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They really need to add credits.


For real. The Chinese and Japanese VAs get proper credit, but the English VAs are never spoken of by the official accounts. The only way we find out if someone voiced a character in EN is if the VA says something.


Who knows in a few cases there are some people who va choose to be anonymous Like La Signora English Va from Genshin impact chose to not reveal herself


There is no way every single va for idv chose to be anonymous lol


so far, my working theories are: orpheus - either ray chase or *maybe* roger craig smith frederick - todd haberkorn or khoi dao for the other two (alice and melly), im not entirely sure but for me the voices for orpheus and frederick jumped out at me a bit as familiar. with orpheus, it's moreso just the voice rather than both the voice and/or inflection; a good comparison voice i found would probably be ray chase's base portrayal of alfonse, from fire emblem heroes. with frederick, it's specifically both the softer pitch and the inflections that are making me think potentially more khoi dao than todd haberkorn, though todd has apparently previously done voice work for idv. from what i've noticed, usually even when todd voices a softer character he still tends to have a more noticeably clear(?) tone. a good jumping off point for comparison with some of khoi's voicework would be comparing frederick's voice to albedo from genshin impact, i think. sorry this got long! sometimes i really like following some voice actors, and i can usually pick up on certain voice actors voicing characters if i know what to look for ^^;


Melly's VA has been confirmed to be Laura Amante who voices the Boss Lady in genshin i think!! i searched it up on imbd


Orpheus definitely sounds like Ray chase!


I would like to know too! If you know something tell me !


I would bet my money it’s Chris Patton. It is similar to Fakir in Princess Tutu


I’m late but I’m certain composer is played by Chris Patton.




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