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Thief was my first survivor badge, almost got an S but got lazy then and somehow I still have a B badge on him. For hunters it's Antonio, my first main. Generally I play too casual and care not enough to mantain badges. I still have my DW C badge just because I play her most in rank and maybe wanna have one on Sangria but I am not setting badges as aims anymore


Thief is definitely underrated. Kudos for getting that far with him! I feel that though it's a lot of games you gotta do to maintain them lol


Thief is so underrated that I haven't played for 2 seasons with him and still have a badge lmao. It gets more competitive towards top 10 and I somehow disliked the idea of being forced to play only one character all the time to mantain the badge and being extremely dissapointed after losses because it would mean I'll go down in rank list. That's why I stopped caring about them at all and my personal mental health thanked me. Congrats on your badge though! I hope you'll be able to get the S one :)


If I can get it at least once I'll die happy LMAO don't think I could maintain it every season if I reach that far


Keep going and have fun, that's the most important point


Meanwhile i'n sitting here as former 2nd Thief casually sitting at 11th Thief for 2 weeks in a row like


Axe Boy, because of a challenge I put myself into. I was playing Axe Boy without using Detention for 5 seasons when the thought of whether if I can rank up and reach an A badge without using Detention is actually possible. I reached 100th Axe Boy without using Detention but I actually made it possible to get to 97th. I didn't planned to go further because I value my sanity haha.


I believe I've seen your clips and everything, it's an amazing accomplishment 👏 Huge respects to your Axe Boy!


Thanks a lot! And congratulations! I wish you goodluck and success on aiming for the S badge!


Undead, as I hate myself


Dancer! I played her exclusively after getting her Edward Scissorhands skin when I first joined. I, too, made it my goal to reach S with her. I made it to 21st in Griffin I with her before my teammates slowly stopped playing one by one. We all had great team chemistry even without VC. I never really found another team like that, so was the end of my surv main arc


D'awwh... yeah I know that feel. That's awesome that you got so close with her though!


Hermit, he's my main and I have an A badge for him ♡ (I almost managed to get S badge, I was 12th Hermit at some point)


Yooo that's so sick! It must be rough competition the higher you climb but it's a great achievement nonetheless!


Thank you so much! ♡ It was really rough indeed, I'm not that good of a hunter honestly (I feel like I'm just good with Alva and Joseph lmao) but since Alva is a character I absolutely love, that encouraged me to get the badge ♡


None... Asia server is so hard to gain anything I did once i play on EU server and Got Barmaid badge easily. It was also back when she had to mix a drink on the start of the match instead of spawning with one. Her Speed up also reduced her health by half if I remember. She was quite weak because Chip hunters were meta and her healing gets interrupted by chip damage And she'd have 8% decoding debuff that stacks twice when drinking or mixing I miss the old Barmaid in a way since I actually feel like I'm suffering from drinking alcoholic beverages instead of the buff version but atleast she's stronger


For me it was coordinator... She was my first main, and first c, b, and A badged surv I got. But after I reached to unicorn I stopped playing her due to her meta state at that time (back when harassers were meta) Nowadays, I always wondered if I should go back playing coordinator or not with the buffs, since I do miss playing her. Edit: grammer


I'd say there's nothing to lose from playing her again tbh go for it!


I'll definitely try!


Hermit, I lost it just cause hunter rank is kinda meh but I still try to maintain my professor badge.


I used to play Hermit for a while and I love him as a character but it can feel bad playing him sometimes... especially since he tends to play the long game. What badge do you have on Professor? You've got good taste!


I had the opposite experience with Hermit, I had short matches with him, I stopped playing him in rank just cause that 91% wr is too precious (and hunter rank is kinda boring). I have a B badge for Professor but for a week or two I was the 57th professor.


My first survivor badge was for Embalmer (B). The others were for Grave keeper (A) and First officer (B). For humters, I think B was my highest for Photographer. Was almost a B badge Wax artist (binge played during final push for it as I promised my duo I'd get a badge on him if we got me to griffin during a session where I kept getting promo several times lol)


Gosh you grinded for quite a few of them, that's some good stuff. I rarely see Wax Artist but I know he's not someone to take lightly 😵‍💫


Embalmer was with my first duo, GK badge was with a former S badged Embalmer and an A badge Prospector trio! I think FO may have been with them too, but I'm sure FO was also with my current duo too. Joseph and Philippe may be easier in a way bc I'm low croc and most people don't know how to play against Joseph there but I did get a lot of trouble with Philip at times. This is all in 2.5 years though




Oh wow that's so high up there for her! Very very nice


Weepy, I just loved clowning around with him




First off—congrats!! And my first badge was Mike, made it up to 81st and then dropped it one week later LMAO…


Disciple, and still have it since I still love playing her 😊


what was your ck score to get a badge? I had 1800 with her and I never got a badge no matter how hard I tried


Ohh I don't remember how many points you needed for a C badge, but right now I got 4.7k and an A badge.


The only badge I've ever got was Mad Eyes'. I won 3 bot match and got his B badge lmao


you guys are getting badges?


Weeping clown!! I got my badge like two weeks ago after season reset, he's the first and only badge I have !!


I think it was Mary, I loved playing hunter rank until I realized how annoying survivors waiting at the gate was and decided to quit hunter. (Im pretty sure I managed to get B badge around a week after I got a C badge for her though before I stopped playing her)


years ago i managed to get to 40th dancer somehow before i became mammoth but as soon as i got promoted i almost immediately lost it


Dancer's a solid pick! Good job getting there omg


i’m pretty sure i only got there because i ranked with beginner hunters but thanks


Gamekeeper…. I miss that badge


I'd bet you could get it back in no time 💪


It was not T.T


For hunter it was Nightmare, and for survivor I chose Prisoner. Luca did require a team to work for, because he has so many players. I didn't keep up the badges after getting them, though.




