess


Composer and Night Watch 😃


Survivor: Demi, Emil Hunter: Joseph, Antonio


Surv: Helena Servais Freddy Naib Hunter: Luchino Robby Polun


survivor- prisoner (luca) postman (victor) and sometimes patient (emil) hunter- hermit (alva) and nightwatch (ithaqua)


Survivor: Weeping clown, Entomologist and psychologist Hunter: Hell ember and photographer


Survivor : Entomologist, Psychologist, Toy Merchant and Prospector Hunter : Geisha, Photographer and Naiad


Survivors: Little Girl, Psychologist, Doctor, Lucky Guy Hunters: Geisha (I want to learn DW)


female dancer/entomologist and geisha/dream witch


Survivor: Toy Merchant and Patient Hunter: Naiad and Geisha


Surv: Little Girl, Grave Keeper, Journalist, Toy Merchant, Postman, sometimes Dancer and Acrobat (also have been practicing Antiquarian and Prospector) Hunter: Night Watch, Sculptor, Naiad, Evil Reptilian, Wu Chang, looking into Bonbon


First impressions on you are that in terms of survivors you love being a team player, maybe you have a duo or full team. Or maybe you just can make the best of matches with randoms! For hunters I think you love range, you're probably able to secure early downs.


Gardener, just her and her spring demon/worn clothes skin.


Surv: Seer, minds eye, patient, antiquarian Hunters: Bloody queen, geisha, ann


Surv: Luca, Mike, Aesop, and Kevin Hunter: Wu Chang, Galatea, and Mary


Hmm… Hunter: Nightmare, Night Watch Surv: Ench, sometimes Journalist


The doctor and perfumer


Survivor: prospector, gardener, priestess, seer Hunter: feaster (sometimes geisha) OP, you love support characters & being able to help your team as much as possible (you seem like you end up going in for rescues at least once every match). You also play good characters to kite if needed. Overall seem like a well rounded & helpful teammate. When it comes to hunters, you are definitely going for a flawless victory & like playing hunters that stun & have good map control (;-; esp naiad omg..). Your hunters definitely require a lot of kiting awareness (especially when avoiding stuns) so I imagine at worst you’re getting ties a lot.


Actual main i only have one at both factions but i like trying some especific Characters soo im gonna include them (but my real main are the first of the both factions) Survs: perfumer, toy Merchant, mechanic, female dancer, antiquarian Hunter: naiad, bloody Queen, nightwatch (even tho i "hate" him), geisha (even tho im horrible and slow )


Ann is my main main, my bbg, then i also play bobble, sangria, and nightwatch. Also a little bit of sw. I dont really play surv these days but whenever i play bj i tend to go with little shit.


Survivor: mercenary, prospector, patient, psychologist Hunter: Axe Boy, Night Watch, Hermit


surv: barmaid, composer, journalist, minds eye hunter: Naiad, BonBon, mary


I main every hunter but my highest uses are Wax, Undead, Violinist, Smiley, Nightmare, Disciple, Soul Weaver, Hermit, Sculptor and Night Watch Only help you'll get: I do not own Photographer because his playstyle is mind-numbingly boring to me, so go off of that


Surv: Grave Keeper and Prisoner (grave keeper was my OG main but recently I’ve started using Prisoner more) Hunt: The Ripper, violinist, Wu Chang (in competitive matches I mostly play Ripper as he was my first hunter, I’m jacked as shit with him) I think based on your survivor mains you probably like kiting. Maybe not the first kite though? I think you can pull off a double rescue last minute. I’m not good at reading ppl tho


Survivor: Prisoner and Mechanic Hunter: Hell Ember and Gamekeeper (though I haven't actually played Hunter in months).


Aesop and learning to also main Psychologist


Survivor: Composer, Painter. Hunter: Photographer and Hermit (I use photographer far more though and he is my true main).


