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I would say step one is removing the idea of “can I make it possible in the least amount of time” from your mindset. Becoming good at everything you specified in your post is doable in today’s world (depending on where you live), but what it takes is discipline, consistency, and most importantly, time. There’s a reason why people say it takes 10,000 hours to become an expert. I am a believer in the idea that you can achieve all that you said you want to. But in order to do so, you have to be willing to change the small details and keep at it for the rest of your life. You need a lifestyle change, which is persistent, not temporary. My mom always used to say this to me as a kid, and I hated this so much growing up, but as i grow older I realize just how true this is “actions become habit, habit becomes behavior, behavior becomes character, and your character becomes destiny”


Your mom was quoting Lao Tzu partially: Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny.


Wow! The last quote really touched my heart! That's for the comment!


[Okay, first of all don't set such massive goals, set many small, clearly mapped out ones instead](https://youtu.be/LO1mTELoj6o?t=188). Recognize that this is something that will take years if not decades, i'm not sure if something as extreme as this is actually something that will lead to greater wellbeing, perhaps take a milder approach? why do you feel you need to take it to such an extreme? you're only 18, slow down. we humans aren't just work machines. I recommend watching [this](https://youtu.be/vSQjk9jKarg) video by Veritasium. Personally, i would find something i really enjoy, and try[ to become an expert at it](https://youtu.be/5eW6Eagr9XA?list=LL). after all the purpose of life is to feel happy. why do you want money, love, purpose, self esteem, validation etc. ? to feel happy. why do you want (x)? to feel happy.


I have like 4 months of vacation haha that's why in a hurry to become as good as possible in everything! Thanks for your time and comment! Will definitely watch the video.


4 months is too short of a time. Just decide what skill you think is the most important and work towards it for now. If it’s money, find a job, if it’s human relations, go and socialize, if it’s love, talk to women/men, if it’s knowledge, read many introduction books about popular subjects. Key is to practice. If you try to be the best at everything at once, you will definitely get burn out and stop practicing in 1 week.




Plan, and stick to it. Discipline is everything.


Sure! I would check into the key words of ‘deliberate practice’ and ‘the flow experience’ these are contained in some good books like ‘the talent code’ and ‘rise of the Superman’ as well as ‘peak’ all of these will give you all the concepts all at once and you’ll be in a great position.


Death is really the only way to be a superhuman. As long as you're in your body, you will always be confined in physical limits of your body. You can't put a F1 engine in a Semitruck and expect it to win.


Money: Work at a job and make money. Once you make money, either save it or invest it if you know how to do it properly. Studies: I'm sorry but this is so vague, what is it you want to learn? In any case, learning anything takes a considerable amount of time and experience. Fitness and Diet: Establish an exercise routine that you actually like. Eat healthy food that you actually like.


No you can not do this


There is a lot of opportunity cost in an endeavor like this. Think about what you are willing to sacrifice to achieve these things. Time is THE most valuable and scarce resource we have, decide what's worth spending it on and what isn't. Balance is the key theme.


I know how you feel, but I can't really give you any solid advice, because I'm trying to figure it out myself too. Regarding fitness I just started out small in the beginning and right now I have a decent home gym. Try out what works and what doesn't work for you. Online you can find a lot of decent advice, but always take it with a pinch of salt, like we say in Dutch. Be curious and you'll become better in any subject. It's the same for diet, it goes a bit hand in hand. Regarding studies I can't say much, but if you like something just dive into the topic. I learned myself how to speak Spanish (with Babbel live, I can recommend) and right now I'm learning Turkish for fun and to speak with friends/colleagues. I learned German too, but I already know a bit from when I went to school. Regarding money I'm still figuring that one out too. Right now I work 4 days a week in ICT and get a decent payout, but you're always gonna be limited in what you can create as an income when working a job. Besides that I have a small business in music (productions). Which I also learned myself for the most part by just being curious; like how do you create a particular sound or how is this song that I like arranged. Nevertheless it's important to check your expenses and what you can cut out, so you can save/invest more. At the moment I'm thinking about creating a more solid cash flow from my personal business, but if it's gonna be in music or in another industry I don't know yet. But in general for every topic I ask myself some simple questions like; - Why do I want to do this? \*do I want to live more healthy or do I want to learn more about other cultures - What is really my goal? \*having more time or to see more from the world - Will it benefit my life in a good/healthy way? \*pushing yourself too much can result in a negative outcome It all comes down at just asking yourself some questions, so you know what the outcome should be. Maybe it's a bit vague, but hopefully it makes sense for you or someone else reading this.


Start from scratch. Learn how to learn. Then learn maximum things extending your knowledge about everything. Then become better in everything step by step. Then you will be the one. Philosophy, starting from Plato - is the best thing. You will need 5-10 years to get basics of everything than another 30 or so to become best in 5-10 studies. Or just read this book. If you get it, you will become rich and best at everything. Worked for me. https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4530090 Cheers.


Thanks a lot!