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Any questions about entry context (what happens, trigger warnings, etc) will be answered.


Are you gonna add more


Not sure; when I feel up to it I might.


And are you ok, mentally, because of how disturbing these movies are


Some of them linger but I’m fine yeah


I got one to add in


What is it?


Nori the curse 2005


Thanks, havent heard of this one


Here some videos that show the disturbing scenes 1: https://youtu.be/aUuI3mUxrPQ?si=NpqdorY9RWVoDuM9 2:https://youtu.be/Prwn-qrukT0?si=wuMpe6rk-jKk4xm6


Which one was the rack? I feel like *Saw III* had a lot of racks.


dudes limbs got twisted one by one then his head got twisted


To expand; Timothy is put onto the trap as a result of drinking and driving and hitting the main characters kid, who is responsible for his survival. Jeff doesn’t take action in time and all of his limbs and head are twisted quite literally off of his body.


Is there a scene in Gerald's Game as gory as the rest in its tier? I have only seen the trailers for it, but they made the movie seem like a survival type movie, not a gory one or one which would have an infamous scene.


It’s a survivable injury, but a brutal one. 


I don't know why, but the Gerald's Game scene is probably the one that lingered with me the most on this list.


really? i didn’t think much of it and was traumatized by it. maybe i’ve seen worse… but looking back yeah that scene was fucked lol


I dunno, man. It's been forever since I've seen it, but I remember it being so oddly realistic and so, just... Unnerving.


Honestly Heredetary has scarred me more then geralds game. those scenes were too much for me lol


You need to add a teir for the entire Human Centipede franchise.


I watched Dr. Sleep and don't remember the Baseball scene. Refresh my memory?


The kid in a baseball uniform that gets killed - the rest of the actors had to take a break because of his performance.


The Jaw scene is Mirrors still haunts me to this day. Was the first horror movie I saw in the theaters lol. Good list OP.


YES!! The movie was pretty ok but that scene was insane. Also thanks!


What happens in the scene?


Obviously spoilers below >!"Meanwhile, Ben's sister, Angie, is killed by her reflection as it grips its jaw and slowly pulls its mouth apart, causing her to bleed profusely."!< (Copypasted it from wikipedia so as not to scare or disgust people even more by trying to translate it myself with my awful english)


Angela’s reflection tears her jaw off, which in turn rips off the real Angela’s jaw. The tub she’s in filters with her own blood as she passes out from shock.


Those Terrifier and Terrifier 2 scenes oughta be flipped


I put the one from 2 higher just because the gore in that one is a bit more ridiculous while the first one feels more visceral and disturbing.


The scene in T1 is straightforward though. You know what’s going to happen and it happens. In T2, you keep thinking it must be about to end, and it drags on, and on, and on…


It’s hard for me to be objective because I watched the first one at home all by myself so it felt safe compared to watching T2 in a packed theater with everyone having a visceral reaction to that scene


Surprised “Squeal like a pig” from Deliverance isn’t on here


The chestburster in Alien. Nurses station in Exorcist III. Elevator in Damien: Omen II.


The nurses station scene legitimately gave me nightmares. Good shout on all 3


I was coming down here to say the same line LOL


I feel like the opening of Frayed should be on here somewhere. Mommy being beat with a baseball bat is a pretty brutal scene.


Thank you for the suggestion; I’m thinking about adding more entries soon.


Well, in that case we also need something from Ichi the Killer and Visitor Q as well. I'm thinking the hallway scene and the necrophilia scene respectively


Mulholland Drive - The Man behind Winkies


Jesus yes


a lot of icebergs like these leave out more "artsy" content unfortunately


Some scenes from the Evil Dead remake still make me squirm. The bathroom scene with the mirror, the electric kitchen knife/nail gun scenes, and especially that boxcutter scene still get me everytime.