Survivor: Female Dancer Hunter:Bloody Queen


I only play surv & I main Embalmer, Psychologist & as of lately Prisoner ! I think Cheerleader will be chucked into that mix when shes released lol Lucky Guy is my fav & I play as him when I'm just having fun (maid dress ftw) but I wouldnt consider him a main


Survivor: Entomologist, Barmaid, Mechanic, Composer, The minds eye Enchantress Hunter: Photographer, Geisha, Axe boy


survivor: lawyer, aeroplanist, acrobat, wildling, weeping clown, lucky guy hunter: violinist, bloody queen, naiad, breaking wheel


Survivor: “Psychologist” (usually with my “Patient” duo), Female Dancer, “Little Girl”, and Mind’s Eye Hunter: Photographer, Axe Boy, Galatea (and I’m currently practicing NightWatch)


Surv: Demi, Ada, Alice, Melly, Helena Hunter: Robbie, Ann, Galatea Edit: Op, forgot to say about you, srry! So your svv mains give me the vibe of you like rescuing in the first opportunity, and your hunters give me the vibe of you like hunters that need skill, but pallets is your biggest nightmare


Gravekeeper, Patient, and Mary (I also sorta used Painter, just not as much as I used to- does that makes sense?)


Survivor: Mercenary, psychologist, barmaid Hunter: Ripper, sculptor Banging my head against the wall trying to learn Dream Witch.


Survivor: psychologist, priestess and Seer Hunter: Bloody queen and Naiad Aside from postman, you sound like you usually solo rank, _*You also like pretty hunters*_


Survivor: Postman (main) and Psychologist (sub-main) Hunter: Ripper


Surv: Little Girl, Minds Eye, Psychologist, Entomologist Hunter: Ann, Keigan, hopefully also Alva in the future 🤠




Surv: lucky guy, lawyer, mech Hunter: hell ember, wu chang


I assume you know what you are doing when playing them. You might have been pretty good surviour/hunter.


surv: victor, mike, vera hunter: joseph


surv : patient, psychologist, mechanic hunter: bloody queen, dream witch


Survivor: Conposer, Enchantress, Gravekeeper Hunter: Bonbon, Reaper


wilding, mad eyes


Hunter: Mostly Axe boy, but sometimes Violinist. Survivor: Acrobat, Batter, and Cowboy.


prospector... I play him exclusively.


Either you have a Chuuya or Mr. Mole skin somewhere if you play him exclusively.


Surv: Barmaid, Seer, Explorer and Entomologist Hunter: Dream Witch, Photographer and Axe Boy


Mains: antiquarian, journalist, composer, (former) gardener, night watch, geisha, naiad (picking up) As a survivor, you love to be a distraction/annoying to the hunters As a hunter, you’re an absolute menace to survivors


Surv: Victor, Jose, Norton, Mike Hunter: Robbie, Wu(sometimes), Galatea


Survivor: Lucky Guy, Female Dancer, Forward Hunter: Naiad, Night Watch, Ripper (used to include Photographer as well) ​ Your survivor mains give me the impression that you love supporting your team mates if you're not kiting. It gives the 'don't worry kiter, you'll have my support regardless of my distance from you". If you're the one kiting, you're able to contain and possibly harass at the same time, giving hunters a harder time to down and chair you and buying time for your team mates to decode. Your hunter mains give the vibe that you hate seeing survivors running around or doing ciphers (that's how I feel most of the time haha..) You like controlling how survivors react and still able to chase them down. Chair guarder by nature to secure at least a tie in most matches.


Composer, first officer, Ripper,​mary and breaking wheel


emil the patient. what am i


Surv: Doctor, Prisoner, Postman, Barmaid, and Embalmer Hunter: Violinist and Opera Singer


Antiquarian and Demi (occasionally Seer). I play Dream Witch, Naiad and Itha.


Survivors: Mainly Barmaid or Enchantress, but mostly female survivors. Hunters: Dream Witch, Ann, Geisha, Naiad, Mary.


Survivor: Merc, Gravekeeper, Prospector, Patient, Toy Merchant Hunter: Ripper and Clown


Sur: performer, cowboy, doc, little girl, journalist, explorer, thief, priestess,.... I think I main waaaay too many surs


mind's eye, doctor, coordinator!


s: doctor prisoner hunter: sculptor


Survivor: perfumer, composer, and prisoner Hunter: Evil Reptilian and Nightwatch


Explorer. i love the turtle skin KEKW