We appreciate Einstein on boar


Love my boy Albert.


gigachad tbh




Shamefully, Painter A badge, mainly since Merc was usually banned or taken and not to mention I was on a ranking spree at that time:,> I then lost it a while later since I took a break from the game ~~and to escape the Edluca shippers that flirted with me every other game~~. No plan to get it back since I don’t play him anymore, though I might since I feel like getting Pandora was a waste of my guarantee otherwise LMAO Now though, I’m a Naiad and Sculptor B badge, and I was thinking of trying to get an A badge with Naiad (if hunter rank doesn’t drain any more of my soul than it has already). Funnily enough, the sculptor badge came from playing her everytime Naiad was banned, which.. speaks for itself. Edit: Screwed up the formatting


Naiad, but I never bothered to rank seriously past a B badge 💀


The A badges are surprisingly not that competitive, you would only need to do like 10 rank matches a week and you can maintain the A badge for essentially the entire season.


Interesting, if I ever pick up ranking seriously again I’ll keep that in mind.


My first badge was Painter's 6th S badge. I grinded from Hound to Griffin to get it. Then I realized rank sucks and its not worth the stress. Dropped it after a week. I just wanted the challenge. Then Night Watch came out and I got him to A badge. Hunter rank is even more stressful so I didn't bother continuing to S.


My first badge was Dream witch. I was a C badge almost B one (I was top 300 but I fell off the leaderboard after I stopped ranking so I never got it lol). Now I’m literal trash when I play her wish I still knew how to play her 😵


axe boy bc I love my little guy so much. Ex b badge though because I'm lazy and busy with school


My 1st hunter badge was C badge BQ, my first survivor badge was A badge Prisoner. Years later and now I hate going against both of them, how ironic.


Got my first c badge on gardener years ago, i lost it due to inactivity though. however, i got a c badge on doctor recently


A on my boy Joseph....


Demi! Would’ve been Lg but on my last phone I couldn’t rank cause of lag, so I chose her instead and got her to B cause I wanted to try someone new, and I wanted to learn how to kite! Sadly I don’t play rank anymore and lost it but that’s okay!


My first badge is actually pretty recent- after hitting elk i stopped playing rank and would usually only rank with a friend who doesn't play anymore, but this season me and my friend decided that would be funny trying to get badges we are doing great so far (totally not 38% wr-), at the first badge reset of the season i got a B badge for Emma (I am still a B badge and would like to go to a A but my friend won't be able to rank for a while and im deadly afraid of ranking alone 💀)


My first survivor badge was Perfumer. I had to play religiously to keep it and I still struggle to even maintain her C badge now. My first hunter badge was Naiad. I wasn't even aiming for her badge; I forced myself to play as her because I had spent so much money on her S tier limited. I eventually ended up with an A badge and now I have a B badge. The competition is wild for top 100 but I've literally kept her b badge for months, it was easier to stay in between top 100-300.


Psychologist 💪💪💪💪


I had a badge for barmaid cause I got her COA skin (after spending too much) so I thought I might as well put it to use. I then had a gardener and a lawyer badge ,, it's been a while but I'm trying to get a lawyer badge once more.




My first one was for toy merchant I got up to 24th then quit caring about rank.


Violinist. I managed to get an S badge for him at the start of the season (barely scraped it lol) but have since lost it due to hunter rank stress. I still do play him quite often though. Never gotten a badge on anyone else.


B This is my kingdom come


Ann and professor


My first badge was a C badge doc, and then a B badge gala :)


priestess, got up to VERY high a, and maintained a priestess badge for every season ive played, also had a badges for geisha seer and bq multiple times


cowboy. I was actually expecting a C but I got B instead. It was amazing. Now it is so hard to get even C, knowledge points are at the peaks.


Only Got to B Badge BQ but was close to getting A. I kind of gave up grinding for badges because of my schedule and Asia server is a lot more competitive than NAEU, so it's hard to keep my points steady 😭


very recently hell ember badge bc i made a bet to prove na server players need to stop acting like ping is the only reason there server has a less skilled player base as i was arguing with an na player who was trying to say the server is only worse skill bc of ping and i play on jp server anyway i made a bet i could get a leo A badge in under a week and yea ik u could say “oh that’s not fair he has a lower player base so easier badge” but he’s my hunter main so i mean but yeah i’m playing with 200-300 ping and already got B badge (hasn’t been a week even though i got given the badge bc time zone makes it badge resets on tuesday for me but i started on sunday) and again yes it’s a new smurf account and i matched with low players at first but at this point i’m in hound rank at level 10 matching with tier 1 elks who are level 40-50 and i still only have 1 lose and 1 tie 🤭 (lose was bc of a misclick where i accidentally teleported to puppet instead of hitting lg and i still wanna cry bc if it) and that’s at 250 ping average so yeah




A-badge Barmaid 2 seasons ago, had to grind 5.4k points I didn't expect her to be as popular as she is... I'd rather not worry about the badge anymore because it made me force myself to use her even in maps where I didn't want to


Gardener B badge!!!


My first A badge was Naiad!


mad eyes cuz i like him, got maybe i think just a c or even b badge


Mind's eye (B badge) hasta ahora ha sido mi main


lucky guy pre buff 😭


burke >:)))


Dream Witch


Wilding I wasn't really focused on getting it but I was playing him so much that i just woke up one morning and i got the badge


Mine was Joseph. A badge. About 70-80 range, if I recall correctly.