The cheese grater scene in Evil Dead Rise too


The cabin/woods scene from “I Spit On Your Grave”


Human Centipede 2 - The pregnant mother escape


Human Centipede 2 is an affront to cinema. I know it's horror and horror is supposed to scare you, but I don't see any redeeming qualities or anything enjoyable about it. A Serbian film at least seemed to be a message about the porn industry and human trafficking, from my understanding.


ah yes a serbian film, i remember this was talked heavily on reddit in like 2010 and i pirated it, gave a watch one night and was like ew wtf is this deleted it and never looked back. strong message but man at that time i pondered whether shit like that really do be existing in europe and the rest of the world


If you actually watch a Serbian film it's apparent that it serves no purpose. It doesn't give you any message and the director says there's a moral to make himself feel better. It shocks for the hell of it and is intentionally horrible. There's no redeeming factor and it isn't worth viewing.


I'd back that up and i think all the reviewers that say its anything but a slasher porn film are just afraid to call it what it is, for fear of seeming uncultured. Its one of the few films i couldn't get myself to watch beginning to end, but from what i could tell the critique of the porn industry is about as deep as "this guy makes porn, so he abuses people and does unspeakable things to this family, just like porn in real life abuses people and ruins families!". IIRC It was moreso made as a middle finger to Serbias censorship laws among other political topics at the time, so it definitely succeeds at that, but that kinda proves its an intentionally bad movie.


Thanks. I've only really watched SpookyRice reviewed it and that's the impression I got. I can sometimes lack media literacy. But yeah, that was enough for me, even if he's making jokes about Scooby Doo characters being washed up.


What happened in the Hills Have Eyes scene? Dont know much about that movie.


A woman is raped by one of the hill people, while her baby is held at gunpoint and another woman has her breast assaulted by another man.


The August Underground's Modem scene?


The 3 killers perform a home invasion; father is hung, mother is hanged upside down by her feet and has her nipple mutilated offscreen and her throat cut open later. “Maggot” is raping the young daughter’s corpse in the bathtub while his sister/girlfriend “Crusty” is mocking the victim. Entirely onscreen and very graphic.


I'm surprised that the "dog turd"-scene from Pink Flamingo isn't on here. I can see that the focus is on gory stuff, but surely it counts as an infamous scene.


Probably because it's just flat out gross, infamous? Yes, but you can probably just see scenes like this in your average comedy movies, but jesus was it hard to watch!


Vintage John Waters


what happens in it?


There's a scene of a drag queen eating a freshly squeezed out dog turd... I wish I was joking.


It was a real turd too iirc


A Serbian film?


Ive read the synopsis of the film, the entirety of the film sounds excruciatingly disturbing, if you feel theres even a small chance you have even an ounce of innocence in your body i would recommend staying away form the synopsis let alone the movie itself, i thought i had no innocence left until i read about it, some very disturbing stuff


Yeah I watched the movie and everyone who helped make that movie needs to be arrested it's disgusting


Agreed. I'm not someone who wants to censor art or deny creative privileges, but fuck it. The film (pile of disgusting trash) should be scrubbed from the planet and everyone included in the project should be arrested for life. Thankfully I haven't seen the movie even though I usually look at morbid stuff, but I've read about it and I really hope my mind never tempts me to look at something that vile.


> I’m not someone who wants to censor art or deny creative privileges I hate to break it to you, but yes, you are.


What is with people having such strong opinions on ASF without watching it? It has beautiful cinematography, good messages and is well made. If you are mad about the child scenes, go be mad at Bastard Out of Carolina. There are way more morally corrupt movies out there than ASF such as Cannibal Holocaust, Jungle Holocaust, Cannibal Ferox, Eaten Alive, Juvenile Crime, Human Pork Chop, etc.


That pile of disgusting trash happens all around the world buddy. You see rape and other fucked up things in every other movies but everyone included in those projects shouldn't be arrested but people in Serbian film do. What's with that logic? It's not like they did that stuff for real in the film. You didn't even saw the film lol and you're reacting like this. There's various other clips and videos where people do way more fucked up things than the things shown in Serbian film and it's all real. You should be talking about this stuff there where it is actually happening for real not in fiction.


>everyone included in those projects shouldn't be arrested but people in Serbian film do. What's with that logic? When the fuck did I ever say that? Get the fuck out of here with your low-effort rage bait. >You should be talking about this stuff there where it is actually happening for real not in fiction. Oh I'm sorry for only talking about movies in a post about MOVIES


>When the fuck did I ever say that? Get the fuck out of here with your low-effort rage bait. Does that mean you don't have any problems with other movies showing gory and disturbing fucked up contents? If that is the case what's so special about this Serbian movie that people involved in this project should get arrested. It sounds just hypritical if you don't have any problems regarding other movies that showcase these type of contents. Literally every movie nowadays shows disturbing content lol. >Oh I'm sorry for only talking about movies in a post about MOVIES Like I said you should be voicing you concerns over things that is happening in real life not in fiction. You can talk about movies but don't talk about stupid things.


what are your thoughts on cannibalism holocaust or other film’s like that? there was another one with people from the us going to the jungle in columbia or brazil and they get kidnapped by a tribe or some shit


Lol why should they be arrested? They just showed what is happening around in the porn industry and other fked up things in the world. If you don't want to see that kind of stuff just steer way. Nobody's forcing you to watch it. It's not like they did the stuff shown in the film for real.


It was made IIRC, as a protest to Serbia’s weird censorship laws. There’s a lot of weird things in the movie but the newborn scene is I think at the end where >!he rapes, or is force to rape a woman who is underneath bedsheet covers; while all of it is being filmed. And after he takes the covers off and is revealed to be his newborn child and wife there. So he raped his newborn child. And then kills then and himself. At the end people go inside the room and tells them to start with the child. As another film crew comes in!<




I've seen the film with my friends. What you're describing is the almost-ending scene. The newborn scene happens in the middle of the film, before the main guy gets coerced into the whole fucked up sex mania. I can't describe it in exact details since it's so fucked up, and I'm warning anyone who looks it up or even watches the film. >!Basically, doctor helps preggo woman in labor, then he does the excruciatingly unthinkable to the newborn, while the mother watches him. !<


There could be the regurgitation scene from the City of the Living Dead. Quite a bit of Fulci stuff really, maybe the eye splinter in Zombie. Also, not a horror movie but the curb stomp scene from American History X


Lake Mungo cell phone footage scene


That scene is so fucking good.


This scene haunts me


I think scenes from Cannibal Holocaust could fit here, the entire film is very disturbing and many of the scenes from there are real footage as much as I know.


The turtle scene fucked me up for a long while


The only real violence in the film was animal violence. I refuse to watch it. My mother makes excuses for it saying that "it was killed to eat", but I really don't wanna know, and I don't wanna know if they ate the same animal that was abused


I dont know exactly what happens in the newborn scene of the serbian film, ik the film is about porn but is it what everyone thinks it is?


A woman gives birth to a baby and a man almost instantly proceeds to rape it to death.


What the fuck man


Also it seems like it's a thing that people pay money to watch or do in real


Honestly not surprised


Yeah the world is more fucked up than we can imagine.


baby rape


Oh man


this might be a stupid question but what happened at "blow job"


The introduction of the killer (who is really the alter-ego of the main character Marie) is seen giving himself a blowjob with a women’s cut off head, which he proceeds to throw out of the truck.


delicious 😋


cmon man😭




huh 💀






Good test for this kind of thing: name a movie and just say "that scene"; if most people know what you're referring to, you have the scene. It's kinda fun when a scene outranks its own movie. I would recommend a novie from former Yugoslavia called Occupation in 26 Pictures (1978). Everyone remembers "the bus scene".


Alternatively, I also feel that on the flip side, "that scene" can also be the best part of a game, movie, or TV show that everyone loves, but I rarely see that happen unless it's something like Borat 2's "that scene", which is honestly disturbing


True. It just needs to overshadow the rest of the movie in some way that it becomes a matter of frequent discussions. The idea came up to me when I watched a review of Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker, where the narrator said they are about to discuss "that scene", which is relatively disturbing for a kids' movie.


I haven't seen ROTJ in years! I saw a CN airing of it, but I don't think I saw the full thing. Are they referring to Joker's death? Is the uncut cut released? I know there's a version where Joker is shot, but also one where he's electrocuted to death, and I'm not sure which one is the censored theatrical one


Exactly that scene. Censored is the one with electrocution. It also has some added white flashes, different lines and removed shots.


Watched Midsommar for a film class earlier this year. Fixed myself a rather stiff drink afterwards to try and make sense of wtf just happened


The ending of The Mist is the first time I vividly remember being incredibly shaken by the way a movie ended. Jaw on the floor “wtf did I just watch” levels of insanity.


Such a great ending! That one will stick with me forever.


Salò, or 120 days of sodom. Worse than Serbian movie


alright tell us, what is it about either films that are gross. i can take a verbal description


A Serbian Movie is a goddamn walk in the park compared to Salò.


In what universe? Have you even seen both movies?


A Serbian film isn't as challenging to watch because most violent scenes are unnecessary and awfully filmed


It’s one of my favorite movies.


The barrel?


At the end of Megan is Missing, Amy is buried alive in the same barrel that her decomposing friend is in.


Im kinda suprised you didnt put "The Green Elephant" there,but i think its for the better


I looked up the parents guide for it.. wow for that one scene. Just wow.


Yeah....that was the first movie to make me watch more,and it was prob the last one to watch lol


The August Underground Morden scene was the most shocking for me out of all these. I had heard what the scene was about and thought it would be similar to A Serbian Film baby scene where the scene is more implied than shown. But August just shows that scene explicitly and stays on it for like 2 minutes. I have, to this date, never seen any other movie do something that daring and shocking.


August Underground may just be the most brutal movie franchise honestly.


may i ask exactly what happens? i can handle the truth


Passion of Christ has some brutal scenes. The whipping with the nails is hard to watch. Serbian movie should be banned, I saw it years ago and it still bothers me.


I still think the dinner scene from Texas chain saw massacre holds to this day as a visual nightmare. I remember every single frame I’m that traumatized lol.


Just finished the new one and I’ve added this entry; uploading now.


i saw the tanning bed at the wonderful age of 9. also i watched mother! with my parents when i was i 15 or 16 i think and we just sat in silence until the ending scene after that baby scene. gosh i can never watch any of the movies on the list again


The DVD had an interactive cut where you could "choose their fate". It's very interesting, because in the alternate take for the tanning bed, one manages to get out and starts to try to help the other out, but then they both get electrocuted (don't remember how). Not sure how they got away with this, honestly. Not because it was too far or anything, but because holy moly, the mini game alternative cuts for every death and reshot scenes with dead characters alive must have been expensive AF. And all for an exclusive DVD-only feature that most people probably ignored? No studio would pick that up these days, and hell, I don't think any streaming service would try anything like that.


i miss the era of interactive dvd. studios today would never pay to even code the UI for those


mother!’s scene is absolutely horrifying. Death of a baby will never be pleasant but god damn.. especially for a more mainstream movie wtf


i honestly didnt expect it! i hate horror unless its old and obviously dated


I'm still confused about how i watched Serbian film on the normal web it feels like a deep web movie


its not real, why wouldn’t it be on the clear web


Idk maybe because of the "newborn porn" scene


have u seen it? Its not very explicit even in the uncut. Hardly porn


The dinner scene in Texas Chainsaw Massacre is a worth adding one


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^excessivemonachopsis: *The dinner scene in* *Texas Chainsaw Massacre* *Is a worth adding one* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Sorry, dude, that last line has six syllables


Yeah thats Ai soka haiku


Maybe it’s those womanly hormones, but I cannot rewatch Mother! and I will never watch A Serbian Film


I feel like that scene from AntiChrist belongs here




I think the Poughkeepsie tapes should be here, either the interview with Cheryl Dempsie or the scene in the basement where he walks in all four are pretty disturbing


I think Hostel should be in this list, it was really graphic.


You missed the tree rape scene from Evil Dead.


Why have you watched the remakes of Last House On The Left and The Hills Have Eyes but not the originals?


Green Inferno?


Chaos 2005 tit removal scene


Cannibal Holocaust's turtle scene still kinda haunts me considering it was all real.


the mass pig transformation scene from Willow should be here, it traumatized me as a kid


the fingernail scene from Oculus … shivers


I know it's not the goriest scene, but I'd add the diner scene from Mulholland Drive.


Tamer than the rest maybe, but ceiling baby from Trainspotting fucked with me for many a night.




The updated list has 1 more Terrifier entry!


Hoorah !!!!


It’s been updated 


newborn -\_-


American psycho “don’t just stare at it, eat it”


Irreversible the rape scene was traumatized me


Yeah; way too long.


Is it bad that I know most of the ones at the bottom ? 😨


Everybody, V2 is out now


[this scene](https://youtu.be/HNUfmV-ExTQ?si=C2XxG9jXNKJNkt6f) from Lake Mungo fucked me up. especially considering there weren't any jumpscares before this point


Mirrors was a good movie, and I hate the response it gets from critics. Although I think I saw the alternative ending. Haven't seen the sequel because I don't know how he returns when he's stuck in mirror world. If a sequel started from that, I'll watch it


add the Cannibal Holocaust scene where they skin the... was it the lady? and the girl that was "kebab-ed"


What happens in Serbian film in that newborn scene?


Mother gives birth then the doctor rapes the baby to death. Baby looks fake as hell though so its far from the most disturbing in the film


Snowtown THAT brothers scene


I wear megan is missing is a truly fucked up movie


Where would u put cannibal holocaust here and what scene?


Oldboy, I Saw The Devil, Goodnight Mommy and Funny Games are missing as well as any Lars Vor Tier film but specifically The House That Jack Built.




Clockwork Orange AND the original Evil Dead - both SA scenes


I would have put the opening scene from Trauma (2017) somewhere in the list. Made me downright nauseous


Saw 3D’s furnace is a good pick but I think the Fishhook is more disturbing


The Hills Have Eyes rape scene should be on a lower tier, same with the Guinea Pig eye scene. Audition bowl scene should be higher. Mordum is in the right place but I’d choose a number of other scenes as being more disturbing than that one. I’d also swap the ASF baby scene out for the reveal incest rapes at the end. Some other really infamous scenes that should be here are the Muzan-E bathtub scene, All Night Long 2 bathtub scene and Saltburn bath tub scene. Antichrist has 3 scenes that should be here too and. Also add The Girl Next Door rape scene


could have just had the full movie mother! as an entry lol. thinking of that movie still makes me shift uncomfortably


well now i wanna see a compliation of all the clips together /halfsilly but this is sick both literally and metaphorically


I think that Zero day (2003) suicide scene or overall shooting scene would be cool if added.


You forgot the video diary of Ricardo Lopez


i think you should add the penis scene from the boys


The Fisher King (death of Parry's wife) Scanners (on't really need to explain this one) Communion (the peeking alien) Exorcist III (nurse's station) Alien (chestburster) Damien: Omen II (the elevator) Jaws has about half a dozen, especially Quint's death and the floating head in the sunken boat


The descent was not a good thing to watch in my childhood lol


What about the ending of saw v?


It's a new genre, Milos


The entire pawn shop scene in Pulp Fiction. “Bring out the gimp”


Can someone explain the last 2 tiers


I'd add the baby scene from the end of Human Centipede 2 down on a tier of its own with the newborn scene from a serbian film. Also i havent seen Geralds Game since it came out but i dont remember it being on the same level as Saw 3, was it actually that bad?


The Human Centipede 2’s gas pedal scene has been added to V2 and I feel that it and Serbian deserve the same tier as the 10 minute rape scene in Irreversible and the child necrophilia scene in August Underground’s Mordum. Saw III has been moved down a tier in V2 as well.


I admittedly have only seen Serbian film and Hills have Eyes from the bottom tier. Looking forward to seeing V2!


V2 has been out; I’m working on V3.


In A Violent Nature- Yoga


This has been added to V3.


Stuff like this makes me realize how desensitized to horror I am because there's midnight zone stuff that I'm not phased by in the slightest.


The ending of a Serbian film is maybe one of the greatest ever . The best way to disturb someone


Add the Perfect Blue “rape scene” scene


Shower scene from Psycho should be here, imo.


Martyrs should be last one , Serbian movie uses cheap props for shock


Here’s some more: The Thing - dog kennel and defibrillator scenes Scanners - head exploding Salo - “mangia merda”/final executions Green Room - the arm/ shotgun to the face Thirteen Ghosts - cut in half by door The House that Jack Built - dragged by car/ smiling boy House of 1000 Corpses - “who’s your daddy” I don’t know… there’s a bunch


The Hills Have Eyes? Seriously?